
Death And Rebirth

[This will be a fanfic about Xiao from Genshin Impact, but with a totally different past and future] [English is not my first language, so keep that in mind] [I will try to keep the canonical personality of the different characters that will come out in the future, but I can't guarantee anything] [Xiao's name will change to Indra as I plan to change a lot of things to try to make this story a bit longer] [This fanfic will have different cultures and religions implemented as well as their respective heavens and hells, keep in mind that the Mc will kill some gods and demons of these different cultures and religions to avoid future criticism] ------------------------------------------------------------- Indra had a happy life until one day many Gods and Demons murdered their parents for committing one of the worst taboos, however the souls of their parents still existed and could not be destroyed, the Gods and Demons agreed to separate their souls into fragments and have a fragment in each of his kingdoms to prevent them from reincarnating, Indra before dying receives a blessing which allows him to be reborn every time he dies, Indra will have to travel to different worlds trying to recover all the soul fragments of his parents. ------------------------------------------------------------- The cover image is not mine, it is from https://www.pinterest.es/pin/908249449820974035/ If you are the owner of the image and it bothers you that I have it, just let me know.

Translate_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Start Of The War

When Indra woke up he was already lying on the bed in his room. 'Shit, my whole body still hurts.' Indra looked out the window of his room and noticed that it was already dark.

'You will have to get used to this feeling, there will be many fights where you will end up even worse than now. Prepare yourself mentally.' Indra stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before asking.

'Hey Sirius, why should I fight? I'd like to just live in peace.' Although this question had already been answered several times, Indra couldn't help but ask. He just wanted to live like a normal person.

'... I've already told you several times, your destiny is special, even if you hadn't related to the Gods you would have to fight no matter what.'

'I can already imagine the shitty life that awaits me.' Indra sighed, he knew he had to accept it but it was still quite difficult for him. He's only a 3 year old and he has a lot of pressure on him....

''You're wrong, life is a preparation for the future and the best preparation for the future is to live as if it doesn't exist.''

'Wow, how profound.'

'Shut up' Indra and Sirius joked some more until Indra decided to get up.

Indra left her room and headed towards the training room quietly, she didn't want to wake Ares or Diana.

'I thought I heard you say you were very tired.' Sirius didn't know what Indra was thinking as he made his way to the training room when he was so exhausted.

'I'll train a bit, Ares tomorrow will give me some of his divine power at lunch, I'll recover quickly so I can make the most of the time I have left until my full recovery.'

'I already told you that if you keep doing the same thing you will possibly have problems in the future to keep improving.'

'Don't worry, I'll just do this until my body gets fully accustomed to the training.'

'It's still a bad idea, you're throwing away an incredible possible future by just trying to accelerate your strength level.'

'Then I'll trust you to let me know when it's dangerous to continue using this method, I trust you since you know my body's condition even better than I do.'


Indra let out a small laugh when she noticed that she had left Sirius speechless. A few seconds later Indra arrived at the training room and was quite surprised with what she saw there.

''I thought you were sleeping.'' Indra commented with a mischievous smile.

''I thought you were sleeping too, Ezio knocked you out.'' Diana commented surprised to see Indra in the training room.

''You know my body is pretty strong, with a few hours of sleep I'll be as good as new.'' Indra smiled as he showed off his non-existent muscles while Diana laughed a little.

''Do you want to train with me?'' Diana asked after some thought, she knew Indra was pretty strong from her fight against Ezio but she didn't think she could beat her. Her mother had trained her in a superhuman way after all....

''Sure, why wouldn't I train with such a pretty girl?'' Indra commented trying to tease Diana again.

''You better be prepared to have some broken bones.'' Diana commented as she quickly dodged Indra's mocking gaze.

Indra just laughed a little and then got into a fighting stance. ''Let's go a little soft at first, I haven't stretched yet and my muscles are a little stiff.'' Diana nodded and got into a fighting stance as well.

''Indra, be careful, she can possibly break your bones just like she said. She just like you is quite strong for her age, she may even be stronger than you.' Indra made a mental note and then focused on Diana.

