
Death And Rebirth

[This will be a fanfic about Xiao from Genshin Impact, but with a totally different past and future] [English is not my first language, so keep that in mind] [I will try to keep the canonical personality of the different characters that will come out in the future, but I can't guarantee anything] [Xiao's name will change to Indra as I plan to change a lot of things to try to make this story a bit longer] [This fanfic will have different cultures and religions implemented as well as their respective heavens and hells, keep in mind that the Mc will kill some gods and demons of these different cultures and religions to avoid future criticism] ------------------------------------------------------------- Indra had a happy life until one day many Gods and Demons murdered their parents for committing one of the worst taboos, however the souls of their parents still existed and could not be destroyed, the Gods and Demons agreed to separate their souls into fragments and have a fragment in each of his kingdoms to prevent them from reincarnating, Indra before dying receives a blessing which allows him to be reborn every time he dies, Indra will have to travel to different worlds trying to recover all the soul fragments of his parents. ------------------------------------------------------------- The cover image is not mine, it is from https://www.pinterest.es/pin/908249449820974035/ If you are the owner of the image and it bothers you that I have it, just let me know.

Translate_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

God of war Ares

When Hades arrived at his domain, he hurried to his palace with Indra when they finally arrived at Hades' palace, Hades finally felt relief, the palace was as big as a building, its doors were big enough for a giant to enter, when Hades opened the doors there was a huge hallway that had 3 different directions, Hades took the way to the front and when he reached the end there were long stairs that seemed to have no end, Hades climbed up in silence and after a few minutes he finally reached the end where there were 3 doors, Hades slowly approached the door on the left, he closed his eyes in front of the door and then entered.

When Hades opened his eyes, he was in a huge room a bit dark, it had some big windows and a huge mirror on one of the walls, there was a huge bed that could easily accommodate 8 people, in one of the windows there was a beautiful tall woman, her skin was pale and she had black hair while she was wearing a white dress. "Welcome, Hades" the woman's voice was so angelic it sounded like the singing of an angel.

"H-hello Persephone" Hades was somewhat nervous as he did not expect Persephone to be in this room, after all, this is the guest room.

Persephone approached Hades with a beautiful smile on her face, just as she was 3 feet away from Hades, she froze, looking at the baby in Hades' arms. "Y-you, what the hell did you do? Put that thing down immediately" Persephone let out a murderous intent directed at Hades or specifically the baby.

Hades quickly covered Indra in an almost transparent bubble. ''Hey Persephone, I have a good reason to do this, first listen to me and then make a decision.''

"Speak before I regret it" Persephone though she seemed reluctant, preferred to listen first because her husband had not yet removed that thing.

''I can only tell you that his father and mother have great influence in their respective domains, I can't tell you their names as it would put you in danger, however, if we take care of him for 15 years they will owe us a great favor, which we could use for the next multiversal tournament.''

"Do you know what will happen if some higher god or demon finds out about that?" Persephone pointed at Indra as her mind was in constant conflict.

"If anything happens, I promise I will take responsibility and it won't affect you at all," Hades promised as Persephone continued to stare at Indra.

"I still think it's a bad idea to keep that thing, it would be better to remove it right away to avoid future problems" Persephone still seemed reluctant to let Indra live, as she could not imagine what consequences they would have to take if the higher gods and demons found out about this.

''Don't worry Persephone, I will keep him under extreme surveillance and will not let him have contact with anyone, not even the most loyal servants and subjects'' Hades kept trying to convince Persephone for a few minutes until she finally agreed.

"However, I won't accept you wasting your time with that thing while I'm in the underworld, so you'd better get ready to take care of that thing."

Persephone took one last look at Indra before passing Hades and leaving the room, Hades fixed his gaze on Indra who was sleeping. "Although she looks mean, she is a very sweet person, I'm sure you will like her when you get to know her better" Hades walked over to the huge bed and laid Indra down gently, then clasped his hands together. and a bright light covered the entire bed making it impossible to look beyond, Hades closed the windows and walked out of the room leaving Indra sleeping.


A few days later, Hades received a visit he was not expecting, it was Hermes the messenger God, Hermes was a middle-aged man with an athletic, muscular and lean figure, he has black curly hair along with blue eyes and elven features.

Hades felt a little nervous seeing Hermes as he thought his brother might have found out about Indra. "Hello Hades, Zeus sent me to give you something, he said it was about something they had agreed on a while back."

Hades felt much calmer when he heard the reason why Hermes had been sent, however, he still didn't let his guard down. "Oh, right, I thought you had forgotten about that matter." Hades and Zeus' agreement was about a divine weapon that Zeus had promised Hades when he married Persephone.

Hermes smiled at Hades as a small black staff appeared in his hands, the staff looked normal at first glance. ''This weapon has been forged by Hephaestus himself, who took more than 10 years to finish forging it completely, it is created with the strongest metals and a small fragment of Sirius himself, which fell from the sky, the name of the weapon is the same as the god Sirius, the weapon will choose its own owner and will adjust to its owner based on his strength and height, and it is as you think, it has its own conscience, although it is strange because it has not wanted to talk to anyone so far so its powers are unknown, however according to Hephaestus its owner will have the ability to hurt the gods themselves with this weapon, it is advisable not to lose it for any reason.''

Hades was somewhat excited and received the weapon from Hermes, while Hades contemplated the weapon, Hermes fixed his gaze on one of the windows of Hades' palace without Hades noticing. 'This ... Why do I feel like something is wrong?' Hermes shook his head at these thoughts and talked some more with Hades before leaving.

