
Death And Rebirth

[This will be a fanfic about Xiao from Genshin Impact, but with a totally different past and future] [English is not my first language, so keep that in mind] [I will try to keep the canonical personality of the different characters that will come out in the future, but I can't guarantee anything] [Xiao's name will change to Indra as I plan to change a lot of things to try to make this story a bit longer] [This fanfic will have different cultures and religions implemented as well as their respective heavens and hells, keep in mind that the Mc will kill some gods and demons of these different cultures and religions to avoid future criticism] ------------------------------------------------------------- Indra had a happy life until one day many Gods and Demons murdered their parents for committing one of the worst taboos, however the souls of their parents still existed and could not be destroyed, the Gods and Demons agreed to separate their souls into fragments and have a fragment in each of his kingdoms to prevent them from reincarnating, Indra before dying receives a blessing which allows him to be reborn every time he dies, Indra will have to travel to different worlds trying to recover all the soul fragments of his parents. ------------------------------------------------------------- The cover image is not mine, it is from https://www.pinterest.es/pin/908249449820974035/ If you are the owner of the image and it bothers you that I have it, just let me know.

Translate_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs


In a rather gloomy forest, where the sunlight had not yet arrived, a rather handsome boy wearing a white shirt and black collar with a single golden-white sleeve on his left arm, dark-gray pants with black boots. He was sitting on a pile of animal carcasses, looking rather bored as he wiped all the blood that was soaked into his spear.

''Shit, I'm getting more and more bored with this damn daily routine.'' the boy who looked to be about 10 kept talking to himself while cleaning the blood off his spear. If a person walked by and looked at the boy they would think he was crazy as he seemed to be having a conversation with his spear....

''Hey Sirius, when can I be done with this shit?'' The boy stared at his spear as he asked, you could easily see he was desperate.

''Stop whining already, Ares said he'll come for you when he sees you're strong enough. Just focus on training more.'' The spear released a small glow and then flew in an arrow of light towards a tattoo on the boy's neck.

''What the fuck are you talking about, Ezio is no match for me and I think I could even bust Ares' ass right now.'' This kid was clearly Indra. It's been 5 years since the war started and Ares left.

Indra had grown up quite a bit and had become much more handsome, he was about 61 inches tall and although he was only 8 years old people could easily think he was 10 or even 12 years old. He had become quite popular with women as he was an excellent warrior and was known as the strongest person currently in Sparta, many women both older and younger sought him out trying to form a close relationship for when he grew up. Although he was quite strong this was only to say nothing of some Heroes, Demi-Gods and Gods.

Indra had spent the last few years repeating the same routine as always, he would go out hunting animals to get some money before dawn to eat together with Diana and then train for the rest of the day. Indra trained so much that even Ezio stopped being Indra's rival when he turned 5 years old and Diana became stronger than Ezio when she turned 7 years old.

''I'm almost fully proficient with the spear, I can use the lightning power at the first level as well as the wind, water is still a bit unstable but I can use it for simple things, I'm sure I can get out of this damn city now.'' Indra was quite unhappy with his current routine. Indra's personality had changed a lot, although he still doesn't like to kill people, he no longer wants to live a peaceful life with nothing to do. In these 5 years he lived what could be called a normal life and found out that it was quite boring.

''Stop complaining and come back, Diana will wake up soon or maybe she's already awake.''

Indra sighed and gently jumped down next to the pile of animal carcasses. ''I guess Dorian won't be able to buy all of this.... I think I got carried away today.'' Indra smiled and then stretched out his right index finger from which a gust of wind came out and enveloped all the corpses, all the corpses rose from the ground and gathered in a single point forming a huge ball which was positioned right behind Indra.

''I can already use the wind a bit externally and with the lightning I can already give some small electric shocks. I'm starting to doubt if Ares still remembers us...'' Indra walked in the direction of the city while thinking about when Ares was going to come for them. Indra was strong enough to fight in a war, although he didn't know well what would happen with Diana since Ares himself said that she wasn't going to participate.

Stop thinking about it so much, just keep training and improve even more in your spear, you still have a long way to go if you think you are ready to fight against a God or Semi-God'' Sirius always repeated the same words to Indra who was already tired of always hearing the same thing.

