
2 years

It's been two years since I saw any of my children, are they ok?

Cough cough, I covered my mouth with my hands. Blood seeped through my fingers staining my worn, over-washed clothes. I've been living my life very peacefully, all I can ever think of my children. Where are they now? Did they find their father, are.... they abandoning me?

....are they alive? I felt pain spread through my heart. No! My children are strong I trust them. I closed my eyes slowing, ah it getting hard to keep them open. I let the peaceful way of darkness wash over me. I felt tears run down my cheek, at least I wanted to see my children one last time. Their cute smiling faces flashed through my mind.

[ Can you hear me?]


[ Yes! Sign a contract with me, hurry!]

Why? I don't want to... just let go away peacefully.

[ I can stall your ending, make a contract with me! Don't you want to see your children anymore?]

I do...but it seems it is my turn to cross the river now.

[ No! I beg you mother!]

Stop copying my child's voice. You are annoying me.

[ Ok, but you will be my mother...without you I can't be born.]

What are you talking about? I have to be your mother?

[ Yes, only you can be my mother.]

Why would I care? I already have three adorable kids, well one more night not be bad.

[ Yes!]

But I've already made up my mind, my body alone belongs to him. So I won't be having anymore kids.

[ You love that man don't you?]

Yes... i do

[ I can make him love you back, how about that?]

No, that man's heart belongs to someone else.

[ No! No it doesn't! You don't understand the whole story!]

...what is it that you understand that I don't?

[ mother! I am your child]

I don't remember giving birth to a ghost.

[ believe me! Your power gave birth to me and you promised that you would give me physical form... but but you went ahead and died]

I promised you something? Are you sure it was me and not by someone else?

[ Mama! Only you can hear me, and papa can hear me.]

Papa? Aha...

[ mama, please make a contract with me! You are losing your life right now!]

Ahiya, stop crying I will make a contract.

[ Contract Complete!]

I saw a white figure from in front of my eye, a female?

[ mama can you see me?]

Yes child I can see you.

[ mama I am going to repair your body to your original body, ok?]

You are making it sound like this is not my original body.

[ oh, it's not]

Ooh, ok.

[ it's going to take awhile]


White light spread outwards and covered me in strings. Layers of layers of warm light covered me in warmth. Ahhh it feels nice.

Inside the cocoon it was only warm darkness. My body tickled and burn, like the tissues of my muscle undid itself and rearranged itself.

I don't know how long l was inside, it felt like a million of years passed by. Memories that I didn't recall passed through my head. "I love you" he whispered, I felt my heart tingled. "master" he said. Don't call me your master!

The memories were like puzzles only showing me a few short clips. What I do know is that the white figure, Zeze is my child.

I felt another heart break, stop! I don't want to be your master, stop! Please don't leave me, I don't care about my status. I.... ahaha... not again, no no no no not again. Shin....? Whose name is that? Who...? Who is that girl shin?

AHAHAHAHA! Again and again and again, never again never! I will not fall in love ever again.

" Master! Stop come back!" The girl in my memory didn't stop, she ran into the herd of monster.

" you need to live, please live for me." Blood filled the battle field, the girl cause massive destruction among the battle field causing destruction to the evil beasts.

[ mama your body's done repairing... mama?]

I woke up from the memory pool, my felt refreshed.

Thank you Zeze!

[ mama you remembered my name!]

Of course, of course...

[ mama are you ok? Does anything hurt?]

No, in fact I fell really refreshed, thank you my child.

[ anything for mama!]