
Death And Rebirth

[This will be a fanfic about Xiao from Genshin Impact, but with a totally different past and future] [English is not my first language, so keep that in mind] [I will try to keep the canonical personality of the different characters that will come out in the future, but I can't guarantee anything] [Xiao's name will change to Indra as I plan to change a lot of things to try to make this story a bit longer] [This fanfic will have different cultures and religions implemented as well as their respective heavens and hells, keep in mind that the Mc will kill some gods and demons of these different cultures and religions to avoid future criticism] ------------------------------------------------------------- Indra had a happy life until one day many Gods and Demons murdered their parents for committing one of the worst taboos, however the souls of their parents still existed and could not be destroyed, the Gods and Demons agreed to separate their souls into fragments and have a fragment in each of his kingdoms to prevent them from reincarnating, Indra before dying receives a blessing which allows him to be reborn every time he dies, Indra will have to travel to different worlds trying to recover all the soul fragments of his parents. ------------------------------------------------------------- The cover image is not mine, it is from https://www.pinterest.es/pin/908249449820974035/ If you are the owner of the image and it bothers you that I have it, just let me know.

Translate_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Goddess Of War Athena

When Indra woke up he felt a little better, then he went out of the hut in search of Aphrodite, however he could not find her anywhere, then he approached the lake and sat down on the grass.

This beautiful garden was a hidden space created by Aphrodite, it was where she came with her lovers to have sex without Hephaestus knowing about it, only Ares and a few others knew about it so it was natural that Aphrodite did not stay most of the time here, at least that was the case until Indra arrived since she spent more time in this space than in the underworld.

'Hey Sirius, if what you say is true, how can I avoid all that?'

'... You'll have to escape.' Indra looked thoughtful at Sirius' words.

'In fact, your trip to the mortal world will be your best chance to do so since they can't sense your energy.'

'That was your intention from the start, wasn't it?.'

'You know, smart people are the ones who die the fastest.'

'Relax, I'm not going to die, I know Aphrodite will help me.'

'Stupidity is also one of the reasons why people die fast.'

Indra ignored Sirius' words and began to meditate, this technique was to enter his spiritual consciousness and try to control his elemental powers, to use it he had to be in a state of calm and maintain a constant flow of internal energy, a few minutes later Indra could enter his spiritual consciousness and when he opened his eyes he was in a large blank space that seemed to have no end, Indra looked to the east and could see the huge ball of fire that was enclosed in a gray energy, then he looked to the west and saw the ball of water that seemed to be the same as always, he turned to the north and saw the small lightning bolt, Indra looked at it for quite a while until he looked to the south and started walking towards the huge ball of wind.

Hades had told him many times that he had to master the wind element before the others but Indra asked him several times if he could learn to master the lightning element first, Hades always refused saying it was for his own good, what Hades did not know is that Indra always had a strange feeling of anxiety when he looked north in his spiritual consciousness, Indra took a deep breath and left the circle walking south but when he took the first step he felt a strong blizzard trying to push him, Indra kept moving forward as if he did not mind at all as he was quite used to it.

An hour later Indra had reached what seemed to be a huge wall of wind that would not let him advance, Indra tried to break through the wall several times but was always rejected, a few hours later Indra was panting heavily on the ground while full of cuts all over his body, Indra got up and when he was about to try to break through the wall again Sirius called out to him.

'There is a woman watching you, she is dangerous so be careful.'

Indra came out of his spiritual consciousness and came back to reality, although Indra was for many hours in his spiritua,l consciousness in the normal world only about 30 minutes had passed.

''Do you need anything?'' Indra asked as she slowly opened her eyes, when she opened them fully she could see a beautiful red-haired woman wearing a small silver armor.

''Oh my, you are quite sensitive.'' She just let out a small smile and approached Indra.

"Nice her to meet you, my name is Athena, and you?

''Aphrodite isn't here, you can go look for her at her house or something.'' Indra seemed rather indifferent towards Athena, even though she was quite beautiful he was still a boy and was more concerned about Sirius' warning than wanting to befriend her.

''Heh, how rude'' Athena smiled and sat down next to Indra, then leaned back on her legs.

''You're quite handsome... You must be the son of Aphrodite, right?'' Athena kept looking at Indra, which made him feel a little nervous.

''I'm not Aphrodite's son.'' Indra commented as he tried to push Athena's head off his legs.

"Boy, you can't imagine how many people would kill to be in your place, stop playing hard to get and let me spoil you." Athena gave a cute mischievous smile to Indra, she really liked children and always played with them when she had some time.

''I'm not interested in any of that, just get off me.'' Indra insisted until Athena finally stood up.

