

"Good morning Sir" l greeted Hilden when l arrived at the office. Because of the way l had become Hilden's personal assistant, we had to keep our relationship under wraps.

That was the reason why he always had to be seen with a different woman every month so that people wouldn't question our relationship but Hilden took it too far by getting too comfortable with his 'escorts'. 

One time he was accused of being homosexual and the man threw a fit that had him cancelled on twitter for being homophobic, hence the classic gay best friend

He was so used to getting the media to do what he wants, whether it be running a story in his favour or feeding them exactly what they wanted. That way he could live the life he wanted. Who cared about reputation anyways? Queue an eye roll 

The position was reserved for one of clerks but Hilden made the abrupt decision of hiring me because of my financial situation. That is one of the major reasons why most of the employees aren't pleased with my existence.

"You're late" he reprimanded drinking his signature white mocha iced coffee. Like every one when l heard this l was surprised, l pictured him as more of a blank coffee guy

"You asked me to deliver documents at Stardom and you know how traffic gets at this time of the morning" l defended, he was the reason why l was late, well partly

"All l hear is excuses, excuses, excuses. I will not tolerate such behaviour. Girlfriend or not, this is a place of work and you are my employee so l will treat you as such" he said. I could tell that he had a lot on his mind because the only time he ever snapped was when he was dealing with a lot. I mock saluted and closed the door on my way out to my own office.

There was a stack of papers strewn all over my desk when l arrived but what had me groaning was the task calendar that had different appointments scribbled on. I didn't even have time to eat lunch and that meant a rain check with Aurora 

I got to work immediately because l didn't have it in me to argue with Hilden over my 'competence' or rather lack of. I went through most of the contracts, verifying the signatures and dates while packing them neatly in their respective binders

"Isabel" my phone office rang meaning Hilden was on the other line

"How can l help you sir?" l asked professional as ever

"could you please come to my office" be requested more like ordered before dropping the call. Dragging my feet to his office, l found him in the process of ripping his tie in two

"Anything the matter sir?" l asked wondering what the problem was this time

"Go to the legal department and find the latest contract we signed with Stardom Inc. I have a few things to cross reference and verify" he said shooing me off. I rolled my eyes but did what was required of me nonetheless. I did get paid to be his errand boy

The legal department was a few floors below us which was illogical. One wound think that since they worked so closely with Hilden, they would be on his floor, making my work less. I spent more time running around like a headless chicken than l did doing the work that l was paid to do. 

The men who worked there were such pigs, always demeaning women at every opportunity that was presented to them. Hilden had been made aware of this through the various sexual harassment complaints the women had filed by the man simply turned a blind eye because they were the best in their field

However he took the initiative of making it an all boys team, separating them from most people in the office to avoid unnecessary drama 

"look what the cat dragged in" one said as soon as the elevator doors opened

"Hilden is looking for the Stardom Inc. contract" l said immediately getting straight to the point to avoid a pointless conversation

"You are in such a hurry to leave, don't you want to stay and have a little fun. Or is Hilden the only one you what warning up your sheets" he said making the rest of the men laugh while my eyes burnt with tears

I was mortified. How did they know about Hilden and l? It's not like we walked around all coupled up

"You will never be man enough for me. Now the papers before our boss fires us both" l said sticking out my hand so to make my point clear.

He rolled his eyes and ordered one of the interns to look for the folder while he continued his harassment. I stood there impatiently waiting for the contract when the scumbag decide to grope me

"what the hell do you think you are doing" l asked tears cascading down my face

" l wanted to know if it's all meat and l am impressed" he bragged to the other guys just as my hand took a swipe at his face

"Did you just slap me?" he was livid, if the change in his voice wasn't warming enough, then his hand on my neck sure did the trick

"Adam, l don't pay you to manhandle my employees. My son has given you way too many opportunities to clean up your act but l see its gotten to your head and you think you are invincible. Pack up your desk, l want you out before lunch. You are fired" John said walking over to where l stood with my hand over my neck rubbing the bruise that had started to form from his rough hands cutting off my air supply

"You can't do that. I'm the best man on your team." Adam said to John with his hands casually tucked into his pockets and a smug look on his face

"One lesson to learn kid, there is always someone better than you or more willing to do better"