
Dear Ex-husband Am Back with Your Son .

He moved pulling her closer to him, "I know you can't believe it after everything but I do, I have always loved you " he breathed. "After everything you and your mother put me through, you can't expect me to believe you," she said. He bent closer and Elianna flinched back. Gently his hand slid to her back pushing her back to him. Her body softened under his touch, she always knew her weakness was him and no matter how much she wanted to fight back, the sound of her excited heart to her not to. "Then please give me a chance to show you " his breath brushed over her lips as he bent further to kiss her. Elianna found herself closing her eyes, feeling his warm, soft lips cover hers. Would she regret it or not she thought as her hand moved to hold his neck kissing him back.

jandralitto · 都市
36 Chs

Stay Way from Him

A few days passed and Elianna didn't see Aslan again. He seemed to have forgotten about her.

"Miss today is a lovely day, would you want to go out?" asked Olivia.

"No am good," she said.

"But you're missing out on the beautiful weather " insisted Olivia.

Elianna sighed, "Then the balcony will do ".

Olviva smiled and pushed her to the balcony of her bedroom.

Elianna smiled gazing at the blue sky. It was a bright day.

"I will go get your lunch," said Olivia.

Elianna sat back in her wheelchair and enjoyed the warm feeling.

It wasn't until she heard her door open that she opened her eyes. Her sister walked in, and the look on her face scared her.

What was it now, she sighed.

"You backstabbing bitch " yelled her sister.

"What do you want Sofia," she asked.

"One thing and I won't repeat myself," she said.

"And that is?".

"stay away from him.....he might have felt sympathy for you but I don't 'cause I know who you are. So don't even think about anything and stay away from him" she yelled again.

Elianna blinked.

"You're forgetting something, dear sister. Your so-called husband came to me. I didn't lead him here, he found me in my room. So it's him who you should be talking to not me "

Elianna moved pushing her wheelchair back inside her room.

Sofia sighed and followed her inside.

"You think your special cause Dad has your back?".

"I never said anything that isn't true and we both know Dad pretends I don't exist".

Sofia scoffed gazing down at Elianna. She moved behind her and suddenly pushed her off the wheelchair.

She threw it aside and bent down closer to the groaning Elianna.

"Don't mess with me, Elianna. Am not like my mother who just silently observes... I will make you bleed so bad if you dare come between my perfect world ".

Elianna cried out as Sofia stepped on her hand walking past her.

She cried out calling Olivia to come help her but Sofia who had not moved an inch from her doorway didn't allow anyone to come inside.

"Don't you dare go inside there unless you want to lose your job" she yelled back at the house helpers.

Closing the door and locking it Sofia walked away.

Elianna fought with all her strength to her wheelchair, pushing it back up, she moved struggling as she pulled her weak unmoving body into it.

She cried out as she fell back down, failing at the attempt.

Giving up she laid back down crying.


"Hi, honey " social beamed seeing her fiancee walk into the living room with her father.

"Hi, did you ask her?" he instantly asked.

Sofia's face changed but she smiled.

"Mmm, and just as I said. She rejected the offer " she lied.

"Really...I thought if she heard my name she would oblige " he sat down next to her.

"What is it about?" asked her father.

"Oh...Aslan wanted to sister to join us for the upcoming company party next week " she said.

"So you met her?".

Aslan smiled.

"I did, last time I lost my way to the washrooms and stumbled upon her room" he let out.

"Mmm, and did your fiancee tell you that no one is allowed to talk or see her? Cause even if she accepted I would not " he said.

Alsan frowned wondering why a father would be so harsh on his daughter.

"And can I ask why?" he said.

"Am afraid am too tired to tell you about it...perhaps another time?" he said getting.

His wife who had been silent the whole time excused herself and followed her husband.

When he requested to go see her, Sofia refused him. Claiming it might upset her father.

He gave up and finally left....or so they thought