
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Oops! I'm So Clumsy

"That…was amazing! We HAVE to do that again." Jaina exclaimed.

"Of course. How about we go on a joyride next time?"

"Yes! I felt so alive…Can we do it soon? Sora? Sora?"

"You don't have to ask, little rabbit. It will happen again."

The two had already made it to the parking lot of their destination. They could be found beside the sportsbike, straightening their clothes. Sora had driven extremely fast. He dodged and weaved through cars, even popping wheelies. Only now was Jaina's heart rate able to slow down.

Her face was red with adrenaline. Parts of her body were still shaking. She was a thrill seeker, and this had been a great one. The young Lockhart gazed at the nightclub ahead. It was a den for villains. The Sirens. A neon sign was displayed on top.

"Why must you always keep me waiting? Hurry up." Sora ordered softly. He was already walking in the direction of the establishment.

"R-Right! Sorry."

She finished patting down her clothes and ran to catch up. The line was extremely long. One would probably have to wait an hour or more to get in. The sleepy man couldn't help but click his tongue. Before he could even move to the back, a bouncer stopped him.

"Sora?" The big man called out.

"...That's me."

"Miss Quinn said to look out for a man with white hair and golden eyes. Forget the line, please come in!" He beckoned.

A bunch of people in line frowned upon seeing him get in. What about them? Why was this guy so special? Who did he think he was?

"Hey! What about us?! Ya gonna let that pretty boy in before us? Ya saying he's better than me? Huhh?!" A bald man with a scar on his face called out.

A few low rate villains pushed through the line until they reached the bouncer. Sora and Jaina were already halfway into the building. They couldn't help but turn towards the voice.

"........................" Sora only watched with a bored expression.

The look on his face brought anger to the goons. A vein appeared on the bald man's forehead. His hand immediately reached into his back pocket. The glint of a knife was revealed.

"What are ya lookin at, huh?! I'll carve that pretty face of yours, kid."


A strong fist crashed into the man's face. Teeth were blown out of the goon's mouth, and he fell to the floor unconscious. The other people in line watched in shock. Even the goons went silent. The bouncer stood over the unconscious bastard with an angry face.

Sora glanced at the bouncer and noticed something interesting. The skin on the back of his fist was slowly flaking off. It almost seemed as if the man's skin was made out of hard clay.

"Clayface, huh? Thanks for the assist." The young Lockhart spoke quietly.

"Ah…didn't expect you to know who I was. I'm part of Harley's crew, so if she wants you protected, that's what I'll do." Clayface responded softly as well.

The other goons picked up their leader and fled the scene. They were too embarrassed and outmatched. It would be incredibly stupid to stay.

"Sora, I bet people call you a pretty boy all the time." Jaina whispered in his ear. He smiled wryly.

"It's annoying, but nothing I can't deal with. I can't beat up every single person I come across. That would be a waste of energy."

A giggle escaped the little rabbit's lips. Only now did they finally enter the establishment. The lighting was dim, making it easier on the eyes. Loud music was playing but it was still relaxing. This club was pretty fancy. Sora raised an eyebrow at his surroundings.

A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, glimmering from the light passing through glass. A bunch of fancy chairs and tables were all across the room. There was even a jacuzzi in the middle of the room! It changed colors due to the underwater lighting. People were already conversing with drinks in their hand.

That wasn't all. A grand spiral staircase could be seen in the far corner of the room. Another group of security was guarding the bottom. It was most definitely off limits.

"Hehehe! Hehe. Pfft…hahaha!" The cute rabbit couldn't stop giggling.

"What's so funny?" Sora gave her a playful nudge.

"I can't stop thinking about that bald guy. That was too good!"

"...I admit. It was funny. Come on, let's get some drinks."

They stopped at the bar where a large display of brands littered the shelf. The bartender was currently helping out with another customer. Once finished, he approached the two.

"What can I get for you lads?" He asked.

"Can I get a Shirley Temple?" Jaina spoke.

"Of course. And you, sir?"

"Mnn…Do you have mudslides on the menu?" Sora asked.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea what that is."

"...Damn. I'll just get a rum punch then."

"Coming right up."

