
Demon Slayer: Rebirth of Demon Slayer as Demon

In a world shattered by the malevolent arrival of a demon king from the moon a century ago, humanity and the animal kingdom have been forever transformed. Those under the age of 24 became demons, while those above 24 were cursed to wander as relentless zombies. Amidst this nightmarish landscape, an unlikely savior emerges—a former demon slayer reincarnated as a demon himself.

sage_ultra_verse · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Ch 4-Awakening of Lost Friend

Tamayo and Tanjiro stepped out of the elevator and beheld the sight of a cracked capsule in the laboratory. The blaring alarm was swiftly silenced by Tamayo's skilled hand, leaving a tense silence in its wake. Tanjiro, his heart racing, stood in front of the damaged capsule, witnessing the emergence of a figure within.

"She came a bit earlier than expected," Tamayo remarked, her voice calm but tinged with intrigue.

From the capsule, a humanoid figure gradually took form, its body adorned with visible tendrils of vines. Slowly, the skin began to materialize over the skeletal structure, like a mesmerizing transformation.

With a graceful, albeit unsteady step, the enigmatic figure emerged from the capsule and started moving towards Tanjiro. She struggled to maintain her balance, and it was clear she would fall any moment. Acting on instinct, Tanjiro gently swept her into his arms, cocooning her in the folds of his black and green seafoam green Haori. Tamayo swiftly retrieved a dress from beside the capsule, guiding them out of the lab and into her private quarters.

Gently, Tanjiro laid the girl on a soft bed, his concern etched on his face. He quietly left the room, leaving Tamayo to care for their mysterious guest.

An hour later, Tamayo opened the door and returned Tanjiro's Haori to him. She motioned for him to enter the room. Inside, the girl stood by the window, her long hair swaying like a sea in the breeze. Tanjiro's heart quickened, a strange feeling tugging at his soul. He wondered why it felt as though she was calling out to him. As she turned towards him, a warm smile graced her lips, and for an ephemeral moment, time seemed to stand still. Overwhelmed with emotion, Tanjiro's heart skipped a beat, tears welling up in his eyes as he embraced her without hesitation, hugging her tightly.

"I am so happy to see you and your beautiful dark lilac eyes," Tanjiro whispered.

Her response was a gentle smile, and she softly replied, "You are clearly visible to me now."

Tamayo chimed in, "She woke up, and the first word from her mouth was your name, Tanjiro."

Hearing Tamayo's words, Tanjiro took a step back, his cheeks flushed, but his joy unmistakable.

Tamayo advised Tanjiro to let the girl rest for now, and they made their way to the serene garden. There, Tamayo continued her conversation with Tanjiro, explaining how Yushiro's powers maintained the invisibility of Soratopia Manor to the outside world. Rain, air, and select insects were the only elements that could breach his protective barrier.

Curious, Tanjiro inquired about the absence of security around the lab and the identities of those within the capsules. Tamayo assured him, "We are at the core of the mansion, the most secure area. There's no need for security here. Soon, you will meet everyone who emerged from those capsules."

Two days passed, during which Tanjiro acquainted himself with Yushiro and other intriguing individuals while listening to their captivating stories. His sword was sharpened and ready, symbolizing his readiness to explore the world and unravel its mysteries. With his enigmatic partner by his side, they bid farewell to Soratopia Manor and began their descent from the imposing mountain.

Meanwhile, within the lab, Tamayo carefully placed a glass container filled with the ashes of an old man on a shelf. She then unlocked a hidden chamber containing a towering Jaint red spider lily. Its crimson petals called out to a red stone she carried. As the locker room door closed, the intricate roots of the red spider lily were revealed to be connected with the mysterious capsules.

Suddenly, a Necrosyth creature crashed into a tree, its leg grievously wounded. It leaped high into the air, almost clearing Mount Natagumo, and landed directly in front of Tanjiro. In mid-air, a drop of the Necrosyth's blood fell to the ground in front of the lab where Tamayo stood, her world poised on the cusp of discovery.