

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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               Yisson quickly lead the king to the meeting room and order a maid to bring some refreshments, but the king refuse plainly.

"Don't trouble yourself at all, I'm perfectly refresh, just close the door, that's all I want from you" said the king. The king, Yisson, Hendrick and two other guards were now the only ones in the room, the door was shut tight with just them inside, the rest of the guards were guarding the outside, the king walked to the head of the table and sat down there, while Hendrick and one of the other guard stood by his side to guide him, the third one was standing at the door.

"I won't beat around the bush with you, Yisson, I want to ask you this question, what do you think about the rules set in place for the kingdom?" asked the king, his voice completely having a different tone, it was so deep and demanding.

"I thinks all the rules are well set, no scratch that, I know they are all good, it has been the rules that has been keeping us in peace and I pretty much appreciate it and want it to be that way" replied Yisson. 

"And I also want to know what you think about the punishment for those who break the rules?" Asked the king.

"The punishment are well match with the rules, so in my opinion I don't see anything bad with it".

"I hope you are not telling me what I want to hear, but what's in your heart?" Asked his majesty.

"Trust me your majesty, I don't have any grudge with the rules or the punishment, but permit me to ask my king, why are you asking me all this? Said Yisson coating his words.

"I just want you to take care and be careful with your decision and movement".

"Your majesty, I really don't know what you meant by that, you are leaving me in the dark".

"I want you to know this, I have the power to remove anything that temper with the rules, so better know that all your movement is being watch, I'm telling you this so you better watch out and stop anything you are doing right now that you know is against the rules" said the king while standing up from his chair and walking out of the door with his guards.

'No matter what you say, I will still continue with my plan, nobody can stop me from taking my revenge' said Yisson inwardly as the king walked out.

'You better yield my warning because next time I won't be so merciful' said the king inwardly as he got on his carriage and started their journey back to the castle.

"My king why did you let him off with just a warning when you know he will still continue to do it" asked Hendrick on their way back to the castle

"What do you think will happen if I execute the leader of the yamaka clan, do you think the yamaka clan will keep on following my orders or do you think they will be happy with it?" Asked the king, using his question to answer the question.

"No your majesty".

"That's the reason I let him off with just a warning".

 Not too long after the king departed from the yamaka clan. Unbeknown to him and his guards, some people were already waiting for them, they were all wearing mask and was well equipped with weapons.

"Hendrick, did you see the state, the yamaka clan was in" asked the king.

"Yes I saw it your majesty, it was so deserted like if some few hundred were missing, could it be that the reason is because of the attack with the sparadox clan".

"It...." Just when the king wanted to say something, some people in mask has surrounded them with sword pointing at their direction. Hendrick didn't waste anytime in telling his men to form a defensive formation.

"Your majesty, you have to stay inside, we are surrounded" said Hendrick.

"I can see that Hendrick, get rid of them quickly, so we can keep on moving" said the king.

The Intruders started making their move, closing in on the guards, so they won't have space to attack but to only defend, as they got closer, Hendrick surprise them by changing the formation to attack.

"All of you spread out now" shouted Hendrick, immediately all the guards move in a unison pace, they quickly dash forward and started slaughtering the intruder, Hendrick and three other guards didn't go out to attack, but was standing opposite the carriage so they can protect the king.

They only engage in the fight when any of the intruder get pass those in front. The royal guards was really worth their names because in least than fifteen minutes they have already slaughter all of them. They were currently unmasking all the intruder to check if they can see anyone they recognize. But after five minutes of checking they weren't able to get anything, so they continue their journey back to the castle.

"Hendrick, who do you think would be so bold to try and kill me?" Asked the king.

"Your majesty, sorry to tell you this, but you are the highest person in the kingdom, who wouldn't want to go after you, some might capture you because of money, while others are doing it because of hatred, although I don't know the people who attacked us, but they might be bandits, the categories of people who are doing it for money".

"Even with all the kindness I have show people in this kingdom, they are still very ungrateful".

"Your majesty, sorry to interrupt you, but not everybody is ungrateful for what you have been doing for them, it's just that not everyone is happy with progress, some people do prefer downfall".

The rest of the journey went smoothly, no unexpected things happened, which causes the journey to be very boring, after some hours of riding they have finally gotten back to the castle. The king departed from his carriage and turn to Hendrick.

"Make sure you quickly look into what I ask for, don't disappoint me in anyway possible". 

"Rest assured, your majesty, I will do it as quickly as possible" replied Hendrick.

"I know you will" said the king while going inside the castle.