
DBS : Tournament of power ( Crossover )

Same story as the ' Tournament of Power ' arc but with various changes. Toriko (2); One Piece (3); One Punch Man (4); Universe 6; Universe 7; Akame ga kill (9); Fairy Tail (10); Univers 11 ... and My hero academia ( 12 ). Here are the teams of the biggest tournament ever.

raptor11 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Recruit warriors : Universe 9

Univers 9 (Akame ga kill)

In the Sacred World of the Kai in Universe 9, things were looking very grim for both the Supreme Kai, and the God of Destruction as they sat on a table, on top of one of the many grassy plain platforms.

"DAMN IT ! " Roh roared, then banging his fist against a table. "How are we supposed to assemble a team capable of preventing the destruction of our universe?!"

Thinking as well, Sidra placed a cup of tea in front of him and drank some of it, before asserting to his fellow deity. "The universe is vast, Kai! I'm certainly positive we can find a handful of warriors capable of leading us to victory."

"And what will that accomplish!?" Our universe is known to be the weakest!" Roh retorted, falling into his chair. "So I doubt we can find high rank warriors."

Clenching his fist, he then shouted again again. "All of this is the fault of Beerus' universe, and more especially that of Goku from the Seventh, that accursed mortal! Why couldn't he mind his own damn business instead of wanting to disturb the balance of the universes, just for a good fight?!"

Mohito, who was listening sighed, barely able to bear the irritating voice of the Supreme Kai. He was very annoyed at how ignorant and stupid Roh was, and with how sanctimonious he always was. Grand Zeno had already planned to destroy the many universes participating in the tournament! Luckily for them, Goku had given the opportunity to prove their worth to survive, by emerging victorious in this grand battle royal of the multiverse.

Nevertheless, his job was to aid the God of Destruction in anyway possible, so he activated his staff, and scanned through the many planets of the many galaxies, before halting his search on one particular planet. The Angel looked closely at the chosen planet, before smiling, turning back to the other two deities who were still bickering about.

"Lord Sidra, I have excellent news! It looks like I was able to locate a planet with inhabitants whose strength is higher than average, more so than the rest of the universe."

"You have?!" Sidra exclaimed, standing up from his chair. "Well, what planet is it?"

"Planet 4841-067! And if I compare this to other universes as well, this particular planet mostly resembles Earth from the Seventh Universe." All, if not, most of the universes had a planet named Earth, but not all of them were the same.

"Similar to Planet Earth? In that case, it cannot be a coincidence!" Staring at the horizon, as if he wanted to see the planet in question from where he was, he quietly cheered. "We actually might stand a chance..."

"Finally! Our universe has warriors worthy of interest!" Roh exclaimed with glee. They had to recruit them immediately. "Let's get going! What are we waiting for?!"


Six years.

Six long years have passed since the end of many things, the members of Night Raid, the members of Jaegers, including the famed Esdeath herself, fallen at the hands of the merciless assassin from Night Raid named Akame. Many tragic events have come and gone, but now was a time of peace, one everyone had been enjoying.

Running across a huge plain, a huge giraffe-like beast with two heads seemed to flee with the help of its large legs allowing it to reach a speed that few animals could achieve. However, in the span of an instant, a figure from the sky crushed him under his weight before biting him at the neck. Being severed, the animal split in two, while its double head fell to the ground.

Now dead, the giraffe collapsed to the ground, while a dragon-like beast eventually grabbed its corpse. Then flying away, he turned around only to be attracted by smoke coming out of a chimney. Landing immediately near a small house, isolated in the middle of a forest, he let go of the body of his prey close to him, while staring at a little girl right in front of him.

Seeing him arrive, the child immediately began to smile at him, before shouting.

"Mommy, mommy! Daddy's home!"

"Oh, really?" inquired a young woman, leaving the house. This mother was a very feisty one, with big pink eyes, very long pink hair tied in twin-tails on the right and left sides of her head. She wore a pink outfit, consisting of a tied shawl with a high collar, a pink long sleeve shirt, a gown, and black stockings with pink shoes., her usual attire. "Are you there, Tatsumi?"

