

After being reincarnated into the DC movie universe with six powerful wishes granted by the Presence, Alex awakens on the mystical island of Themyscira at the dawn of World War I. Gifted with the Mystical abilities, Alex’s mission quickly becomes intertwined with that of Diana Prince, the future Wonder Woman. As he helps Diana understand the complexities of the world beyond the Amazonian paradise, they form an unbreakable bond that grows into a passionate and obsessive love. Together, they face the horrors of war and the challenges of an evolving world, all while discovering their destinies as heroes. But as their love deepens, so too do the dangers around them, forcing Alex to wield his godlike powers to protect the woman he loves and the world they aim to save.

26 Chs

Chapter 3: War Comes to Themyscira

The morning sun bathed Themyscira in golden light, casting long shadows across the tranquil shores. The waves crashed softly against the sand, but there was an uneasy stillness in the air—a calm before the storm. Alex stood on a cliff overlooking the beach, his senses heightened. Something was coming. Something dark, violent, and unnatural.

Diana approached, her brow furrowed as she too gazed out at the horizon. "You feel it too, don't you?"

Alex nodded, his eyes scanning the distance. "Yes. The outside world is getting closer. They're bringing their war to you."

Diana tightened her grip on the hilt of her sword. "They'll regret ever setting foot here."

But even as she said the words, Alex could sense her uncertainty. The Amazons were fierce warriors, but they were used to fighting with swords, shields, and arrows. The world outside had advanced, and the enemies that were approaching would be carrying weapons far deadlier than anything the Amazons had faced before.

As if on cue, the distant sound of engines reached their ears—low, rumbling, and unnatural. The noise grew louder, until finally, they saw it. On the horizon, warships began to appear, their iron hulls cutting through the sea like predators stalking their prey. Dark smoke billowed from their stacks, and Alex's heart sank as he recognized the black and red flags flying high above the ships—The german insignias.

"They've found the island," Alex murmured. "How?"

"We don't have time for questions," Diana said, her voice grim. "We have to prepare."

Without hesitation, Diana ran back toward the Amazon camp to rally her sisters. Alex remained where he stood, watching the ships grow closer. His muscles tensed, and his heart pounded in anticipation. This was it—the war he had warned them about had arrived.


By the time the German ships neared the shore, the Amazons had already assembled in formation along the beach. Their shields gleamed in the sunlight, and their bows were drawn, ready to unleash a storm of arrows upon the invaders. Queen Hippolyta stood at the forefront, her armor gleaming, her sword raised high.

"Prepare yourselves, my daughters," she commanded. "These men bring death to our shores, but we will not let them destroy what we have built!"

The Amazons let out a war cry, their voices fierce and unwavering. But Alex could feel the tension in the air. They didn't know what they were up against.

The Nazi ships slowed as they neared the beach, and then, with a thunderous boom, the first cannon fired. The shot ripped through the air, exploding in the sand just feet from the Amazon lines. Several Amazons were thrown back, their shields shattered by the force of the blast.

Hippolyta shouted orders, trying to keep the formation steady, but the bombardment continued. Cannon fire rained down on the beach, and soon, the first wave of German soldiers began storming the shores, rifles and machine guns in hand.

The Amazons charged, their arrows flying through the air, striking down several of the invaders before they could reach the sand. But the Germans were prepared. As soon as they hit the beach, they opened fire with their guns, and the Amazons found themselves facing a new kind of warfare.

Bullets tore through their shields, pierced their armor, and brought down warriors who had never known defeat. The sound of gunfire echoed across the island, drowning out the cries of battle. The Amazons fought bravely, their swords flashing as they cut down their enemies, but for every soldier they killed, two more seemed to take his place.

Alex watched from the cliff, his heart racing. The Amazons were fierce, but they were vulnerable to modern weapons. They didn't stand a chance against the firepower of the Germans.

"This is my fight now," he muttered.

With a deep breath, he summoned the power of Thor. His body crackled with energy, and a storm began to brew above the beach, dark clouds gathering in the once-clear sky. Lightning danced through the heavens, and in his hand, Stormbreaker appeared—its gleaming edge ready to taste battle.

