


(Colubo Mountain)

"OKASHIRA! OKASHIRA! LOOK AT THIS I BRING AN IMPORTANT NEWS!" Said one of the mountain bandits who was running around carrying newspapers.

"What news are you talking about huh?" The okashira or what we know as Dadan the leader of the mountain bandits answered lazily because he was not interested in reading the news.

"ACCCCEEEEE! LUFFYYYYYY! GET HERE QUICKLY! I BRING NEWS TO YOU!" One of the mountain bandits shouted at Ace and Luffy so they both could see what was in the paper today.

"Why are you screaming like bastards? Want me to beat you up?" Said Ace who came while picking his nose.

"Shishishishi.. Oiiiiii did you guys bring delicious meat?" Luffy also came because he felt his name was called and he thought the mountain bandits brought delicious food.

"Good since everyone has gathered I will show you something that might surprise you. Listen for those of you with weak hearts please close your ears and eyes because this news will be difficult for all of you to accept." Said one of the mountain bandits who carried the newspaper earlier.

"What the hell are you talking about? Where's the meat?" Said Luffy who picked his nose as well as Ace.

"Ara ara… Looks like there's big news.." Makino smiled who also couldn't wait to see the news.

The mountain bandit took out a piece of paper that seemed to be a wanted poster and showed it to them. The whole room looked at the poster carefully.

"280 million Berries?" Say Dadan

"Suggeeeeee! He must be a great pirate!" Luffy's eyes lit up at the man's bounty.

"Tch! If I were to become a pirate it would definitely cost a lot more than this guy!" Said Ace who was annoyed and envious because the person's bounty was very high.

"Wait I think I recognize this photo. It has his name written on it which is….. mmm… Uchiha Sasuke…." Makino said who was watching the poster while placing her index finger on her chin..

"Oh so Sasuke huh?" Dad said..

"So it's Sasuke huh?" Said Ace smiling

"Sasuke Shishishi huh?" Luffy's Laughter






"OIIIIIIIII BAKA! ARE YOU SURE IT'S SASUKE!" Said Dadan who couldn't believe what he had just seen and heard.

"HEYYYYYYY YOU! LOOK CAREFULLY! ARE YOU SURE THIS PERSON IS SASUKE HUH!?" Shouted Ace who also did not believe the wanted poster.

"WHY DON'T YOU SEE THIS POSTER FOR YOURSELF AND MAKE SURE IT'S YOUR BROTHER OR NOT AND STOP TAKING MY HAIR ACEE!" One of the mountain bandits shouted in pain from being grabbed by Ace.

"Suggggeeeeee Sasuke.. It's really Sasuke look at the picture. His eyes are red! He must be Sasuke!" Luffy's eyes sparkled looking at the poster and also felt proud of his strongest brother.

"Ara Ara Sasuke seems to have become a great pirate, isn't it Ace Luffy?" Makino said while smiling at Ace and Luffy. Makino knows that Ace and Luffy consider Sasuke as their idol. They were amazed by Sasuke's prowess and his strength when fighting.

"Baka aniki! Just see if I sail later my bounty price will definitely be far above you!" Ace said while grinning because he was determined to meet his brother when he became a great pirate.




"BUAHAHAHAHAHAH! I think he is already a strong person BUAHAHAHA!' Garp laughed as he ate the chips.

"GAAAARRRRPPP! LOOK AT THIS! YOU SAID THIS ONE GRANDBOOK WILL NOT BECOME A PARTNER! WHY EVEN BE LIKE THIS!" Shouted Sengoku who was irritated by being stimulated like this. Garp laughed out loud instead of helping him finish this but instead being proud.

"Ehhhh? Did I ever talk to you like that? BAHAHAHAHA!" Garp laughed again and ignored the tantrums of his comrade-in-arms who is now a Fleet Admiral, Sengoku.

"NANI GA OKASHI Garp!?" Shouted Sengoku who was surprised by Garp. Why is he even laughing? What's so funny about this news? This news for Sengoku is bad news because it will add to his work as a Fleet Admiral..

"Huuuuufffftt.. Every day more and more people become pirates! Don't they feel how I suffer here to manage and sign these damn papers that are piling up on my desk more and more.. If this continues I will die and buried with these goddamn papers! GAAAARRPPP! This is all your fault! If only you educate your grandson properly then I will be able to take a break from this job! GAAARRRPPP! This is also your fault! If you don't refuse a promotion then you should be sitting in this chair not me! GARRRPPPP! Stop laughing! And you sheep! You are a goat why do you eat paper huh!? Kuzan stops sleeping at a time like this! Tch! The longer I hold this position the more often I think about retiring and living my old age peacefully without having to deal with these papers!" At least Sengoku had taken all his heart out and calmed him down a bit.