Approaching the house, while pulling its prey, the dragon-like being showed it's jaws covered with blood, dripping from it as well, which ended up severely annoying Mine.

"Tatsumi, what the hell is wrong is you?! How many times have I told you not to come back to our daughter with your face covered in blood?! Do you want to traumatize her or what?!"

Startling with fear, the gigantic creature pretended to scratch its head before mumbling in it's hoarse voice. "So… sorry."

"Get out of here, and don't come back until your face is clean!" Mine's voice boomed. Tatsumi shook his head, as he went to the nearest river without a fuss. Even after all of these years, Mine hasn't become any less hotheaded. Seeing her inane husband depart, Mine smiled a little, while her daughter looked in ecstasy at the prey her father had just brought back.

"Mommy, do you see that? That thing is huge!"

"Yes, Gaama! And I'll be very happy once I cook it right," assured Mine. "After all, don't forget that we're invited to a party tonight! The meat we bring back has to be perfect! Now be a good girl and help me with this thing."

"Okay, Mommy!"


Returning a little later, with a much more presentable face, Tatsumi landed in front of the house again, as Mine walked out in more elegant clothes.

"Have you cleaned everything well?"

Only able to nod, Tatsumi assured him, despite the fact that Mine began to inspect his entire body. Finally, finding nothing to complain about with her toilet, Mine ended up pointing to a huge package, not far from her as she gave her husband an order. "We're taking this with us! Knowing Akame and Kurome, there has to be a lot of meat for them to enjoy."

Nodding, Tatsumi eventually bent over slightly, allowing Mine and her daughter to climb onto her back. Then he grabbed the package and then flew away.

"YAY!" Gaama rejoiced, while feeling her face being swept by a draft.

Finally, a few tens of minutes later, the family stopped in a clearing. Already there, four people seemed to be waiting for them.

"Well, always so conspicuous, Tatsumi," Wave remarked, as the towering silhouette of the dragon could be seen for miles.

"Look at that. Tatsumi and Mine actually brought enough meat," Akame rejoiced, seeing her friends approaching them. Even though she usually held an emotionless face, a tiny smile formed it's way on her face.

Standing behind her, Kurome remained sitting on a rock, while she already had a piece of grilled meat between her teeth. Just smiling at the newcomers, Najenda waved to them.

At long last, the only remaining members of Night Raid and the Jaegers were reunited. Now that Esdeath and Leone were dead, there were no more six survivors. Since then, Akame had taken care of her sister well and had ended up recreating a sibling like bond with Kurome, to the point that their common hatred had all but disappeared. Remaining, meanwhile, alongside Kurome, Wave stood, with his resentment towards Night Raid completely nonexistent as well. had also made disappear all his resentment towards Night Raid.

It had been a long time since he realized that he had been on the wrong side. Now, as an elite soldier, he was doing his best to help the empire, under the leadership of Najenda.

As for the former leader of Night Raid, Najenda was doing her best to help one of it's members. Indeed, staring at Tatsumi, she couldn't help but promise to help him. Yes, she was sure. One day, he would be able to allow it to return to it's original form.

The latter, trying to smile at the small group, had to find a place where his size could not bother anyone. For years he had been reduced to living like this, like a monster. Since then, unlike Najenda, he had gotten used to the idea of living like this. Whatever he could do, he doubted that a miracle could restore his human body to him.

Many minutes later, as the party went on, Najenda excused herself to attend to business, and sure enough, she was finished as she closed the restroom door behind her. She was about to head back outside to who she considered friends, when she heard a knock outside.

"We weren't expecting anyone else." Najenda prepared herself, as she walked downstairs, and to her shock, was a trio floating in front of one of the windows.

Slowly and cautiously, she opened it, to see the three very distinct beings. One was a short and pudgy olive green skinned individual with long, orange hair, a mustache and a beard, and wore strange clothing she hadn't seen before. The one next to him being the same height, but with lighter skin, a more slim figure, pointed ears, purple eyes, a barely visible nose and a mohawk, along with more strange clothing, and two red earrings. The tallest one however, was the most unlike the other two, with pale blue skin like most of his kind and shoulder length white hair parted at the middle. He wore black and blue robes with designs similar to the rest of his kind as well, and carried a staff.

