

Desire. It is a poisonous thing. I've learned that much over the years. I experienced desire for my first time when I was wrought forth into that dreaded world. Before I continue, I must inform you of one simple fact. This is not a story you are used to hearing. While there are happy moments, this is not a happy story. While their are sad moments, it is also not entirely sad. To understand this story to its fullest, you must understand one thing. Desire is everything. Whether it be desire for riches, desire for physical fulfillment, or desire for wellbeing. Desire controls us in ways we cannot fathom. There will be moments in this story when you'd rather avert your eyes away and cease to read, whether it be out of disgust, sadness, or pure uncontrolled rage. You will feel the full spectrum of human emotion throughout this tale. As the author and partaker in such things, I bid you to hear my tale, and the account of how I became the One over Desire.