

The effects of the outing still hadn't worn off. I was still a blushing idiot who was playing with fire. The effect that such a simple action by Hilden had on me had me alarmed but l couldn't worry about that yet

Not until l had fully exhausted the emotion of happiness that his company and thoughtfulness provided. When we got back, all Sasha could do was bombard me with a thousand questions about how the date went


Hilden had his arm on my lower back over the jacket he had wrapped around my shoulders when the weather took a turn for the worst. We were soaked from head to toe but that didn't bother us

"l find it so funny how people run in the rain like they don't bath" Hilden said as we continued to casually stroll to the front door

"my thoughts exactly, and anyways they say rain water is blessed water. Why run and cover yourself from blessings" l contributed