With a single leap, Alex launched himself from the cliff, landing in the midst of the battlefield with a resounding *boom*. The force of his landing sent shockwaves through the sand, knocking back several Nazi soldiers.

He wasted no time. With a swing of Stormbreaker, he cleaved through the nearest group of soldiers, their bodies falling like leaves before the wind. Bullets ricocheted off his skin, their deadly force meaningless against his invulnerability.

A group of Germans aimed a heavy machine gun at him, but before they could fire, Alex raised his hand, summoning a bolt of lightning that obliterated the weapon and the men operating it. The air was filled with the crackle of electricity, the storm above growing more violent with each passing second.

"Retreat! Retreat!" one of the German officers screamed, but it was too late. Alex was a force of nature, moving through their ranks with deadly precision. His combat mastery was on full display—every strike of Stormbreaker was swift, efficient, and brutal. He disarmed, disabled, and destroyed without hesitation, his movements fluid and unstoppable.

But even as he fought, he kept one eye on the Amazons. They were holding their ground, but only just. The sheer number of enemies, combined with the unfamiliarity of modern warfare, was taking a toll on them. Several warriors had fallen, their bodies lying motionless in the sand, and others were struggling to keep up with the constant barrage of gunfire.

Alex knew he had to act fast. Summoning all his strength, he swung Stormbreaker once more, unleashing a wave of lightning that arced through the Germans lines, frying weapons and soldiers alike. The air smelled of burning metal and ozone, and for a moment, the enemy was forced to fall back, regrouping near their ships.

"Now!" Alex shouted, turning to the Amazons. "Charge! While they're weakened!"

Diana was the first to respond, leading the charge with her sword raised high. The Amazons followed, their cries of battle renewed with fury. They descended upon the remaining Nazis with a vengeance, cutting through their ranks with newfound vigor.

Alex joined them, his every movement a deadly dance of power and precision. He spun Stormbreaker in wide arcs, deflecting bullets and slicing through enemies with ease. His fists crushed the skulls of those who dared approach, and his mastery of combat was unmatched—each blow was deliberate, calculated, lethal.

The storm above raged on, dark clouds swirling as lightning continued to rain down on the battlefield. The Germans, once confident in their superior firepower, were now in full retreat. But there was nowhere for them to go. Their ships, crippled by the storm, had nowhere to flee, and the Amazons were relentless in their pursuit.

It wasn't long before the last of the Nazis were cut down, their bodies littering the blood-soaked sand. The beach, once a peaceful haven, was now a battlefield strewn with the dead. The Amazons, though battered and bloodied, had emerged victorious—but at a great cost.

Alex stood in the center of the battlefield, Stormbreaker still crackling with energy in his hand. His chest heaved with the remnants of adrenaline, and the storm began to dissipate, the clouds rolling back to reveal the sun once more. He looked around, surveying the carnage. The Amazons were tending to their wounded, some helping fallen sisters while others looked out at the horizon, wary of any further attack.

Queen Hippolyta approached, her expression solemn. She studied Alex for a long moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and wariness. "You fought with great skill today, outsider. But this battle has shown us the truth. The world outside our shores has changed in ways we could not have imagined."

Alex wiped the blood from his brow, his heart heavy. "The Germans won't be the last. The world is at war, and it's only going to get worse. This… this was just the beginning."

Hippolyta nodded, her gaze drifting out to the sea. "We have lived in isolation for too long. Perhaps it is time we reconsider our place in the world."

Diana, standing beside her mother, placed a hand on her sword hilt. "We cannot turn our backs on this. We've seen the evil that men bring, but we've also seen the courage in the face of it. We must be part of the solution."

Hippolyta sighed, the weight of centuries of tradition and isolation weighing heavy on her shoulders. She turned to Alex, her voice firm. "You have proven your worth today, Alex. You have earned our respect, but you must understand—this fight is not over."

Alex nodded. "I know. And I'll be here to help, for as long as I'm needed."

As the sun began to set, casting a crimson hue over the blood-stained shores of Themyscira, Alex couldn't help but feel the weight of what was to come. The war had only just begun, and the battle for the soul of the world was far from over.