


After he decided to leave and leave his siblings in East Blue, Sasuke finally managed to enter the Grand Line with a fairly difficult struggle. Sasuke did not expect that in this world the ocean has very steep ups and downs. Sasuke's ship is now in calm sea in the waters of the Grand Line he is holding binoculars to see if there is an island he can step on because he has been floating in the sea for 2 days without direction. Even Sasuke is not very good at navigation skills let alone predicting the weather, the weather on the Grand Line is known to change and be unpredictable.

' I should at least get one person with me to help me navigate the Grand Line. I have to find someone who at least understands the characteristics of the Grand Line's ocean. ' Sasuke thought because he knew that no matter how genius he was, he couldn't do everything alone. Exactly what Naruto said that nakama is one of the important things in life.

After a while of sailing Sasuke finally found an island. The island is not very big but there are signs of life on the island. Sasuke finally directed his ship to the island. After arriving at the shore, Sasuke saw that there were people who seemed to be guards on the island's harbor because they were wearing the same uniform. Sasuke finally lowered his anchor and tied his ship to one of the poles on the island. But he realized there were 3 very large navy ships.

' Are there pirates messing around on this island?' Sasuke thought because it was impossible for the navy to visit this small island without a reason.

"Hey you! Do you want to enter this island?" Ask one of the island's officers

"Hmm.. of course.." Sasuke replied flatly as usual

"Before that you have to pay taxes and ship care services here.." Answered one of the officers

"What's the total cost?" Ask Sasuke

"The total is 15,000 berries. 10,000 berries for taxes and 5,000 berries for ship custody. Don't worry your ship will not be lost. We will take care of it .." said one of the island officials

"OK." Sasuke replied curtly. After all he had brought enough money from catching pirates who were in East Blue who had a bounty of 3 million to 8 million Berri so there was no problem for him to spend 15,000 Berri and again that price was very reasonable for entry tax and safekeeping. ship at least people here are looking for money the right way..

"This is 15,000 Berries." Sasuke said giving him the money.

"Well thank you sir now you can enter this island." One of the officers said with a smile

"Oh yeah speaking of this island, why is there a navy ship here?" Sasuke asked because he knew that the officer must know what happened on the island

"Ahhh, there's news that Akuma no ko Nico Robin is on this island and he's hiding here.. You better be careful when you meet him." One of the officers reminded Sasuke because the actions of a Nico Robin were already quite famous.

"Why is he called akuma no ko?" Sasuke asked briefly.

"So you don't know, Nico Robin when he was 8 years old he already got a bounty of 79 million Berri for sinking 8 navy ships and managed to escape from the Buster Call." Obviously an officer there.

"All right then. Please guard my ship until I get back." Sasuke said as he left the port and headed for the city center.

' For a child to destroy 8 navy ships.. What devil fruit did he use? If I'm not mistaken, Ohara's incident was 15 years ago so if at that time he was 8 years old, he is now around 23 years old. I want to hear the story firsthand why Ohara was destroyed which incidentally is not an island filled with strong fighters but only ordinary researchers?' Sasuke thought as he walked towards the city center..

He kept walking unnoticed almost 30 minutes had he walked and now he was in the city center. The city is quite beautiful, there are many small children playing in the park with their parents, some are dating, some are hanging out and joking with their friends and for sure this city is very comfortable to live in. Sasuke who saw this smiled because he had not felt peace like this in a long time.







' World government threat? An 8 year old already a threat?' Sasuke thought, who was still wondering who Nico Robin was, how dangerous this child was. How a child who has not even reached the age of 10 is a serious threat to world governments. This time what were the Tenryuubito and the World Government thinking?

Finally, Sasuke sneakily followed the marines who were running to chase someone named Nico Robin. A total of 20 members of the navy carried weapons and Vice Admiral Momonga with them to capture Nico Robin. Isn't this an exaggeration?


Hearing the voice and bluff of a Vice Admiral Momonga, the woman known as Nico Robin was resigned and couldn't do anything. He knew that he was no match for a Vice Admiral whose strength was technically 1 level below that of an Admiral.


