After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
In Wayne's office, I met, besides himself, a lady named Sasha Bordeaux, I understood this by the "look":
Name: Alexandra "Sasha" Bordeaux
Level Granted: 35
Race: Human
Class: Guardian
Subclass: Bodyguard
Trait: Willpower, Lonely Woman, Former Soldier.
Age: 30 years old
Characteristics: see details.
After that, I remembered that I once met a mention that our "dark knight" in "real life" had references to bodyguards. After all, as they say, he is a public person and the fact that he is a latent super-hero does not save him from unpleasant situations. Even at official events there were a couple of well-trained guards, but it's another matter that he doesn't let anyone into his house. And as far as I know, only a few people have a "Pass" to his house, namely: Alfred, the gardener and the maids who clean up every day at the time strictly allotted for this. How did I know this? The land is full of rumors, or to be more precise, Rick told. He recently laid one of these maids "on the shoulder blades".
"I'm glad you accepted my invitation, Mr. Dinklage. Wayne smiled at me.
- It was difficult to refuse, the more it was interesting for me to talk with you. Yes, and I'm interested in the reason why you wanted to talk to me.
- I think you yourself guess. - he answered without a smile. - By the way, I completely forgot to introduce you. Alexandra Bordeaux is my bodyguard. Sasha, this is a detective, Isaac Dinklage.
- Nice to meet you. - we nodded to each other at the same time.
"As I said, detective. We have a lot to talk about and you know what. About our ... secret personalities.
- Good. I do not mind. Basically, I've been waiting for this for a long time.
- What are your goals? Bruce asked.
But now he didn't piss me off. The question was asked in a decent tone and without demands. Rather, this tone resembled just friendly curiosity, which does not force the respondent to do anything.
- Defend this city. I think this is obvious. I have never hidden this, and indeed I do not like to hide anything, although I have to.
- Understand! Secrets are hard to keep. It leaves its mark on life and on yourself. You yourself change and sometimes you close in yourself. You get tougher. - What does he lead to interesting? - And when you are alone it happens faster and with much greater consequences. But we have moved away from the topic. From the very beginning I wanted to apologize for the incident near the Docks and on the roof of the skyscraper. In the first case, I flared up because of some nervous shock, and in the second case, Jason. He is still too young and harsh.
- Affected by childhood. But I am not offended by him and by you the same way. Just keep your nerves to yourself and try not to do that. And all will be well. Besides, let me remind you once again that I am a policeman, and I obey "like a policeman" - the law. - I highlighted the last part of the sentence. "But not for you. And I will not obey you, to the detriment of my morality.
For a while, Batman stared at me with an unreadable look. Then a couple of times he looked at Bordeaux and at the picture on the side, where his family was depicted, where he was, about ten years old.
- Understand. And if your words are true, I have nothing to worry about, and it would be interesting to hear where you got such powers and what their nature is. I checked through reliable channels, you are not a meta-person or a magician. But these forces go beyond the understanding of an ordinary person. And this is not technology. In any case, not Earthly.
- I cannot tell you everything yet, but I will tell you something. This power that you saw is called chakra. You may have already heard about it while traveling the world, it is similar to the chakra that you know, but at the same time it has a number of differences. It's hard to explain, but if you compress everything
in a few phrases, it is a mixture of spiritual and physical energy. It gives a special opportunity to manipulate the received energy inside and outside the body. With it, you can do various "tricks" that I call technicians.
- Well, where did you get it, if not a secret?
- I cannot tell you this yet.
- It's clear. - he closed his eyes. - I think you also have questions for me. And I am ready to answer some. At least I'll try.
- Well, in principle, what I need to know about you, I already know. There is only one main question that interests me. How will our further relations be built?
- I see no reason to be at enmity. - answered Batman. "If you don't start killing innocents and you don't go crazy with your power, then there is no point in eliminating you. And I'm not against cooperation between us." - We are so self-confident. Although this self-confidence is supported by certain factors. Yes, and according to the canon, nevertheless, despite what an asshole he was, it was dictated by the circumstances. But this is not important now. "Although I hate it if you try to kill.
- I am a policeman. I sighed wearily. - I have no choice as such. If possible, I decide the matter peacefully. I think it was obvious.
- I'm not talking about your profession. And I'm just talking about a possible "secret life" under a different guise.
- I understood you.
- I propose to switch to you. - he beamed, although I did not feel great joy from him. He is good at masking his emotions and desires, so until I get empathy, figs you will understand how he feels.
- I do not mind.
- Then I will not detain you. This evening is not over yet and I hope you enjoy it.
After shaking hands and nodding with Bordeaux, I left his office. This conversation was definitely heard by Betts' henchmen, since they were all in the same room, not far from him. And most likely there was a wiretapping, for them, so that they would know what I was saying and what was happening here.
In general, the conversation went well for me. Of course I thought it would take a little longer, but I'm not complaining. Not all at once ...
I spent the rest of the evening either chatting with Pam or going "smoking" with Gordon. And then, at the end of the evening, the two of us left Wayne Manor and set sail home.