
DBZ : Original Timeline Gohan

This is a translation Raw Name : Dragon Ball, this Son Gohan is too amazing! 龙珠,这个孙悟饭过于逆天! By Author : 猫毛卯帽 Raw Status : 228 Chapter Travel through a desperate Dragon Ball Original Timeline world and become Son Gohan with one arm and a scar on his face. It looks like a hellish start, but Son Gohan, who crawled out of his grave, was grinning. Oh, despair? Look at me defeating all the bosses while chatting and laughing, and reaching the top of the universe. What? System? What do I need a system for if I'm Gohan?

GarudaTranslation · アニメ·コミックス
134 Chs

Chapter 109

Kibito immediately covered his nose.

"Are there really Saiyans living here? No matter how you look at it, this planet is a paradise for monsters."

In addition to those densely packed monsters, there is also an extremely strange plant growing on this planet.

These monsters feed on this plant and barely maintain their lives.

If you cut off its stems and leaves, the plant will ooze out a thick green liquid that tastes extremely bitter, fishy, and smelly.

But even so, this is the only source of food on the planet.

While the four were examining the surrounding environment, the ground under their feet suddenly shook.

The four flew into the air, only then realizing that the place where they were standing was actually on the back of a giant monster.

The monster was crawling on the ground, as big as a basketball court, with eight legs supporting its body. It squeaked at the four people in the sky, alarming all the nearby monsters.

"What a big spider!" Trunks swallowed.

They had been standing on the back of this spider.

"Eh, that's scary," Gohan said as he raised his hand and released a Ki Blast, blowing the big spider into ashes.

The surrounding area was densely packed with these big spiders, but they were not as large.

They had two rows of white teeth in their mouths, and the two big eyes on the top of their heads emitted red light. However, if you think they rely on these teeth to eat, you are wrong.

They open their mouths wide and can spit out an extra-long mouthpart from between the two rows of teeth.

They use this slender mouthpart to pierce the body of the plant and suck the green juice from the plant to survive.

This way of eating is more like a mutated mosquito.

But their appearance is that of a spider, looking neither fish nor fowl.

This mouthpart evolved to adapt to the living environment of this planet.

There is a huge sinkhole not far away.

The sinkhole is full of green grass.

The deep pit is surrounded by densely packed big spiders.

Each of these spiders is as big as an elephant.

They spit out long mouthparts and pierce into the deep pit, absorbing nutrients from the grass...

While sucking, they kept making strange "squeaking" sounds, which made people's scalps tingle.

Not only that, every time they absorbed a little energy, a red light would appear in their eyes, which looked very eerie.

Such a monster, if placed in the Tang family plane, would be regarded as a high-level soul beast of ten thousand years.

Suddenly, the pit cracked, and a huge head poked out from it.

It opened its big mouth like a crack in the abyss, croaking and flashing, and swallowed several big spiders as big as elephants in one bite.

Green blood splashed everywhere.

This was not a sinkhole.

It was clearly a terrifying giant beast crawling in the valley.

Those spiders just now were secretly sucking its blood.

As a result, they were ruthlessly killed and became its food.

Seeing this, everyone was silent. What the hell is this place?

"There is a strong Ki over there," Gohan looked up into the distance.

The others looked in the direction he indicated.

The sky over there had changed. It was an extremely depressing feeling. Even the sky looked murky.

"Hiss, this Ki is indeed that of a Saiyan," Trunks said, his eyes suddenly becoming excited.

"Let's go and take a look," Gohan said, and the four of them flew towards the source of the aura.

Thousands of miles away.

In a natural cave.

The air here is dry, and there are no monsters crawling around.

It seems that those monsters dare not approach here.

There are some bottles and jars filled with green juice in the cave, as well as several "edible" monster corpses.

In addition, there are two Saiyans.

This is the surviving Saiyan father and son, the father Paragus, and the son Broly.

Paragus had entered old age, with gray hair, a hunched body, and a deep scar on his left eye, which had made him blind.

At this time, he was lying on a rough chair, watching Broly who was busy.

His son Broly was extremely tall, more than two meters tall, and his body was also abnormally strong.

It is incredible to be able to grow into this body on such a nutrient-deficient planet.

The busy Broly was naked from the waist up, revealing strong muscles, and wearing a pair of purple tights on his lower body.

The fur tied around his waist is actually an ear of the monster Ba.

Ba was Broly's only good friend on Planet Vampa.

But it was a monster.

Young Broly often played with Ba. Paragus believed that Saiyans should not be so kind and friendly. He thought that Ba's existence seriously affected Broly's combat training and the dignity of Saiyans.

Therefore, he injured Ba and tore off one of Ba's ears, causing Broly to lose his only friend.

For this matter, Broly resented Paragus for a long time.

Because of his physique, Broly often got angry and lost control, leading to rampages.

Therefore, Paragus invented a collar to wear around Broly's neck.

This collar could paralyze Broly through a special electric current to control the rampages.

As for the remote control of this collar, it was always hidden on Paragus' waist and never left his body.

Broly had a handsome appearance, a rough and thick hairstyle, a body full of strong muscles, and his arms and legs looked very slender in proportion.

His figure seemed born for fighting.

By the way, there is a moon-like planet near Planet Vampa, which can also generate blue light waves exceeding 1700W Hz.

Therefore, Broly once transformed into a giant ape and rampaged, but was later stopped by Paragus who cut his tail off.

At this time, Broly and Paragus no longer had the tails that are exclusive to Saiyans.

Broly held the stem of the plant with both hands and squeezed the smelly juice into a bottle.

He buried his head in his work.

Paragus stared at his son blankly.

Because he had entered old age, his eyes were no longer as sharp as before, but had become cloudy.

This was not only related to age but also to the lack of resources on Vampa.

Living on such a harsh planet, their bodies lacked proper nutrition.

Therefore, there were also many physical problems.

"Broly, we are going to die of old age in this crappy place..." Paragus whispered, and even Broly didn't hear him.

"I am not willing to accept this, King Vegeta." Paragus clenched his fists, and his thoughts went back to more than fifty years ago. (This is canon, Broly born in 732 and the movie takes place in 780)

More than fifty years ago, Broly was born.

He was born with very strong power.

His power was even far superior to that of Prince Vegeta at the time.

King Vegeta was worried that Broly's terrible talent would affect Vegeta's throne, so he decided to exile him to the lifeless Planet Vampa.

As a father, Paragus went with his son to Vampa.

But unfortunately, the spaceships of the father and son were all damaged.

As a result, they were trapped on Vampa.

They have been on this planet for 50 years.

Paragus waited from youth to old age.

Broly also grew from a babbling baby to a strong man.

But more than fifty years have passed.

The father and son have waited, but no spaceship has come.

After waiting for such a long time, Paragus had become deeply depressed.

He had actually given up long ago.

It was impossible for anyone to come to this remote planet.

They could only die here.


[Up to 50+ Chapter available and 15 chapter Weakly Update at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