"Then just retire..." Borsalino chirped who was clipping his nails.

"Don't be a bastard! If I retire then one of you will replace me! You amateurs can't become Fleet Admirals yet! You heard that Kuzan, Borsalino, Sakazuki!" Sengoku shouted at the 3 Admirals who were sitting and engrossed in themselves.

"I also don't want to be a Fleet Admiral.." Said Kuzan lazily who was trying to go back to sleep.

"Who would want to replace you..." Said Borsalino who was still cool with his nail cutting activities..

"You two don't deserve to be the commander-in-chief of the navy. You still have a weak heart and don't have principles of justice.." Said Sakazuki who underestimated his two colleagues..

"Hmmmm you said something Sakazuki…?" Borsalino asked who pretended not to hear what Sakazuki just said.

"GUKK GUKK GUKK GUKK GUKK!" Kuzan's voice trying to imitate a dog's voice..

"Are you mocking me Kuzan?" Sakazuki asked who was furious because he felt insulted by Kuzan. His hands have now turned into magma.

"Aghh I don't think I caught a cold.. UHUUK UHUKK UHUKK!" Kuzan pretended to cough to avoid his conflict with Sakazuki.

'Uchiha Sasuke huh? So you decided to come with this guy.. Nico Robin' Kuzan thought before continuing his sleep again.

(Moby Dick)

"Marco what are you reading?" Whitebeard asked who was watching his vice captain seem to be reading something very important.

"Oyaji.. Here it says there is a new pirate.. He is also only 17 years old and he was able to defeat Vice Admiral Momonga without touching him at all and defeat a member of the Shicibukai Crocodile easily. Because of his actions, the navy gave him a bounty of 280 million Berries. . For a beginner this is a pretty big bounty yoi." Said Marco who was reading the news he saw to his captain who he considered his own father.

"What's his name?" Whitebeard asked who seemed interested in this person.

"Uchiha Sasuke.. His name is Uchiha Sasuke.. His nickname is Akuma no Me.." Marco replied.

"Akuma no Me? Why is he nicknamed like that?" Whitebeard asked who seemed to be getting more and more curious.

"Here it is written that Momonga and Crocodile as people who have fought the Akuma no me say that his power is very strange. To be sure he has mastered 3 types of haki but the strange thing is that he can spit fire from his mouth and emit electricity from his hands then he can do some kind of teleportation or something. moved very quickly. Then his right eye can turn red with 3 tomoe and sometimes it turns into a star pattern while his left eye is scary which is shaped like mosquito coils yoi .." Marco explained what he read to Whitebeard in the hope that Whitebeard would get an answer from him. his curiosity.

"Uchiha Sasuke…. Is he from Wano?" Whitebeard asked Marco.

"For that I don't know yoi.. The navy and the world government didn't give any information about where he came from yoi.. But judging from his name, he seems to be from Wano yoi.." Marco replied.

"Izo here for a moment.." Whitebeard ordered to one of his men named Izo.

"What's wrong Oyaji?" Izo asked who came to Whitebeard because he felt his name was called by his captain..

"When you were in Wano, did you ever hear of someone named Uchiha Sasuke or there was a clan called Uchiha in Wano?" Whitebeard asked.

"Not at all Oyaji. I even heard that name today." Obviously Izo

"Okay then thanks Izo you can go." Whitebeard said.

"Marco please pay attention and investigate a little about this man named Uchiha Sasuke." Whitebeard's orders to Marco. Don't know why but Whitebeard is very curious about this rookie named Uchiha Sasuke.

"What's wrong Oyaji? Are you going to invite him to join the Whitebeard Pirates yoi?" Marco asked who was now curious about what Whitebeard was thinking.

"That's the second reason.. But the main reason is that I don't know why I have this strange feeling towards this boy. The first time I heard his name it crossed my mind that this boy could beat me in a 1 on 1 battle.. How strange.. GURARARA!" Whitebeard said while laughing.

"That's impossible yoi, no matter how strong he is, he's just a rookie yoi.." Marco said with a smile because he felt it was too much if someone named Uchiha Sasuke could defeat one of the Yonkou, let alone a legend like Whitebeard.


It's been 4 months since Sasuke's bounty first came out. That means Sasuke and Robin have sailed together for 6 months on the Grand Line. During a 6 month journey in the Grand Line, Sasuke and Robin did not experience any significant difficulties. The only difficulty they faced was fighting the changing weather especially during a storm. They had a hard time controlling the ship because they were alone. But Sasuke is greatly helped by the power of Robin's devil fruit which is very useful at critical times like that. Now their Log Pose leads them to an island called Saboady Archipelago.

