
Death And Rebirth

[This will be a fanfic about Xiao from Genshin Impact, but with a totally different past and future] [English is not my first language, so keep that in mind] [I will try to keep the canonical personality of the different characters that will come out in the future, but I can't guarantee anything] [Xiao's name will change to Indra as I plan to change a lot of things to try to make this story a bit longer] [This fanfic will have different cultures and religions implemented as well as their respective heavens and hells, keep in mind that the Mc will kill some gods and demons of these different cultures and religions to avoid future criticism] ------------------------------------------------------------- Indra had a happy life until one day many Gods and Demons murdered their parents for committing one of the worst taboos, however the souls of their parents still existed and could not be destroyed, the Gods and Demons agreed to separate their souls into fragments and have a fragment in each of his kingdoms to prevent them from reincarnating, Indra before dying receives a blessing which allows him to be reborn every time he dies, Indra will have to travel to different worlds trying to recover all the soul fragments of his parents. ------------------------------------------------------------- The cover image is not mine, it is from https://www.pinterest.es/pin/908249449820974035/ If you are the owner of the image and it bothers you that I have it, just let me know.

Translate_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Mysterious Girl

Indra and Ares left the palace after talking for a while with Menelaus, as he was quite happy to have the God of War himself in his city.

''When we get to the house where we will live we will settle in, then I will tell you your training schedule, even though I said you could train from the age of 5 you will start tomorrow, we could even start your training right now but I have some things I have to take care of, so we will start tomorrow ''. Indra nodded her head to Ares' words and some time later they arrived at what would be their home for the next few years.

The house was just like the others only bigger, it was also white and seemed to have 3 levels, at the entrance there was a huge living room and next to it was a dining room and further back there was a kitchen, in a corner of the living room room room stairs led up to the next level which had 4 bedrooms of which 3 were the same and the remaining room was much bigger and better decorated, going up the stairs to the next level there was a huge space that was not separated by walls and had weapon racks, Indra imagined that this place would be for personal training, Indra went back to the second level and chose one of the 3 rooms, Ares had already taken the main room.

Indra took out what he had brought in his bag, there was only a little bit of clothes left since he had nothing else, then he put his clothes in one of the closets and heard Ares calling him from the living room.

When Indra came downstairs, Ares was sitting on a piece of furniture looking at him.

''Tomorrow at 5 am you will have breakfast and we will arrive at a training camp where you will be taught the basics until noon, then I will pick you up and you will come to train your wind element until 10, you will sleep and we will repeat the same cycle until I decide to change your training schedule ''

"''I thought it was you who was going to train me.'' Indra thought he understood the reason why Ares wasn't going to train him, he was almost sure it was because of a woman.

"I have some business I have to take care of, when I think you are ready I will train you personally, you better get ready as you will live through hell when I do."

When Indra finished talking to Ares she went back to her room and went to a window from which she could see a large part of the city, she could see how people were very sociable and they were all together, she could also see a woman walking next to a boy who seemed to be her son.

'Sirius, did you know my parents?'

'... Yes, but I have to tell you the truth, you're special, you won't be able to be with them no matter how much you want to.' Although Sirius knew this wasn't something he should tell a 3 year old, he couldn't help it as he needed Indra to mature quickly. Indra was a bit depressed, he doesn't know who his parents are and the only person who made him feel a familiar warmth was Athena but after that vision he didn't know what to think.

'Hey Sirius, ¿Why do they always say I'm special?, I still don't understand what they mean.'

'... When you're a bit older I'll tell you, you'd better decide on your first weapon, it's time for you to train for real.'

'You're right, I've been waiting for this, I want to avoid that future if it comes true.'

Indra has a big secret that only Sirius knows, exactly when he was 3 years old he talked to Sirius about his tattoo Sirius told him to put some of his internal energy to try to find out what was its function, when Indra did it he teleported to a dark space where he couldn't even see his hands, after a few seconds an eye as big as a mountain appeared in front of him, the eye had pupils exactly like Indra's, then a green ray came out of the eye and fell on Indra which caused him a strong headache, Indra came out of that black space and had a severe headache for a few hours, after he finally felt that the headache was gone his nose started to bleed, a few seconds later Indra had a vision about an event that would happen a few days later, since then Indra has had small visions that cause him a small headache and blood in his nose, but the other day when he was in the hut with Aphrodite he had a vision completely different from the one he normally had.

