

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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About yourself

           Those few days Bethany has been with Savarus, has made her have some liking for him, she doesn't really know what make her have a change of mind about him, she have been asking herself what has mad her changed her mind.

'Is it the way he protected me against those guys, or the way he was ready to fight a whole clan just for my sake, I definitely saw the people he killed when he was trying to rescue me from the dolfant clan resident, or is it the way he took the blame even when I'm at fault, or when he carried me when I twisted my ankle, or is it this few days we have been having some conversation' Bethany was thinking hard on what make her change her prospective about him.

"What do want to know about me".

"What's your full name to begin with".

"Darwin Savarus".

"Where are you from Darwin Savarus".

"The village of Nivella".

"I haven't heard about it".

"It's from the western region".

"Okay, so how old are you" asked Bethany.

'I can't possibly tell her I'm over five century old, she won't even believe me if I try".

"I'm twenty six, what about you my lady".

"I'm twenty four, you are really young for your age"

"So are you" replied Savarus.

"Isn't this a perfect place to sit down and admire the view" asked Bethany while looking at the natural scenery in front of her. The ocean was so calm and quiet, the sunset was producing an orange hue, adding to the beautiful scenery of the sea and giving it a calming feeling. They both sat down on the bench looking at the sea.

"How did you become friends with Catherine?" Asked Savarus.

"My father and her mother were really close friends, when I was little she usually visit us often with Catherine, that was how our friendship started".

"If you were asked to say a little about Catherine, what would it be".

"She is a good person, she doesn't like nonsense at all, since when we were little she have always been looking out for me as a sister, protecting me from bullies and those stuff, she is just like a sister I never had. Do you live with your parents or you live alone?" asked Bethany

"I live alone and doesn't have a parent to begin with, since I can remember I have always been an orphan, alone without anybody".

"I'm sorry about that, I don't mean anything by it".

"I know you didn't mean anything by it, so don't worry at all and also don't feel sorry for me, I am where I am because of that".

"What do you like doing the most" asked Bethany.

"I don't actually engage myself with hobbies, all I do is train and think of the way to be strong so that I wouldn't have to relied upon anyone but myself. What about you, my lady, what do you like doing".

 "I like practicing martial arts, dancing, singing and also playing of flute, it has a calm effect on the mind. One more thing, I want you to stop calling me my lady, can't you call me by my name?" Asked Bethany.

 Savarus was kind of lost for words because almost all girls he have come across loves being called that way and not their name, so why do she wants to be called by her name.

'You don't really sieze to amaze me in anyway" said Savarus inwardly.

"Why don't you like being called my lady, but prefer using your name" asked Savarus.

"It's too polite, I want us to communicate as friends and not adding title to our names" said Bethany.

"Okay if you say so, I will try calling you by your name from now on".

"Say it".


"I want you to say my name" said Bethany.


"Can't you just do it without asking question, I want to hear how it sound on your lips".

"Okay Bethany".

"No that is not it, use my full name".

"Oscar Bethany".

"That's my father name and not my surname".

"I'm sorry, but I don't actually know your surname".

"It's Kramis Bethany, say it".

"Don't you think you are being so persistent for just a little matter, Kramis Bethany" said Savarus.

"I want to ask you this question, do you remember the first person you killed and how do you feel about it".

"I clearly remembered the first person I killed, anytime I think of it, it feels like it was just yesterday. He was an invader, although at that time, I was very good in martial arts, but I was also very young, when my master instructed me to kill him, I was shaken with fear and I couldn't move from my spot, taking a life isn't an easy matter".

"My master set the man from his chains and told him to kill me if he wants to go free, he was given a sword while I was left bare handed, the man didn't even hesitate in one bit before attacking me with full speed and all he has, I have no other choice than to fight back inorder to protect myself. At last, I came out victorious, but I wasn't happy at all, I couldn't sleep that night, I was shaken with fear, anytime I close my eyes I can see his face staring at me, but after the first one, I remember a bit about the second but from there on I could remember anything, all that was just engraved on my mind was another, another and another" said Savarus.

"That's so cruel, what kind of master would put his students through that kind of hardship".

"That's how life is, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. What about you Bethany, have you killed anyone" asked Savarus.

"No, I haven't and I'm sure I wouldn't".

"Don't be so sure about that, you have to protect yourself if you are in danger, kill before you get killed".

"I will try my best not to, I prefer Knocking them out than to kill them".

"That would be too stressful and it will also waste your time, if there are up to twenty how will you save yourself if you don't kill them because knocking them out wouldn't do you any good".

"Just from your experience I don't think I will be able to do it".

"Don't worry you will, when the time comes".


Thanks to all my readers out there, I hope you continue to support me with  everything you can. Please introduce this novel to your friends, relatives, so I can get more readers and be motivated to write more. Thanks once again.