
Death Game Dating System

"Congratulations, you have been chosen as host of the Doki Doki Dating System!" He was someone who could barely talk to a woman, but then he suddenly received a dating system. Did that mean his life would change? But why don't these girls seem like they're from a dating system? Will he be able to escape with his life? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 Power Stones per extra chapter each week, capped at 5 extra chapters per week! Please also check out my other books: Cultivation Pet Shop and With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods!

DXHaseoXD · 都市
99 Chs

Chapter 29: Unclear ending

Liu Yan was taken aback by how this girl who probably weighed less than half his weight was able to catch his full force punch. This punch was even stronger than the one he had used to cave in that person's chest.

But Su Yan just firmly stood there holding Liu Yan's fist in one hand.

Liu Yan quickly came back from his daze and twisted to punch out with his other hand, this time using the twist to send a screw punch at Su Yan. However, even with the rotational force of the screw punch, it was no effort at all for Su Yan to catch that punch.

She just casually stood there holding both of his fists in her hand like it meant nothing to her. She hadn't even moved a single step during this entire time.

Liu Yan said, "Let go of me! I have to get to Yue'er!"

Liu Yue finally turned back at this time, but she still didn't look at Liu Yan. She just looked at Su Yan before saying in a cold voice, "Take care of him. There's no need for this broken toy anymore."

Su Yan gave a nod and then with a twist, she suddenly lifted Liu Yan up off the ground. Before Liu Yan could even react, he was already in the air, being held by this thin girl in the maid outfit.

Liu Yan didn't panic, but he roared out, "Let me down now or I will kill you! Yue'er, Yue'er, don't worry, daddy will take care of this!"

Even in the end, Liu Yan still acted the same.

Of course, he didn't get a chance to do any of this as Su Yan suddenly slammed him down onto the ground.

She didn't slam him down facing up or facing down, rather she slammed him down facing him.

The last sight he saw was the approaching ground before his head was smashed in.

There was blood that splattered all over as he stood there by the head, having been smashed right into the ground.

Only after a few seconds did he finally fall back down onto the ground, but his face was completely smashed in and there were bits of brain matter that were coming out all over the ground. It really was a disgusting sight to look at.

Liu Yan, the great leader of the Nova Group who controlled a large portion of the third ring of the city had his life ended just like this.

The most surprising thing was that it was done by a girl who didn't even weigh half as much as him and clearly looked much weaker.

After taking care of Liu Yan, Su Yan took a step back and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the few splats of blood that had landed on her before turning to move back to Liu Yue's side.

Liu Yue didn't spare Liu Yan a single glance during all of this, she had been looking at Lin Fan the entire time.

Lin Fan didn't know what to say, but this did confirm many of the theories that he had in his mind.

While they just stood there looking at each other, there was no one else that dared to do a single thing.

Whether it was the Yasha Group or the Nova Group, all of them stood there watching this scene like it didn't involve them. Especially the Nova Group, their boss had just been killed and the person who killed him was just casually standing there, but there wasn't a single trace of anger from any of them. It almost seemed like they felt that Liu Yan deserved to die.

After a few minutes of silence, Lin Fan couldn't take it anymore and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Liu Yue immediately revealed a smile when she heard this and said, "It's very simple, you are a more useful chip than that muscle brained idiot, so I want you. No, it's not that I want you, you are now mine, you have no say in this."

Lin Fan was about to say something, but Liu Yue suddenly came forward to place a finger on his lips to stop him before continuing with a smile, "Shh, you don't have a say in this."

Lin Fan just looked at her and wanted to say something else, but she had her finger on his lip the entire time. For some reason, the moment her finger came onto his lip, he felt like he wasn't able to say a thing.

Liu Yue then looked at Lin Fan for another minute before turning around to start monologuing, "It's very simple why I want you, you have a power that I find very interesting. I don't know how you did everything you did, especially avoiding all the traps I've set and still finding all the information I left you, but that shows that you have quite the interesting power. It's going to be much more useful than that muscle brained idiot's strength."

It was only then that she looked at Liu Yan, but it was nothing more than a passing glance. After all, the sight of his corpse really was a disgusting sight right now.

Finally, Liu Yue got to the main point, "Your powers are going to be much more useful in my conquest compared to just simple strength, so I hope you are prepared."

It was at that moment that Lin Fan saw a notification from the system pop out in front of his eyes, but he didn't have time to care about that right now.

When Liu Yue moved away, Lin Fan felt like he could speak again, but he didn't say a thing since he wanted to hear what she said for any clues that might be in her words. But hearing what she just said, he couldn't help himself as he asked, "Conquest? What do you mean by that?"

Liu Yue had been walking around during her monologue, but she suddenly turned back to Lin Fan with a smile and said, "It's still too early for you to know about this. I will help you build up power first and then you'll help me take care of my business, alright?"

The way she said it seemed like she was asking a question, but it was clear by the smile on her face and the look in her eyes that this wasn't a question.

Lin Fan didn't know what to say, but that didn't matter since Liu Yue had plenty of things to say.

Liu Yue turned to the head of the Yasha Group and said, "You all belong to Lin Fan now, understood?"

Lin Fan didn't understand what that meant, but what happened next immediately explained everything.

Before he could even react, every single gangster in this warehouse immediately fell to one knee and said, "Yes, boss!"

It wasn't just the gangsters from the Yasha Group, it was also every single person from the Nova Group.

Just like that, Lin Fan had been made the leader of these two groups that effectively controlled the entire third ring's underground world.

As Lin Fan stood there in a daze, Liu Yue came back to Lin Fan and stretched her hand out, as if she was waiting for something.

Lin Fan looked down at her with a confused look, but she suddenly flicked his forehead, having to stand up on her tiptoes to do so before saying, "Give me your phone."

Lin Fan took out his phone in a daze and Liu Yue quickly entered a few things before giving it back to him.

When Lin Fan took it back, he saw that she had added herself as a contact in his phone.

Once she did that, Liu Yue no longer walked around like before. She just waved her hand at Su Yan and said, "It's time to go. The cops are coming, there's nothing to gain from staying here."

As she was leaving, Liu Yue didn't forget to add, "Don't forget what I've said today. You are mine now and I don't like things that aren't useful. Be careful you don't turn out like this muscle brained idiot."

Then she walked towards the Nova Group gangsters who immediately parted for her like the tides parting for Noah.

It only took a few seconds before she was gone.

Everyone left all looked at Lin Fan and after a few more seconds, they all fell to one knee again as they said, "Boss!"

Lin Fan still couldn't process what had just happened, but there was no time either since there were police sirens that suddenly came from outside the warehouse.

In no time, the doors of the warehouse were suddenly kicked open as a bunch of cops pointing guns had barged in. They all shouted at the gangsters for them to surrender.

Surprisingly, not a single one of the gangsters resisted. None of them looked at Lin Fan either as they all let their guns drop and let the cops take them away.

It was like they had suddenly come to an understanding and just chose to go with the cops.

As Yan Luo passed, he couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a complicated expression in his eyes.

The cops cuffed all the gangsters that were present in the warehouse and soon this place was emptied.

The strange thing was that not a single one of the cops approached Lin Fan, just leaving him standing there in the middle with Liu Yan's corpse beside him.

Finally, there was someone who said, "Oh, it's you again?"

Invisibility still is the best power in my opinion.

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