In the vision he was about 15 years old and was in a city that was in ruins, he had deep cuts all over his body and had so much blood that made him look like a demon, he had also lost an arm and was holding a glowing spear with his remaining arm, in the vision there were many silhouettes but he could not differentiate them except 3 people, they were Hades, Ares and Aphrodite, they were looking at him and suddenly a huge lightning bolt descended from the heavens and hit his head making it explode.

When Indra had his first vision apparently Sirius could not see it even though he was attached to his soul, he said it was a guide who came specifically for him, only he refused to answer when Indra asked him why he had come for him, many times. Sirius told him that he should escape and get away from the few people he knew and that if he didn't his fate would be a horrible death, however Indra thought he simply wanted to trick him so he ignored him, or so it was until he Had that horrible vision.

'I'm thinking of ignoring Hades and concentrating on the lightning element, I feel it calling to me and it's much stronger than any of the elements I have, even the power of fire is weak in comparison.'

'I also think you should practice the lightning element, but you must remember that it is possible for Hades to visit you from time to time, you should practice wind and lightning so that Hades will have no doubt.'

'You're right, but I'll still concentrate even more on the lightning, something tells me that if I listen to Hades something worse than that vision might happen to me...'

'Now that we're on this, I'll advise you on the best way to learn how to use your powers quickly.'

'All right, it's best not to waste time.'

'The most convenient is that you learn to control your elements internally, externally you can demonstrate more destructive power but it would take quite some time and precisely time is what we don't have, each element has different levels of internal control and I will tell you about the ones I know of, keep in mind that they are only the ones I know of and there are many other levels.' Indra simply nodded as he waited somewhat excitedly for Sirius' explanation.

'Let's start with water, water is a very versatile element if you use it externally, however internally it is used as a kind of support, the first and most basic level that I know of is being able to walk on water however you master enough this level you can stand even on a small drop of water.'

'In the second level you can hold your breath longer being under water, but if you master it completely you can breathe under water which is quite important in some fights against people using this element, the following levels are unknown to me except the last one. '

'The last level is one that very few people have managed to reach even when they have lived for millions of years, in this last level you enter a strange state of mind in which your thoughts become clear to a terrifying degree, you can live for millions or even billions of years and this state will make you remember absolutely everything, even every word you have ever heard.'

'However many gods consider this level a taboo and their reason is very particular, when you enter this state although it gives you many advantages it also affects your mind, it makes you enter an extremely calm and cold state and you look like a person without any emotions, although it may seem great to you it is actually a bit scary because some of the people who have reached this level have seen their loved ones being raped or killed but they feel absolutely nothing, as your guide I recommend you not to try to reach this level unless you want to lose all your emotions'.' Indra was quite impressed with this last level of the water element, he did not know exactly what to think of losing all his emotions.

'The wind element has a fairly rapid fire power if used externally but internally it is also supportive, the first level and with more potential to exploit is the sensory power, your senses will increase depending on your mastery at this level and you will easily perceive when something or someone is approaching you, some people can notice it even hundreds of meters away.'

'At the second level you can eliminate the wind around you, if you control it a little you can enter the eye of a storm and not be affected at all but if you master it completely you can get to eliminate all the wind around you, you could even eliminate the wind around another person and drown him in just a few seconds but the only bad thing is that you must have a perfect mastery in the wind outside.'

'At the third level you can fly, if you master it perfectly you can even give yourself a boost in your natural speed and I don't know exactly up to what limit you can reach, the next levels are unknown.' Indra finally seemed a bit his interested in the wind element, having the fastest fire power is something very captivating, not to mention its incredible internal use.

'The fire element has the greatest range of impact using it externally and the internal use of the fire element is based on physical reinforcement, at the first level you will have great physical strength depending on your total mastery, if you master it completely you could destroy a mountain in one blow like it was nothing and you can even destroy an entire planet in one blow.'

