
Desire of Immortality (Harry Potter AU)

When a ruthless CEO gets run over by truck kun, he wakes up as a new person. He was now Tiberius Black, the son of Sirius Black and Amelia Bones. He was neglected by both his parents, but he didn't care as he saw no use for them. This is the story of a man's greed for power and Eternal Life.

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26 Chs


Five years have passed, In these five years, Tiberius Black trained relentlessly with his combat skills and magic. He was eleven years old now.

Tiberius has grown into a young, tall boy who was good-looking.

His Force Lightning got stronger in these years but was still in the first stage of the Dark Awakening.

Arcturus Black watched with interest and hope as Tiberius grew in power, and Kreacher was excited at seeing a possible heir for his master.

Right now, Tiberius is meditating while floating in the air with his magic. Arcturus came to him to tell him that he was going to hogwarts.


As I was busy meditating, the voice of my grandfather interrupted my meditation.

"Tiberius, you have a letter from hogwarts."

I used magic to get myself down and opened the letter. It told me what equipment to get and that it was from Dumbledore.

I should be careful with Dumbledore, as he may see me as the next Arcturus Black.

"Come Tiberius, we are going to Diagon Alley, where we will meet your grandmother Walburga Black.

She has an apartment of her own as I don't want her to poison your mind with blood purity.

That would make you a fool, and you will underestimate the Muggles, which can be very dangerous.

Walburga also has a youth potion she made that allows her to retain her youth and beauty. Don't let that fool you when your teenage hormones kicks in."

I nodded at his words, Walburga seems to be a good potion maker but is nothing compared to Severus Snape.

Arcturus used floo powder to take us to Diagon Alley. We got all the equipment we needed, and now all that's left is the wand, and then we meet up with Walburga.

Walburga wants to meet me to see if I was anything like her son. Lazy and finding politics boring.

We went inside Ollivanders' shop, and the old man gasped in fear when he saw Arcturus.

"Lord Black, it is nice to see you." Ollivander was very nervous when he saw Arcturus.

"Enough, we are here to get my great grandson a wand. So get to it."

"Y-Yes Lord Black."

He got out a random wand.

"This wand here, young man, contains unicorn hair. Here, try it."

When I made contact with the wand, it immediately shocked me. Ollivander looked shocked.

"This only happened with Lord Black due to his evil nature. No offence, Lord Black." Olivander looked worried that he may have offended Arcturus.

Arcturus looked at me with interest.

"It is fine, just hurry and give him another wand."

Ollivander quickly got another wand.

He came forward with another wand.

"This wand right here, Tiberius, contains a dragon heartstring, and its wood is ebony."

As soon as I held the wand, I felt a connection. I swung the wand, and a dark aura formed around me.

Ollivander was terrified of my aura while Arcturus looked very interested. Soon, the aura was gone.

I turned towards Ollivander. "How much is the wand?"

Ollivander spoke in a terrified tone.

"It's on the house, please take it and leave."

We were about to leave until someone entered. Actually, it wasn't someone. It was a group of people. This group of people shocked me as some of them were supposed to be dead.

James Potter and Lily Potter, the ones who were supposed to die during Voldemorts' attack.

And then there was my family. They were all smiling and were excited. Susan Bones was there as well.

Her parents died during the time of Voldemort's time.

Their smiling faces soon vanished when they saw me and Arcturus. Sirius clenched his fists while the children looked afraid of Arcturus.

Arcturus looked towards Harry Potter.

"Ah, the boy who lived, you are quite famous young Harry. It's nice to meet you." Arcturus went for a handshake, but Lily got in front of him.

Arcturus looked at Lily with interest.

"You must be Lily Potter. You know Harry, you should be grateful to her as she saved your life through Ancient Magic."

Harry looked confused. "But Dumbledore said it was love that saved me."

I decided to speak.

"Love was only a contributing factor to what saved saved your life. Ancient Magic can be activated by reaching or surpassing an emotional limit.

It can be any emotion, hate, greed, lust, and even love."

Harry spoke.

"Then why am I known as the saviour while my mother doesn't get any recognition."

"My guess is that it's because she is muggle. The Ministry of Magic doesn't the public to know that it was a muggle born who was able to defeat the Dark Lord and activate one of the most, if not the strongest, form of magic."

Lily looked sad, and James comforted her while Harry was unhappy.

"But that's wrong. What they are doing is wrong."

"And why do you think they care, Harry? In this world, nothing is fair.

To me, there are only benefits for those who are willing to do everything to gain them."

The Potters and Blacks looked quite disturbed at my views.

"Thank you, Ollivander, for the free wand. Let's go, grandfather."

We are about to leave, but Harry stopped us.

"Is it true that you called my godfather a mutt?

"And what if it is? What will the boy who lived do about it?"

Harry got up to me.

"You should apologise. He is your father."

"That mutt who is a disappointment is not worthy for being my father." Sirius looked hurt by that, and I turned to leave.

Harry grabbed my shoulder to stop me from leaving.

"Harry, get your hand of my shoulder."

"Not until you apologise."

Alright, I guess he wants me to get physical with him. I grabbed him by the throat and used magic to enhance my body.

I was choking Harry, and the others tried helping him, but Arcturus used his wand to keep them still.

"You know Harry, you're really starting to get on my nerves. You really need to respect your betters."

I threw him to the ground, and Harry started coughing.

"How are you supposed to be my better? Is it because you're a pure blood?

"No, it's because I'm stronger than you, I possess powers greater than yours."

My hands began forming lightning, and Harry looked afraid.

I got up and turned towards Arcturus.

"Let's go, grandfather, these lot are not worth our time."

He let the others go, and they rushed to Harry to see if he was safe. Harry looked at me with fear and anger.

I looked at him as if he was an ant, and then I left alongside Arcturus.

We went to the train station and there we met a woman.

This woman was tall and had black hair with an hourglass figure, and she walked towards us.

"Hello there, my name is Walburga Black, your grandmother."

"It's nice to meet you, grandmother." I shaked her hand.

Arcturus warned me about this woman, but I've dealt plenty with her type with most of them dead, and some of them sold as sex slaves.

We talked about Hogwarts, and she asked in my opinion on Muggles.

"Though we are superior to Muggles due to our magic, we can not deny that they are dangerous.

They have developed weapons that can wipe out entire nations through engineering and science.

And not only that, unlike us magical folk, the Muggles kept on advancing forward while we did not due to our arrogance. I seek to change that."

Walburga didn't like my views while Arcturus looked proud at my goal.

The train came, and I went inside. I had a room all to myself as made and illusion with my wand so that the people don't see my door.

I looked out the window, feeling excited to go to Hogwarts and learning.