

It's been about 2 months since Sasuke and Robin started their journey together. During these 2 weeks they visited several islands and there were several incidents that caused Sasuke to become a hero on several islands or countries that he and Robin visited. One of them is against a member of the Shicibukai, namely Crocodile.

Flash back

" Leave Nico Robin to me!" Crocodile snapped at Sasuke who was standing tall in front of him.

" Why should I hand it over to you?" Sasuke asked with a sharp look because he knew the enemy in front of him was trying to take one of his nakama who had only 1 week joined him.

" So you really don't know the truth about Nico Robin. He's the only person left from Ohara who can read Poneglyphs." said Crocodile with a grin.

" I already know he can read the Poneglyph. Listen to my question carefully. Why should I leave it to you?" asked Sasuke who looked at Crocodile.

" I'm looking for how to resurrect one of the ancient weapons which is said to have the power to destroy a country in an instant. The name of the weapon is Pluton and the method of resurrecting Pluton is written on a Poneglyph stone that only Nico Robin can read." Crocodile explained his purpose and why he had to take Nico Robin.

" What do you want Pluton's weapon to be used for?" Sasuke asked curiously. Because why would a Shicibukai who had the advantage of being a pirate because they were protected by the world government want to resurrect one of the ancient weapons?

" I will use it for revenge. Because with that weapon I can avenge my defeat and make him feel the defeat that I feel." Said Crocodile who was holding back his anger at remembering his past.

" Then who is that person?" Ask Sasuke

" One of the Yonkou, Whitebeard Edward Newgate." Reply Crocodile

" That's sad..." Sasuke said closing his eyes with a disdainful smile.

" Huh!? What do you mean bastard!?" replied Crocodile indignantly because he felt he had been insulted by a child.

" You're just a weak person who can't accept defeat. Instead of focusing on making yourself stronger you're looking for something that you can't even get yourself. People like you are destined to fail in this world." Said Sasuke who was still smiling disdainfully towards Crocodile.

Hearing that all Crocodile's anger peaked. How could a boy belittle him by saying that he was a pitiful person and one destined to fail. Instantly Crocodile's hands turned to sand and formed an axe.

" Amateur BOY LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT ABOUT DESTINY AND THE WORLD!?" Crocodile shouted, his anger rising.



The ax and blade in the shape of sand that were issued by Crocodile shot straight at Sasuke. Sasuke who saw that took the kusanagi sword from its scabbard and slashed through the sand with ease.

' Reminds me of Gaara.' Sasuke thought as his memory immediately focused on one of his shinobi colleagues, namely Sabaku no Gaara, a Kazekage from Sunagakure village.

" How did you manage to slash my attacks so easily!?" asked Crocodile who couldn't believe his attack was broken so easily.

" Haki..." Sasuke replied simply.

Hearing Sasuke's answer, Crocodile immediately rolled his eyes and immediately realized that the enemy he was facing actually possessed haki which meant he couldn't attack carelessly because even if he ate a logia-type devil fruit, it would still be useless against someone who mastered Haki.

Seeing Crocodile in deep thought who might be preparing a strategy to attack, Sasuke put his hands in front of his neck and made hand seals.



A large fireball shot towards Crocodile. Crocdile who saw this flinched and jumped up to avoid it. Crocodile made a small sand vortex in his palm.



He threw the small wind sand vortex towards Sasuke and when it hit the ground, the sand vortex grew bigger and caused a pretty big sandstorm. Sasuke immediately dodged it by jumping backwards trying to stay out of the range of the sandstorm.

It didn't stop there. Crocodile saw Sasuke was about to land on the ground, he immediately crouched down and touched the ground.


Instantly the ground below became dry and slowly turned to sand. Seeing that Sasuke kicked the air and jumped even further upwards and made hand seals.



This time, 3 large, fire-shaped dragon heads shot towards Crocodile quickly. Crocodile immediately dodged it swiftly by continuously jumping backwards to avoid the head of the fire dragon that was chasing him. Sasuke who saw this immediately threw his sword at Crocodile. Crocodile who had landed on the ground saw a sword moving towards him and immediately ducked to avoid the sword and finally the sword stuck right behind Crocodile.


Suddenly the sword stuck behind Crocodile turned into Sasuke. Sasuke used the power of his Rinnegan to switch positions with the sword so he had a chance to hit Crocodile head-on.

Crocodile who saw Sasuke suddenly right behind him with a fairly close distance was shocked and rolled his eyes. Sasuke's hand blackened from activating Busoshoku no Haki hitting Crocodile's face heavily.


Crocodile, who was hit by Sasuke's punch, bounced a few meters and felt the pain of being hit with Haki.

" GRRRRRHHHHHHH.. YOU!" Crocodile shouted who was getting uneasy with this fight.



Crocodile again makes sandstorms but the difference is that this one's destructive power is stronger. The sandstorm released by Crocodile earlier ravaged the surrounding area. Sasuke who saw this and wanted to quickly end this fight broke through the sandstorm and dashed towards Crocodile.


Instantly Sasuke's hand saw an electric current and emitted a loud sound like the sound of a bird. Sasuke immediately shot towards Crocodile at high speed and when he arrived in front of Crocodile he slashed the front of Crocodile's body with the chidori that he had coated in haki.