Indra continued walking and arrived in Sparta. People did not notice so much the floating ball of corpses behind Indra, it was something they saw often. Indra quickly sold most of the dead animals to Dorian while there were a few that he had to sell at the market. Indra quickly headed home trying to get there before Diana woke up. Diana still believed that Ares' friends were the ones bringing money for them.

Indra continued talking to Sirius out loud since he started to feel desperate to be in this situation, even though he was doing well and they didn't have any money problem or anything like that, he was under a lot of pressure and stress since he had to take care of himself and Diana.

A few minutes later Indra was in front of his house, he walked towards the entrance and when he was about to enter Sirius spoke directly into his mind. Be careful, I sense the presence of someone else besides Diana and it seems that she wants to hide from you. Indra stretched out her arm and Sirius in the shape of a spear appeared in her right hand. 'Everyone knows that I am the strongest person in Sparta, maybe I am someone extremely strong or just plain stupid.'

Indra stood in front of the door and took a deep breath, then leaned back and lightning bolts completely surrounded her body. When Indra finished taking a deep breath she quickly propelled herself forward and in only 5 seconds she reached Diana's room. 'Diana is sleeping, let me know quickly if she is nearby.' Indra quickly scanned the room and found Diana sleeping then headed for the door and stopped when she heard Sirius. 'She stopped hiding, she's on the third level.' Indra took a deep breath and quickly propelled herself back up to the third floor.

''You seem to have improved quite a bit, your speed is somewhat inhuman and you could easily beat the strongest mortal in the world, but if you think that's enough to be able to fight a Semi-God you are sorely mistaken.'' Indra easily recognized the voice and her face finally showed some happiness.

''Tch, I thought you had abandoned us just like Diana said.'' Although Indra seemed to be quite annoyed, his face completely belied it and at this, Ares could only smile.

''Leave the touching meeting to the women, show me what you have learned over the years.'' Ares stood firmly about 5 meters away from Indra and folded his arms waiting for Indra to attack.

Indra got a little angry that Ares didn't seem to take him seriously. ''I advise you to draw your spear, you will regret it if you don't.'' Indra raised his spear pointing it at Ares as he bowed slightly.

Just start, kid.'' Ares gave Indra an amused look which made him even angrier.

Indra grabbed his spear with his right arm which he stretched back as his spear pointed towards Ares, his left arm stretched out until it almost touched the tip of the spear.

Indra took a deep breath and then the lightning around him exploded fiercely and he rushed forward in just a second in front of Ares. Indra launched a direct cut towards Ares' neck and thought that he would definitely hit since he used an extreme speed which would not be visible to the naked eye, even Diana had trouble keeping up with him.

Ares smiled at the sight of the spear and then looked Indra straight in the eye. ''If this is all you have, you're going to die when you face a demi-god.'' Ares moved his neck quickly and dodged the spear by just a millimeter. Ares was still acting arrogant in front of Indra but suddenly froze when he felt something go down his neck, it was blood.

''Looks like you're getting old Ares, I almost cut your neck.'' Indra gave Ares an amused look and then continued to throw quick slashes towards Ares' chest.

Ares looked seriously at Indra for the first time since they had met again. 'Looks like Sirius wasn't being arrogant, he's capable of killing even the Gods.' Ares looked for a second at the spear and then refocused his gaze on Indra. 'He'd better control him perfectly, he can become quite dangerous if he gets out of control.' Ares thought to himself and then quickly dodged all of Indra's thrusts, he quickly crouched down and threw a side kick towards his feet causing Indra to stumble, however Indra quickly used his wind power and spun in the air and threw his spear straight towards Ares' head.

Ares was quite surprised when he saw the spear, it was going at a terrifying speed. Ares stared at the spear and then caught it between his two hands leaving Indra in shock.

Ares smiled and then spun around while preparing the spear to throw it towards Indra, however Indra was faster and reached Ares' side in an instant and gave a strong fist in Ares' stomach.


Heh, you're not as strong as he expects-'' Indra was about to taunt Ares but froze when he felt a huge pain all over his right arm. Indra felt like he had hit a huge mountain made of the strongest possible material as all the bones in his right arm broke.