Diana looked at him for a second before quickly propelling herself towards Indra and throwing a fist straight towards his face, Indra leaned to the left as she returned a quick right blow. Indra thought that this blow would not miss as Diana was moving at high speed, however Diana moved her other arm lightly touching Indra's fist and causing it to deflect by a few centimeters.

Indra was his quite surprised, Ezio never taught them this and he never used it when they faced each other. Diana took advantage of Indra's moment of carelessness and raised her knee making contact with Indra's chest. 'Shit, I won't be able to dodge it.' Indra reacted quickly and tried to propel herself backwards causing the blow to lose some of its impact force.

''If you get distracted in a fight even for a second you're going to die.'' Diana spoke as she ran back towards Indra, then spun around quickly throwing a kick towards Indra's side.

Indra tried to block the kick with both her arms but still the impact was quite strong and Indra had to back up a few steps. 'Sirius, how the fuck is he so strong, he's only 2 years older than me and even his strength surpasses me by far.'

'I told you she was pretty strong. Although you can beat her if you use the lightning internally I recommend you don't, you might get crippled since your body isn't in its best state.'

Indra only sighed when she saw that Sirius knew exactly what she was thinking. After a few seconds Indra took the initiative to attack Diana, he threw several quick punches and small feints trying to hit Diana at least once, however she blocked all his punches and even deflected them.

Indra spun quickly and threw a kick towards the back which worked making Diana had to protect herself and back up a little, Indra took advantage and quickly slid on the ground throwing a roundhouse kick making Diana fall but when Diana was about to touch the ground she spun in an unnatural way in the air and landed like a cat, then she quickly pushed herself up without giving Indra time to react and grabbed him by the neck as they both fell to the ground, Diana was on top of Indra as she held his neck and stared at him with her beautiful red eyes.

''You surprised me quite a bit. Your defense sucks but your attack is pretty good stuff. It looks like Ezio was right when he said that you have a strong battle instinct.''

Indra stared at her without answering, which made Diana a little nervous. ''W-what's wrong?'' Diana didn't understand why Indra was staring at her so deeply, she felt a small shiver as she saw Indra's serious look for the first time.

''You shouldn't have done that'' Indra simply whispered as he continued to stare at her.

''What are you talking about?'' Diana felt a little nervous and let go of Indra. She was about to get up when Indra grabbed her arm and didn't let her move.

''You know very well what I'm talking about, you better stop doing that or I'll tell Ares.'' Indra didn't look away from Diana even after a few minutes of silence.

I don't know what you're talking about'' Diana pushed Indra back to the ground and then tried to get up, however when she was about to take the first step she collapsed on the ground.

''For this very reason I collapsed after the training with Ezio, you shouldn't have done that, I'm sure your mother should have warned you.''

''B-because I can't move.'' Diana didn't seem to understand, or maybe she was just pretending not to understand.

''You reinforced your body with some element, your body is not strong enough to be able to resist the internal power of an element.'' Indra walked towards Diana and then carried her like a princess.

''How do you know I use an element?'' Diana seemed to be totally frozen, apparently she hadn't even noticed how Indra was carrying her.

''I never would have noticed if it wasn't for that strange spin you did in midair. It's almost impossible to be able to spin like that in the air with just your physical body, it was obvious that you should have strengthened your body to be able to do something like that.'' Indra left the training room and went down the stairs carrying Diana.

''Don't tell anyone.... I'll do whatever you ask of me.'' Diana had a complicated look on her face as she stared at Indra with some hope in her eyes.

'Hey Sirius, why do you seem to be so afraid of others knowing about this?'

'I don't know exactly since I couldn't see what kind of element he uses, but there could be multiple reasons to explain his behavior. Maybe he has a special element and his mother warned him that he shouldn't let anyone see as it could be dangerous, or maybe it's because he has dark power. I honestly don't know what the reason is but I'm sure it could become something dangerous if the other Gods find out, even for you.'