At first, surprised, she ended up almost jumping back, seeing them floating among themselves, not even attempting to make their presence unknown. She couldn't even feel them, it was as if no energy was emanating from them. They didn't seem to have any Imperial Arms either.

"Excuse our rudeness," apologized Sidra. "I know we are disturbing you in the middle of whatever it is you seem to be doing, and we mean no harm, but we come here to discuss important matters with you and you allies, it's an emergency."

"And why should I believe you first of all? I don't even know if you're human, with the color of your skin and all!" Najenda exclaimed, not knowing her statement was correct.

"Whether we are human or not, we have important and pressing matters to address with you, as well as the rest of your allies, Najenda. Now, if you would be as kind as to let us in, we would very much appreciate it." Roh stood side by side with Sidra, more displeased than the Destroyer. Who was this mortal to talk to gods in such a manner.

Gears started to turn in Najenda's head. It was obvious they weren't human, because of their clothing, their strange ability to fly without any sort of equipment and their skin color too. She couldn't tell if they were spewing out nonsense, or actually saying the truth. They knew her name, so that was certainly something else. But she decided to take chances, and hope nothing would go wrong.

"Fine, but if you do even one thing, we're seeing it to the end you never come back!" Najenda threatened, much to the anger of Roh, who yelled after they got inside the building. "You insolent-"

He was immediately silenced by Sidra, who had given him a warning without words. He growled before stomping off to who knows where. "Forgive Roh, not even I can control his massive superiority complex. That is to say he doesn't receive minor punishment from me at times," Sidra apologized to Najenda. She decided to let it slide for now, leading Sidra and Mohito outside to where the others where, with Roh coming back, blowing off steam somewhere else, silently mumbling about primitive mortals.

Leading them after a minute, they finally reunited quickly with Tatsumi, Mine, Akame and company, who were very confused to the three new visitors.

"I'll say this now, they claim to have important and pressing matters to share with us. Be on your guard, but for now, treat them like any other ally," Najenda requested. Akame, Tatsumi, Wave, Mine, and Kurome all stood their guard, but remained passive for the time being. So for the next few minutes, they acted as if nothing changed for the most part, enjoyed whatever time they spent eating and talking, as well as Roh and Sidra, as for all they knew, it may very well be their last. Soon, it was time for answers.

"Alright, now that we're done with our little party, I think you all have some answers for us. You said you wanted to discuss something important with us, right?" Najenda reminded Sidra, who had not forgotten anything one bit. Taking a slight glance at the Supreme Kai, he made eye contact again with the remaining members of Night Raid and the Jaegers. "From this point on, there is a chance you may believe what I say, and sometimes you may not, but I speak every word with truth. This matter involves the lives of everyone here."

Akame and Kurome almost stood up, if it wasn't for the fact Sidra didn't have any desire to attack them. The bearded deity finally started.

"Do I take it that any of you know what a god is?"

This question rendered almost everyone silent. Almost being the key word, as Akame understood the word, but not the title. "I know the word, but the meaning of it is vague at best. Usually, it means when someone is at the very top of a pecking order, or when one has power that cannot be rivaled. So what are you trying to imply? That the three of you are gods and we're supposed to believe it without any evidence to present?"

"By how you speak, am I safe to assume you are unaware of the fact that gods exist in the universe?" Sidra inquired. By how it seemed, this world was never visited by any deities, so Sidra assumed no one on this planet was familiar with him or Roh being gods.

"Lord Sidra, it appears their silence betrays them," Mohito answered after a few seconds. "If it isn't an issue, I shall explain everything to them."

"Do as you wish, Mohito. It would be best if everything was explained fully," Sidra agreed. Akame, Najenda figured what words would soon be spewed out of Mohito's mouth wasn't going to be a lie.

"As many of you may have interpreted, gods do indeed exist. There is even more than one. Since the universe is vast there must be multiple to keep watch over it and maintain balance. There gods that focus on the quadrants of the universe, called Kais and then gods that are responsible for maintaining the balance of everything, namely Gods of Destruction and Gods of Creation, also known as Supreme Kais, as Roh here. His role is to create life, to keep the balance of the cosmos secure, while Lord Sidra is the God of Destruction. His role is to eradicate anything that threatens the balance."

