
Demon Lord Jaune Arc

"I am Jaune Arc, the Demon Lord of Remnant! Let all who are my enemies tremble in fear! Let those under me bask in my glorious presence and know peace! None shall stand in my way, neither devil nor God! Not even those beyond this limited universe shall pose a threat to my glorious kingdom! So come and face me if you dare!" Synopsis: Jaune wakes up one day with memories of a man from Earth. Unwilling to be a pawn in the immortal game, he decided to flip the board and become a leader that follows his own desires while becoming the Demon Lord Jaune Arc in the process.

Neo_Acer · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 12


"*Gasp*, this is great," Jaune said as he floated in the pool water. After floating for a couple of seconds Jaune swam over to the side and pulled himself out of the pool. Reaching up Jaune slicked his hair back, getting it out of his eyes before smiling.

It had been two months since they had been making their way to Menagerie. Most of that time had been spent relaxing. Of course, Grimm such as Leviathan and Sea Feilong came to attack them but with the tons of cannons attached to the thing no Grimm could even get close.

Because of that all Jaune had to do is use [Gluttony] on the dying Grimm granting him the skills [Underwater Breathing] and [Electric Fire]. Then using [Degenerate] on [Electric Fire], [Black Flame], and [Black Lightning] Jaune combined the three to create the [Black Flame-Thunder] skill.

It was immensely powerful combining both destructive skills to create a maelstrom of destruction where a person could be both burned to death or vaporized on the spot.

Shaking his head, Jaune stopped reminiscing and looked around the pool area. It was mostly empty besides two chairs that were occupied.

The first chair had Raven on it who was laying down getting a tan. She wore a sexy black two-piece that showed off her figure and allowed Jaune to see her now lightly tanned skin.

And beside her was Alice who was wearing a black and green two-piece that showed off her figure as well.

After subtly looking at them for several minutes before leaving the pool area. After walking through the yacht for several minutes he arrived at the highest balcony on the yacht.

Reaching into his [Stomach] Jaune pulled out the Lamp of Knowledge. "Well, now it's finally time I recruit you, Jinn."

Due to his enhanced senses, he could immediately hear the noise of waves ceasing and the air becoming stagnate.

Letting go of the lamp it began floating in front of him and released blue mist into the air.

The blue mist then solidified into the form of a woman. She was a gorgeous woman with exotic light blue skin, long flowing dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, and golden chains around her naked body.

Stretching her body, Jinn released a sensual moan before looking at Jaune with a look of intrigue. "Who are you?"

"Don't you have a type of clairvoyance that allows you to see the past and the entire present?" Jaune asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ever since you somehow gained your magic some time ago the information I get from you and those you interact with has become distorted to me like a haze of fog that I can't quite see through." Jinn said with a shrug before getting in Jaune's face, "So tell me how did you gain your magic?!" Jinn asked with excitement.

Seeing an opportunity for a way to get Jinn as a subordinate, Jaune took it without hesitation. "I'm willing to share that knowledge with you Jinn if and only if you agree to work with me," Jaune said in confidence after all he had a head full of ideas from Earth that were never seen on Remnant.

"Oh?" Jinn said with intrigue though she still held the excitement from earlier.

"For example, you've never heard of hydropower have you?"


"An alternate power source that uses water to generate electricity using water and not a speck of dust is involved."

"Truly a way to generate energy without dust?"

"Yup and that's just the tip of the iceberg so join me Jinn on my quest to take over this world, and I'll show you all there is to offer in the multiverse," Jaune said, putting his hand out for a handshake.

Jinn didn't even think twice and took Jaune's hand shaking it in excitement, "Yes I'll happily follow you, so show me more of this knowledge you hold."

"Alright!" Jaune said while pumping his fist, "Now Jinn don't right or resist this." Jaune said using [Gluttony].

Jinn didn't resist having seen Jaune use this ability multiple times when giving those so-called skills to people or copying them.

Once she was absorbed Jaune heard [Great Sage]'s voice ring through his head.

["Notice. Unique skill Past Present Clairvoyance acquired and Ultimate skill Lord of Time: Cronus acquired."]

"Perfect," Jaune said while releasing Jinn causing her to blink around in confusion before she regained her bearings.

"Thanks for your cooperation Jinn, now the question is can you stay out of your lamp for extended periods of time and without the time stopping?" Jaune asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I haven't really tried to but I guess I can," Jinn said before the world started moving once more.

"Well, you should be able to make your way around the ship, get yourself a room, I'm going to stay here for a little while longer," Jaune said, leaning against the railing.

"Alright see you later… master~," Jinn said teasingly while floating away.

Once she was gone Jaune turned to look up into the sky, "[Great Sage] activate [Past Present Clairvoyance]."

["Understood. Activating [Past Present Clairvoyance]"]

As soon as the skill was activated the entirety of the past and present became clear to Jaune. Of course, with the help of [Great Sage], most of the irrelevant information was dealt with. Using his new Clairvoyance looked around the present world looking at Merlot, Ozpunk, and Salem. All three of them didn't react to being watched which was surprising but this worked in his favor. With this new skill, he could effectively watch the entire world from one place.

"[Great Sage] use [Degenerate] to combine the abilities of [Past Present Clairvoyance] to yourself."

Jaune knew he wouldn't have time to actively watch everything with his new clairvoyance so having [Great Sage] use it would be far more beneficial in the long war due to her sheer processing capabilities.

["Understood. Using [Degenerate]. Notice. Unique skill [Past Present Clairvoyance] has been assimilated into Unique skill [Great Sage]"]

"Good now [Great Sage] I want you to use a [Parallel Operation] to use [Past Present Clairvoyance] constantly and keep me informed of Ozpunk's and Salem's movements."


"With this, I'm now another step closer to my goal."


"Ah, there she is," Jaune said while looking at the island of Menagerie in the distance. "I guess I better make my entrance," Jaune said before the light clothing he was wearing began to change.

He now wore a black shirt with a high collar that also showed off a small part of his chest, a white and gold vest that was open only connected by a gold chain across his stomach, a white and gold overcoat with a black fur collar and on the sleeve was the Arc Family emblem, white dress pants held up by a brown belt and finally formal gray shoes.

With a thought, Jaune used his [Body Armor] skill to give himself two Grimm-plated gauntlets.

"One more thing." Reaching into his [Stomach] he pulled out a pair of sunglasses and set them over his eyes. "Perfect." It didn't take long until the yacht finally docked at the port. Of course, such an Atlas-looking ship got the various Faunus on guard with some even running away in fear.

That fear spiked even further once the ramp came down and after that tons of men and women wearing armor and donning various weapons came down as well. They stood in two lines leaving a lane between the two groups.

Coming down the ramp next was Jaune followed by Alice, Neo, and Raven. Once they made it down the ramp and headed down the lane the people on both sides gave the group a bow as they passed by.

Once they were through the lane half the group headed back toward the boat while the other half followed Jaune's group.

The walk through Kuo Kuana was silent except for the sound of marching as the Faunus cleared out of the way of the group. Though curiosity got the better of some who watched the group with looks of fear as well as curiosity.

Once they were almost to the chieftain's home Jaune saw Ghira alongside several others who stood beside him with weapons in front of his home. Raising his arm Jaune gave a silent command that was followed. All the others besides Alice, Neo, and Raven stopped and stood at ease.

Walking up to Ghira, Jaune ignored the weapons the faunus were pointing at him and put his hand out for a handshake. "The name is Jaune of Arc and Ghira Belladonna. I want to speak with you about the future of the faunus and the world."