Indra thought for a second before stopping in front of Diana's room. ''Sure, I won't tell anyone so trust me.'' Diana finally seemed to feel relief and let out a small sigh, then she looked back at Indra and noticed that he had a strange smile on his face which caused her to shiver.

Indra walked into Diana's room and then approached the bed, slowly lowered Diana down and left her in the most comfortable position she thought possible. ''Even though I said I wouldn't say anything, you clearly said you would do whatever I asked.'' Indra slowly approached Diana's face as she blushed a lot, then Diana closed her eyes and stretched her lips a little.

Indra let out a mocking laugh and then whispered in her ear. ''It was a joke'' Indra let out a big laugh and ran out of the room leaving Diana frozen and quite embarrassed.

Indra was walking towards her room and was surprised when she saw Ares leaning against the wall next to her door. ''Follow me.'' Ares said and then walked towards the first level, Indra followed him and they left the house, then they kept walking until they reached a store and Ares ordered some food, then they sat down on a bench.

''You seem to be getting along well with Diana.'' Ares mentioned but Indra noticed that Ares was a little strange.

''I guess so, why do you ask?'' Ares stared at Indra for a few seconds before sighing.

''Your fight with Diana was certainly impressive for children of her age, but you must learn to control your strength and the energy you use more. Your two fights have been quite fast, if you were to face each other in a real fight and match the strength of your enemy, the one with the most stamina will win.''

Indra thought for a moment but then refuted Ares. ''But Athena taught me that it's not always strength that defines the winner in a fight. If you are smart and create a good strategy you can easily win.''

''Obviously I know that, but it's never going to help you in a fight with a lot of power difference, power always defines everything, you better stop following that stupid advice Athena gave you. Women are the only ones who have to look for strategies to win because they are weaker than men.''

Indra wanted to refute Ares but decided to keep quiet, he knew well how Ares was and he was never going to accept that he was wrong.

'What Ares says makes sense but at the same time it is wrong, both types of combat are very useful but each one depends on the situation, the best you can do is to be excellent in both and become perfect in combat.'

Indra knew well that Sirius was right, this was something Athena had also told her before.

''Now are you going to tell me why you decided to bring me here? I don't think we are here just to talk about training.'' Indra asked directly since she knew that if there was something that bothered Ares a lot, it was people who were not direct.

Ares looked at Indra for a few seconds before sighing and letting out a small laugh. ''I have something to tell you, pay attention because I won't repeat it again. You better let me talk to the end and not interrupt me.'' Indra simply nodded and stared at Ares. 'I have a bad feeling.'

''A great war has started between Sparta and Troy, right now warriors are being recruited and convincing other cities to participate in this war for each side.'' Indra was in shock, she didn't know what to say, this was something quite serious, but Ares wasn't finished yet.

''To understand the reason behind this I will tell you something that is only known among some Gods. A Goddess was going to marry a mortal and in this party several Gods were invited, there were only a few mortals who were the most influential in the mortal world, everything was going well in the wedding until an unwanted guest arrived, it was a Goddess who was not invited, she left a golden apple on a table on which was written the word. 'For the most beautiful'. Aphrodite, Athena and Hera who is Zeus' wife wanted to claim that apple. Zeus solved the problem by appointing a human as the person who would decide which of the 3 Goddesses would get the apple''.

''This mortal was Paris, a prince of Troy with a special background. The Goddesses wanted to bribe Paris by offering him gifts if they were chosen, Athena offered him victory in battle, Hera promised him political power and Aphrodite offered him the love of Helena of Sparta. Paris granted the apple to Aphrodite. You can imagine the rest of the story,'' Indra understood quickly as he knew Helena identity quite well. Ares had informed him the first day they had arrived in Sparta about Helena identity, she is the wife of the current king of Sparta and daughter of the former King of Sparta, or so it was said since according to Ares she was possibly the daughter of Zeus.