"Okay, but why would the both of you be here?" Tatsumi inquired. "I hope this planet isn't on your list to destroy or anything."

"No, far from that," Sidra assured. He could understand where this man was coming from, he would respond in the same way as well. "In fact, your services are severely requested."

This had them very confused. These were gods, yet they needed help from mortals. "Wait, you're gods, right? Can't you solve any sort of problem without us?" Wave said. He didn't see any reason for them to help, since they were probably ants compared to Sidra and Roh.

"I can see where you are coming from, but unfortunately, us gods aren't allowed to take place in this upcoming event," Sidra admitted.

"Explain," Najenda asked. At this point, the trio had given enough evidence and revelations of themselves to know that they weren't lying. Briefly making eye contact with the Kai, and nodding, Sidra turned to the band of mortals, and began to explain the situation at hand.

"The truth is, there are twelve universes in total, with this particular one being the Ninth. The Grand Zenos, also known as the Omni-Kings who are the supreme rulers of all twelve universes have decided to host a battle royale between the multiverse, calling it the Tournament of Power, to be held in ten days, with nine out of the twelve universes participating. Ten mortal warriors from each universe are required, and it is mandatory to have ten. It it highly requested that you all participate, as there are very high stakes in this."

"Stakes? What kind of stakes would there be in a tournament? Aren't those just purely for entertainment?" Kurome questioned, with the God of Destruction replying. "In most cases, yes. But this tournament is very different. But first, perhaps I should share the reward. The overall winner of the tournament, along with it's universe will be awarded the Super Dragon Balls, which are seven giant orbs the size of planets themselves, able to grant any wish you desire. For this specific event, three wishes will be allowed. There are no limit's to it's power."

"Wait, so we can wish for anything?! We gotta be in this thing! Why skip out on whishing for anything we want?!" Tatsumi was very enthusiastic about this, as he stood up and resisted the urge to jump up and down. If he were to win this thing, he could possibly wish to have his old normal self back, without being fused with his Imperial Arms.

"I'm not finished yet. While that is true, there is a major consequence for if our universe meets defeat. Should all ten fighters of a single universe find themselves eliminated, the Omni-Kings will wipe out the entire universe, meaning everything, even you, even us gods, will cease to exist."

Silence was met in the air again, the last part caught everyone off guard. That would be billions, no, hundreds of trillions of lives eliminated without a second thought, just because they lost a damned tournament! Mine however was a different story, as she stood up and roared at the gods. "You think we're just gonna believe these ridiculous stories!? Who do you take all of us for, retards?! All this about gods, the universes, and even the damned tournament, who would believe such a lie?!" At this point, she was beyond mad she didn't notice she was cursing in front of Gaama.

"You be silent, pathetic mortal!" Roh roared back. "Do you have any idea how much you are disrespecting us gods?"

"Roh! We agreed I would handle the diplomacy!" Sidra advised him. "Now is not the time for unnecessary arguments! If my memory serves me well, it has been millions of years since I came here, so I understand how they must feel! We must prove there is no malice or deceit behind our words."

Suddenly stepping forward, Mohito scrutinized Tatsumi's huge figure. Then, looking at the rest of the group, he inquired. "This dragon was originally human, wasn't he?"

"What?!" Najenda exclaimed, not expecting his blue man to have knowledge of earlier events. "How do you know that?"

In response, Mohito tapped his staff against the ground as it's top lit up at that moment. Then, the Angel directed it towards Tatsumi. At that moment, it was the dragon's body that became luminous. Then Tatsumi began to scream, as it felt like his body was tearing apart from the inside. He fell on his knees, gripping the grass as if he was trying to pull it off the ground.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Gamma, horrified at seeing her father in this sort of pain.

