
Dbz Remade

hi thanks for reading. I'm the first author for mha remade with a twist,my crew and I have decided to take a small break from the series and start our own stories

Jefferey_Oladejo · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

Chapter Eight: Godly Training

We switch over to Jeff and Goku as they are in a long line of souls waiting to be judged. A massive red man with a large beard and a blue suit sat in a large desk in front of them "Hell" the man said as the soul begged and pleaded with him "please King Yama,please don't send me to hell" the soul pleaded as he was sent to hell. Goku and Jeff looked at each other and started to become afraid. Just then another person from Goku's adventure teleported to them. "KAMI!" Goku yelled in surprise as he fell over "yes Goku,it's me,but don't be afraid i've come to help you get somewhere" Kami said as Jeff thought his energy felt really similar to someone "hey,by any chance do you know someone named Demon King Piccolo" Jeff asked as Kami turned around in surprise "how do you know him and where" Kami asked as Jeff thought about it "i'll tell you if you can get us to where we need to go,i can sense that there is a lot of powerful people here. And before I died I heard what was going to happen,we need to get stronger so that we can protect everyone" Jeff said as King Yama called them to the front of the line.

"Alright,wait, is that you Kami?" King Yama asked as Kami looked up at King Yama "yes,I need you to send these boys to King Kai's planet. Although they are Saiyans they have done great things for people so if you could please-" Kami said as King Yama cut him off "yeah yeah,i already took a look at their lives,so spare me the sap story. If they want to get to King Kai's planet they will have to cross Snake Way" King Yama said as one of his attendants led Goku and Jeff to the lengthy road that was Snake Way. "This should be easy," Jeff said as he looked at the lengthy road. Jeff began to fly and move at incredible speeds down the path. "This is going to be terrible" Goku thinks to himself as he runs along the path. Around 15 minutes later Jeff gets to the end of Snake way and looks around "so what now" Jeff thinks to himself as he notices a small green planet with a driveway stretching through the middle of the planet's surface. "I guess this has to be King Kai's planet" Jeff thought to himself as he flew up to his plane, as Jeff got his planet he immediately fell to the ground as the gravity there was even stronger than Planet Vegeta's gravity "Urgh!" Jeff thought as he pushed himself to stand upright. "Oh! you must be the Saiyan Kami told me about coming here. I'm the West Kai although you can just call me King Kai" King Kai said as Jeff walked over to him. King Kai was a short blue man who had small black sunglasses over his eyes. He wore a pink long sleeve shirt under his Kai attire, Jeff looked at him and almost couldn't believe that this was the person who was supposed to be training him.

"So can you train me?" Jeff asked as King Kai thought about it "I can but you'll have to do something for me first. If you can make me laugh I'll teach you everything I know" King Kai said as Jeff thought of a joke to tell. Just then Goku got to the end of Snake Way and saw King Kai's planet and jumped up to it,only to struggle even more with the gravity then Jeff did "well two monkeys walk into a bar right" Jeff said as King Kai busted out laughing "oh that was good!" King Kai said as Goku struggled to stand and make his way towards the two "wait up" Goku said as Jeff slowly became accustomed with the planet's gravity. "I'll train you too just because you're with him" King Kai said as he wiped his eyes from crying laughing. We cut to Earth as it's heroes are training for the arrival of the Saiyans. Roger and Piccolo decided to train Gohan as well as train with each other. Bulma,ChiChi and Launch set out on an adventure to find the Dragon Balls to revive their fallen friends and loved ones. As for the humans that Goku met on his adventure there wa a few in particular that were ready to protect the earth "are you sure that were going to even stand a chance,i mean when were faced against aliens our martial arts doesn't mean anything" A short bald man asked as a tall bald man in green Gi pants and a red strap holding those pants up yells at him "Krillin! We're the earth's strongest humans,if we can't keep everyone safe while Goku and Jeff are gone,then we wouldn't have stood a chance in the first place" The tall man said as Krillin nodded "Your right Tien,let's keep training" Krillin said as we cut back to Jeff and Goku sparring with each other while using the techniques King Kai taught them. "Kaioken!" Goku yelled as a red aura engulfed him, Goku then quickly rushed Jeff with a barrage of attacks then finished him off with a sledgehammer fist to the ground. "Gah!" Goku yells as he drops back to his base. "The Kaioken is extremely straining to use,even though I'm dead it still strains me. I wonder what Jeff has been upto,he hasn't been using the Kaioken as much but he's been saying he's working on something else. He's been creating this ball of energy in the sky and transforming it into a Great Ape then transforming back into his regular form." Goku thinks to himself as Jeff creates his artificial moon by using Ki. "I have an idea,if i can harness the power of a great ape in base form then combine it with Kaioken i might be able to create a power that far exceeds Kaioken by itself." Jeff thinks to himself as the artificial moon starts to have its effect on him "Grrrr!" Jeff grunts as he tries to resist the Great Ape transformation "his power is rising incredibly fast" Goku thinks as he watches a golden aura form around Jeff. Jeff's hair begins to flow as if there was wind blowing on it,his eyes turn yellow, and he grows in size a bit. "Haaaa!" Jeff yelled as a bright flash of light cme from Jeff as he was in his new Ikari state "huff!" Jeff said as his golden aura faded away leaving Jeff in his new form. Jeff looked at his hands "this form,it drives off of immense rage,the rage that a Great Ape  naturally feels is how this form is born. It feels disgusting, it goes against my martial arts,and more importantly it reminds me of that hatred and rage I fought with back on Planet Vegeta" Jeff thought as he went back to base exhausted.

"What was that?!" Goku asks as he walks over to Jeff "i've never seen that kind of power before,although it felt like a Great Ape but looked like a base Saiyan" Goku said to Jeff as he looked up at Goku "it was my newest form,i've been trying to control the power of the Great Ape transformation but what i came up with is this,i don't want to use it though" Jeff told Goku as Goku looked at him like he was crazy "WHAT! a form that is even greater than Kaioken that seems more stable too and it's all yours and you don't want to use it!" Goku yelled as Jeff looked at his hands and shuttered at the feelin of the form "In that form i was extremely angry,the primal rage of a Great Ape will run through my veins and cloud my judgment,i'm afraid that i may go berserk,and on top of that it goes against my calm way of fighting,the turtle hermit style of fighting is one of calculated strikes and movements along with more fluid movements" Jeff said as goku trained under Master Roshi shortly after Jeff left his island. "I see,well in that case you should work on the Kaioken more" Goku said as Jeff got up and cracked his neck and began to spar with him again.