''I know that for a Spartan to have his wife stolen can be quite humiliating, but I can't believe that for this reason alone there is a war.'' Indra couldn't help but hesitate, he knew very well that this could be too humiliating for Menelaus and he would want an answer from Troy for what happened, but to have war declared was something quite exaggerated.

''You are right, this is not the reason why war was declared on Troy. Helena had many suitors, and her father was reluctant to choose one for fear that the others would retaliate. Finally, one of the suitors proposed a plan. He made them all promise to defend whoever was chosen as Helena husband. Once the oath was taken, Helena herself chose Menelaus and ceded the throne of Sparta to him.''

''You are telling me this because you will get me involved in the war, aren't you?'' Indra his was almost certain that this was the main reason why Ares was telling him all this.

''I'm glad you're not such an idiot that you don't understand. I will exactly make you fight in this war, however, you will not fight until I believe you will not die easily.'''

''Do you think the war will last that long?'' Indra couldn't help but ask, he wasn't as knowledgeable about wars as Ares.

''Of course you will, it could even last a decade. You will train until you are strong enough not to die in the war, keep in mind that there will be some Heroes and Gods or Demi-Gods fighting in this war.''

Indra felt it was strange that Ares did not mention himself participating in a war, he was a battle freak. He also said him training and not Ares training him, he felt something bad was going to happen.

''Why are you talking as if you are not going to participate? Besides, why don't you train me?'' Indra was feeling worse and worse, so much so that her whole body began to tremble slightly.

Ares looked at Indra in surprise, he didn't think that with just a subtle change in his words he could discover so much. 'No doubt you will be a true warrior who will be among the strongest.'

''I can't wait to enter the battlefield, but my father forbade all of us Gods to participate, maybe if things get out of control I can participate.'' Ares spoke while keeping his smile before Indra who didn't understand why he was smiling.

''What about Diana?'' Indra couldn't help but ask and stared at Ares.

''She... she won't. I'll ask you to take care of her, besides don't let her see the blood, she's a bit unstable after seeing her mother die.'' Indra didn't know what to say for a moment, then the same words of Ares slowly rang in her head again.

"Wait, what do you mean I'm going to take care of her, you're going to leave?"'' Indra felt his heart clench as he listened to Ares, he clearly felt that Ares would come to this, but it was still hard enough for him to accept.

Ares looked at Indra for a moment before smiling. ''I like smart guys. It's just as you think, my father ordered us all to return to Olympus while this war is going on. He doesn't want any gods to get involved one bit.'' Indra didn't quite know what to think, she knew that at some point she would have to part ways with Ares but it was still hurting a little. He separated from Aphrodite and Persephone, his consolation was that Hades would visit and Ares would be with him but now they were all going to leave.

"But what are Diana and I going to do?" Indra seemed to be quite desperate, he was praying that Ares was playing a simple joke on him.

''You two will take care of yourselves from now on, when you are strong enough I will come for you to take you to war, I already asked my father for permission and he accepted. Also don't forget to take care of Diana, although she is quite strong she is still a child and not as mature as you. I will owe you a great favor if you take care of her, I will even ask you to risk your life for her, I will reward you accordingly if you manage to keep her safe. If anything happens to her you will have to prepare yourself for the consequences.''

Indra had a blank look on her face as she stared at Ares, then a doubt came to her mind even though she knew it wasn't something she should ask but still she couldn't help herself. "You and her are close, aren't you?" Ares' eyes widened slightly as he listened to Indra.

''Why do you think that?'' Indra noticed that Ares' tone had changed a bit. It made him a little nervous.

''She has some strange reactions when I mention you, and you also have them when you talk about her, I know there's something they're hiding from me.'' Ares stared at Indra for a few seconds before letting out a loud laugh.

''No doubt you are intelligent, but that intelligence will lead you to perdition at some point. If you're so curious, ask her!'' Ares disappeared in front of Indra as if he were a ghost, Indra was speechless at the sight.

''SHIT ARES, YOU DIDN'T SAY YOU WERE GOING TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!'' Indra shouted in desperation as he looked up at the sky waiting for Ares to return.