''Alright, you win kid but now it's your turn.'' Indra gave Athena a rare look as she began to slowly move her head until she reached his lap.

''Your actions are not what a mature woman should do.'' Indra couldn't help but comment, although at first she tried to get up she couldn't because Athena kept her hand on her head so Indra gave up.

'Hey kid, I'd advise you to stay away from her, it can be quite dangerous if something gets away from you.'

'If I could of course I would, for things like this I hate being so weak, Aphrodite always annoys me the same way.'

'Make up an excuse, say you have to go to the bathroom or something.'

'Don't worry, if she does anything Aphrodite will come to help me.' Indra commented while appearing to be quite confident.

'That stupidity of yours will get you killed when you least think about it, Aphrodite would never risk her life for you.'

This was something Sirius said whenever he had a talk with Indra, although Indra was skeptical at first, currently he doesn't know if Sirius is right or not.

''Hey, those aren't words a child should say.''

''And those aren't actions a woman should do.'' Indra rolled his eyes as he huffed, he seemed to be quite angry.

''How old are you?'' Athena frowned slightly as she heard Indra's words, she was revered as a very pure woman and was quite proud of it.

"Three, how about you?

''A woman is never asked her age, you know.''

''That's the answer an old woman would give.'' Indra let out a small laugh when she said these words, she couldn't help but mock Athena as revenge.

Athena stood in shock for a few seconds, then she looked at Indra and a mischievous smile formed on her face.

''I'm actually quite young, I'm currently looking for a boyfriend, wouldn't you like to sign up?'' Athena obviously didn't mean it, she simply wanted to tease Indra a bit.

Athena's words seemed to work very well, Indra became quite his nervous. ''I'm going to tell Aphrodite when she arrives''. Indra tried to scare Athena by using Aphrodite, however it was quite the opposite.

''Perfect, it would make me quite happy if we had her blessing.'' Athena kept pestering Indra for a few hours until Aphrodite finally arrived.

"Athena, what a surprise to see you here." Aphrodite acted normal at the sight of Athena, but she felt a little nervous seeing Indra so close to Athena.

''Hey Aphrodite, ¿why do you have a mortal child in your garden?, he's pretty cute, but he's no use to you yet.'' Athena asked Aphrodite as she shifted her gaze between the two of them.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes as she listened to Athena, she always wanted to keep a good image before Indra and not the one everyone knows. ''Ares sees potential in him, he'll only be here for a few days while Ares unburdens himself.''

''Ohh I see, no doubt he will serve us all the help he can for the tournament.'' Athena nodded understanding why Indra was in this place, since she saw him she knew he was just a mortal but she also knows that she can never rely solely on this, the line of existence is very large and all kinds of things can happen.

''So, what's the reason for your visit?'' Aphrodite asked hoping that Athena wouldn't delay in leaving, Athena is too smart and could easily find out everything.

''I needed your help at the Gods meeting, all the information about the upcoming tournament has arrived.'' Aphrodite and Athena chatted for quite a while until they finally finished, however Athena didn't leave.

''I'm going to help you take care of him while Ares finishes doing what he should, so you can relax.'' Aphrodite felt shivers all over her body as she listened to Athena, it is very dangerous for her to stay too long with Indra, she will find out that he is not a normal boy.

''Hey Indra, how about we play a little? I can introduce you to my best friend.'' Indra nodded with some curiosity.

Athena whistled softly and a few seconds later a small phoenix with blue flames landed on Athena's shoulder. ''This is my best friend her name is Ember, she has several powers and among the coolest she can summon blue flames and change her size becoming a phoenix as big as a dragon, her mother gave her to me when she was just an egg as a blessing for passing her test, when you are strong enough I can take you where there are several divine beasts that can grant you their blessing.'' Indra his was quite surprised, Athena seeing this raised her chest proudly and a cute smile appeared on her face.

Aphrodite could only keep thinking of an excuse to get Athena away from Indra, but no matter how hard she thought she could not find one convincing enough for her to believe it.

''Come Indra, let's play with Ember.'' Indra was quickly carried away when he saw the phoenix since he only knew Aphrodite, Hades, Ares and Persephone, he had never seen an animal before.

Ember jumped off Athena's shoulder and sat on Indra's head comfortably, Indra was scared at first thinking that maybe it might burn him, but then he noticed that it only felt a little warm and didn't hurt him.

''Hehe you got scared eh? don't worry, Ember has total dominion over her flames and you won't get burned unless she wants you to.''

Indra was quite amazed and thought if he could ever have such a high mastery with all his elements, Aphrodite who saw his face knew what Indra was thinking and could only smile, however what he did not notice was that Athena was staring at them....