"Saboady Archipelago? Do you know anything about the island Robin?" Asked Sasuke who stood staring at the island in front of him.

"Saboady is the last island in the Grand Line. It is the main gateway to Shin Sekai." Robin explained to Sasuke.

"I see… Robin can I ask your opinion?" Sasuke asked who was now looking at Robin who was behind him.

"What is it Sasuke-kun? You don't usually ask for my opinion in making a decision.."

Robin tilted her head slightly wondering what Sasuke would ask her.

"Do you think we should add members? I think if it's just the two of us heading to Shin Sekai it will be very troublesome right?" Sasuke asked Robin.

Robin who heard the question felt a little annoyed because Robin had suggested it long before they arrived at Saboady but Sasuke always ignored this suggestion because he reasoned that he was strong enough to fight a Yonkou alone. Now their turn was in front of the new gate he asked about it.

"Ara? Why is the great Sasuke-kun worried about that? I thought Sasuke-kun was strong enough to subdue the ferocity of Shin Sekai and the Yonkou? Did Sasuke-kun end up feeling worried?" Robin replied with a sweet smile .. Too sweet and of course it's not a good thing.

Sasuke who listened to Robin's answer just let out a long breath because he knew that Robin was mocking him for ignoring his opinion in the past to add members.

"I told you didn't I? If I add members, the navy will officially label me a pirate and I don't want to be a pirate. Besides, I don't want to take the risk if our new recruits join just to catch you or kill you. Finding members is not as easy as it seems. you think of Robin." Sasuke replied who averted his eyes from Robin.

Robin, who heard Sasuke's reasoning, was not moved but even more annoyed because Robin knew the reason Sasuke didn't want to add members was just because he wanted to defeat a Yonkou alone. After all, Robin really believed that if someone wanted to kill or kidnap him, Sasuke would have known from the start because Robin knew that Sasuke's red eye power, called the Sharinggan, could read other people's minds.

"Never mind, there's no need for many excuses.. If you want to defeat a Yonkou alone quickly get off this ship and enter the island in front of you. After coating this small ship with bubbles then we go diving and die at the bottom of the sea because the small ship won't be able to withstand the very hard water pressure at the bottom of the sea.." Said Robin who continued to look at Sasuke with an annoyed look.

"Why didn't you tell me this ship can't go to Shin Sekai?" Sasuke asked flatly as if he had no guilt towards the woman.

"So if I talk... will you listen?" asked Robin who was getting annoyed.

"Sure. I have good ears to hear the sound that comes out of your mouth. What do you think ears are for if not for hearing?" Sasuke asked with a straight expression.


"WHATEVER! Get off this ship quickly and enter Saboady Island and find out how to coat this damn ship with bubbles and get to Shin Sekai fast!" After speaking like that, Robin immediately jumped off the ship and tried to find information about how to coat this ship with bubbles and how much it would cost.

He had been with Sasuke for 6 months. At first he thought that Sasuke was a man who had mature thoughts and was wise in making a decision. But the longer they were with Robin, they began to notice Sasuke's bad qualities, which turned out to be childish and arrogant. These two traits sometimes irritated Robin. It's true that Sasuke is a good man and protects him and considers him his nakama, but sometimes his unyielding nature makes Robin want to grab his spiky hair to listen to other people's opinions.

Sasuke who had seen Robin get off the ship immediately rushed after Robin. They were looking for information on who could line their ship with bubbles or at least did anyone sell a ship worthy enough to go to Shin Sekai?

They continued walking towards the city center. They had been walking for 10 minutes but no one spoke and the situation was very awkward for Sasuke. Sasuke knew that he had angered Robin with his words on the ship but Sasuke didn't know what to do because to be honest he had never been in a position like this. Actually Sasuke is to say sorry, but for an Uchiha Sasuke the word sorry can't be used carelessly even he never said sorry to Naruto then why should he apologize to Robin just for silly things? There are many ways to make amends without saying sorry, right?

"Want ice cream? I pay?" Suddenly Sasuke let out a voice that was heard by Robin. Robin, who heard that again, was getting more and more irritated. Sasuke's way of apologizing like parent and child..

"Who are you talking to?" asked Robin who turned to the left to see Sasuke's face.

Sasuke, who knew Robin was looking at him, kept his eyes straight ahead and avoided eye contact with Robin as much as possible.

"You..." Sasuke replied simply as usual.