After Hermes left, Hades changed his gentle look for a cold and indifferent one, he clearly saw Hermes looking towards the window of the palace, which was precisely the room where Indra was sleeping. 'I think I will have to take extreme measures' Hades put away the weapon and returned to the room where Indra was, he cleared the bright light that covered the whole bed, Hades took Indra in his arms when a thick fog of darkness began to fill the whole room, after a few minutes the room still looked the same, only that if someone looked from outside he would not see any trace of a room in this place.

After Hades finished putting up a protective and invisibility field around the room, he went back to lay Indra on his bed while he thought about what to do with Indra when Persephone was in the underworld. 'Maybe I should get him a teacher to teach him while I can't, however, there are few people who would keep Indra's existence a secret and there are even fewer people I can trust' Hades spent the rest of the day thinking about who would be the best choice to help him train Indra.

The next day, Indra had finally woken up and was in Hades' arms. ''Heh, looks like the seal I put on you left you too exhausted'' Hades was talking to Indra as he walked towards the dining room which was huge, Hades looked at all the food there that he had already ordered from his servants from before, although they looked at him strangely when he asked for bottle and milk in his breakfast, they ignored it thinking that maybe it would be some kind of game with Persephone, after all they had heard very strange things coming out of his room while cleaning....

As Hades fed Indra, he finally made a decision. "You should feel lucky, possibly two Gods will train you in the future, something very few people have ever experienced" Indra kept looking at Hades with her pretty yellow eyes with feline pupils.

After finishing breakfast, Hades took Indra to his room and sat with Indra on his lap on a chair in front of a table, he took a sheet of paper that was on one corner of the table next to a pen that was on the other corner, Hades wrote a little before folding the letter and putting a stamp on it, instantly the letter disappeared in a burst of light. ''Let's hope he at least reads the letter'' Hades let out a small sigh before looking at Indra and smiling. ''Let's go play with Persephone for a bit'' to which Indra responded with a tender laugh.


In a field in the middle of a great war, a muscular man in bronze armor along with a spear, shield and helmet, was cutting through people's flesh like butter, running back and forth leaving a huge trail of blood wherever he passed ''Bastards, you look like ladies fighting, come to me!'' the man was stained with blood all over his body, however this blood was not his own as he laughed out loud like a complete madman provoking the other soldiers on the battlefield.

The man smiled as he saw many of the soldiers running towards him shouting at the top of their lungs, he grabbed his spear with his right hand and bowed slightly while his left hand was raised pointing to the front, he took a small momentum and then threw his spear towards the soldiers, the spear was going at such a high speed that it looked like a bullet as it went through dozens of soldiers. ''Hahahahahaha, come at me ladies!''

A few hours later, the entire battlefield was littered with bodies and blood, the man in bronze armor was covered in blood eating an apple sitting on a mountain of bodies while looking at a letter that had recently reached him. ''For Hades to call me something serious must have happened..... Interesting!'' The man grinned like mad as he stood up and looked around the field littered with blood and lifeless bodies.

The man stepped off the pile of corpses and approached a group of men singing and drinking beer. "I'll have to leave for a while, finish things up here quickly and get back to town."

As the bronze-armored man was about to leave he heard a female voice that made him stop. ''Hey captain, don't you want to celebrate the victory with me?'' The voice was so seductive that it made the other men stop. The 'captain' approached her and kissed her while caressing her ass with one hand and touching her breast with the other.

After a minute of intense kissing and caressing they finally separated as the woman gasped heavily. "Wait for my return, when I come back I will make you mine." The 'captain' gave her one last kiss before leaving without even looking back.


In the realm of Hades, Persephone walked down a long road with a frown on her face. ''Why does that damn thing have to take my time with Hades, he even plays with him more than me.... He acts like he likes that thing more than his own wife''. Persephone kept all these days jealous of Indra as Hades seemed to have forgotten her while playing with him, Persephone stopped when she was in front of a door, then kicked it and went inside.

Hades was surprised when he saw Persephone walk angrily into the room ''What's wrong?'' Persephone gave Hades a strong murderous look as she walked closer and closer to him, when she stood in front of him, she grabbed his arm and pushed him onto the bed "Hey Persephone are you okay?" Hades knew he had done something wrong but he couldn't remember what.

"Shut up!" Persephone screamed and moved her hands to remove her dress as she looked at Hades. "I've had enough of that thing taking you away from me!" Hades simply relaxed and smiled until he froze when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Mr. Hades, you have a visitor waiting in the lobby."

Persephone was so angry that Hades could have sworn he saw smoke coming out of her ears as she clenched her teeth tightly. "Make him wait!", Persephone shouted as she began to approach Hades, however Hades stood up and kissed her slowly.

"Sorry, you'll have to wait a bit, the guest is someone who will take care of Indra while you're here, as soon as I'm done I'll reward you" Hades gave her a warm smile and hugged her until Persephone nodded.

Hades left the room and headed towards the guest, when he arrived he found a man in bronze armor with a helmet in his right hand, his eyes although they were black seemed to be on fire hungry for war, his black hair was pulled back, He had a strong, violent and indomitable presence.

''It's good to see you, Hades, I was wondering what fucking mess you got yourself into that you had to call me.''

"I didn't expect you to respond to my letter so quickly, why don't we have a drink first?"

"Cut the crap, tell me what you want" The bronze armored man clearly knew Hades was up to something, Hades could only let out a sigh as he hesitated to tell him.

"We'd better talk about this somewhere else, Ares" Hades spoke heavily as he pointed to the door of a room that appeared out of nowhere.

"You better not waste my time" Ares let out a loud snort as he followed Hades into the room.

"This better be something important, I left a woman waiting just to fix your shit."