'Shut up already, take advantage of this and become strong enough to be able to kill a god.'' Sirius interrupted Indra's desperate cries causing her to calm down a bit.

'How the hell am I going to be strong enough to kill a god? Even my firepower will be sealed for who knows how many years.' Indra was his quite desperate, it was the first time he had been in this kind of situation and to top it off he also had to take care of Diana.

Calm down, just keep repeating your daily training for some time. You're not going to war yet so you can relax for now, better prepare yourself for having to work or hunt for your own food.'

Indra simply nodded and stayed on the bench for a few more minutes thinking as some tears threatened to come out.

'Sirius, how can I unlock one of the 12 star powers of yours?' Indra thought this might be the easiest option she had to be able to kill a god. Sirius always bragged about how powerful he was and if he could use one of his powers no doubt his chances of survival would increase greatly.

'I'm not too sure. I think if you collect a fragment of my soul a star power will unlock, or maybe if you become strong enough they will unlock themselves.'

Indra thought for a few more minutes and then got up from the bench and headed home. 'I hope it won't be too hard to take care of Diana, I don't even know how to take his care of myself.'

'Stop complaining, tomorrow before training with Ezio you will look for a job or go out and get your own food, you don't have to worry about the house as Menelaus would never dare to throw them out when he knows they are related to Ares.'

Indra just nodded and wiped away a small tear that had managed to come out. 'You're right, crying won't do me any good, besides with your guidance, I'm sure everything will be fine.' Indra didn't know if he was sure of this or if he was just lying to himself....

When Indra arrived home he noticed Diana standing in front of the house.

''Hey Diana, what are you doing here? You should be resting'' Indra was surprised that Diana had returned from her state of extreme tiredness in such a short time, it had only been a little more than an hour since then.

''I felt that you and Ares went out, did something happen?''

''Ehhh... you see, Ares went out...''

''W-what did you say?'' Indra sensed something bad was going to happen as she saw Diana's teary eyes.

''He has returned to the realm of the gods, some things have happened and he had to come back.'' Although Indra clearly knew that it was something he should not tell Diana after seeing her eyes, he still had to tell her as it was something he could not hide for long.

When Diana confirmed that she wasn't hallucinating she collapsed directly on the ground crying.

"W-why, he's going to leave me again?" Indra clearly noticed that there was something strange in Diana's words but quickly brushed it aside, she didn't know what to do seeing that Diana was desperate.

''Don't cry Diana, he's not going to leave forever, he just had to go away because of some problems and he promised he would come back later. Besides, I'll stay with you, you won't be alone'' Indra started to babble trying to calm Diana down, she looked pretty bad.

Diana looked at Indra for a few seconds before jumping up and hugging him. ''I don't want to be alone again'' Diana said between sobs as she fell asleep in Indra's arms.

'She forced herself to stand up when she couldn't, for sure she used her elemental power again to do it..... Hey Sirius, can I seal her elemental power? I'm sure she's going to die soon if she continues to be foolish and use her power.'

'... Maybe you can do it, but at a great cost which I don't recommend.''

'Stop stalling and say it straight out.'

'Your current power is useless, you couldn't seal it with your current power even if you wanted to. The only way to do it is to share the seal you have in your fire element. The result will depend quite a bit on the level of power she has in her element, if she has too much your seal could collapse and go on to seal her power. It could also be beneficial and balance the seal between the two, you will be able to use the power of fire more easily and she will also be able to use her element more easily although of course it will only be temporary.'

'What do you mean temporary?'

The seal will be split in half, if both meet the exact measures of difference in power, both will be able to use some of their power even if it is sealed as the seal will not be very strong. But you must keep in mind that they will only be able to release some of their power, although right now that would help them a lot, when they become much stronger their power will be left behind compared to what their body can resist. To be exact they will become weaker, although you have another way out since you have different elements she possibly only has 1 and this will slow her growth until the seal is released.'

'I understand it's a complicated thing, but I still don't understand why rozan wouldn't advise me to do this, I don't feel there is anything that is serious enough not to do it.'