The next day Athena was lying on the grass with Indra and Ember. ''Hey Indra, what are your parents' names?'' Athena turned and looked at Indra.

''I don't have parents.''

Athena continued to stare at him for a few seconds before looking back up at the sky. 'First my uncle Hades was behaving strangely and now Aphrodite and Ares? Clearly they are connected, my uncle Hades is somewhat close to Ares, Ares is close to Aphrodite and Indra is close to both of them...' Athena was deep in thought about Indra's true identity, she knows they must be hiding something from her, she just doesn't know what it is yet.

''Hey, how about if I show you a few things before you go with Ares?'' Athena seemed to have a good idea...

''What do you want to show me?'' Indra finally turned and looked Athena in the face.

''I'm 100% sure that Ares will train you as a barbarian, in that case I could teach you some things that don't require superhuman effort.''

''Very well, please teach me''' Although Indra was quite indifferent to her before, now that she has told him that she will teach him some things it has made him change his mind about her, after all what she needs is power to avoid any danger in the future....

''Alright, follow me.'' Athena stood up and approached the lake with Indra following her.

''I know that Ares will teach you arts of war which are based on different fighting styles and how to kill and slice, but I can teach you different arts in which you will concentrate more on strategy, you can use your head to defeat enemies that are much stronger than you or you could defend a city from a siege.'' Athena walked over the lake as if it was nothing and reached its center.

''The art of war of Ares is mad and violent, but my art of war is one of wisdom and strategy although it is difficult to learn depending on the person, if you meet certain requirements you can learn this art of war in just a few days.'' Athena turned her hand towards the water of the lake and then took the shape of a huge city.

''You are still too small to meet the requirements but I will still tell you, you need to have a cool and calm mind in any situation no matter how bad it is, you must have a strong sense of perception to everything around you and lastly and most importantly, you must have enormous creativity, this is because in a war even a rock thrown towards a specific point of a wall could collapse it all and give you strategic advantage in the middle of the war.'' Then around the city began to appear a wall that surrounded it completely.

''Now as I said you are too small to have these qualities, however I can give you a little support when it comes to creativity.'' In front of the wall appeared a huge army of well armed warriors while another large army appeared at the end of the lake.

''Most of the time when a war occurs the winner is the one who devised the best strategy, however there are always unforeseen events that happen no matter how good the strategy is, in this case our example will be a strong warrior.'' Among all the army that seemed to be defending the city a man in the crowd began to shine.

''This will be our strong warrior who has a strength that would equal 100 men.'' As Athena spoke the army at the end of the lake began its attack. ''The strong warrior will mark a clear advantage in the war, this will make them victorious and they can celebrate, of course this situation would only come true if the enemy army does not have a good strategy to deal with this warrior.''

''If I were in the situation of the enemy army I would simply form a good formation to deal with this man, he may be quite strong but he is still only one man and has a limit to what he can achieve, the formation would have a group of shields resisting his attacks while another group of archers shoot at him from a distance, this will make him fall easily.'' Athena smiled when she saw that Indra was quite focused on his explanation.

"But... What if there is a variant and this man is invincible against weapons?'' Indra was quite thoughtful with this question, as he did not know how it would be possible to defeat him if weapons were useless.

''Although it seems a difficult question, it is actually quite easy, you simply defeat him without weapons, you can do it with your own hands or with a rock and this is the important point about creativity, for this reason I will make you some tests and we will play different games specially created by myself where we will activate your creativity to the maximum, for sure it will help you to survive the cruel training of Ares.'' When Athena finished speaking she walked towards the shore of the lake and all the water returned to a state of calm.

Indra nodded and without realizing it he made a big mistake, he lowered his guard before Athena.


A few days later Indra was still doing the different tests and games of Athena with her as a guide.

''What are you doing here?'' They both turned and saw Ares who looked rather angry.

''That's the only thing you have to say to your sister after not seeing her in years?'' Although Ares looked quite angry, Athena confronted him directly.

''No... sorry, how have you been?'' Indra was quite surprised to see Ares, he was never that docile with anyone, not even Aphrodite.

''Too bad, my stupid brother has been participating in wars in the mortal world which has caused a lot of complaints and more work for me.'' Athena seemed quite angry with Ares since she always had to clean up his messes.

''Sorry, I'll make it up to you.'' Athena still wore an angry expression but still nodded. ''But you'll have to wait a bit, I'll spend some time in the mortal world training him.'' Ares pointed at Indra while dodging Athena's fierce gaze.

''Aphrodite already told me, you better take good care of him.'' Athena gave Ares one last look and turned to Indra. ''Indra it seems that our time is over, take good care of yourself and remember what I have taught you, if destiny wills it we will meet again.'' Athena gave Indra a kiss on the forehead and then left.

