
The beginning

I open my eyes, and quickly regret it.

"Damn it, why is it so bright?"

Light is streaming in through the windows, unhindered by my knockoff Venetian blinds.

"That's the last time I'll buy from a fucking street vendor"

I attempt to let my eyes adjust to the painful sunlight. It doesn't work.


I clutch at my eyeballs in hopes that they will somehow adapt to the sunlight. Surprisingly so, after a couple seconds of agonizing cornea scorching pain, they do.

"Hah!, Damian one, Gods fifty seven"


I hop out of bed with a gusto I know I will not have if I don't get up now. As I turn to glance at the alarm clock on the other side of the room, a loud pounding resounds on my door.


Jack is a 29 year old teacher, who is struggling her way through college via lousy paychecks and half-done homework assignments. But more importantly, she's my big sister.

"I was just making sure kid, sheesh. Now unless the laws our founding fathers set up have miraculously changed, I would suggest getting ready for school. Oh and your clothes are in the dryer, please do me a favor and switch mine over, and I might just pick us up some food on the way to school."

Personally, I like food. So I do as she says. I run downstairs. I pull my clothes out, while switching hers over. Jack peeks her head around the corner, whilst putting her pearl earrings on.

"Hey Damian, what do you want for breakfast? School doesn't start for another hour, and I picked last time."

I shrug. "Anything works, let's just go to the diner down the road."

She nods. "Okay that's good, go get ready kiddo" I hurry up to my room.

Jack is a teacher at my high school, which does wonders for my random history trivia. It's also quite aggravating as well, given the fact that all of my friends seem to like her. I hurry to get my clothes on, groping myself all over to make sure I have all of my necessary things for the day.

"Phone, check. I.D, check. Earbuds, check. Gum, check."

As I finish up, Jack yells from the front room


I scramble for my bag and rush out of the door. I get in the car as fast as my feet will carry me.

"Is everyone ready? If so, buckle in, and get ready to have your socks knocked off"

(Jack is bad at being funny, if you couldn't already tell)

The ride goes by uneventfully until, right as I'm about to fall asleep....


The ground shakes with a fury akin to an earthquake. The sudden movement of the car swerving to avoid other affected cars jolts me awake.

"JACK??! What's going on???!!!!"

The car comes to a sudden halt as jack slams on the breaks.

"Damian! Duck your head down and cover the back of your neck with your arms. NOW!"

In my panic induced confusion I listen surprisingly well. The shaking stops shortly after, as quickly as it occurred. "Jack! are we safe now???" I hurriedly pull my head up to look around. Jack responds in a worried tone "Yeah it seems to be done". I get out of the car. To my amazement, the world is tinted an ominous red color. I look up. There appear to be cracks in the sky. "J-JACK?"

Jack joins me in my staring. "Damian, I think we should get back to the house."

I can feel my heartbeat rising in my chest, I'm terrified. "Y-Yeah, we should".

We rush to get back into the car. As soon as we get in, Jack stomps on the gas pedal. It's a wonder she didn't go through the floor of the car. We race home as fast as we can, which is quite slow given the traffic jam. There are people in the streets, staring up into the sky. Jack honks her horn for what seems like forever before the masses start to part way.

"Damn people, the sky turns red and all you wanna do is stare? This is obviously not normal, it may not even be safe being out of our homes!"

In all honestly, I can tell she's scared. I have no room to judge though, I'm damn terrified. We get home and she hands me the house key. "Go inside Damian, I'll be right there"

I'm not one to disagree at this moment in time so I grab the key and do as she says. I unlock the door and run into the living room. I grab the remote and turn on the tv. No signal. I mumble to myself "Let's switch channels". I switch through dozens of channels. Blank screens turn up for all of them. "What the hell?" I hope none of this has anything to do with the red sky, and the cracks, but I'm probably out of luck there. I hear the front door slam. Jack walks into the living room "Anything??" I can hear the urgency in her voice. "No, nothing. No channels are working". I see her eyes dart to the tv and to the living room window. "Damn" she seems to be thinking on something. "Damian start moving furniture in front of the window and the front door" I blink in confusion "why?!"

"People do dumb things when they're scared Damian, now do as I ask" without an other ideas, I obey my sister. Before long, the living room window and the front door are all blocked off completely. Jack looks on at our hard work "You'd have to be a monster to get through there, dontcha think?" I marvel at how quick we did that. "That's practically all of our furniture, for the living room and the dining room that is." We sit down on the living room floor. The tv is still plugged in, Incase we get a signal. Jack nudges me "Hey kiddo, take a nap, I'll let you know if anything happens. I know you're still quite tired."

She's right.

"Okay, but wake me up before noon please?"

"Okay kid"

I shut my eyes in the hopes that when I open them again, this will all just be a dream.


*system initializing*

I hear words in my head. Not crazy words, but words. I open my eyes in a daze

*system booting up*


"Welcome host! I am Desire, your wish is my command, what can I help you with today?"






"What the hell?"