

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
100 Chs

A visit from the king

                After Bethany was through cleaning up, she didn't have anywhere in mind to go, everything was kind of boring to her. After some long thinking on what to do, she decided to pay her father a visit, she already knows the exact place her father would be at this time and she wasn't wrong, Oscar was sitting quietly on his chair and reading some books, Bethany walked up to him and snatch the book from his hand.

"Why do you always like reading, don't you know if you over stress yourself with books your brain might explode" said Bethany.

"What a ridiculous remark coming out from your mouth, you took over your mother in every way, which is a good thing".

"Dad don't you feel tired in one bit, checking the status of the clan every now and then and why does It feels like you are doing it for some reason, but I can't just put my finger on it".

"Don't think much about it you dumb girl, your thinning brain might explode" said Oscar while laughing.

"But seriously dad, I want you to take things slowly, have some rest, I will take over from where you stop".

"I don't think there is a need for that, I'm already, the one you are holding right now is the last one".


"Aaah, before I forget, how was your training with Savarus, where you able to learn any things from him?" Asked Oscar.

"Yeah I learned a lot from him, dad, you won't believe how great he is in archery, he was able to shot three arrows at once and they were all accurate, hitting the bull eye".

"Wow, that's amazing, I hope you didn't loss to him?" Asked Oscar.

"What do you mean dad, you clearly know I wouldn't be able to shot two arrows at once needless to say three, all the stunt he has been pulling was so amazing and incredible, I don't think a normal human can pull that off".

"So what are you trying to say Bethany" asked Oscar.

"Dad, did you know where he lives, he is such a mysterious man".

"Coming to think of it, I don't know where he stays".

"What....., So you entrusted the life of your daughter to someone you don't even know where he lives" shouted Bethany.

"Hold your horses, young woman, you know I won't ever endanger you in anyway, from the little talk he had with me, I can tell the kind of person he is, so trust me".

"I do trust you".

"Why don't you ask him where he stays, I know he is going to tell you without any hesitation" said Oscar.

"I'm going out for a stroll" said Bethany while walking out, ignoring Oscar statement, the moment Bethany left, a guard rush in quickly to meet oscar.

"My Lord, there's been some news moving around the kingdom, it's about the yamaka clan attacking the sparadox clan last night" said the guard while bowing his head.

"We all know that is going to happen sooner or later, you can leave" said Oscar 'This is going to be interesting, a perfect chance for me to spy on all the clans.

At the castle, the king was being dress up, he has put on his robe and was ready to pay a visit to the yamaka clan.

"I hope you have prepared the carriage and the men" asked the king to his right hand man.

"Yes your Majesty, they are already in place waiting for you" said Hendrick, the king right hand man.

"Then let's get going" said the king immediately walking forward causing guards to follow him. He walk up to the carriage and got inside while Hendrick get on his horse and started riding along side the carriage, protecting it. The sun was down causing everywhere to have a cooling effect, after some minutes of sitting down on the carriage, the king was becoming bored, he open the windows and started staring outside.

"Your majesty, please it would be wise if you close the window, I don't want anything happening to you".

"Hendrick why are you always so afraid, you are here beside me, aren't you?, I know no harm can come close to me as far you are here, isn't that true or are you trying to say you are incompetent?" Asked the king.

"No your majesty".

"Good" said the king while staring out the window, they were currently passing through the market place, anybody that was standing on the road, will quickly move out of the way and bow when seeing the carriage because they all know who it belongs to. As they keep on going, the king caught sight of someone buying a jewel, her figure was amazing, she was so beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes off her and his right hand man caught sight of the scene.

"Do you know who she is?" asked the king to Hendrick.

"I don't think so, your majesty".

"I want you to find out all the details about her and give it to me in less than three days" said the king.

"Understood, your majesty" said Hendrick while turning to look at the. woman once more, so he won't forget her face. After the long ride, they have finally gotten to their destination.

As the leader of the yamaka clan heard that the king was here to pay him a visit, he quickly stop all he was doing and run straight to meet him.

"Your majesty, you are highly welcome to my humble home, please forgive me for asking, but to what honour do I own this visit?" Asked Yisson the yamaka clan leader.

"Why must there be a reason for me to visit one of my own subject, I clearly see no reason for there to be something before visiting, or do you?" Asked the king.

"Not at all, your majesty, what can I get you to drink, because I know you would be clearly exhausted right now".

"Don't trouble yourself with that, I'm not as old as you, I'm perfectly fine, let's go to the meeting room, lead the way".

"Okay your majesty" said Yisson while leading the way to the yamaka clan meeting room.