When she finally left Ares shouted loudly. ''WHAT THE FUCK HAS APHRODITE DONE, SURE ATHENA ALREADY HAS SOME IDEA!'' Ares was still screaming like a madman cursing while Indra went to the hut to pick up a small bag he had prepared a while ago, then walked back to Ares who seemed to be a bit calmer.

''We're leaving now, I won't let Aphrodite say goodbye to you as punishment for the shitty mistake she made.'' Indra nodded as she knew that Ares would follow through no matter what said, but Indra was a little sad that she couldn't say goodbye to Aphrodite

Ares thrust his golden spear into the ground and a black hole swallowed them both, after a few seconds Aphrodite came speeding up.

''Son of a bitch, he dared to take Indra away without letting me say goodbye to him!'' Aphrodite was quite angry with Ares, their relationship got a little worse since Indra had come into their lives.

A few minutes later Aphrodite snorted as she calmed down a bit. ''I wish you well Indra, I look forward to what kind of man you will become.''

After Aphrodite left, Athena who was hiding with her special treasure came out of the bushes. 'According to what Ares shouted it seems that Indra has a special past, just as I imagined.' Athena took one last look at the garden and then disappeared again.

When Indra stepped out of the portal the first thing that entered her field of vision was the beautiful sight of a huge city.

''This is where we will live from now on, this is the best city where true warriors are trained.'' Indra nodded and then noticed that she was on top of a mountain, then turned to Ares and saw that he was already walking towards the city.

''Hey Ares, according to what you say this city has military power, right?'' Ares nodded. ''Athena told me that cities have walls that protect them from enemy attacks, why doesn't this city have walls if it's prepared for a war?'' Ares turned and stared at Indra.

''Good question, the people of this city are obsessed with military power, they do superhuman training and all their inhabitants are strong warriors, even the women train and they have a lot of freedom, so much that they can even command their husbands.''

''But that doesn't answer my question.'' Indra was a bit confused.

''Boy, her people are her walls.''

Ares noticed that Indra was still confused so he let out a long sigh. ''Don't worry, you'll find your answers when we go inside.'' Indra nodded and continued walking with Ares towards the city.

Two hours later, Indra and Ares were in front of the city, guards wearing only a helmet along with a red cloak and spear in hand approached them. ''Identify yourself.'' One of them spoke while passing his gaze on Indra and Ares.

''We want to become citizens, I can give trainings in the art of war and the child is healthy enough to train when he turns 5 years old''. Both guards doubted the credibility in Ares' words, they trained children when they were 7 years old and that was only to the few who were not discarded at birth, and those who could be called geniuses trained from the age of 6, but there was never a child who was healthy enough to train from the age of 5.

''For this matter you will have to talk to the king, if he verifies the authenticity in your words we will certainly welcome you, but if it is discovered that you were lying I am afraid you must prepare for the consequences.'' Ares nodded and the guards guided him through the city, Indra was quite excited with everything he saw on the way, this was his first time seeing other people and all these structures.

After walking for 30 minutes they arrived to a huge square palace, it was quite tall and the only thing holding it up were huge pillars, it was pure white and had only one entrance, when they arrived to the entrance other guards stopped them and after listening to the reason for the visit they let them pass, Indra and Ares followed the guard that guided them and arrived to a huge room that had quite a few shelves of weapons. Indra felt that someone was looking at him, when he turned around he saw a mature looking man, he had a helmet and a long beard along with a red cloak just like his guards.

''Come out.'' The man turned to his guards to which they nodded and left the room, he then walked over to Indra and Ares and knelt down in front of them, Indra was quite surprised but then remembered that Ares was a God and he possibly knew him.

''It is an honor to have in my city the God of War himself.'' Ares nodded and the man got up from the floor. ''If you have any requests do not hesitate to tell me, I will do my best to fulfill your request.'' Even though the man was talking to a God he did not humble himself before Ares, he too is a warrior and a very proud one.

Ares seemed quite happy, after all a true warrior does not humble himself before anyone, not even the Gods themselves.

''I have the task of training this child, I thought your city would be the best choice, after all they are freaking crazy in military power and training.'' The man nodded and looked quite proud, he had just been praised by a God and it wasn't something that would happen to just anyone.

''Of course you can stay, as the child is coming with you I'm sure he is special, you can have him join our training whenever you wish, I will also give them a house to live in and all the food they need will be given to them.'' Ares and the man talked a bit more about the details of their instance.

''Since everything is perfectly organized, let me introduce myself properly and welcome you both.'' The man approached a window and pointed outside.

''My name is Menelaus, the king of this established city of the highest caliber warriors, welcome to Sparta.''