
Chapter 28

I walk outside to see Holden's mate sitting in the grass. They have gotten closer, and Holden just started letting her out of his sight. I walk up to her and she sees me, so she smiles. I smile back and take a seat with my right hand on my swollen stomach. "What's wrong?" I ask her. She looks away sighing.

"I don't want to do this." She whispers. I look at her raising an eyebrow at her. She looks to me with guilt in her eyes.

"Do what?" I ask concerned.

"I have to leave." She says.


"I can't do what he wants." She says. Her eyes become watery and I can tell she is trying to keep it together.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Jerold." She says. Her eyes then go wide looking at me with fear. "You can't let him know I said this... I could be killed." She says as tears start to spill from her eyes. I hug her trying to soothe her.