'It's not the results that are the problem, it's the process of doing this.'

'Is it that serious?' Indra asked quickly as she felt Sirius was having a hard enough time.

Use your head, asshole. Your fire power is linked to your own existence, your soul, the seal is linked to your soul which means that to share the seal you must be linked to Diana's soul.'

'I still don't understand what the problem is...' Indra was quite disappointed with himself, he had never had anything similar happen to him where he didn't have even the slightest suspicion.

So you too have your moments of idiocy. If you join your soul to Diana's you will both become even stronger in your powers and body, but as it has this advantage it also has its disadvantages. Your soul will merge which means that if either of you have an attack on your soul the other will suffer as well, and it doesn't end here. If she dies you will die too, if you die she will die too. The union of the soul is not a simple thing. The soul is what verifies your existence, without it you are nothing, even if her soul is eliminated in totality you too can be eliminated in totality and move away from the cycle of reincarnation.'

Indra was quite thoughtful at this, after knowing all this he didn't quite know what to decide, he would have to carry the weight of two lives if they were to do this, something he obviously wasn't prepared for.

'Are you sure there is no other method?'

' Obviously there are more methods, the problem is your current power and also that you have no God who can help you in this. I honestly think it's a bad idea for you to join your soul to hers simply to seal her power, just talk to her seriously and make an oath or something, you'll be screwed if you get to join your soul to hers. Don't forget the vision, I don't think you'll want to take it with you when you die.'

'I'd better deal with this later, I'll try to convince her as you say.' Indra picked Diana up and carried her to Ares' room, he wasn't coming back anyway. Indra put Diana to bed and when he was about to leave she took his arm.

''Don't go...'' Diana looked at Indra as her eyes slowly closed again, Indra let out a sigh and then laid down next to her.

'This is going to be a complicated thing...' Indra sighed and then hugged Diana. 'This will be my reward for taking care of you.'

'Hey Sirius, you wake me up really early tomorrow, I have to get some food for Diana before I go to training.'

'What about you? If you don't eat you'll be too weak and won't be able to exercise well enough.'

'Never mind, I can hold out for a while' Indra quickly cut short the talk with Sirius and went to sleep.


The next day Sirius had woken Indra before dawn.

'I was thinking of asking Menelaus for food but I don't think he's in Sparta at the moment, he's probably left by now.'

'You think right, they must have left today even before you woke up. No one else knows you besides Menelaus so they won't give you free food. Go get a job or get out of town and kill some animals.'

Indra turned and saw Diana sleeping as she clung to his arm.

'I think I'd better get my own food, I don't think anyone will let me work when I'm only 3 years old.' Indra slowly pulled away from Diana so as not to wake her and then got dressed.

'That means you finally chose the shape of your first weapon.'

Indra just smiled and then walked out of the house. 'You think right Sirius, I've already chosen my first weapon.' Indra walked towards one end of the city where a huge forest was visible. 'I will need your guidance in order to kill an animal.' Indra was quite nervous, this would be the first living animal he would kill.

'Calm down, it's something everyone has to go through at some point in their lives, calm your breathing or you'll sweat a lot and the predators will be able to smell you.' Indra swallowed saliva at Sirius' words and tried to calm down.

'Ok Sirius, we'll do this quickly, it won't be long before Diana wakes up.' Indra closed her eyes and began to breathe slowly, then her neck tattoo glowed and a light shot out towards Indra's right hand. A seemingly normal black staff appeared in Indra's right hand.

'What should I do now Sirius?'

'Imagine what your weapon looks like as best you can and then send some of your inner energy into the staff.'

Indra closed his eyes and concentrated deeply, after a few minutes he opened his eyes and the staff in his hand began to glow, then the staff began to grow and took the shape of what appeared to be a spear. A few minutes later the spear stopped glowing and Indra could finally see it clearly, the spear was silver and its tip was a totally black color and at the other end was a ring which was also totally black.

