

What if you wake up in a new world, one where superheroes are real? A guy after having a crappy life, reincarnated in a world that for us is just a dream world based on comic books, must face new adventures and struggle with big problems along the way. patreon.com/LightShadeQ

lightshade · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


This man is strange, while talking he moves around the room slowly, sometimes he makes movements as if he were a ballet dancer and jumps all over the room in white while talking, also when he talks even though I can't see his face it sounds as if he has a smile drawn on his face from ear to ear.

" What happened to me and what is this place?"

"Well ... After a life of loneliness, of losing everything you loved and having a life in which the only thing you did was by inertia, the day of your judgment came, a part of you wanted that but another part was pushing you to continue without any particular reason, you were already like what they call in your world as an NPC of a video game, your death happened because you jumped into a truck to save a dog that was on the road, the result was obvious, the truck hit you and caused instant death, the good side is that the dog was saved, and will have a better life than you had in that world, that's clear. "

Shit, images come to my mind as this man is telling this, and my head is spinning, I even remember the feeling of that day, throughout the days I didn't mind dying no matter what, but at that moment when I saw that dog and the truck, my mind made me doubt if it was really worth dying.

I didn't know what to do but my body started to move by itself, maybe because for the first time in a long time, I felt adrenaline and I felt alive, I felt that someone needed me and that I could help him, in the end, I managed to save him but I died trying.

I'm crying, I don't know if it's because I feel that my life was shit until the last moment or because of the fact that I won't be able to fix it now, I feel lost and empty, something makes me nostalgic, I would even say that I wish I was still alive but I know that life wasn't a life worth having.

"so... I decided to give you a new chance, I think, that part of it was that you gave your life for a creature inferior to you, even when you had the chance to change your life and only see how a poor helpless animal Moria, you decided to throw yourself to save him. Therefore when you came here I had two options, to send you to the places that in your world they call heaven and hell or to give you the opportunity to live a life in another land starting from scratch, but with your memories of your previous life."

"¿so you are a go.."

"so I chose a fun world, something that many children, and teenagers always have dreamed of, a world of heroes, in your world most of them are called like that in comics or movies, so I chose this world, the body you are in is the copy of one of the strongest heroes in the world, which I guess you must at least recognize, it was a failed experiment because he died just when the fire started in the facility, so it gave me the opportunity to introduce your soul in that body. There are also a lot of classic heroes known to all, as there are others you don't know, I think that's enough information, the rest you will discover on your own, have fun in this new world little superboy."

" No wait, I still have more questions"

My body began to feel heavier and the image of the man became further and further away, the light in the room was flooded with darkness and the only thing that resounded before he came to himself was a whisper from that man that was already almost imperceptible.

"we will meet again, trust me."

The noise of rocks along with the dust began to feel heavier, I guess I had already returned to this world where that man left me.

"Are you okay fist boy, did we all make it out?"

The fast guy comes over and helps me with the debris that was still on top of me, then he raises his right hand and with his look and smile on his face he gives me the understanding to high-five him in the form of a good job. I felt that if I didn't he wasn't going to put my hand down, so I give him a high five and his smile gets bigger.

I still don't understand what that kind of dream was, there are still confusing things, and more because he didn't want to tell me everything, but I guess that helps me to understand a little more this world, a world of superheroes of the comics known in my world, I would have liked to have read as a kid many comics of those guys, but I didn't have enough money, the movies I got to see of superheroes were for just trying to talk about themes known by everyone.

I guess I didn't see it as a taste because I only did it to not be an outcast, in the end, I left it aside and lived my life in the most pathetic and unentertaining way, without any taste for music, theater, comics or movies, it was just me against the world, in the end, I turned out to be that outcast that I avoided so much.

"what do you say, kid flash, Aqualad and I aren't that easy to kill, or did you ever doubt we couldn't all get out?"

A voice is heard coming out of the rubble on the side, it's Robin and the water whip boy, I guess I'll have a lot of time to think and analyze what happened but more important things are happening now, you can tell from afar that they are hurt, after all, it's not everyday that falling debris isn't like it's any everyday thing.

As I looked at Krypto a part of me felt joy, but Krypto began to act strangely, his tail was wagging from side to side and he looked like he was going to run away at any moment.

"Are you okay buddy?"

Apparently, his gaze doesn't stray from the sky, what is he seeing, what's got him that way?


Was all the whip boy blurted out, cutting off the celebratory talk they were having while I checked on Krypto for his very strange behavior. The others raised their gaze to the sky in the same direction Krypto's gaze was pointing to, it was incredible, this place never ceased to amaze me, it was like I was dreaming, I was seeing a man coming down from the sky like an angel, of course at this point it's understandable after what I just found out about this reality, but it never ceased to amaze me.

The man came closer and closer to our location, and more and more people also arrived, some with very strange costumes and even different colors, some with wings and others that didn't even look like humans but mostly robots, and of course some that didn't look like they were from this world.

Krypto flew shot towards Superman, Superman himself, apparently from Superman's face came a little smile, but it was obvious by his change of face instantly that his purpose was not to see Krypto, he knew it was not the time to pet a dog and Krypto apparently understood it and moved away a little, Superman continued his way towards us, without saying a single word, his look was too heavy, apart of course from his muscular figure. the guys were silent which showed the respect they had for him.

"Ohhh Superman, we accomplished the mission, don't you think it's awesome?"

It was the voice of the fast boy that broke the silence this time, Superman's expression didn't change, and as he touched the floor I realized that next to him was the very man that in the comics and movies, I knew as Batman, every time what that man said became more real before my eyes, a world based on the comics of my world.

Author's note: don't forget to give me some power stones, I would be very grateful and excited to continue writing for you. and if you want to keep reading, don't forget to subscribe to me in patreon.com/LightShadeQ