After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
Nande Parbat.
The hall in which this already middle-aged man was located was simply strewn with red and green glow. Red was from many candles, and green from Pit Lazarus. The guards and subordinates of Ras Al Ghul were hiding in the shadows that still remained despite the good lighting. "Demon's Head" - this is how his name is translated. His real name is unknown, and Al Ghul himself seems to have forgotten the name he was given once at birth. Then he was a simple man, not like his current state. It is also known his true age, because he has been living for hundreds of years. Thanks to the water procedures in the Pit of Lazarus, which gave him eternal life, Ras found the rule of monarchs, the birth and even the fall of entire empires. During his lifetime, great discoveries and conquests were made. He had seen a lot. But now his gaze was focused on the waters of the Pit. That gave him the opportunity to live such a long life.
He regretted nothing. But he already clearly understood that his life was coming to an end. The healing waters no longer heal his body as quickly as before, and he himself, compared to a hundred years ago, is still a little older. Gray hair appeared on the temples and on his bizarre Spanish flu. As well as a number of wrinkles.
The door to the Hall where he was was opened and the Ras, who had interrupted the thoughts, filled the words of the woman who entered.
"Father, let me disturb you.
- Come in, Thalia. - said the Leader of the League of Shadows without turning. - On what question did you come to me this time?
- On the same question as ten days ago, when Shiva returned. This impudent young man dared to refuse and kill more than a dozen of our soldiers. And he expressed disrespect for us. He also dared to be insolent and hard, and most importantly, he wounded Shiva vile.
- Do you worry about your girlfriend so much? - in the voice of Ras one could hear notes of surprise. "She's not a worse fighter than you or me. Don't worry about her. You insult her rather than try to help her.
"I didn't want to question her skills and honor. I'm just saying why didn't you give the order to eliminate Batman and Dinklage? They both refused and are dangerous ...
"This is not the time for you to think about it. You will marry one of them. I declared my will to you. And it's time for you to put up with it.
- I do not oppose your will, father. Thalia clenched her fists. "But I want to know what they are. Besides, I don't understand at all why this Dinklage interested you so much. Even more than Gotham's "night avenger"?
- This policeman single-handedly defeated the well-coordinated team of Batman and three of his associates.
At that, Thalia's eyes widened in surprise. Since Ras Al-Kher is the one who tested the skills of Batman and his henchmen, he spoke with respect about the "beta family". But to find out that an unknown "without clan and tribe" man was able to defeat these four, which, in the opinion of Talia, at first presented a greater danger than he did because of his training, connections and capital, now her opinion began to change in relation to to both contenders for her "hand and heart". She was confused.
- But how did you know about him?
"You will find out about this when he comes here himself. Then he will definitely ask me about it and you will hear the answer with him. Therefore, do not leave Nande Parbat. It will be clear soon.
- What makes you think that this will happen soon? Will you adjust the situation so that he would come here on his own?
- No! I don't need this. My instinct tells me that he will soon come here himself. Something or someone will lead him to us. And besides, he is not one of those who forgets to attack himself. Perhaps he will come to "take revenge".
"I hope you know what you're doing. Because I believe ...
"I think you're tired, Thalia. You returned from my assignment, it must have been very difficult. So take a break.
There was a silence. Thalia was annoyed that her father hadn't even looked her way during the entire conversation with her, as if he were talking to himself. And lately this happens more and more often. This angered her. She had long ceased to hate herself for being born a woman, but this anger that she was less loved by the Race so respected by her, he preferred her to his deceased son, that he died before the birth of Talia and Nissa, her older sister, who was now in Russia with its own clan. And these "suitors" irritated her, although she had not yet seen them live.
And now he wants to send her away as he once did in his youth, so that he would not be an eyesore to him. This irritated Talia Al Ghul even more.
"You're right, father. I, with your permission, will go to my place. - and walked away with a quick step.