'Hey Sirius, you told me you were a pretty strong weapon, why do you look so plain' Indra was clearly showing her disappointment, although the black color gave a great touch to the spear it looked pretty plain and not at all amazing.

'Shut up, the spear is already quite strong, you can destroy any weapon and armor as if it were butter. Although the appearance is quite simple it's still a pretty strong weapon and that's not all, as your strength increases the spear will also become even stronger, even its appearance might change in the future though.... It's strange the color of your spear, but I think I know the reason why your spear has this color.'

Indra was about to ask Sirius but stopped when he felt a piercing look coming from the forest in front of him, Indra put the spear in front of him while holding it with both his hands. Indra stared in the direction of the stare he still felt.

Indra began to sweat as a few minutes had passed but nothing had happened yet. 'Sirius, do you know what is watching me?'

'I don't know exactly, possibly it's a wild animal, they always watch their prey for quite some time and wait for the perfect moment to attack.'

Indra swallowed saliva and began to walk slowly forward, Indra felt his heart beating quite fast and a little sweat began to fall down his face, Indra looked at his spear which seemed to respond and took a perfect size for Indra to use it freely.

At the moment Indra looked at his spear a huge shadow came out of the trees and rushed directly towards Indra at great speed, Indra quickly looked in front of him and was met with huge fangs which seemed to want to cut his head, Indra reacted quickly and jumped to the side.

Indra turned his gaze towards what seemed to have attacked him and was paralyzed when he saw a huge tiger, the tiger was several times bigger than Indra clearly, even bigger than a grown man. Indra felt a small pain in the side of his stomach and when he checked himself he noticed that there was blood. 'Shit, he reached out to hurt me.'

The tiger again swiftly lunged towards Indra only this time Indra was prepared. Indra ran towards the tiger quickly and then made a horizontal slash towards the tiger. Indra didn't think that with this alone he could kill the tiger but when his spear made contact with the tiger he could clearly see how the spear completely cut through the tiger's entire chest and a torrent of blood shot out of the tiger.

''Grrrr'' The tiger growled towards Indra as it slowly fell to the ground.

Indra stared at the tiger as it bled out, then looked down at his hands and noticed that there was quite a bit of blood, he looked down at his clothes and noticed that there was quite a bit of blood on them as well.

'Hey Sirius, looks like I don't like killing after all.' Indra looked back down at the tiger which appeared to be dead.

'Don't worry, it's something everyone has gone through at some point in their life.' Sirius was somewhat worried about Indra, he felt his emotions were quite conflicted. 'I forgot she's only 3 years old.' Sirius thought to himself and let out a sigh.

'It's okay, I have to take him quickly. Diana will wake up soon.' Indra continued to stare at the tiger and then approached him, Indra was about to touch him but couldn't hold it and started to vomit while crying.

'Sirius, I'm not ready for this.' Indra spoke between sobs as he wiped his mouth after vomiting.

'... Sorry kid, you'll just have to hold it in for now.'

'It will take me a long time to recover and Diana will probably wake up soon, I have to do it quickly.' Indra thought to himself and then got up from the ground, walked towards the tiger and when he was about to touch it he felt nauseous again. Indra swallowed saliva and tried to resist, then he grabbed the tiger tightly and tried to carry it but he couldn't.

'Shit, I'll have to use the power of lightning.' Indra gritted his teeth and circulated the lightning power in his body. Although he still couldn't use even the first level he learned that when he strengthened himself with lightning his body would get a little better physically. Indra sent his spear back to Sirius and stood in front of the tiger again.

Indra was able to lift the tiger's body after using the power of the lightning and began to walk towards the city, he arrived quite fast since he had not gone very far into the forest. Many people were somewhat surprised to see Indra, it was strange to see such a small boy carrying such a big tiger, however everyone seemed to be quite proud of the boy, this is Sparta and here they look for the best warriors, in their hearts Indra would undoubtedly be a great warrior when he grew up.

Indra continued walking until he came to what appeared to be a store where they sold meat.

''I come to sell this.'' Indra spoke directly as he entered the store, then released the huge tiger in front of a man who seemed to be the owner of the store.