You think you're strong, but you're just a rookie.'' Ares stared at Indra and then gave him a hard punch in the stomach which made him fly through the wall and land on the street in front of his house. After Ares hit Indra he looked at his stomach again. 'As you'd expect from a damn monster, even though he's only 8 years old he can already hurt me a little. We can't let him get out of control for any reason when he grows up, and if he ever shows any signs of going crazy...' Ares just sighed and quickly arrived in front of Indra who was in front of the house on the floor bleeding all over.

Your pride has grown a lot over the years, you think you're invincible just because you have a little control with your elements but.... Your lightning element sucks, you have to take a deep breath and prepare yourself mentally to use your power or you will hurt yourself using it. Your wind element is even worse, you can't even use the wind around you to propel yourself or throw wind blades with your spear, you can only use it to play stupid kids games like carrying some corpses.'' Ares stared at Indra as he spoke to him. Although Ares knew it was unfair for Indra to be scolded by him since he never trained him and achieved everything by himself, still he could not accept that he had such a poor elemental power when his body can easily handle much more.

Indra could only look at Ares as he felt that he could die at any moment, he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Ares continued to stare at him for a second before turning around and walking towards the house. ''Your body seems to have a pretty high healing power, you will stay there as punishment for being so arrogant to me, a god.'' Ares continued walking without even giving another glance to Indra who was almost dead. 'Hades is crazy if he thinks he can control this child just by giving him some love. I'll have to take care of this myself, I'll make him so afraid of me that he can't even think about trying to face me.''

Indra glared at Ares as he walked away, 'Shit! He leaves me stranded taking care of Diana, when he comes back he lectures me about my power and kicks my ass to the point of almost killing me and leaves me to my own devices again.' Indra was quite angry with Ares after what just happened, his hatred for Ares was increasing too much.

For this reason I told you that you cannot be friends with the Gods, you must become strong enough to be able to kill them all.' Indra finally took Sirius' advice to heart after so many years.

Indra looked away from Ares who was about to enter the house and then looked down to see himself. His arm was bent in a way it clearly shouldn't be, in the center of his stomach there was a hole where you could see his inner intestines. Indra looked up and looked straight ahead, he appeared to be in a huge pool of blood and there was a trail of blood leading from the house to his position.

I hope I can heal as Ares said.'' Indra looked at his right arm which had the green phoenix tattoo. Indra had learned a year ago that this tattoo was something special, whenever he was tired from so much training and needed to do some things the tattoo would release a small glow and seemed to speed up his body's recovery. Sirius didn't know the exact reason for this, but he had a little idea that he talked to Indra about, possibly it was related to those huge eyes that appeared a few years ago.

'The visions haven't come back on, I feel a bit lost with everything that has happened lately.' Indra decided to relax a bit and stared up at the sky.

Give time to time, just concentrate on the now and worry about what you have now, not about what you had in the past or will have in the future.' Indra just stared up at the sky until he noticed a strange beam of light coming towards him.

'Can I move even if I use the power of the beam' Indra asked Sirius a little nervously, he had no idea what this was but he knew it was heading exactly towards him.

'You can, but you will die in as little as 30 seconds after using it.' Indra gulped and looked directly at the strange beam of light that was getting bigger and bigger, then looked at his right arm and saw his green phoenix tattoo glowing slightly, he turned to his stomach and noticed that although it still had a big hole in it, it wasn't bleeding anymore.

Shit, I'll try to make the healing process faster'. Indra put everything he had into trying to speed up the healing process and moved his internal energy towards his tattoo, when he made contact with the tattoo and Indra's internal energy he felt a deep pain in his right arm, the tattoo glowed even more emerald green than before. Why the fuck am I in so much pain?'' Indra could not contain his screams of pain which seemed to come from an inhuman beast.

Ares who was about to go upstairs to clean up the mess and remove all the blood before Diana woke up stopped in his tracks. ''I told you not to do anything stupid, shit!'' Ares shot out of his position and arrived right in front of Indra, then he was quite surprised when he looked at Indra. A few minutes before he was all covered in blood but right now there was no blood anywhere, even the wound on his stomach had almost completely closed. Ares was about to ask but swallowed his words when he felt a divine energy directed exactly to the place where he was standing.

I thought I told you not to cause trouble. You look like you want to die'' Ares spoke indifferently as he looked up at the sky, to be exact right at the same point of light that Indra had seen.