That voice came from behind Momonga and the marines. Feeling called and feeling the presence of someone behind him, the navy immediately turned around and saw a young man with a black robe and long hair covering his left eye carrying a sword.

"What are you doing why are you bothering us? Are you the partner of that demonic woman?" Momonga asked while pointing at Nico Robin who was cornered and looking scared

' So she's a girl? His name is Nico Robin, I think he's a man..' Sasuke's sweatdrop, which turned out to be his expectations of someone named Nico Robin, was beyond what he thought..

"Can you guys step aside? I want to talk to the woman." Sasuke said very flatly without the slightest expression

"As I thought you guys are a team.. Then… THE TROOP GET OUT OF THIS MAN RIGHT NOW!" Momonga orders his men to shoot Sasuke.

Hearing this Sasuke immediately squinted his eyes and immediately gave off an aura which managed to make everyone around him faint except for Momonga and Nico Robin.

"Haoshoku no Haki!?" Momonga whispered in disbelief how this young man could use king's haki. Who is this young man? Without further ado, Momonga immediately attacked Sasuke.



Momonga immediately used his sword at high speed to attack Sasuke. But Sasuke immediately blocked it with the kusanagi he had.

"I told you I wanted to talk to that woman out of the way.." Sasuke said flatly and calmly which made Momonga a little tense. Because Momonga knew that this young man he was dealing with was no ordinary youth.

"Someone who can use Haoshoku no Haki and aim for Nico Robin.. What's your goal? You know if you hurt me it means you're against the navy and the world.." Momonga said something like that with the aim of getting the young man to end this fight and let him go. the navy brought Nico Robin..

"Do you think I'm scared?" Sasuke asked while grinning


Sasuke activated his Sharingan and suddenly Momonga passed out and was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground. Sasuke immediately stepped over the marines who were experts on the ground because of his Haoshoku hit earlier.. He slowly approached Nico Robin and he was standing right in front of Robin who was still sitting and couldn't believe what had just happened. How could this guy beat Vice Admiral Momongan so easily. What's even more shocking is that he defeated a Vice Admiral without even touching him..

"What do you want from me huh!?" Asked Robin who dared to ask and talk to the person in front of him

"What do you know about the history of this world?" Sasuke asked briefly while looking at the woman flatly

"I didn't know much when trying to find out the history, so the navy came to arrest me .." Robin's head was bowed as he spoke. Indeed, the life he had lived so far was very hard. Lots of people want to catch him because of his bounty or intellectual ability. So many people wanted him to die.

"Are you a devil fruit eater?" Sasuke asked who immediately asked a question that had no continuity with the previous question.

"Hana-Hana no Mi.." Robin answered briefly, who was actually in her heart curious about what the young man wanted from her..

"Are you able to destroy 8 navy ships with that power of yours?" Sasuke asked again simple. Robin who heard the question bit her lower lip in annoyance. He knew the young man intended to reveal his past when he ran away from Ohara.

"I TOLD YOU WHAT YOU WANT!?" Robin shouted to express his annoyance from earlier.

"So all of that isn't true.. The destruction of 8 navy ships isn't true, is it?" Sasuke asked who was now softened because he knew that this woman had lived a life full of suffering..

"Does it make sense to you that an 8 year old kid destroys 8 navy ships!?" Asked back Robin who looked at Sasuke with anger.

"That's why I confirmed it straight from you. The rumors circulating are too cruel for you." Sasuke said with a smile. Robin who saw Sasuke smiled confused because it was strange for him no one had ever smiled sincerely like that to him.

"Who are you?" Robin asked calmly because he saw that his interlocutor was no longer being annoying.

"Uchiha Sasuke.. Then until we meet again Nico Robin.." Sasuke said as he turned around and intended to leave him.

"WAIT!" Robin shouted trying to stop Sasuke..

"Hmmm..?" Short answer Sasuke who turned his head back without turning his body.

"Are you a pirate?" Robin asked Sasuke..

