

Deadlock's Trials were put in place to keep Hell from becoming overpopulated. After the annual Hell wipe, Over is in Purgatory and meets many mysterious friends and foes. They will have limited time to train before the Trials begin. Will Over survive or die trying?

SilentRager · 書籍·文学
14 Chs

Is this heaven?

"Hey, hey, wake up!" a strange voice called to me, muffled due to the lack of coming to my senses. I start to open my eyes, everything is blurry. "W-where am I?" I say, practically being unable to hear myself. I can tell they're responding to me, but nothing is making sense, I can't tell what they're saying, it's all too fast. I black out.

"Ugh, what is this place?" I say, finally waking up. Something whose voice I recognize tells me I've been out for several hours since my arrival. "What happened to me? Who am I?" I'm practically yelling, confused and panicked. "Please, calm down, you're safer here now." They're trying to calm me down, using a soothing tone to coerce me. I start to slow down and think rationally. "Please, tell me where we are, I have no recollection of anything." They begin to speak but are quickly cut off by the screaming of another person. I look over in their direction, and they're completely freaked out. "It seems the unknown can really affect someone." They say, shaking their head.I tell them to quiet down, but they keep shrieking uncontrollably. The person is wearing odd purple garments, and their eyes aren't symmetrical. We decide to ignore them since they aren't worth the struggle.

They continue, telling me that we are in hell, we're the newest batch after the annual hell wipe. "Trust me, I had survived the hell wipe last year, you don't want to be the unlucky soul who wins." They say in an emotionless tone. "Well, what happened, and what do you mean by 'win'?" I say, not really understanding what they're getting at. "Well, like most realms, there's a ruler, our ruler is 'Nova'. Nova is a very corrupt person, way back, when hell was overpopulated, Nova had enough with the people, so they put a mass execution in place. Nova had cleared nearly 8 tenths of the population, leaving only about 12,000 people left. What they did with the population was lost to time, no documents or survivors lived to tell what happened. But hell was completely empty, besides Nova. To control the population better, Nova would only allow 20-40 new members in, the rest were to wait their turn in purgatory, where we are now. The members allowed into hell had a few months to train, then they're faced against each other in a hell-wide death game. It has no rules, the last player standing wins full citizenship in hell and gains their memories back." They say, with a cold expression.

"If you won, then why are you here?" I ask. "Basically, I snuck back into purgatory to help the lost souls who'll have no ideas what's happening." They say, with a slight smile on their face. "Well thank you, and what should I call you?" I say. "You can call me Support, since I came back to purgatory, I lost most of my memories about my life on earth, so I don't know what my actual name is." Support says with a pleasant expression. "Come to think of it, I don't even know what my name is." I say, troubled, "How about Over, like when something is over the top?" Support chimes in. "Hm, I like that, 'Over' you can call me Over!" I say, very happy with my new name. "It seems that scaredy cat over there has stopped screaming, do you want to go over there and say hi?" I ask, holding my hand out to Support. They say sure and we walk over there.

"Hello, are you alright?" I ask with a friendly smile. "Stop, stop, don't talk, they're watching, they're going to kill us, we're all going to die!" They say, panicked. "Hey, hey, calm down, it will all be ok, this is only purgatory, we'll be fine." Support says, with an expression that could calm Satan himself. "H-how would you know?! We're trapped here with no memories!" They seem to be calming down, but they're still not thinking clearly. "Calm down, do you have a name?" I ask. "M-my name is Cosmo; I don't know my real name." They say, starting so settle down. "Nice to meet you Co-" Support starts to say before being cut off by a loud bang.

"LISTEN UP, IM SENDING IN 32 GUARDS, FIND A GUARD TO PAIR WITH AND FOLLOW THEM OUT OF PURGATORY." A strange voice said, though we couldn't see the person. Everyone got up in a panic, not wanting to stay here any longer. Me, Support, and Cosmo got a guard along with some other people. We followed our guard out into a holding room, where we heard that same voice saying "Welcome, you are our new contestants for the annual Deadlock Trials! This year, we're doing something new so good luck!" The voice sounded sinister; something was off. I looked over at Support, they were shaking, I don't know how to feel...

Hello! Thanks for choosing my story of all things to pass the time! I'm no professional and I'm definitely not a fast writer. I wrote this story in the fan fic section and will write all my stories in the fan fic section so they will always be free to read. I hope you enjoy the chapters to come!

SilentRagercreators' thoughts