"What are you doing, you bastard!?" Mine roared, pretending to run towards Mohito. Yet she stopped when she was the victim of a miracle. Her eyes widened, as she was surprised to see Tatsumi's corns shrink. Continuing to scream, he lost his body mass. Then his body completely transformed. His fangs and claws disappeared, as did his scalp skin. Taking on a humanoid aspect, Tatsumi suddenly ended up becoming the same as he was before. The reverse transformation was complete, as he was completely human again. His right eye was back to it's original color, along with other aspects of his body.

Finding himself kneeling again, Tatsumi tried to catch his breath, as his pain finally subsided. Then he looked at his arms. Staring at his hands, he moved his fingers one by one, while he was having a hard time figuring out what was going on. Then his gaze fell on his sword in front of him, which was none other than Incursio, the weapon that had merged with his body years ago.

"But that's… that's Incursio..." Tatsumi couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the Imperial Arms he once fused with many years ago.

"Tatsumi..." Kurome began.

"He went back to being human..." Akame completed. Her eyes widened slightly, but internally, she was completely baffled, along with everyone else.

"But how?" Mine wanted to know desperately. Approaching her father, Gaama was able to see, for the first time, the real body of her father.

"Daddy?" Gamma continued to gaze at the original form of Tatsumi.

"Am I..." the father muttered, unable to believe what he was seeing. "Am I back to being human?"

"Now that we've proven one unique ability, another showcasing is in order."

Sidra before looking around for a target. Suddenly, looking up, he could see a huge mountain not far from them. Finally, lifting one of his fingers, Sidra managed to lift the huge boulder with the sheer force of thought. Thus, elite warriors could see several hundred thousand tons of stones being lifted into the air.

Then, creating a small speck of energy in his hand, Sidra swung it straight up towards a nearby mountain. Making contact with it, the attack created an overpowering explosion that shook the entire region. Feeling strong gusts of wind hit them, the whole group clung to what they could not to be blown away.

Finally, when the gusts of wind died down, the assassins could not see the slightest trace of the mountain. It had been completely pulverized.

"It's gone... all of it!" Wave exclaimed, stepping back.

This man is man more powerful than Esdeath! Najenda internally remarked. They're not lying... they're being serious! We could possible die in ten days!

"But… why did you come here?" Wave wanted to know, it seemed he needed to be reminded, and the Supreme Kai wasn't so pleased. Then again, he usually isn't.

"Are you an idiot, or are you deaf?!" Roh exclaimed. "We've explained it already, we need the strongest fighters in the universe for this tournament, and you're going to be in the team, or we all die! However, nothing is special about any of you! The strongest here is that girl!" Roh then directly pointed at Akame.

"However, knowing that you don't know how to hide your energy, I can say that you are not even equal to ten percent of the power of a mortal from the Seventh Universe named Goku! So, you might as well say that you don't stand a chance against him. "

"Goku?" Akame raised an eyebrow at the strange name presented.

"Another mortal from a different universe, who is far stronger than any of you currently," Sidra informed. "He can defeat all of you at once without even trying."

"Aside from this other person, most importantly," Najenda stepped in. "From what I've heard, if we lose this tournament, all of us are going to be destroyed?"

"Not just you," Mohito retorted. "Your whole universe will be obliterated by the Omni-Kings! This dimension as well as that of beyond."

"Beyond... even other planets? Heaven or hell..." Tatsumi stuttered. Everything they had worked so hard for was going to be eradicated in the blink of an eye, just like that. Gaama, Mine, everyone else, even aliens they didn't know about. Even everyone who was dead would be eradicated.

"Even us gods. Now you all see that it is a must that you participate in this tournament immediately!" Sidra asserted. "Since it commences in ten days, that gives us time to practice! However, we need ten warriors."

"But even if we all enter, there are only six of us," Mine retorted.

"Perhaps," affirmed Mohito, suddenly looking at the ball on top his staff which began to glow. "Nevertheless, this planet once hosted talented warriors! One in particular caught my eye! She goes by, Esdeath, I believe. But she is currently deceased as of now."

Immediately, everyone froze, while Roh came up with an idea, with a look of absolute glee and relief on his face. "Perfect! In that case, I have a plan! We only have to bring warriors that are strong to the tournament! The afterlife must be filled with them! And the rules don't say anything about using warriors that are dead!"