'The second level strengthens your body and also depends on your mastery the reinforcement of your body, if you reach a high level of mastery you could receive sword blows and you wouldn't even have a scratch left'

'The third level strengthens your bones making you capable of receiving very strong blows, if you reach a high level of mastery you could stop blows that would split a planet in half, the rest of the levels are unknown.'

Indra was quite amazed with the fire element, so far it was the one he needed the most, it was a pity it was sealed and he didn't know when he could start training it.

'The last element is lightning, lightning is the element with the most destructive power externally, internally it is one of the best elements only surpassed by 2 which are darkness and light, in the first level you will be able to improve your speed to a supernatural level, you could easily surpass the speed of light but I don't know exactly what is the limit of improvement.'

'The second level improves your reaction speed making it almost impossible to make a sneak attack and the more mastery you have the faster your reaction will be, just like the first level I don't know its improvement limit.'

'At the third level you will be able to absorb lightning, no matter if they are caused by storms or by the power of a person, depending on your body you will be able to keep the lightning in your body and then expel them with the same level of impact in one hit, keep in mind that if you absorb a lot of lightning you will be able to release them in one attack, the rest of the levels are unknown.' Indra was quite excited about the lightning element, it easily surpassed the other attributes he knows so far, however Sirius wasn't finished with his explanation.

'Although clearly lightning is quite powerful there is a reason why it does not have the first place of internal use among the elements, lightning asks for several requirements and among these the first one is a body strong enough to withstand the powerful lightning, the second requirement is a total control over the lightning making it look like a proper limb of your body, if you do not meet these 2 requirements it is 100% sure that you will end up dead, many people have died for not meeting these requirements.'

'My advice is to practice your lightning element without trying to strengthen your body until the age of 13, if you don't take my advice seriously, you could end up committing suicide before the day of vision arrives.

'All right, I will do as you say and when I am 13 I will try to learn the first internal level.'

'I thought you would be afraid and not practice it after knowing the possible consequences of misuse.'

Indra simply let out a smile at Sirius' words. 'If I don't learn how to use it, I'll die, it's better to take risks and have a chance to get out alive.'

'Sometimes I don't know if I should be happy or scared by your level of intelligence, even when you're so small... you're a real monster.' Indra finished talking to Sirius and as she was about to return to her mental space to practice, she remembered that she had a doubt for some time.

'Hey Sirius, what is the significance of the balls of the elements in my spiritual consciousness being so large?'

'I thought you would never ask, as I told you before each element has different levels of internal power, to reach these levels you need your element to meet certain conditions, the size of your elements will guide you for when you can use each level of internal power, let's take your fire element as an example, for the first level besides needing a strong body you also need your element to have a size of around 50km, if it is smaller it is almost impossible to use the first level of internal use but you could do it if you push the limits of your body to the maximum.'

'Your fire element has a size of 70km which means you could already use the first level of internal power, but as your body is not strong enough Hades had to seal your power as he could have made you explode when you were a baby, when you fully master your fire element you will be able to use it freely, the size of your elements is something that would never be seen in a child, your only element that could be considered normal is lightning but still keep in mind that it is a very strange thing for someone to have 4 elements, and the strangest thing is that it seems that you can master 4 more elements making a total of 8, something that has never been seen before.'

'But how do I go about increasing the size of the elements?'

'You have no mastery over them and you already want to learn how to make them bigger, you better practice and when the time comes I will guide you.'

Indra walked away from the window and went to his bed, then he sat down and entered his spiritual consciousness, when he entered he went towards the thunder without hesitation, when he came out of the circle he was quite surprised because he expected some kind of resistance from the thunder, Indra kept walking for about 2 hours without feeling any resistance from the thunder, When Indra noticed that it would not take long to arrive she felt something coming down her eyes, she raised her right hand to find out what it was but she noticed that it was actually her tears and she did not understand why she was crying, then she kept moving forward and when she got a little closer she felt a strong pain in her heart.