''I'm sorry sir, but I couldn't help it when I saw that a fight seemed to have happened right in your house.'' A rather handsome boy who looked to be about 12 years old with white colored hair and blue eyes landed right in front of Ares without even making a small sound.

Ares was about to speak but then he felt a strange fluctuation of energy that made him feel a small shiver, Ares spun around and noticed that Indra had gotten up from the ground. 'What the fuck is wrong with her.' Ares knew Indra quite well, something strange was currently happening to her and he was even more sure of this as he noticed that her black hair with blue-green tones completely covered her eyes.

The white haired boy who had just arrived stared at Indra and then pulled out a beautiful golden bow that had a drawing of a golden dragon with black eyes. ''Sir, I'm afraid that child is dangerous, I request your permission to eliminate him.'' The white haired boy pointed his bow at Indra and an arrow of white light appeared out of nowhere as he drew the bowstring ready to shoot.

Ares ignored him and just kept staring at Indra for a few seconds. ''You better go, clean up all the blood nearby. Diana is under a spell so she won't wake up, break the spell and when Diana wakes up tell her that Indra is busy, she will understand.'' Ares mentioned and then took out his golden spear, he advanced a few steps and then gave Indra a horizontal blow in the chest with the spear which made him fly into the sky like a bullet. Ares stepped hard and jumped in Indra's direction, when he was at the same height he made a vertical cut with his spear and hit Indra again and made him fly towards a mountain far away from the city.

The white-haired boy was stunned to see this, then he turned around and noticed the hole in one of the walls of Indra's house and all the blood trail that continued to Indra's previous position. The boy was quite surprised to see how Indra didn't break into pieces after receiving the blows of Ares with his spear. The boy looked in the direction of the mountain that Ares and Indra had gone to, after a few seconds he put away his bow and walked towards Indra's house. ''I'm sure Diana will be very happy to see me.''


In a distant place in a huge blood red palace, Halrinach was sitting on what seemed to be a throne made of bones, she stood up and walked to a window, at the sight everything was full of grotesque shaped demons that seemed to be burning in flames, the floor was dry and had a red color which was the blood of all the humans they tortured.

Halrinach seemed to be rather bored, lately she hasn't had something to do to entertain herself and she can't have sex since Hades had forbidden it. ''Maybe I should give Indra a look, though possibly Hades will find out when I set foot in his domain, I think he'll let me see him even from afar.'' Halrinach stood up from her throne and her face seemed a bit more cheerful, but that cheerfulness faded as quickly as it appeared the moment she felt a special energy which was bound to her soul. ''Indra activated his demon blood?'' Halrinach froze in his seat, then began to start his Demon transformation. ''Someone dares to hurt my son?'' Halrinach was very angry.

For demons their bloodline is something of vital importance, the bloodline is inherited from their parents who will know when it is activated. This is because to activate their bloodline demons must do something quite risky. They have to be on the brink of death, where with just a little push they can die, after this their Demon bloodline will activate and give them an overwhelming boost of strength, however, this is something that all demons activate only when they are adults and are strong enough to resist the transformation, not to mention that they must also be in the company of a demon who has already activated their bloodline because many times demons who activate their bloodline for the first time have gone mad because they cannot control their bloodlust.

''Send a message to my mother, tell her that I will be away for a while, if she looks for me she will only find death.'' At the moment Halrinach spoke a female demon wearing a maid's outfit appeared kneeling behind Halrinach.

''As you command my lady.'' After Halrinach nodded the maid disappeared as if she was a ghost.

Halrinach looked to the front and saw his territory, a hellish place where there are thousands of people being tortured and thousands of Demons with every aspect the human mind can imagine. ''If Indra is still alive, I will try to bring him back, I will not leave him alone again.'' Halrinach whispered to herself and then turned to her throne.

He walked towards his throne and then cut his palm with his fingernail, the blood fell on the seat of the throne and a few seconds later the throne began to tremble and a blood red line scanned the throne. Halrinach sat back down on the throne and then uttered a few words in Latin while keeping his eyes closed, a few seconds later he opened his eyes again and was in what appeared to be a dark forest.