"Then look at me. Isn't the etiquette of talking to one another?" Asked Robin who was still staring at Sasuke.

"Isn't the etiquette of walking is to look ahead so as not to bump into other people?" Sasuke answered simply.

There he is! Sasuke was nothing but a smart talkative bastard. Robin's dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph and reveal the history of the Void Century, but after meeting Sasuke he has another dream, namely how to win an argument with an Uchiha Sasuke. Well, Robin really wanted to see Sasuke's reaction when his argument was rebutted by a landslide. If anyone managed to make Sasuke lose in an argument then Robin would look for that person and ask him to teach him how to silence Sasuke. But maybe Robin will never find that person because that person is in another world.

"Then don't talk to me! And I don't want Ice Cream. All I want is an apology!" Said Robin who turned his gaze forward.

"I'm not used to that word .." said Sasuke who still had a straight face.

"Ohhh so you feel that all the actions you have done so far are right so that sorry words will never come out of your mouth?" asked Robin who looked back at Sasuke and smiled mockingly.

"I never said that all the actions I did were right.. It was just a stupid conclusion that you made .." Sasuke said which actually made things worse.

"Look at me Sasuke!" Said Robin who now stopped his steps with the aim of making Sasuke stop and want to look at him. At least Robin knows, if Sasuke feels wrong he doesn't want to look at his interlocutor.

"Don't stop in the middle of the road.. You're just blocking other people.." Said Sasuke who kept walking and tried to keep his distance from Robin.

Robin who saw this was getting annoyed and closed his eyes and crossed his arms.


Suddenly both hands grew in front of Sasuke's feet and grabbed them so Sasuke lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"What do you think you're doing huh?" Said Sasuke who tried to get back up.

"Making things worse.." Robin answered briefly, this time smiling satisfied seeing Sasuke who had fallen.


Hearing this Sasuke and Robin immediately forgot their problem and rushed towards the source of the sound. Sasuke and Robin saw a woman about 30 years old who had a pretty pretty face running around asking for help from anyone she met and finally the woman's gaze directed to Sasuke who was also staring at the woman. Without thinking the woman then ran towards Sasuke quickly.

"TUAAANNN! Please remove this thing stuck to my neck! Please save my life! I have a child to take care of and I don't want to be a Tenryuubito slave! Help me master! If you help me I will do whatever you want!" The woman asked while kneeling in front of Sasuke.

'Tenryuubito huh?' Thought Sasuke who was very annoyed to hear the name Tenryuubito. How can there be humans who force other humans to become their slaves and attach these necklaces or neck cuffs.. They treat humans like animals.

"You stand up.. Let me see the thing that is on your neck.." Sasuke said.

"O-okay sir!" The woman finally stood up and tilted her head slightly up so that the neck cuffs could be clearly seen by Sasuke.

Sasuke tried to hold the handcuffs and activated his haki. Instantly his hands turned black and the neck cuffs broke.


Seeing that the neck cuffs had been removed from her neck, the woman immediately burst into tears of joy and immediately jumped at Sasuke.

"Th-th-thank you sir! I-I owe you so much! What can I do to repay all of this?" Asked the woman who was still hugging Sasuke..

"Go back with your son and quickly get out of here. Don't get caught again.." Sasuke said flatly to the woman.

The woman who heard Sasuke's words cried happily and did not expect that there were still men who had such good hearts as Sasuke. Who helps someone without expecting anything in return. Robin who saw this smiled because he was amazed at what Sasuke had just done.

'I am very lucky to meet and be with a man as good and great as him' Robin thought while smiling at Sasuke..

"HEEY YOU HORRIBLE HUMAN! HOW DARE YOU RELEASE ONE OF MY SLAVES!" Said someone wearing clothes like an astronaut riding a human and holding two chains, which if you see the chains are connected to the necks of two women standing behind him.

"Ten-tenryuubito!" Said Robin who was surprised to see the person who turned out to be Tenryuubito. Sasuke who heard that looked annoyed but tried to stay calm and see what the Tenryuubito would do next.

"Since you have released my slave then you must replace him! Guards! Kill the man and take the woman behind him to be a slave!" shouted the Tenryuubiota to his 2 bodyguards.

The 2 bodyguards immediately tried to attack Sasuke. Sasuke who saw that just kept quiet and waited until the bodyguard was close enough to him. After the bodyguards were close enough to him, Sasuke grabbed the two bodyguards' heads and banged them against each other so that the 2 bodyguards were unconscious even though they were wearing full protective clothing and masks. But when Sasuke fought the 2 bodyguards, he was careless and did not pay attention to the movements of the Tenryuubito..


