

"Zeze my child who is your papa?" I asked

Zeze's spiritual body condensed in front of me, " Papa Shin?"

" Yes? Who is he?" My heart gets pinch every-time I thought of that name.

" My papa!"

I faced slap myself, " What were those memories I saw?" I needed to know more about it, not knowing it made me feel uneasy.

" Zeze doesn't know much but it was mama's past life....about several thousands years ago...maybe more I don't know...zeze doesn't remember anymore."

My past life? Did I fall for a guy who didn't love me back? I felt the image of the man I love and Shin overlapped. I grabbed my head in frustration, nothing was making sense to me...what was going on? My eyes started to dim and darken, black spots started to appear in my vision. I don't wanna live anymore....

" mama!" Zeze yelled, " Breathe!"

I curled up in a ball...I don't wanna think anymore...a totally dark place where there is nobody sounds good. Denying my own body my cells began to slow down and break, existence itself was an annoyance.

" Mother!" Someone yelled, " Ghost doctor do something!"

" Not good! I am going to have to knock her out before she kills herself!" A female voice said, who is that?

With a chop to the back and neck mother fell unconscious, " phew! We are safe for the time being" The female voice said.

"What is wrong with her?" Billy asked.

" I have no clue! I've never seen someone...how do I put this into words...it seems she was struggling with something to the point of breaking down her own body cells. Looking at her physical condition it doesn't seem like a physical illness. Most liking something to do with her mental state."

Guilt glimmered in Billy's eyes, " it seems I've took too long, mother unconsciously overthink many things."

Billy sat next to his mother after placing her onto the bed, " mother what is really happening?"

After a few hours the ghost doctor made up her mind, " Billy I thought of a method, but I have to get your approval first."

" What is it?"

" To insure that this doesn't happen again for now, we will have to seal away all her memories since I have no way of locating the bad ones. "

Billy bit down on his lip, " does that include the memories of me too?"

" Yes, I will have to erase everything."

" And what happens after that?" Billy asked

" It is up to you to make new happy memories with her and don't let anything trigger her memories, I can't erase them only seal it."

" ok.."

Zeze listened to their conversation and cried, mama was going to forget her again. It couldn't be helped, if it is for her mother she will handle being forgotten again.


After a few hours, she had woken up holding her head tightly she sighed. " Where am I?" She thought to herself, she was just in a car crash and she...memories of the past flashed by and disappeared.

" How are you feeling? Do you remember who you are?" Billy asked, worried flashed by Billy's eyes.

" Yes..My name is Scarlet, who might my benefactor be?" Scarlet scratched her head, she hated owning people.

" Scarlet?" Asked Billy surprised, he had never heard his mother called herself that name before.

"May I asked where I am? I need to be getting home soon to feed my dog." Scarlet said in a rush, her dog must be starving by now.

" Dog?" Billy said confused, they've never raised a pet before. " We are at Northern Yang Land, where might you be living at?"

" WHAT!," Northern Yang Land she had never heard of it before, Scarlet rushed to get up and rushed outside. Billy rushed after her in case she fell down. Outside she saw a stretch of mountains and the metal towers she was used to was not there. " Shit.." she muttered, where the fuck was she?

Well the air here was nice and earth was close to extinction due to climate change so...but where is she right now? She looked down at her hands, she was never this dark before even when she tried to tan. She looked at the handsome young lad time to her, " I don't know where I am..."