''This is not Hades' domain...'' Halrinach knew instantly that this was not Hades' domain. She used a blood ritual which made it possible for her to teleport to someone she was connected to by blood, in short she teleported directly to Indra. Halrinach was about to take a step but stopped instantly as she felt a strong presence.


After Ares spoke to the white haired boy, he began to fly in the direction of the mountain Indra was heading towards. ''It looks like his seal has been broken, I think I can control it but I'm not sure I can protect the city.'' Ares looked quite serious as he approached the mountain. A few seconds later Ares frowned at the sight in front of him, Indra was hovering over a huge crater.

Indra's pupils had changed from their natural golden color to a blood red and the blood red color around her eyes had changed to a golden color, her hair had also changed color replacing the bluish-green hue to a blood red. Indra's phoenix tattoo had also changed its color and was a blood red but what was most striking was that it seemed to be on fire, her neck tattoo was the only thing that remained the same as always as well as her earrings.

Indra stared at Ares while smiling. ''I have to thank you Ares, thanks to you I have woken up from my long sleep.'' Ares opened his eyes wide when he heard Indra. Besides the change in his appearance he seemed to be the same as always but Ares clearly sensed a huge murderous intent coming from Indra.

''Who are you?'' Ares quickly understood that Indra was not the same now.

''You don't need to know, after all you will die today.'' Indra drew his spear and then quickly disappeared and reappeared right behind Ares as he made a horizontal slash towards his neck. Ares quickly turned and blocked Indra's spear.


The clash between the spears caused a thunderous noise that would deafen anyone within a 10km radius. The city of Sparta was thrown into chaos at the sound of this loud noise whose location was unknown to them.

Ares gritted his teeth as his spear collided with Indra's, his arm had gone a little numb and he felt an uncomfortable tingling run through his entire body. 'His speed is too high and he has devastating strength, if I had been even a little careless he would have cut my head off.' Ares sweat coldly as he noticed that the current Indra was quite strong, so much so to even threaten his life.

''Oh, you were able to block it, looks like he hasn't trained his body very well.'' Indra looked quite surprised to see Ares alive, then used the momentum of the shock to spin quickly in the air as his spear rolled across his shoulders until it reached his left hand and launched another vertical slash towards Ares' chest.

Indra's slash was something Ares had never seen before. He put a layer of divine energy over his chest as he knew he would not be able to defend himself from that attack.


Another thunderous noise came again from the blow Ares received. Ares flew through a mountain near the one they were standing on.

Indra watched from afar as Ares flew through the mountain with an amused look on his face. ''Although I can't use all my power it is enough to take care of such a weak god, however...'' Indra looked at his spear which was getting darker and darker as time went by. ''Hey, you're a pretty good weapon after all.'' Indra spoke directly to Sirius although she clearly didn't know exactly who Sirius was.

''If you're going to kill him do it quickly, you'll attract unwanted attention if you keep dragging this out.'' Sirius spoke rather indifferently to Indra even though he didn't know what exactly was going on.

Heh, you're pretty tough huh. I'll forgive your insolence just because you're an excellent weapon, you might even become as strong as my personal weapon.'' Indra gave Sirius a last glance and then looked in the direction of Ares who had a big cut on his chest as he was coming out of a huge crater.

Ares stared at Indra as he tried to close the wound with his energy. 'He's too strong, he could have killed me directly if he hadn't covered me with energy.'

Indra made a horizontal cut with his spear from which wind blades came out aimed at Ares. ''Let's see how you do with this.'' Ares sweat coldly when he saw those blades, even though Indra was quite far away from him those blades he threw were traveling at an enormous speed.

Ares stood firmly, then stretched out his arms and his spear began to spin rapidly in front of his two palms. 'I don't know if I can withstand attack, maybe I should unleash all my power but if I do they will discover Indra's identity quickly...' Ares gritted his teeth as he braced for impact, but to his surprise as the wind blades were about to make collision with his spear they disappeared out of nowhere.

''Wow, you didn't even see that coming, the Gods nowadays are so boring.'' Ares felt a huge shiver when he heard Indra's voice, he looked to his right side and saw Indra with a rather bored face.

Indra smiled as he noticed that Ares was starting to get desperate, he stretched his right arm back and then gave Ares a hard punch all over his chest. ''Let me give this back to you for the kid, he was pretty angry, you know'' Indra just smiled as Ares' eyes widened and a few seconds later Ares flew off like an arrow through other mountains and forests.