As a result, Crocodile vomited quite a lot of blood and the front part of his body was also bleeding from the scratches caused by Sasuke's Chidori. Seeing Crocodille lying on the ground, Sasuke turned around and walked over to pick up his sword.

" Wh..why didn't you….don't kill….me AGH!?" Crocodile asked breathlessly and in pain.

" I'm a fighter not a killer." Sasuke answered briefly and immediately left Crocodile there.

Somewhere Nico Robin with his ability to grow eyes and ears in the area where Sasuke and Crocodille. After seeing the fight between Crocodile and Sasuke, two things bothered Robin's mind. First, Robin was amazed by Sasuke who beat Crocodile for trying to kidnap Nico Robin. Second, how strong is Uchiha Sasuke?"

Flashback End

Now they are sailing on the ocean and intend to stop at an island to buy food. Sasuke was sitting still, leaning his back against the side of the ship and his head looking sideways at the vast ocean. Compared to the world of shinobi, Sasuke must admit that this world is much wider and there are more countries that exist in this world with their respective kings. Sasuke's mind immediately fell on Konoha. Juju ria misses the village of Konoha.

' What are they doing there? Is the village okay? Hmm.. If something happened to the village, surely that idiot would act.' Sasuke thought with a smile but his face turned serious again.

' I must quickly find a way to return to the Shinobi world or Naruto and Sakura will be worried ..' Sasuke thought as he unconsciously let out a long breath as if he was having a serious problem.

"Is something bothering you Sasuke-kun?" asked Robin who was standing next to him.

Sasuke was a little surprised because he didn't realize Robin was next to him. Lately he's been daydreaming and thinking too much. But at least he has Robin as a friend to share his stories with and at least he is not alone in crossing the ocean.

"Ehmm.. No I'm just curious how wide the ocean is?" Sasuke replied who looked back at the ocean beside him. It's true what people say. The Grand Line was very broad.

"Fufufuf actually the Grand Line has 2 parts, and the final part of the ocean of the Grand Line is Shin Sekai." Robin answered who was also looking at the ocean which Sasuke was also staring at.

Sasuke who heard about Shin Sekai immediately set his sights on Robin and tried to get more information about this ocean called Shin Sekai.

"Shin Sekai?" Ask Sasuke

"That's right.. The ocean is a gathering place for powerful pirates. That place is the territory of the 4 strongest pirates in the world. Whitebeard, Big Mom, Akagami, and also Kaido they are all in Shin Sekai to keep Shin Sekai stable." Robin answered who sat next to Sasuke.

"Strong is it? Seems interesting .." Sasuke said with a smile. It must be admitted that Sasuke also wants to try the strength of the strong people in this world. Sasuke wanted to test the standard of power in the world. Because if in the Shinobi world it is certain that he and Naruto are the most powerful because they inherited the power of a god and managed to defeat a goddess and seal her.

"What do you mean interesting?" Asked Robin who was curious about Sasuke's intentions.

"Of course I'd like to try fighting one of them. All four of them at once is fine. I'll kill them if they dare bother us." Say Sasuke

"Don't be stupid! They all earned the nickname Yonkou for sure they are very strong and their level is not like Crocodile or Momonga. They are much stronger than Crocodile or the other Schibukai." Robin grumbled because he didn't understand Sasuke's way of thinking. Fighting 4 yonkou at once? It's worse than suicide.

"Why are you nagging like that?" Sasuke asked confused.

"I just don't want to lose you..." Robin replied wearily and lowered his head.

Sasuke who heard this smiled because in the end he could form friendship bonds with other people like Naruto did.

"I lost my first friend Jaguar. , then I lost my Mom, I lost Professor Clover and also lost my hometown Ohara. After that I lived a very horrible life even I almost died of starvation. I kept looking for a place to live but in the end they all betrayed me knowing I was a fugitive. After I met you I found my new life. A life without worry and the shadow of betrayal. You are my only home Sasuke-kun." Robin let out his heart full of sadness.

Robin knows that Sasuke is a good person who will protect him and look after him. But the question is what if there is an enemy stronger at the level of a Yonkou or Admiral that stands in their way. If Sasuke died would he be alone again? And again, Robin knows that his strength is not enough to protect Sasuke if later an admiral or Yonkou level enemy comes in his way. Robin tried to become even stronger. It just occurred to Robin that he had to be stronger for someone.

"You don't have to worry." Said Sasuke holding Robin's hand.

"I'm stronger than you think. Trust me." Said Sasuke reassuring Robin with a small smile.

Robin who heard this was not very calm. Robin just wanted Sasuke to continue to be by his side not to become stronger. But at least for now he could feel comfortable with Sasuke. This moment was shattered when suddenly there was the sound of birds carrying magazines and news flying above their ship.


The bird landed on Sasuke's ship and gave the news to Robin.

"Arigatou.." Robin said to the messenger bird and the bird flew back.

"What's the news this time Robin?" Sasuke asked Robin.

"Just let me see first." Robin said while reading any news in the newspaper.

When he opened the 3rd page, Robin's eyes widened because he couldn't believe what he was reading. Looks like his journey with Sasuke will be even tougher


"Why Robin? What's the news?" Sasuke asked who was now also reading the newspaper that was held by Robin.

Unlike Robin, Sasuke's reaction seems to be happy with the news in the newspaper




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