"That is out of the damn question!" Mine loudly retorted, very evident she was pissed off. At that moment, the trio of deities could see the former members of Night Raid standing up and facing them. It seemed they were afraid of what they planned to do.

"I don't care if you're gods, you're crazy if you want Esdeath back!" Tatsumi exclaimed.

"There is no question of letting you do it!" Akame asserted, her hand on her sword.

"Esdeath has brought nothing but calamity and destruction to this world!" Najenda informed them, with malice in her voice from just saying her name and the many crimes she committed. "She in no way deserves to be resuscitated!"

"Indeed. She has slain no less than 203,976 mortals in her lifetime," Mohito suddenly asserted, looking at his staff. "Had you not existed, Lord Sidra, she would have been a perfect candidate to become a God of Destruction."

"Unbelievable," Sidra asserted. "It might be horrible to say but it shows that she has real potential."

"Just what potential could you possibly see in that bitch!?" Mine ferociously exclaimed, with a look of pure rage on her face. "She only likes to kill people! Do any of you know how much we had to do to get rid of it? Do you know how many friends have we lost in our battles just to end her life?!"

Hearing this, Sidra had come up with a counterargument. "And you will allow her on the team if I allow your friends to be revived?"

Again, silence, along with the wind blowing were the only things that compromised the sound of the whole area. Then, finally, Akame couldn't help but hope they were speaking the truth, along with everyone else. "Can you... really bring people back from the dead?" she stuttered.

"Can you really do it?" cried Tatsumi, brief tears appearing at the corner of his eyes. "Can you resuscitate Bulat, Leone and all the others? "

"Indeed," Sidra assured them. "Now listen carefully, this is going to be our plan before we begin training! All six of you will be part of the fighters for our universe! Plus, I'll go to the afterlife to bring back Esdeath and three other warriors! However, I will not resurrect them completely! I'll just make sure I get permission to bring them back with me here! But if they decide to disobey me, they will end up being brought back to wherever they came from, without being able to do anything there."

However, despite his words, the members of Night Raid and Jaegers in front of him did not do anything to have to see their worst nightmare again.

"Don't forget that we have no choice," said Roh. "We don't care about your little personal problems when the whole universe is involved! But you'll be rewarded if we win, Sidra will even do you the immense honor of allowing your deceased friends to come back to life, in case of victory."

Not caring what she said, Najenda walked over to Sidra, asserting herself. "I just want something from you: protection."

"Do elaborate."

"Let's say we win this tournament and Esdeath is resurrected, I want you to be present on this planet in case she decides to attack us again."

"Hey, dirty mortal!" exclaimed Roh again. "Who do you think you are to set your own conditions like this?!"

However, positioning his arm in front of him, to make him shut up, Sidra quickly responded. "I will admit that I do not like to see the many worlds of my universe undergo the violence of evil! If these are your conditions, I accept them! So all I ask you in return is to win this tournament and save our universe."

Listening to him, Wave wanted to know. "Our opponents... are they that strong?"

"Oh yes," Mohito assured, with a mocking smile. "For exact comparison, your potency, compared to them, equals that of a blind gerbil against a mammoth in berserk mode! At least I'm comparing you to the strongest candidate we've seen so far! Knowing that we only know the identity of two fighters out of eighty others! So there is a good chance that other participants are more powerful than them.

Hearing this made some swallow, as the angel pointed at Wave and Tatsumi with the top of his staff.

"You two, you will come with us in the afterlife! It would be better if you are with us when the time comes to convince your future teammates," Sidra ordered kindly. Since they knew who the people that would be brought back were, they could be able to talk to them about the situation at hand. Wave however, didn't understand the reason for his assistance to go to the afterlife.

"To convince?"

"Yes! We have already been able to see your memories as well as the past of this world! You have developed links with the people we are going to resuscitate."

"And us?" Akame inquired.

"You will simply stay here and we will come back to pick you up when the team is complete."

"Wait a minute!" cried Mine, pointing to Gaama. "What about my daughter?! We can't just leave her here!"