''Hmm, this is getting pretty boring, I think I'll stop playing and kill him.'' Indra walked towards Ares as he had a rather thoughtful face.

''Stop it, you are going to die if this continues, the other Gods will not overlook the death of Ares. '' Indra stopped in midair as he heard the beautiful voice of a woman, he turned towards the direction he heard the voice from and saw a beautiful woman with a snow white skin, her face seemed to be perfect without the slightest mistake, along with a hair that fell down to her butt with a blonde color so light it looked like silver, her eyes were a beautiful blue like the sky with a small yellow color similar to the fire that burns in hell, her breasts had a perfect measure in Indra's mind, they were not very big but they were not very small either. Her ass was somewhat large and quite firm, to Indra this woman was perfect, her body and face seemed to be made to perfection.

''Hearing your voice the first thing I thought of was killing you, but seeing your body and face I have changed my mind. No doubt you are a woman who is beautiful enough to be in my arms.'' Indra stared at her without hiding his lust, which made the beautiful woman smile.

''You are too small to think with your head down and not your head up, you better control yourself or I will get really angry.'' This woman was obviously Halrinach. She looked from head to toe at Indra and then nodded with a beautiful smile on her face, she seemed to be quite proud of Indra.

Indra stared at her for a few seconds until she decided to avert her gaze. ''Tch, you should have told me you were my mother.'' Indra quickly knew that Halrinach was her mother as they were connected by their bloodline. Although Indra appeared to be annoyed he couldn't hide the small smile he had.

Halrinach looked at Indra for a few seconds and then looked in the direction where Ares had stopped. ''You can't kill him, if you do the other Gods will know instantly. I'm glad you kicked a god's ass but it's not the right time to reveal your identity yet. Besides, he didn't release all of his power.''

''I know, I didn't release all my power either although I don't know exactly for what reason.'' Indra looked thoughtful at this, in all this time he hadn't thought about it.

Halrinach looked at Indra again and gave him a warm smile. ''That's because your danger sense is quite high. you unconsciously kept your power at a point where you can kick that God's ass and not let the other Gods detect you. I'm actually not 100% sure but the chances of this being the reason are quite high.''

Indra gave Halrinach a look and then sighed. ''That makes sense but I think maybe it was for another reason...''

Halrinach noticed that Indra seemed to have a somewhat uncomfortable look on her face which caused her to frown slightly. ''Speak.''

Indra was a little hesitant but then decided to resign himself when he saw the look Halrinach was giving him. ''I don't quite understand how this happens but I have another personality, in short when my demonic transformation happened it happened. When I woke up the first thing I saw was that God and a small memory of how he almost killed us, I also have some memories of a Demon but I don't know exactly which one'' Indra pointed in Ares' direction as he shrugged.

Halrinach seemed to be quite surprised, she had never heard anything similar and would never have imagined something like this. ''Let's leave this conversation for later. Cancel the transformation, you will die if you continue to keep it up for so long.'' Halrinach moved quite close to Indra until she was only a few centimeters away from his face.

''Not yet, there's something missing.'' Indra dodged Halrinach's gaze again as he moved a little away from her.

''Do you want me to spoil you?'' Halrinach gave Indra an amused look as she moved closer and closer as Indra moved away.

''Name... Give me a name, he is him and I am me. although I have some memories of someone else that doesn't mean it's him. You, as the person who gave birth to me are the best person to do this.'' Indra turned her head and stared at Halrinach.

Halrinach froze as she listened to Indra, she did not expect this. ''Fufufu, look how nervous you get when you ask for a name.'' Halrinach got quite close to Indra and then stroked her cheeks as she smiled.

''In a sense you are my son so for obvious reason I have an obligation to give you a name.'' Halrinach stroked Indra's hair as he seemed to think of a name for the new Indra.

''Your other personality is called Indra for specific reasons, you, like him, will be called Blake, someone who comes from the darkness and is only out to cause chaos. I hope you become the strongest demon ever seen in the entire line of existence and everyone is under your feet along with your brother.''

Blake seemed to quite like his new name however he thought something strange. ''Brother? So.... I have a brother?''

