
Demon Lord Jaune Arc

"I am Jaune Arc, the Demon Lord of Remnant! Let all who are my enemies tremble in fear! Let those under me bask in my glorious presence and know peace! None shall stand in my way, neither devil nor God! Not even those beyond this limited universe shall pose a threat to my glorious kingdom! So come and face me if you dare!" Synopsis: Jaune wakes up one day with memories of a man from Earth. Unwilling to be a pawn in the immortal game, he decided to flip the board and become a leader that follows his own desires while becoming the Demon Lord Jaune Arc in the process.

Neo_Acer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

"Ah, this tea is great Mrs. Belladonna," Jaune said while setting down the cup of tea before smiling at Kali.

She was a beautiful cat faunus with black hair and yellow cat-like eyes. She wore a traditional Japanese garb that consisted of a black hakama with a gold trim, sandals, and white tabi socks.

"Thank you," Kali said with a forced smile a tense atmosphere permeated the entire room due to the faunus that were on guard in the room while Neo, Alice, and Raven stood behind Jaune.

Releasing a sigh Jaune relaxed into the small chair he was sitting on and smiled at Ghira. "Let me introduce myself Ghira, I'm Jaune Arc, and like I said before I have an offer to make."

"Jaune Arc… and what do you want?" Ghira asked tensely as well despite towering over Jaune by several feet.

"Well simple really, it's not a big deal, I just want to start a kingdom here. More specifically my kingdom." Jaune said with a smirk.

"A kingdom here?" Ghira said in confusion.

"Yeah." Jaune said, taking out his scroll "Look over this and tell me what you think of it." He said while handing the scroll over.

The room was silent as Ghira began looking through the scroll and Kali who was looking over his shoulder had a surprised expression on her face that became more and more surprised as Ghira kept scrolling through.

Once he was done Ghira sat the scroll down on the table, "While these are rather interesting and worthwhile ideas, there is no way for it to be done without a fair amount of resources."

"Alright Ghira, follow me," Jaune said standing up and heading toward the front door.

"And where are we going?" Ghira asked with a raised eyebrow but he stood up as well and started following Jaune.

"Well, I'm going to go and do one of the things I said I would do on that scroll, dedesertificating that pesky desert," Jaune said with a smirk.


After driving for several minutes through Kuo Kuana the group that consisted of Jaune, Neo, Alice, Raven, Ghira, and the subordinates of Jaune, and the white fang finally arrived at the border that separates the small settlement and the rest of the desert.

Hopping out of the buggy Jaune made his way over the desert before looking back at his subordinates. "I want a perimeter formed along this entire border and kill any Grimm on sight."

"Yes sir!" They all said in unison before spreading out in uniform formations.

"You… have a lot of soldiers that are extremely disciplined," Ghira said with a thoughtful hum as he watched the men and women spread across the border.

"They've been trained well, plus they know what would happen if they were to disobey or try to betray me," Jaune said seriously before crouching down and placing his hand on the warm sand. "Now watch Ghira as I show you a mere glimpse of the power I possess."

Using [Molecular Manipulation] in combination with [Nature Manipulation] life began to return to the desert. First the dry, cracked ground began to regain moisture before grass began growing at a rapid pace.

"What the hell!?" Ghira shouted out in amazement seeing the desert transform into a lush green field. "Is this your semblance at work?"

"Nope my semblance is Aura Amp, this right here is something completely different," Jaune said with a smirk but on the inside, he was pretty impressed himself. 'Seems that aura to magicule practice has come in handy now I have more than enough magicules to change a decent part of this desert into a field.'

Of course, the changing of the environment caught the attention of the Grimm that lived above and below ground but they were being dealt with swiftly by Jaune's subordinates.

And after two hours Jaune finally stopped and couldn't help but smile in satisfaction seeing how much work he had done in just two hours.

"See Ghira this is just one of the many things I'm willing to do to get your cooperation. So Ghira, what do you say? Are you willing to work with me on this?"

"Before I agree, what will happen to the faunus in this kingdom of yours?"

"Of course, they will be treated with the respect they deserve with equal rights to humans. And laws will be put in place to stop it."

"I see… then I guess I can see if your plan works Jaune Arc," Ghira said, shaking Jaune's hand.

And with that single handshake, the kingdom of the Demon Lord had taken its first steps into the world of Remnant. And the world wasn't ready for what this new kingdom had in store.


Eight months passed in the blink of an eye for the residents of Menagerie, and in that time it had changed significantly. For one the small settlement of Kuo Kuana had expanded out onto the island, no longer having to deal with the unwavering desert and the evil Grimm that plagued the water and desert. Now the small settlement was a city with Atlesian-style buildings which was a mix of futuristic and gothic architectural styles. And in the center of the city was a large CCTS tower that gave everyone access to the internet for the first time since Menagerie was given to the faunus. Around the entire island were hard-light barriers that protected the island from Grimm that tried to get on it.

"So Ghira, what do you think of what we have built?" Jaune said looking over the city True Horizon from his mansion home.

"It is beautiful what you built here in less than a year," Ghira said with a smile. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Well if I'm going to help the faunus then I'm going to have to deal with the biggest anti-faunus group out there, Atlas."

"Then can I come with you Jaune!" A young girl's voice said from behind the two. Turning around, Jaune saw a young girl around his age with glowing, golden cat-like eyes, short black hair, and a pair of cat ears on her head.

\Blake you used your semblance to get ahead again./ Neo said, coming through the door followed by Alice and Kali.

"Ehhhh…" Jaune said with a twitching smile seeing the enthusiasm in Blake's eyes. "Sorry Blake but you're not ready for that type of mission yet but when you become a little more mature I'll call you right away."

"But I am mature!" Blake said with indignation.

"While usually I would help you get closer to Jaune my little kitten but Jaune is right. You don't need to be exposed to bloodshed yet." Kali said with a sad smile.

"Yeah and while I do respect Jaune I won't let you have my little girl!" Ghira yelled glaring at Jaune with fatherly hate.

"Dad, stop embarrassing me!" Blake said before kicking Ghira in the shin.


'Yeah, I'm definitely going to miss this atmosphere.' Jaune thought with a soft smile looking at the interactions that the Belladonna family had.

"Are you happy my lord?" Alice asked while smiling at him.

"Yeah, I am."