Simply banging his staff on the ground, Mohito disappeared with the two girls. Then, a few seconds, he returned with Mine, only.

"Wait, what happened to Gaama?" Tatsumi wondered, almost worried for his daughter's safety, but it didn't seem Mohito would cause harm to her at all.

"She left her back at our place," Mine assured. "Don't worry, I saw the whole thing."

"You... you know how to do everything?" Najenda asked him.

"You could say that," said the Angel, while smiling.

Finally, while Sidra and Roh put their hands on his shoulders, the Angel approached Wave and Tatsumi before slapping the bottom of his staff on the ground again.

The small group then disappeared, leaving the girls in awe.


Stamping papers, a huge blue ogre with a big horn on his nose cried out multiple times, shouting out only two words. "Hell, Hell, Hell, Heaven, Hell..."

Thus advancing a line of dead souls again, King Yemma of Universe 9 suddenly jumped in fear, seeing Mohito and the others appear on his huge desk.

"WWOAAAHHH! Who are you?!" Tatsumi exclaimed, he had never seen someone so tall before in his life. This person could crush him to death with his boot and probably wouldn't even notice. Recognizing Sidra then, he fell backwards and a deafening noise was heard, while the giant broke his chair as he fell. The giant ogre had just now noticed his presence and almost panicked.

"L-LORD SIDRA!" stammered King Yemma, standing up quickly, hands at his sides. "Please excuse my clumsiness! I must admit that I was a little surprised by your sudden arrival!"

"No problem," Sidra assured. "Regarding my visit, I came to see you to ask you for a favor."

"A favor?"

"Yes. The Omni-Kings have organized a tournament with dire consequences if we lose. Our entire universe's fate rests on the outcome of this tournament. So I would need you to let me take four warriors who reside in the afterlife. "

"You... do you want to resuscitate them?"

"No, just allow them to return to the mortal world for ten days! I have to train them before the tournament. If it isn't an issue, can you tell me the breakdown of souls going to Hell or Heaven?"

"Well, since this is a request from you, as well as an emergency, I doubt I should refuse! I will search for the files of the people concerned and tell you where to find them."

"Thank you," Sidra responded, expressing his gratitude.

"So who is this guy?" Wave wanted to know, surprised at the sheer size of the stranger. "Is he even human?"

"This is King Yemma! The man charged with judging mortals after their deaths."

Tatsumi took a gaze below and saw all of the souls of the deceased, awaiting judgement from King Yemma. "So what you're saying is everyone goes here after they die and this is the guy who decides if they go to Heaven or Hell?" Tatsumi guessed. His answer was a brief nod from the Destroyer.

However, suddenly looking at the souls of the deceased, awaiting judgment, the god wanted to know.

"Lord Sidra, I've finished my evaluation, and without wanting to criticize your work, this distribution is very irregular! Seventy-nine souls out of a hundred go to Hell and only twenty-one to Heaven."

"What?" Wave and Tatsumi were surprised. "Are there so few people who can go to Heaven?"

"The gateways to Heaven are granted to anyone who haven't committed a single crime!" Roh retorted, shrugging his shoulders. "To believe that the mortals of this universe can't help but kill each other."

"And who is at fault for that?" Mohito suddenly growled.

"You wanna repeat that?!" Roh growled back, while Mohito showed a sweet and mocking smirk.

"Does our universe really have the right to be the survivor?" Sidra began to have many different thoughts. It seemed most beings in this universe were nothing but liars, thieves, frauds, and many others. Simply nothing but lost causes.

"What are you saying?!" Roh asked him.

"Well, knowing that evil reigns throughout our universe, is it really wise to think that our universe deserves to be saved, rather than ours?"

"Of course it must be saved!" cried Roh. "I don't want to be killed! Your life is involved in this too!"

Grumbling then, Mohito preferred to walk away from the Supreme kai. Then, approaching Wave, he called out to him.

"Come with me! Tatsumi, you can accompany Lord Sidra!"

"Wait!" cried Yemma. "Both Heaven and Hell are as vast as the universe! How will you find the warriors you are looking for?!"

"I will deal with it," Mohito assured him before disappearing with Wave.