''Of course he is, Indra is your brother. You said it yourself, you are you and he is him.'' Halrinach gave Blake a nice smile while stroking his hair.

Blake gave Halrinach one last look and then closed his eyes, a few seconds later the transformation was over.

When Indra regained consciousness she opened her eyes but to her surprise she couldn't feel any part of her body, she couldn't even speak. Indra fixed his gaze on Halrinach who was holding him in the air.

Halrinach touched Indra's forehead with his index finger causing him to faint.

''I want an explanation about this, you better not try to lie to me or you will have to pay the consequences.'' A few seconds after Halrinach spoke Hades reappeared right in front of Halrinach.

''I don't know exactly what happened, I came quickly when I felt the seal was broken.'' Hades raised his hands quickly surrendering in front of Halrinach.

Halrinach turned to look towards the place where Ares was standing which was quite far away. ''I will kill him if you don't give me a good reason not to.''

Hades swallowed as he looked at Halrinach, he knew he was serious. Hades quickly flew towards Ares who was on the ground bleeding and panting. "What the hell did you do, Ares? Halrinach will kill you if he doesn't get an answer he likes.''

Ares looked at Hades for a few seconds and then dodged his gaze. I just wanted to try to make sure it didn't get out of control, I never thought this could happen'' Hades froze as he listened to Ares' explanation, although he still didn't understand what had happened he knew Ares' personality quite well. He had a small idea of what happened.

''Halrinach will kill you if you give him that explanation.'' Hades looked coldly at Ares. ''How could you be so stupid as to hit the boy? If you thought he would be afraid of you, you are wrong, it's the opposite, he will hate you even more.'' Hades was very angry with Ares. Many times he repeated to him not to cause problems with Indra and even made him promise him just before he took Indra to Sparta.

Ares caught his breath and then stood up. ''I'll tell you the truth, true men fear nothing, not even death.'' Hades could only sigh as he listened to Ares, he knew he couldn't change his mind.

Ares and Hades turned to Halrinach who was holding Indra in her arms with a smile.

''Looks like you're ready to die, Ares.'' Halrinach spoke without looking away from Indra while stroking her hair.

Ares stared at Halrinach and then at Indra. ''No doubt he's a real monster, he's only 8 years old but he can already fight against a god...''

Halrinach stared at Ares as he transformed into his demonic form. ''Are those your last words?'' Halrinach turned his hand around his hip and touched the sword on his hip.

''Are you sure you want to kill him? If you do I'm afraid I won't be able to let you go without further ado, plus Indra's identity will be revealed. Are you sure?'' Hades tried to change Halrinach's mind, he knew it wouldn't do to tell her that she would be rewarded for the damage. He could only try to threaten her.

Halrinach gave Hades a quick glance and then looked back at Ares. ''You're right but...'' Halrinach touched the handle of her sword slowly as she smiled. Ares who was right in front of her was completely frozen.

''I can't afford to let this go unnoticed.'' Halrinach turned around with Indra in his arms and quickly disappeared from the scene. Hades turned his gaze and noticed that Ares seemed to be in shock. ''What's going on?''

Hades was in shock at what he witnessed. Ares expelled a torrent of blood all over his body, hundreds of sword cuts suddenly appeared all over his body. Th-that b-bitch...'' Ares whispered before falling half-dead to the ground.

Hades quickly ran to Ares to check his condition. ''I didn't even realize when he did it...'' Hades tried to remember every detail of what happened until a few seconds later an idea came to his head. ''Maybe... maybe it was when he touched his sword but...'' Hades sweat coldly as he understood what happened. When Halrinach swung her hand around her hip she prepared wind blades so fast that they could not be seen with the naked eye, Ares and Hades did not take much notice of this act as it seemed harmless and when she touched the handle of her sword the wind blades shot towards Ares. ''I was always told she was strong, but I didn't expect her to be so strong...'' Hades lifted Ares up and then a black hole appeared in front of Hades making him disappear.


Diana slowly opened her eyes as she woke up, then looked to her right and noticed that Indra was not there. As Diana didn't know that Indra was the one who got her food every day, he always gave her different kinds of excuses when she asked why he wasn't with her when she woke up.

Diana and Indra had become quite used to sleeping together, although at first it was a little uncomfortable for both of them, eventually it became normal, their relationship had improved a lot since then.

