
Desires of a Lead

When Nadia is handed a new novel in a series to edit, she isn't exactly thrilled. What Nadia doesn't know is that the story she'd been handed is about to come off the pages. One character in particular is not happy with the way the story is going. He's a side character name Xyle. Xyle is angry that he has been treated so poorly in the series he was written. He has a few things to say and mistakes Nadia for the author at first. Nadia has no idea what to do with this inhuman warrior that has stepped off the pages of the novel she is editing. What's worse, he starts to come after her in a far different way. When Xyle realizes that if you want to stay alive you need to find a way to be a lead in this world. To him it seems obvious that Nadia is a female lead. A female lead that does not appear to have a male lead in her life. How is that not a perfect opportunity to escape his fate and get what his original author denied him? A life, a mate and even simple joys. Xyle realizes pretty quick that Nadia is going to make this hard. To bad he's already used to a hard life, and being denied. He's going to win this time, even if he has to write their fates himself into the pages of this story.

Lee_C_Conrad · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Learn Some Manners

Xyle found it very hard to take his eyes off of Nadia as she drove them back. From the moment they pulled out of the parking structure all he could focus on was her scent. Wonder just what it was going to take to really get her to come around and try with him. All he knew was that his animal could not take being pushed away much longer. What happened back there, just barely quieted it for the moment.

"Would you stop staring at me?" She finally said and glanced at him. He raised an eyebrow at her. He had an elbow braced on the small ledge of the door and his head rested against his fist. He let his gaze move over her. She had thrown the coat in the back and his gaze swept over her. The dress fit nicely and showed him the shape of her body. The skirt rested higher on her thigh at the moment.

"Why? I like looking at you, since you asked me to behave all I get is my imagination right now." He said it knowing that would make her uncomfortable. Which it did, he saw her fight not to fidget and a slight red to her face. He thought for a moment, then felt this darker irritation come up. Xyle eyed what she was wearing again, it was nice. Fit her, and she was done up smartly. He felt his jaw clench a bit thinking about her going to see that other male.

"I have a question Nadia." Xyle just felt like he needed to know or it would eat at him.

"What's that?" Nadia asked him. She looked at him as she stopped at a traffic light. She frowned slightly. Why was he staring at her like that? What did he have to be dark and moody? He wasn't the one having fictional people dropped on him. He shifted in his seat and leaned on the center console. She felt like swallowing. The car wasn't that big, he just had this aura that seemed to fill the space.

"Did you dress for that other male? Cater to what you thought he'd like to see?" He asked it kind of flatly. Nadia glanced at him as she drove again.

"What? I can't look good going out? You know sometimes a woman likes to just look good." She countered. Xyle didn't find that an answer. He really did not like it if she wanted the other male's approval.

"That's not an answer." He commented glancing down and then reached and let his fingers traced the top of her thigh. She glanced down and gave him a sharp look as he slowly started to push the skirt up. He better stop that, he got all the liberty he was going to get. Even as her skin prickled slightly and her stomach flipped.

"I wanted to look nice. It wasn't really his opinion that mattered most, if you must know." She told him and it really hadn't once she was there. After all Vincent had not been the one she kept thinking about as she dressed. She would not admit that outloud. Nadia reached and sharply slapped the top of his hand as it was very high now.

"Stop you. I said behave. No touching, you're going to earn this. Forced choices or not." Xyle raised an eyebrow at her and had a slight smile. He believed her answer, just glad that she was not trying to entice another male. So why'd she even bother with the date then? Though he knew why, she thought that perhaps this wasn't real with Xyle. She seemed to need the proof herself. Well she had it now, Xyle realized that jealousy might be a very big issue for him as time grew.

"You did not say no touching. Just to behave." He commented raising his hand instead and brushed her hair back from the side of her face. Nadia was starting to feel unbalanced, she could feel the back of his hand brush her face. It sent awareness through her, her eyes narrowed. Xyle looked at the mark on her neck that had deepened slightly, he felt a satisfaction looking at it.

"Just sit in your seat Xyle. I'm warning you." She should have made him run back. The man just did what he wanted didn't he? Did he not have any self control? She was annoyed at it, and her clear reaction to him.

"Warning me? Just what are you going to do?" He asked with a slight amused sound. He was about three seconds away from her harming him.

Xyle was going to keep pushing her barrier, eventually he'd get around it. Get her comfortable with him in her space. He was tenacious, she should know this by now. Her society put odd rules on her in his opinion. They were freaking mates, what else reason did you need?

