
DC: Hunger

Having lived a past life in constant search of battles, the main character found his death. But this was not the end, as it turned out that he was reborn in a new world and in a new body. But unfortunately for him, not everything turned out so well. The world in which he was reborn turned out to be many times more dangerous than before, and the body that he became the owner of turned out to be weak and helpless. In addition, he could not escape, because he was locked in a ward of a psychiatric hospital. But with all these failures, something happened that once again changed his whole life, a strange explosion... which changed the lives of many. English is not my native language I have nothing This is also a translation. Hehehe https://tl.rulate.ru/book/30552 Rus. if the author tells me I will delete

Elkazavar · その他
54 Chs

Chapter 28

- HA!- I jumped up and gasped for air. I felt like I was resurrected or just born. The air burned his lungs, and his body was covered with a strange mucus that stank terribly. After removing the slime from my eyes, the bright light blinded me, but eventually everything returned to normal. Everything seemed to be in order, even there was a feeling of freshness and lightness, as if I was reborn. Not far away lay the body of Peekaboo and the still-tied Piper. Only it seems that he was conscious, because he was looking at me strangely, but his mouth was closed so he just mumbled. I didn't pay any attention to him, I wasn't up to it now. When I got to my feet, I realized that I wasn't just covered in this stuff, it was everywhere. It must have leaked out of me and covered the entire floor. It had a slightly reddish color and looked like snot, only less sticky and sticky. The smell was just awful, so I decided to wash first, and then clean up everything here.

An extra shower stall was already installed in the basement, so I started washing. After washing off all the dirt, I accidentally looked in the mirror and was dumbfounded...

- What the...- I stared at my reflection in amazement and couldn't believe what I saw. My hair was dark black instead of gray. How strange... So that's why there was hair in this slime, it looks like I've also peeled off...

After cleaning myself up, I changed into clean clothes and started cleaning up all the slime. It didn't take much time, but I did it in about twenty minutes. The stench was still in the air, but I think it would wear off in time. Yes, and here was perhaps not only the smell of this liquid, but also the smell of a dead girl. We should get rid of the body...

After clearing the operating table and disposing of the already decomposing body, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Judging by its color and condition, I was away for almost a day, not bad... This is much more than usual after taking the bone marrow. Well, perhaps you should check out the other changes, I think not only my hair has become different.

It seems that this mucus was something like dirt in my body and all sorts of unnecessary impurities. After taking the bone marrow, my body probably refreshed and all the toxins came out of it. The hair was as good as new, and the skin was soft and pale, probably most women would have envied this. I was certainly not happy, well at least the hair was normal, and then looked like some... Hmm, speaking of some...

I looked at The Piper lying quietly and grinned:

- What, you miss me? Don't worry, I'll work with you, but wait, I need to do some research.-

The guy looked at me with fear and twitched, probably he didn't like my idea. Well, I don't blame him, but it's pretty creepy to be on the operating table in an unknown place. Especially when the dismembered body of another person is nearby...

Dismissing my thoughts, I went to the other room, now it was time to check my changes.

First, I checked the force of the impact.

*Bang* * Bang*

Well, not bad, there are gains in strength, but mostly my speed has increased. Also, the body looks even stronger than it was. I didn't really focus on the force of the blow, I didn't have enough for my eyes, I needed more useful things.

On the treadmill, I tested my stamina. Of course, I turned on the fastest speed, since at a slow speed I could probably run for several days in a row.

I covered a hundred meters at maximum speed in five seconds, and two hundred in ten, which is quite a good result, the time has increased significantly. Of course, all this is nothing compared to Barry, but for those who do not have super speed, this result is amazing.

I spent an hour testing my stamina, and everything was quite expected. I could run at top speed for almost an hour, and I ran more than seventy kilometers in that time.

After a break and a snack, I continued...

Well, I'll check the regeneration later, I've already checked my hearing. Now I can easily hear the heartbeat of a person even behind the wall, I could clearly hear the Piper breathing and the blood flowing through his veins. I had to check my vision in a special medical device that I purchased a couple of weeks ago. The sharpness increased noticeably, now I could see almost five kilometers without problems.

Okay, with simple things like everything is fine, now it's time for the girl's ability. I absorbed a lot of her bone marrow, so I hope the results will please me.

I focused on the area in front of me and tried to mentally be there, to order myself to somehow materialize there, but nothing worked...

I tried for an hour and my eyes were already starting to hurt, so I decided to take a break. I. got up...

* Shoo-hoo*

Suddenly I was next to the bottle I wanted to take. I teleported... Strange, I didn't even try to focus, but just wanted to take the item.

Hmm, what if...

* Shoo-hoo*

As soon as I wanted to stand in a certain place, I immediately moved there.

Now everything is clear, before I tried to teleport not to a certain place, but rather to a certain area. You need to try to cling to something and only then is movement possible. Roughly speaking, you need to choose the exact coordinates, which is why the ability depended on vision. Therefore, you can't move into the sky or into an indefinite space without solid surfaces. It's a bit difficult, but I think it will work out with practice. You also need to understand your limits...

After spending a couple more hours checking and gaining experience, I realized some things. It turned out that I could move a maximum of a hundred meters. I'm not sure how far this girl could move, but she seemed to have limits only related to vision. That is, it could move anywhere, the main thing is to see the place clearly and clearly. That's why she used a spyglass. Well, my vision is fine, but I wish I could see in the dark, so the ability would be more useful. I tested my abilities in the old tunnels, and I didn't set up a light for nothing, otherwise I would have had to suffer. I couldn't jump more than a hundred meters, no matter how hard I tried, well, even this is quite enough, I will be happy with what I have.

The second thing I realized is that there are no limits to use, I've teleported hundreds of times and I'm not even tired. Another plus to this super skill. Now I can be a little bolder and not be afraid of Thawne. If I want to, I can probably even escape if the space is unclosed... Although, maybe I underestimate him and his speed is much more than I can even imagine.