In the distance he could see that there was a woman next to the thunder and when he saw her he felt as if a part of his soul had returned to him, Indra began to run towards her but when he was about 100 meters away he suddenly reappeared where he had seen that huge eye, the huge eye reappeared in front of Indra but to his surprise another huge eye appeared, then a woman appeared in front of him, however he could not see her as she seemed to have a layer of white light surrounding her body, Indra felt that she was talking to him but he could not hear anything she said, when he was about to ask her who she was Indra disappeared and returned to his room.

What the hell was that? Indra was full of sweat, he checked his body but didn't see anything strange. "Sirius, did you see that?

'...' Indra he's got a little nervous when Sirius didn't answer him and he had a slight feeling that Sirius knew what that had been all about.

'I don't quite understand what happened, I can only tell you that when I felt that woman's energy in your spirit consciousness I knew instantly that she is the strongest person I have ever met in my entire life.' As Sirius was connected to Indra's soul he could enter her spiritual consciousness, but he could not go to the same space where Indra went to where those huge eyes were.

'Stop thinking about it, we don't have a clear answer right now and even if we did you couldn't do anything about it, better get into training and sooner or later you will discover the meaning of all this.' Although Indra knew that Sirius was hiding something from her he simply nodded.

Indra returned to his spiritual consciousness and to his surprise he was not inside the circle, he was in front of the thunder which was approximately 100 meters long, Indra looked in all directions to see if the strange woman was still inside his spiritual consciousness but he could not find anything, Indra turned towards the thunder and walked towards it.

'Sirius, what do I have to do now, the thunder doesn't reject me but I don't know what I should do to master it'.

'Stand under the thunder and try to feel it with your inner energy, when you feel the power of the thunder with your inner energy try to make a connection between the thunder and you using your inner energy as a medium'. Indra followed in Sirius' footsteps and placed himself under the thunder, then began to use his inner energy that he knew how to use since forever.

A few minutes later a small thread of grey energy came out of Indra and headed towards the thunder, when they made contact Indra clearly felt the thunder element inside him, Indra came out of his spiritual awareness and raised his palm, a few seconds later a small blue colored thunder appeared in his palm, Indra was quite happy as it was easier than he thought. 'Sirius, I already have control in the thunder element, now tell me how I can make it get bigger'.

'Don't get confused, you don't have complete mastery, you can simply manifest the element.'

'Hey don't be a spoilsport, just tell me what I should do now.'

'You have to learn to master the element completely and for that you must practice with it all the time, first try to make it expel from any part of your body at the moment you wish, keep in mind that it must be instantaneously and not after a few seconds.' Indra was quite excited and practiced throughout the night until his stamina ran out and he fell fast asleep.

The next day Indra woke up quite tired, he felt that all his muscles were burning and he was not strong enough to get out of bed.

'Hey Sirius, if I give my body a little electric shock will I be able to get up?'

'You will, your muscles will warm up and you will enter a false state of adrenaline, however keep in mind that you will end up even worse than now after the effect is over.'

Indra was quite angry with himself, Ares had told him to rest well as he would start with his training today. 'What excuse should I give Ares...' Indra was thinking hard about all the possible excuses he could give Ares.

''Indra go downstairs to eat.'' Indra felt a shiver when he heard Ares' voice, then he got up with enormous willpower and walked downstairs leaning against the wall until he reached the dining room where Ares was eating.

''I see you didn't take my words seriously, I will give you nutritious food that will heal you in just a few seconds to start your training.'' Ares had a smile on his face that provoked a bad feeling in Indra.

''I'm sorry, I overstepped my limits in my spiritual awareness trying to master the wind.'' Indra apologized as he walked to the table, when he arrived he saw on his right side a bowl that had a strange red liquid very similar to blood and on his left side a plate full of fruits and vegetables.

''This will be your food from now on, it is made with blood, wine and animal guts, you will also eat some fruits and vegetables, when you know how to handle a weapon you will hunt your own food.'' Indra was quite terrified with this food, he had never eaten something similar not even in the underworld.

''Besides I have put some divine energy in your food, your body will be back to its best in a few seconds so that you can train to the fullest and don't have to worry about the next few days when you think you are going to die.''