There was a gunshot which turned out to be that the Tenryuubito had shot Robin in the leg with the aim of preventing Robin from running and catching him easily.

"Well.. With this you won't be able to run anywhere anymore." Said the Tenryuubito and walked on his human mount trying to approach Robin. Sasuke who saw this was very angry and walked towards the Tenryuubito with a face full of anger.

"W-wh-why are you approaching me? Don't you know!? I AM THE TENRYUUBITO RULES OF THIS WORLD! MY NAME IS SAINT DIO!" Said the Tenryuubito by pointing a gun at Sasuke.

Sasuke who heard the bullshit from the Tenryuubito kept walking with his eyes turning into Sharingan.




Saint Dio fired his gun at Sasuke who was approaching him but Sasuke caught the bullet that came out of the gun between his fingers. And managed to stand tall right in front of Saint Dio.

"W-What are you doing huh!? If you hit me one of the admirals will come and finish you! I TOLD YOU I WAS TENRYUUBI—UAGGHHHHHHHHH!"

The words were cut off and could not be continued because he hit the Tenryuubito with all his might so that the Helmet he was wearing broke and his face was badly injured because Sasuke hit him so hard that he bounced off his seat which was actually a human being who became his slave.

The people who looked around him also showed shocked faces. They didn't expect that someone in public would dare to beat up the Tenryuubito.. And after the beating, they heard shouts and whispers from the people around them.

"That's the Akuma no Me pirate, right?"

"Right! Akuma no Me Uchiha Sasuke!"

"He has a bounty of 280 million Berries!"

"If he dares to hit the Tenryuubito then he might be very strong."

"Yahh.. Soon the Admiral will come and look for him we better get out of here!"

The whispers were heard by Sasuke but Sasuke ignored it all and looked at the slave who had been the Tenryuubito's vehicle. Sasuke aimed his hands at the neck cuffs and broke them easily. Then Sasuke walked towards the 2 female slaves who he believed to be sexual slaves of the Tenryuubito he had just flown and Sasuke broke the neck cuffs and made them all cry with joy.

"Thank you sir we have a huge debt of gratitude to you!"

"I don't know how to thank you for all this! Thank you sir!"

"Get out of here and don't get caught again.." Sasuke said with a flat expression.

"Can you tell me your name? At least I can tell the world about a brave person who did a heroic act and saved me from a dark life.." The slave who was riding on the Tenryuubito said as he braced himself to stand up because it had been almost 1 year since he had not stood up. and just keep on crawling to become the Tenryuubito vehicle.

"Uchiha Sasuke.. Get out of here or maybe you'll get caught again." Said Sasuke as he turned around and headed to where Robin was who was sitting because his leg was shot.

"You have to be treated.. Sorry I was careless .." Sasuke said languidly as he turned his face away. Sasuke thinks today he disappointed Robin too much..

"It's okay.. I'm fine anyway, it's just that my legs are really numb.. It looks like these bullets are made of sea stone.." Robin is still holding his leg in pain.

Sasuke who saw this turned his body and crouched with his back to Robin.

"Get on my back.. I'll carry you and find a place so I can treat you.." Sasuke said warmly.

"Uhmm.. Alright.." Robin who heard this blushed and started to get closer so Sasuke could lift him. And now Robin is finally on Sasuke's back.

"Hold on tighter.." Sasuke ordered and finally Robin put his hand on Sasuke's broad chest and hugged him tight enough..

"If you want to sleep, just sleep I don't mind at all." Said Sasuke who started walking carrying Robin.

"Wow young man you are very brave hahaha!" Said one of the people beside Sasuke. Since when has he been there? But what is certain is that this person is quite old with shoulder length white hair and wearing glasses.

"Uchiha Sasuke.. It seems the world will start to be interested in you after this incident.." Said the old man with a smile..

"And I'm sure I don't know you at all.." Sasuke said sarcastically because today he was in a bad mood because he saw Robin shot in front of him.

"Ahh that's right! Where are my manners? Hahahaah! Then….. Introduce my name is Silvers Rayleigh.. Nice to meet you Uchiha Sasuke.. Stop by my place to take care of your boyfriend and we can chat casually ..." Rayleigh said with a smile



Thank you to the readers who have read this fanfic and sorry if there are still many typos hehehe :D

There was an incoming question asking if Robin would join the SHP crew..

So let's just make a spoiler that in this fanfic the SHP crew will be complete and the same as in the original manga..

And for Sasuke.. He came to the world of One Piece in full power!

Thanks again to the readers who have followed this fanfic and the author promises to update as soon as possible..