

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
100 Chs

A walk

            Falenios was still in the castle with the king, the incident with the guard hasn't been up to five minute, the other guard quickly rush in to carry the corpse of the lifeless guard.

'What a simple ability to have, but so much deadly than anything, anti-magic, to fight someone without something you have been with since you were born will make you completely defenceless, there isn't even a downside to his power, this is the only reason he haven't been overthrown' think Falenios.

"Where were we before the interruption, oh right we were talking about the humans".

"I came here to ask for a request and also to check on the status on this side".

"As you can see those fools are being impatient so you better do your thing quickly if not, don't feel bad when we attack them without your consent, what is your request".

"I want some resources, so I can meet up with my plan".

"You know to give you the resources is an easy task, but what do you want it for"

"I want to use the resources to build an auditorium where I can invite all the kings of the human world and remove them at once. When I finished setting up the auditorium, I will use one of the king to send an invite to the other kings. That's where I will kill all of them and then we can start killing all the humans when their support is gone. Those with teleporting ability would teleport all the encranoes to different location, so we can wipe them all out".

"Not bad at at, it's a good plan" so where will be the location of the auditorium".

"I will build it close to the entrance of the human world, so that we can attack them straight"

"Who is there?" Summoned the king, immediately a guard came running to him and fell on his knees

"Your majesty, you called".

"Tell the royal treasurer that I seek her presence immediately".

"Yes your Majesty" the guard left to call for her. After some few minutes, the guard and the royal treasurer were seen coming with a great speed.

"Your majesty, you called for me, how may I be of service to you" said the lady.

"I want you to bring some amount of money that you think would be enough to build a large auditorium".

"Okay your majesty" said the lady, she couldn't even ask what was the purpose because she definitely know it wouldn't end well for her if she do. After waiting for a short period of time, the lady was back with two bags full with gold coins.

"Your majesty I hope this would be enough".

"Will it be enough" asked the king while turning to face Falenios.

"I'm sure it will" replied Falenios.

"You can depart now, leave the money there" said the king.

"Okay your Majesty" immediately the lady started walking out of the room.

"I'm sure you will be taking your leave now, make sure you don't disappoint me, you don't want to see me lose my temper.

"You won't be disappointed" said Falenios while carrying the bag of money and leaving the castle.

 For the past three days now, Savarus was not doing anything of value, only sitting down and chatting with Oscar or Bethany, it's just as if the days was moving in a fast pace in his eyes. After that incident with the dolfant clan about three days ago, Bethany didn't feel like going anywhere again, she was just staying at home doing whatever she can.

Those three days also have been a frustrating day for Oscar, he has been trying his best to get some information on the death of his wife, but he hasn't gotten anything, he has been moving in the shadows at night, disguising himself as an assassin and checking the information room of the various clan, he was even capturing some people of value in the various clan to question them, but still yetz he haven't gotten a thing about the death of his wife.

Right now, he was just sitting down on his chair with Savarus, looking at the report of his clan.

"Just by the wrinkles on your face, I can tell you aren't sleeping at night" said Savarus.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine".

"Why do you really want to seek revenge that badly, can't you just let it go and live with your daughter happily".

"I'm definitely sure you haven't lost anyone close to you because if you have, you would have clearly know how I'm feeling right now".

"I don't actually know how you feel, but I do know that even when you get your revenge, you won't feel any better, but as you said it's none of my business so you can continue what you are doing, I just feel like telling you one thing, don't trust people that much".

The moment Oscar wanted to ask him what he meant by that, Bethany was already close to them so he couldn't ask.

"Savarus are you through with what you are doing, I want to go out for a walk" said Bethany. 

"I'm through, let's go" replied Savarus while getting up from his seat.

'I really feel sorry for you, but I can't tell you what I know, the clan you so much trust than the other is the most dangerous of them all, I hope you keep the look out for the Abaric clan, this path you are walking on might be your death' said Savarus inwardly.

"Why are you spacing out, I ask you a question twice and you didn't give me any reply, what are you thinking about" said Bethany while shaking Savarus hands.

"Sorry about that, I just have a lot on my mind, so where are we going".

"I don't really have any place specific in mind, I just wanted to have some air".

"I definitely thought you won't be coming out ever again after what happened at the dolfant clan".

"Why won't I come out".

"Because you are scare, I can see it in your eyes, after that day, your eyes has lost some sparkle in it".

"I don't know what you are talking about, let's just forget about that, I want you to tell me a little about yourself" said Bethany.