The store owner was quite surprised to see Indra, it wasn't something you see everyday but still he tried to act normal. ''You came to the right place boy, I can give you some money for this tiger. I can see that his death was recent and his wound is very fine although it's not a cut a warrior would make, did you kill him?'' The shopkeeper was clearly somewhat interested in Indra.

''It doesn't matter who killed it, just tell me if you are going to buy it or not.'' Indra replied coldly to the shopkeeper but he was really in a somewhat unstable state.

''Calm down kid, I told you I would buy it, I'm just a little curious. I'll give you 20 gold coins for this whole tiger. What do you say?'' The shopkeeper extended his right hand towards Indra hoping he would accept.

''Don't take me for a fool, with all the meat this tiger has you could easily make 60 gold coins.'' Although Ares hadn't explained anything to Indra about the value of the coins, he could easily understand how they were handled since they passed by the market every day on their way to the training camp.

''Heh, sorry kid, I just wanted to test you a little, I'll give you 50 gold coins, I have to earn some too.'' The shopkeeper sweat a little and held out his hand again towards Indra hoping that Indra wouldn't try to make him give him even more money however Indra shook his hand.

''Maybe I will bring you back even more animals to sell, it will be a pleasure to do business with you.'' Indra smiled as he watched the shopkeeper count some gold coins.

''Sure kid, I will certainly receive anything you bring as long as it is in perfect condition.'' The shopkeeper smiled back at Indra as he handed him the 50 gold coins. ''My name is Dorian, come back to my store when you need something.''

Indra looked at Dorian and then turned in the direction of the exit. ''My name is Indra.'' Indra kept walking and left the store without saying anything else to Dorian.

''Alright, it's time to go buy some food for Diana.'' Indra was about to head towards the market when Sirius made her stop.

'Hey kid, you should go buy some clothes.'

Indra looked at his clothes and noticed that they were quite torn and you could see the wound the tiger had caused only it had stopped bleeding.

'Shit, I had completely forgotten I was injured, now I understand how Dorian knew I had killed the tiger. I can't imagine the consequences of being seen by Diana in this state.'

Indra hit his head and changed his direction towards a tailor's shop that was not far from where he was.

'Sirius, why can I walk after using the lightning power?' Indra couldn't help but ask as he walked towards the tailor's shop, he thought he couldn't move after he stopped using the lightning power in his body.

'After analyzing your body a little bit, I have come to the conclusion that your body has become stronger although I don't understand how this change was possible so fast, it also influences the fact that you simply used your power to carry something and not in the middle of a combat, besides this I have no other explanation for this event.'

Indra thought about it some more and then decided to leave these thoughts behind. 'I don't have time to think about other things besides what I have to do at the moment, I better hurry to get there before Diana wakes up.' Indra simply continued walking towards the tailor's shop without noticing that her green phoenix tattoo had released a small glow.


Diana finally woke up when she felt that the sun had fully risen, she looked next to her and noticed that Indra was not there, she quickly got dressed and went to the first level, she looked towards the dining room and found Indra having breakfast quietly.

''Finally you wake up, I was thinking of going to wake you up since we will soon have to leave for training.'' Diana looked at him for a few seconds and then smiled at him prettily.

'I thought he had left me too...' Diana thought for a moment and then walked towards the dining room and noticed that there was already food served for her.

''Where did you get the food? I thought we would have to get some food since Ares left.''

''The first day we arrived in Sparta with Ares he introduced me to some of his friends, they came early and gave us some food and money, it seems that Ares had already contacted them before he left.'' Diana stared at Indra for a few seconds and then nodded.

'Looks like we won't be doing as bad as I thought after all.''

''Hey Diana, eat quickly, we have to go train.'' Diana snapped out of her pensive state and then looked towards Indra who was eating as if nothing had changed.

''Sure, otherwise I won't be able to bring you back after training.'' Diana let out a cute laugh and started eating.

Indra looked at Diana for a few seconds before smiling and went back to eating.