

"Are you okay" Hilden asked from across the lobby drawing a lot of attention to us. The officer who was giving me the rest of my belongings locked at me sceptically, Probably wondering how l knew such an 'influential' man. It didn't help that l was locked up not less than ten minutes prior to that. He made his way to towards me with a bright smile, flashing his colgate teeth as if in a paid promotion with a sulking Celia behind him.

" I was just in a prison cell" how else is one suppose to answer a such a question after being in a prison cell for who knows how long.

"If l was you l would play nice" Celia said threateningly

"Or what, you'll send me back. Well guess what, l don't care" l said walking past the both of them and out of the police station. Hilden quickly caught up to me and directed me to the car. As he opened the passenger door for me to sit, Celia shoved me aside and sat. Scoffing, l made my way to the back and sat silently.

We pulled up to the hospital and l was suddenly reminded that Akai was still in there. It is in such moments that l truly feel like a terrible mother. How can one forget her offspring. Before l could make my way to Akai's room, Hilden took a hold of my hand and led me to the nurses office to get cleaned up.

The walk was very awkward given how we were not yet acquainted with each other. 

"Aurora, there you are. Akai has been screaming at the top of her lungs. Only you can get her to calm down" said an out of breath Mrs Keys

"Aurora will be there as soon as she gets cleaned up" Hilden spoke in his no nonsense  voice. Mrs Keys looked up at him in shock.

"But she needs her mother." Mrs Keys spoke. A gasp made its way out of my of mouth at finally being acknowledged as Akai's mother by her grandparent. Even though it was for her convenience. 

"Her mother?" Hilden questioned. You could see the wheels turning in his head . Everyone who was anyone knew about Keira's bittersweet ending. The forever approval seeking couple made sure to get media coverage at the funeral with Mrs Keys making a public spectacle of herself. The woman wore a figure hugging sparkly black dress, that had a two meter long cape with a fascinator. She was the most talked about elite in that month.

"Yes, Aurora is her mother" Mrs Keys spoke. 

"Now if you are finished, can we please go. The nurse can attend to her in Akai's room" and with that we were off to Akai's hospital room.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a child?" Hilden whispered in my ears. His tone was very accusatory. He sounded like a child whose identity was kept a secret.

"As if you told me anything about yourself, and it wasn't my responsibility to" l spoke with an eye roll.

"It is your responsibility, am l not marrying you?"  he asked

"As if either of us wanted this wedding to happen" l said 

"That's besides the point, the wedding is happening either way! Is there anything else l should know. I don't want any surprises down the line"

"This isn't the place nor is it the time to talk about all this." 

Akai was screeching at the top of her lungs giving me a sense of dejavu. She was rolling her little body all over the hospital bed and my heart broke.

"Akai" l said softly hoping l wouldn't startle her. She lifted her tiny head from the bed and looked at my direction with her bloodshot eyes. More tears made their way down her face and she lifted her hands motioning me to come pick her up.

I immediately made my way over to her and brought her to my chest, relishing at the feeling of holding my baby in my arms again.

"Mama's got you" l said to her over and over again, rubbing circles on her back. The waterworks ended and all that could be heard was the sound of her hiccups. I didn't have to say much as Mrs Keys was by my side with a glass and straw in hand, ready for Akai to drink. l smiled at her in gratitude before taking the water from her hand.

Akai didn't allow me to put her down, every attempt ended in her screaming, so when the nurse arrived to clean me up, Akai was right on my hip. I kept rocking her until her eyelids dropped but before l could jump for joy, she was back at it again. Hilden proposed to get her another room that would have enough space for her and l to sleep together.

" That's not necessary, her and l will fit perfectly here" l said. l was tired of all these rich people looking down at my daughter and l.

"I insist, she needs to be in a spacious environment in order for her to heal properly. And anyways she is technically my daughter too. Shouldn't l have a say" He said smirking

"We aren't even married and you are already acting like the boss of my daughter and l's lives." 

" Yet"

" I didn't mean it like that. What l meant to say was.... Nevermind" he said feeling dejected.

" That is very thoughtful of you. Should l call the nurse to make the changes" butted in Mrs Keys

" We can't really do that if the mother does not agree. Thanks for trying though"

" Aurora, l know you love to be seen as independent but now is not the time for that. This is about my granddaughter, your daughter. So put your pride aside and agree with Hilden. It's not like you would be able to afford it either way."

"Do whatever you want, it's not like what l want ever matters." l said

"Sorted" Mrs Keys said clapping her hands in glee like a schoolgirl.

"Nurse!" she screamed while making her way out of the room.

" I didn't mean for it to seem like l was trying to control the situation. I thought that l was being helpful" He said when it was just the two of us.

"I know"