
Dear Ex-husband Am Back with Your Son .

He moved pulling her closer to him, "I know you can't believe it after everything but I do, I have always loved you " he breathed. "After everything you and your mother put me through, you can't expect me to believe you," she said. He bent closer and Elianna flinched back. Gently his hand slid to her back pushing her back to him. Her body softened under his touch, she always knew her weakness was him and no matter how much she wanted to fight back, the sound of her excited heart to her not to. "Then please give me a chance to show you " his breath brushed over her lips as he bent further to kiss her. Elianna found herself closing her eyes, feeling his warm, soft lips cover hers. Would she regret it or not she thought as her hand moved to hold his neck kissing him back.

jandralitto · 都市
36 Chs

A chance.

She blinked, slowly realizing where she was.

"What did you do?" she asked her voice turning angry.

"I didn't do anything, it was you who did," he said passing her phone to her.

"What do you mean by that "she muttered.

He got up, "Check your phone "

Elianna opened her phone and frowned to see pictures of her kissing, and hugging a familiar face.

"It's me...and You?" she yelled.

"Yes, it's from last night when you suddenly kissed me," he said touching his lips seductively.

She shooked her head yelling, "No it can't be, how could I"

"Exactly, after you denying not know m,e," he said.

"Shut up," she said.

He chuckled.

"When you're ready you can come downstairs," he said leaving the room.

Elianna felt her head hurt even more now. What had she done?

After a shower and changing into the clothes he had placed aside, she came down.

He was having breakfast while on a call.

"I expect results in the next hour," he said., he glanced at her and smiled.

Elianna looked around and noticed they were alone in the big house.

"You have no house help?" she asked.

He hangs up.

"No I don't, I do everything myself " he said getting up."What would you like?"

Elianna gazed at him.

"I don't need breakfast, I need to get home before my son wakes up for his school" she said.

"Elianna, today is a Sunday...I don't think his school is open right now " he said.

"But I still need to go, he needs me," she said.

"Relax I called your friend to help you with that " he said.

"You didn't have to, I will just go there myself," she said getting up.

He rushed to her side.

"Am sorry but it can't be possible right now. My cars have been taken to be serviced for the day and taxis are so hard to come by " he said.

"So you mean am stuck with you for the whole day?" she said.

"Exactly " he smiled pushing her back into the seat.

"So what would you have?" he asked again.

After breakfast, she helped him wash the dishes and then went on to call Brenda and ask about her son.

"His alright, happily playing with my son " said Brenda.

"Thanks for doing this," she said.

"You know I would, so don't worry and have fun " giggled Brenda.

"Don't do that it's not funny " said Elianna.

"Am not doing anything, come on it's been a while since you had such fun. Don't hold back and let it all out " she said.

"Shut up, you crazy " she laughed hanging up.

Aslan came into the room with a tray, it had a glass of yoghurt and slices of apple

"Have some?" he said.

Elianna gazed at him as she took the tray, thanking him.

"Why are staring at me like that, is something on my face?" she asked.

"No, but you changed," he said.

"You expected me to stay the same " She smiled her eyes on her phone.

"Maybe, but you changed so much I can barely see that girl who was....".

"Stop, stop right there. The girl you used to know is no more so I would prefer you don't bring it up anymore " she said.

He gazed at her and then said.

"Marry me...again," he said.

Elianna looked up meeting his gaze.

She smirked.

"That is not funny even as a joke," she said.

"It wasn't meant to be one, am serious " he said.

"Then you're crazy for I would never marry you...again" she said.

He got up, "I have the ring and my lawyer is reay , lets get married " he said taking her handand trying to put the ring she had not seen him get.

She pushed him aside.

"I knew you were planning something when you brought me to your place" she yelled.

"Give me another chance " said Aslan.

"And I said no, no, no a,d no " she said

Elianna turned grabbed her things, "Thank you for last night but you should have not come after me" and she walked out.

Aslan sighed.