Indra could only accept and started to eat, Indra suffered a lot with this meal as it almost made him vomit several times, he did his best not to vomit as Ares had seriously warned him that if he vomited the food he would make him eat twice as much, after finishing his meal Indra went up to his room to get ready to leave, minutes later Ares called him and they both left the house, on the way Ares bought some things for woman, then they arrived to a huge training camp where there were hundreds of children training with the guidance of some Spartan warriors.

''You are going to train at the same pace as them and when you get used to it I will give you even more intense training, stay here while I talk to a Spartan to start your training.'' Ares commented before approaching one of the Spartan warriors who were teaching, then he pointed to Indra and the Spartan nodded.

''Indra, come here.'' Indra ran to Ares' side when he heard his name being called.

''So you're the kid with the outstanding body, all right, leave it to me and I'll make him into a real warrior.''

''Alright, I hope you won't disappoint me Indra, I'll come for you later as we agreed ''. Indra nodded and Ares left, however Indra didn't look away from Ares, then he saw how Ares seemed to leave the training camp but then he took another direction, Indra followed him with his eyes and was surprised when he saw him approaching a girl who was in another training camp, Indra wanted to keep looking but the Spartan interrupted him.

''Nice to meet you kid, my name is Ezio, I will train you along with the other kids and don't think that because you are smaller than them I will treat you with kindness.''

"''Understood sir, my name is Indra and I await your guidance.'' Ezio nodded as Indra was quick to agree and did not hesitate.

''Join the others, we will start with a short warm up by jogging 500 meters, then you will perform 2 sets with only 1 10 minute rest, then I will teach you basic unarmed fighting techniques.''

A few hours later, Indra lay on the ground panting heavily as he felt the pain of the morning was child's play compared to how he was currently feeling Indra heard a taunting voice and knew instantly it was Ares. ''Looks like you're about to die kid, I thought I should teach you how to cook and the other household chores like a lady.'' Indra ignored Ares' teasing as she was a little curious about the girl Ares approached, at the beginning of the training she was looking for her but a few minutes later she didn't even have time to think her.

The training was devastating for Indra even though she had a stronger body than most of the boys, when the 10 minutes break came Indra looked for the girl and when he found her he felt even more curious when he noticed that she was the only woman he had seen among all the boys training, Indra thought that maybe the other boys would make fun of her for being a woman but in reality it was the opposite, the Spartans value the strong ones and don't care about the rest, even the girl seemed to be training because she had a lot of potential to fight.

Ares continued to tease Indra until he saw Ezio walking towards them and greeted Ares. "Actually, I was surprised that the kid completed all the training, he even caught up to the other kids." Ares knew the reason for this was because Indra was the son of a God and a Demon, it was somewhat obvious that he had a strong body for a boy his age and even more so knowing that he had genes from the Demons who have an overwhelming physique.

"Thank you for training him, when you think he is ready you can increase the intensity of his training do so without hesitation, I want him to become a true warrior." Ezio nodded and then took his leave, Ares had to carry Indra back as he couldn't move a single muscle in his body, upon arrival Ares again prepared Indra's fatal meal and this time Indra did vomit, which caused Ares to get angry and made him eat 2 more times.

"That damn Ares wants to kill me." Indra was on his bed complaining about Ares for forcing him to eat that disgusting food, although he had to accept that it worked quite well as he felt much better after eating.

"I'd better get back to training with the thunder." Indra tried again to control his thunder power and was surprised to see that the speed of response had accelerated by one second.

'Hey Sirius, is this because of the training I went through?'

'Of course, I have told you that the stronger your body is the more power you can show with your elements, the training has helped you a lot but what has helped you the most is your own body as it is quite strong and with the help of Ares your recovery is quite fast, but you should keep in mind that the continuous use of Ares' divine power to recover the best state of your body will make you have enough problems in the future to make your body stronger, the best is a natural and not forced recovery.' Indra nodded and went back to lightning training, only this time she didn't push herself to the limit like the night before.

The next day, Indra woke up at 4:30 in the morning, trained for 25 minutes with the wind element, then quickly got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast but when she got to the living room she was quite surprised when she saw the same girl that Ares had talked to the day before.