"Can you not respect what I ask?" She snapped at him feeling the backs of his fingers brush the sore spot on her neck. Nadia felt a rush through her and the awareness of him grew. She tensed when he leaned and came very close to her. His lips brushed the spot on her neck and it felt like her body threatened to go into meltdown. It sounded like he gave a kind of purr.

"Why don't you just let your mind follow what your body clearly wants Nadia?" He nearly whispered in her ear. His head lowered and Nadia immediately reached up fast and got her hand between him and her neck. She was pretty much cupping his mouth and chin. She had her opposite arm reach him to do it. She kept it over his mouth.

"You keep your teeth to yourself Xyle." She demanded. "I'm driving a freaking car, sit in your seat like a decent being." She felt her pulse quicken in anticipation. The want was there, but no, this was not how things went. He needed to learn some damn manners and how to control himself. Not just take it on impulse, mate or not. What was she going to seriously do with him? She felt him give an amused sound against her hand. She also felt just a slight brush of his teeth like he was going to bite her palm. Nadia shoved his head, he didn't move far but chuckled again.

"I'm being serious!" She nearly shouted at him. The car drifted some but she got back on track. They were getting close to the house. Now she didn't want to take him home. He had a smirk. She saw that he moved his hand toward her leg again. While she knew he was doing it now to get a rise out of her, she still played into it a bit. Nadia was quick and slapped his hand again hard.

"I hope you know that I'm counting each of these slaps. You'll get them back, might want to be careful." Xyle stated. Maybe he was a little messed up pushing her, wanting this feisty female rather badly for her fire. Then again he was kind of a fucked up creature. Lived in a world that he had to fight tooth and nail nearly every day to survive. So to him you took what you wanted or you got nothing. He was clearly losing the will to play nice with her.

"Just what is that supposed to mean?" She narrowed her gaze as she stopped at a sign. What was he telling her that he would hit her? That shit was not going to fly, she'd definitely be gone fast. She would not have an abusive partner. He met her gaze and a rather devilish smile was on his face.

"I have a feeling Nadia, you'll like it when I return them." Nadia never felt her face flush as much as right then. She looked away from him, and could not believe him. Did he just tell her in a roundabout way he was going to spank her?

"You're horrible." She was feeling so very out of her element. That sounded kinky to her, and Nadia felt her minimal experience was very vanilla. Suddenly Xyle seemed way more out there than she might be comfortable with. She once more had to mentally scold herself for even entertaining the idea she'd let him. How long had they known each other now?

"I never actually said I was good." His tone deep and smooth. "Live a little sweetheart." Xyle was sitting back in his seat more. However he was glad that the car ride was done. She was pulling into the short drive of her small house. He was trying to decide just how much he was going to behave with her now. Nadia put the car in park and turned to look at him.

"Obedience training, that's what you need. Like all good dogs." She gave him a sarcastic smile. He laughed deeply as she opened the door.

"Ouch, that almost hurt my pride. I'll take the training if you get an attitude adjustment." He quipped back getting out and following her. She grabbed her coat and clutch moving up to the house. Xyle obviously took the opportunity to look her over, damn she had some nice legs. Such a shapely back side, he definitely had heat in his green gaze.

"You're annoying, go find someone else to bother." Nadia said moving to unlock her door. She frowned as it was already unlocked and that irritated her greatly. She turned to look at him as she came in. Xyle was right behind her clearly not going to let her shut the door on him. Which she kind of wanted too, but he had a hand on it a second later to keep her from doing it.

"Second, learn to lock doors Xyle. I do have things I don't want stolen." He gave her an odd look.

"I did lock…" Xyle stepped in and the scents in the house hit him as she shut the door. His eyes went black and his features looked more animal like just then. He immediately had an arm out and shoved Nadia behind him. Her back hit the door and a blade was already out in his hand. Nadia gripped the back of his shirt at the way he made her go behind him. However there was no denying the edge, and how cold he suddenly became. She saw how his gaze swept the place. He seemed to be intently listening, she also heard the long slow inhale he took.

"Xyle?" She asked picking up on the change of his demeanor. The seriousness and the fact he had a blade out. Where had he had the weapon? Nadia noted that this was a far different Xyle than a minute ago. This one was even more tense and dark than the first night she met him. She honestly felt scared. Look she might have issues with him right now, but she was not an idiot. He wouldn't just step into her house and act like an enemy was there if there wasn't. What would make him act like this?

"A vampire has been in your house. A pureblood I can smell them, two of them and I know the scent." Every sense was sharp. He listened, but realized no one was here now. From here he could see the computer on the table was open and he knew that he'd shut that prior to leaving. This could not be good.