"No.." Sasuke answered briefly who was waiting for the next question from Robin

"Then what are you doing on this island? You will be a fugitive after what you did to this navy." Obviously it was Robin who told Sasuke what would happen after the marines came to their senses and informed him of the existence of an Uchiha Sasuke who was able to defeat Vice Admiral Momongan easily.

"Then…?" Short answer Sasuke who is not afraid of the impending threat from the navy or the world government.

"What do you mean then!? You will be hunted by the navy and your life will be insecure!" Robin answered by raising his voice slightly. Robin doesn't understand why this young man is so indifferent to what just happened. Is he confident in his abilities? Is he strong? Or he's just an idiot who doesn't understand how terrifying the power of the world's navies and governments is.

"You're talking about yourself." Sasuke's answer was short, dense and clear and right about the heart of a Nico Robin. Robin understood what Sasuke meant.. Robin said all that because he had experienced all of it being hunted, stalked, harassed and made his life very uncomfortable and full of fear.

"Let me come with you. I will do whatever you want. You can do anything to me but on condition that you let me come with you.. My abilities, my body, my intelligence I will give all to you." Said Robin who stood up from his seat.

"You want to be my slave?" Asked Sasuke who was again expressionless.. Typical of an Uchiha.. Cold but has a soft heart..

"If it's needed, I'll do it." Said Robin who replied to the question expressionless and flat.

"Do you know what slave means?" Asked Sasuke who now turned his body to look into the eyes of a Nico Robin..

"That means I'm yours.. Whatever's inside of me is yours. Like I said, my mind, my body and even my life. You hold all of that. You can use it however you want. Do you need proof?" Robin asked and slowly he opened his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt one by one to show his seriousness..

"That's enough. friend is not a slave. Come with me if you want to be my nakama and unfollow if you want to be a worthless slave." Said Sasuke as he walked away from Robin..

"I want to ask you one thing.. What is nakama?" asked Robin who stared intensely at the young man's back which made him curious.

"Someone who protects each other, tells stories to each other, loves one another, fights over stupid things and someone who shares each other's pains and joys." Said Sasuke who smiled remembering Naruto who had always been his only nakama when other people had lost trust in him.

"Why should I share my pain with others?" Asked Robin who still couldn't believe what Sasuke said. Humans don't care about someone's sadness what they care about is how they get and achieve their goals even if it has to hurt the people around them..

"As a place to lean on. If you think that you can carry that burden alone then you will fail no matter how good you are. The system in the nakama is mutual trust. Don't hesitate to tell your burden to your nakama it will make you calmer. Your nakama will make you alive and well. In this world no one is destined to live alone". Sasuke said firmly which actually part of the sentence he took from Naruto's words when he fought with him.

Robin who heard this rolled his eyes and felt something touch his heart. For a moment he remembered Jaguar's words. that he will find his own nakama and if he has met the nakama stay with them and face the world together. Robin shed tears because she was so happy that she finally found her first nakama since she ran away from Ohara.. A cold but kind and strong young man. Will her suffering ever end? Will this young man save her from the loneliness she has been suffering for so long?

"Why do you want me to be your nakama?" Asked Robin while wiping her tears

"I never forced you to come with me, but if you want to know why, I think it's time you put an end to your suffering and you are a good woman too." Sasuke said with a smile and walked away from Robin.

Robin who heard this smiled widely and felt pleasure in his heart. He felt that he would come out of his loneliness and begin to open a new page of life with Sasuke.. Robin then buttoned his shirt again and put his jacket back on and immediately followed Sasuke's footsteps who had already walked..

"I will be your nakama Sasuke-kun.. Nakama who trust each other.. My name is Nico Robin nice to meet you." Said Robin with a sincere smile that he hasn't let out for a long time after his old friend Saul..

"Hmm.." Sasuke nodded

"We're going to the market to buy food for our lunch on the way.. Then after that we'll go to the next island .." Sasuke said while walking with Robin to the market.

"Okay Sasuke-kun.." Robin's smile