It didn't take long for the drinks to be made. As they were drinking, the little rabbit clinked her glass with his. He almost spilled his drink.

"You should've told me this place has a jacuzzi. I would've brought a swimsuit!" She commented.

"...I've never been inside. I didn't know. How's that my fault?"

"It's your fault! Now you have to take a shot."

"Siiiigh. Another shot please." He called out to the bartender.

She just wanted to get him drunk. It was obvious. The real question was why. Why did she want him to get so drunk? Who knows.

At the end of the day she was still a villain. She would try to take what she wanted. Unfortunately for her, the drinks were like water for Sora. She wouldn't be able to take advantage of him.

'It's truly too bad. Maybe she would've got laid if I actually did get drunk.' He thought.

At that moment, the surroundings grew a bit loud. Everyone had their eyes on the staircase. A smile tugged at Sora's lips. She finally showed up.

Harley Quinn could be seen walking down the staircase with another woman. She had long red hair that went to her shapely bottom. Her body was extremely curvaceous and could be the downfall of men. She wore a green dress that left her shoulders bare. With a face like that, it was no wonder she captivated the hearts of men.

'Poison Ivy. The femme fatale.' Sora thought.

The beautiful blonde was also dressed up. She wore a fancy white dress that made people wonder what was underneath. Everything about her dress was almost see through like a veil, except the privates. Some parts were like a fishnet suit made out of jewelry. White high heels finished the look. She was truly stunning.

Harley scanned the room before locking eyes with Sora. At the same time, Ivy had noticed Jaina. They didn't waste any time approaching. The lady clown walked toward Sora like the queen she resembled. Ivy was right behind.

"Rabbit. I didn't think I'd see you here." Poison Ivy commented. Jaina stared her down.

"Ivy. What a pleasant surprise. I didn't know you were a VIP. Do you live here?"

"Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous? I get a view of the entire city from my spot. Can you say the same?"



As the two stared each other down, they failed to notice Harley slip behind the sitting Lockhart. She wrapped an arm around his neck and pressed her face against his cheek. A heavy breath followed as she inhaled his scent.

"Mnn…you smell good. Did you make yourself tasty just for me?" She hummed in his ear. Sora could almost taste the desire in her words. She was in the mood. Harley was ravenous.

"Maybe. What do I smell like?" He whispered right back.

The crazy beauty took another deep breath, this time placing soft kisses all over his neck. Her eyes were focused on Ivy, making sure that the villainess wasn't watching. The femme fatale was very protective of Harley.

"You smell like…a nice cup of hot cocoa. You taste like…a cup of vanilla. Why do you always smell like ice cream? You smelled this way last time."

"I couldn't tell you. What if ice cream has merged with my DNA? Maybe it's in my blood cells. Why? Are you hungry?" Sora answered with a smile. Harley couldn't help but suck on his ear.

"I'm so hungry, puddin. You have no idea…"

"...Are you going to eat me? Will I survive?" He joked. Her suck turned into a playful bite.

"I'm going to swallow you whole…and it's not my problem if you survive or not. Even if you pass out, I'll just keep going." She mewled.

Sora felt a tingle in his pants. That was hot. Dark and twisted, but still hot. He liked that answer very much.

Meanwhile, Ivy and Jaina were still giving each other the death stare. It seemed like they were on bad terms. Or were they? Suddenly, they smiled at each other. A friendly hug soon followed.

"It is good to see you, Jaina."

"Likewise. It's been a while."


The sound of glass shattering entered their ears. Both women looked up to see the young Lockhart drenched in alcohol. His shirt was ruined. Harley had an expression of shock.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry. I can be a bit clumsy, teehee!" She apologized in an interesting manner.

Ivy finally recognized Sora's existence. She raised an eyebrow at his features. It was like White Rabbit but more…holy? Exotic?

"...You ruined my shirt." The lazy man responded.

"Don't worry, we can get a new one. Come with me!" Harley demanded before pulling him along.

The scene was so random that it caught the two friends off guard. Sora gave Jaina a nod toward Ivy. The message was clear.

'Keep Ivy busy.'

Harley quickly dragged him up the spiral staircase. They soon disappeared from prying eyes.


SwayStarcreators' thoughts