

There is that saying again, YOUR KIND! These people are incapable of hiding their blatant dislike of MY people.

"I am insulted by your insinuation Celia" spoke Mrs Key's

"I didn't mean to offend you Sasha, l just don't know what to make of the situation. You have never been one to shy away from your superiority complex" Celia spoke in an accusatory tone

"I would watch what l say if l were you" Mrs Keys threatened

"You are in no position to be threatening me Sasha. After all you and l both know that l have the power to end this sham of a wedding"

"Oh really, and where does that power lie? In your genitals because we all know that's all you have to offer" Mrs Keys retorted

"Is there something you would like to say Sasha" Celia dared her to be direct with her accusation

"Your inability to read between the lines further proves my point" Mrs Keys responded with a smug look on her face. All l could do was silently watch the throw down happening in front of my eyes. Although l knew Mrs Keys or should l say Sasha wasn't speaking in my defence but as a way to protect her integrity, l couldn't help but be grateful.

"Play nice you two, we are going to be family soon and that is no way to talk to family" a voice l didn't recognise said to both Celia and Mrs Keys, automatically causing Celia's response to die down her throat. Turning my head in the direction of the voice, l was amazed at the perfectly crafted features that graced the face of the unknown man. A man so debonair, sophisticated, who reeks of power and money. With his chiselled jawline and forest green eyes, not to mention the full head of shoulder length curly brunette hair.

It seemed as though time froze as l sat sizing the man up and down trying to find any flaw. Decked in a charcoal black suit and a crispy white crew neck, topped off with a gold chain and white sneakers. The look of indifference on his face caused the slightest feelings of insecurity to arise within me. As if a light bulb went off in his head, a playful smirk grazed his lips as he sent a wink my way

"You must be the future Mrs Hilden Smith" The feeling of goose bumps involuntarily developing at the base of my body hairs and over my every being at the sound of his raspy, yet smooth voice was a shock to me. In the twenty three years that l have been alive, dating was never something l bothered myself with given that most guys never thought of me as beautiful or their 'type'. Keira and l would always go out and each and every guy would stop and stare, she was always the centre of attention. This worked to my advantage because no one would ever look in my direction and be 'revolted' as majority of my peers liked to say.

Never having experienced love first hand, never having kissed a guy, the only guy l ever hugged being Keira's ex-boyfriend, never been on a date, never having been the first or even last choice. My romantic life has always been non-existent. To a certain degree, at times l feel as though my hatred for love and relationships stems from the mere fact that l have never thought of myself as worthy to experience such feelings. I can easily blame it on the hardships many endure in relationships or the billion failed marriages always ending in divorce but the truth is l have convinced myself to believe that love is a centralised capitalist idea brought about to scam people out of their money. Nothing but a waste of time, money, feelings and energy and as they like to say 'it will end in tears'.

My point is somewhat justified by the fact that love is expensive. Going out on romantic dates, buying gifts, going on vacation and so much more all cost money. Thoughtful gifts do not stand a chance in today's society. Woman want to be wined and dined, bought the most expensive jewels, treated like royalty, want to occupy a lot of a man's time, want to be taken to the most exotic holiday destinations. Understand this, I do not speak for all woman but the majority.

Most people of all genders walk past me without a second glance providing me with the curtain of invisibility. This however has not led to a peaceful life but quite the opposite. One time my employer forgot of my existence and didn't give me my paycheque. This led to a long week of providing evidence of my employment status, contract of employment, and previous months pay slips.

"That l am" l responded nonchalantly. Did l ever see myself getting married, NO! I convinced myself that l had no interest whatsoever in the ritual but those feelings arose from a place of rejection. This agreement is providing me with the experience of a lifetime. With the groom already chosen, with no way of turning back. I feel sorry for him to say the least, being stuck with the likes of me as a bride, but like the Keys said, there is no turning back now. Do l hate myself? on the contrary No. I think of myself as the revolutionary change the world needs but does not deserve. Do l think of myself as beautiful? Yes, the finest piece of art that was ever created but l am very aware that l am the only one who thinks this way where l am concerned.

"Aren't you a breath of fresh air" Hilden said. I didn't miss the way his father nodded in my direction, signalling for him to say something or the way John held his breath when Hilden opened his mouth to utter his annoying yet predictable pick up line. I was afraid the man would die from lack of oxygen.

"That's a first" l replied sarcastically. The man looked taken back by my remark and l couldn't say l was surprised. He is probably used to girls throwing themselves at him at each and every single waking moment of his life. But l am not stupid, it's easy to tell that he too is being forced into this soul crushing arrangement.

"Aurora, have a little respect. This is your future husband that you talking to" Mrs Keys reprimanded.

"For a year" Celia butted in

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"After a period of twelve months, you have the right to terminate the contract" John said. The smile that broke out on Hilden's face exposed his unnaturally white teeth. Of course he is excited about ending this farce of a marriage even though it hasn't even begun. Before anyone could utter another word, Akai released a heart wrenching cry