She was even more beautiful than before, her body was already a bit developed, she was about 59 inches tall and just like Indra she looked to be about 12 years old, her skin had become softer and smoother while her face seemed to be even more perfect than before.

Diana was about to get up but she felt someone staring at her which caused her to shiver a little. Diana moved quickly, pulled out a sword from the headboard of the bed and threw a vertical slash towards the direction she felt the stare from.

''Hey Diana, sorry to scare you, I just wanted to surprise you.'' Diana stopped her sword midway towards the neck of the person who spoke, it was the boy Ares spoke to.

Diana froze at the sight of him, she was quite surprised. "Y-you... H-how?.... Y-you're alive?'' Diana looked like she couldn't believe what she was seeing as she showed signs of wanting to cry.

''Of course, you think that I, the son of Odin, would die so easily?'' The white-haired boy puffed out his chest in pride as he stared at Diana.

Diana dropped her sword and then ran crying to the boy. I thought I was the only one who managed to survive...'' Diana hugged the boy tightly without showing any signs of wanting to let him go.

The boy just smiled and hugged Diana back. ''Don't worry, you won't be alone anymore.''

The boy and Diana had stayed hugging until Diana was able to calm down a little.

''How did you survive?'' Diana separated from the boy and sat on her bed while giving the boy a questioning look.

''Just like the others I was about to die in the ragnarok, but when I lost hope Lord Ares came and saved me, I don't know exactly how it happened since I was almost dead but I know that thanks to him I'm alive.''

Diana seemed to be quite thoughtful for a while until the boy interrupted her thoughts.

''Mr. Ares is back and he told me to tell you that Indra was busy so I guess you won't see him for a while.'' The boy tried to approach Diana but stopped when he saw Diana's gaze.

''Tell me where Indra is.'' Diana quickly got up and stood in front of the boy, she seemed to be a bit angry.

The boy backed up a few steps while avoiding Diana's gaze. ''I don't know, I don't even know who Indra is, he just told me this before he left.''

Diana ran out of the room after hearing the boy and started to search the whole house but she couldn't find anything. ''I know Indra, he wouldn't leave without telling me anything, that person must have done something to him.''

Diana started to talk to herself as she seemed to be quite desperate not knowing anything about Indra, after all he had promised her never to leave her alone and in all these years they had never been separated besides some short moments like when Indra would leave before Diana woke up.

Calm down Diana, Ares told me he was fine, you don't have to worry, he will be back when you least think about it, besides, I am with you'' The boy approached Diana and tried to hug her again.

Diana quickly turned away from him as she had a sad expression on her face. ''I don't care about anyone else, I just want him to be with me.'' Diana was about to run out the door in search of Indra but stopped when she saw Hades at the door.

''Calm down, he'll be back later, he has some business to settle and had to leave momentarily, he said you'll forgive him for this and then he'll make it up to you.'' Hades gave Diana a warm smile which seemed to calm her down a bit.

''Now, I'm afraid you'll have to come with me, you've been accepted by the other Gods so I've come to take you with us.'' After Hades finished speaking a black hole appeared right behind him.

''But what about Indra? I'm not leaving without him.'' Although Diana seemed to be a little calmer she still refused to leave without Indra.

''Don't worry, he will also be there when he finally finishes what he is doing.'' Hades continued giving Diana a warm smile and then waved his hand towards Diana causing her to faint.

''Don't mention his name when you are with her, if she talks about him try to change the subject as quickly as possible.'' Hades spoke as he carried Diana and headed towards the black hole.

''Yes sir.'' The white haired boy nodded and walked behind Hades.

I have been very busy lately and probably will stop posting chapters for a while but when I come back I will bring many more chapters and from now on all chapters will have a minimum of 6,500 characters.

Very soon Indra will be reborn in another world, I plan for Indra to go through many worlds from the anime, games and novels, some arcs can be quite long and last hundreds of chapters so this novel will probably reach over a thousand chapters.

Currently I only plan for it to visit 8 different worlds but I know there will be many more in the future.

That would be all and I hope you like this chapter, I may have some grammatical errors as I didn't have much time to write the chapter and I couldn't give it another look but I tried to do my best.

See you in the next episode of Dbz!

Translate_Kuncreators' thoughts