
DBS : Tournament of power ( Crossover )

Same story as the ' Tournament of Power ' arc but with various changes. Toriko (2); One Piece (3); One Punch Man (4); Universe 6; Universe 7; Akame ga kill (9); Fairy Tail (10); Univers 11 ... and My hero academia ( 12 ). Here are the teams of the biggest tournament ever.

raptor11 · Anime & Comics
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Universe 1: Marvel

Universe 2: Toriko

Universe 3: One Piece

Universe 4: One Punch Man

Universe 5: Bleach

Universe 6: Stays the same

Universe 7: Stays the same

Universe 8: Naruto

Universe 9: Akame Ga Kill

Universe 10: Fairy Tail

Universe 11: Stays the same

Universe 12: My Hero Academia

Universe 1 (Justice and danger (Comics)) / Universe 12 (Justice and danger (Anime and Manga))

Universe 2 (Beauty and gastronomy) / Universe 11 (Justice and superheroes)

Universe 3 (Pirates) / Universe 10 (Magicians)

Universe 4 (Universe of heroes, ruled by an evil god) / Universe 9 (universe where evil is omnipresent, ruled by a god who tries to be good)

Universe 5 (Shinigamis) / Universe 8 (Ninjas)

Universe 6 / Universe 7


We all agree on one point that if a battle royale took place between all of these universes, we agree that the winner will be either Goku, Jiren or Saitama.

We also agree that, despite their power, guys like Luffy, Natsu, or Naruto would get punched by these guys in one punch.

Nevertheless, where would be the fun in that?

Already, I did not appreciate the level of power of Universes 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10 whose competitors were, for the most part, complete dummies.

Universe 2: Okay, there were some good things about this universe. However, the anime was too focused on Ribrianne and her love, I believe many of you can relate. Also, someone can explain how the director came up with the idea of getting the trio of men to replace Ribrianne and her friends, turning into superheroes, and thinks that was a good idea?

Universe 3: Honestly, other than robot fusion, we didn't find anything out of the ordinary about the warriors in this universe. Narirama really disappointed me to get knocked out by Hit so easily and I'm not even talking about his friend who got knocked out by Cabba.

Universe 4: This was the universe that disappointed me the most. Most of the warriors had good powers, but they were used badly. In addition, I noticed a specialty in the warriors of this universe, they were almost all eliminated in one fell swoop. So endurance and defense: none.

Universe 9: Well, this universe did not disappoint us too much. From the start, we expected this to be the weakest and be eliminated first. However, I have to admit that the short time they spent on the arena wasn't too bad, especially the Trio of Danger fight against Goku and Vegeta, putting up a valiant effort against the two Saiyan gods.

Universe 10: I applaud this universe as I proclaim it, the most useless universe. Seriously, they weren't even damned to take out a warrior and aside from Obuni, the others were blown up in a hurry, most of them offscreen.

So, in real life, replacing them with other teams can never be worse than the original teams. And concerning the power of the teams that will replace them, we will ensure that their power is increased, before the tournament.

Additionally, weapons will be used in this tournament. And to be clear, the events that proceed here in this chapter are a combination between the anime and manga, with the first parts, obviously the manga because there won't be the Trio of Danger, so no Gohan or Mr. Satan to come along either.


It was Age 780.

The deities of each of the twelve universes were gathered here today for a reason they had never expected. An idea originated from a Saiyan named Goku from the Seventh Universe, which was a fighting tournament between the many universes of the cosmos, which had been dubbed the Tournament of Power, and it was to be held in the Null Realm. But before that, there was the Zeno Expo, which had so happened to be a battle royale, but between all of the Gods of Destruction, with each of them showcasing the many unique techniques they had up in their arsenals.

The two last ones were none other than Beerus and Quitela, the Destroyer of the Fourth Universe, both battered and bloody, ready to throw their next punches, but to their surprise, the Grand Minister, who was the father of all twelve Angels stepped in and stopped their punches with only one finger per hand. No one even saw him move from his position near the Omni-Kings in the slightest, except for maybe the Angels of course, as they all stepped in the ring to heal their fellow deities.

Their majesties complained the fight wasn't enjoyable enough since it was much too intense, and the Destroyers were moving to fast for them to even see the events play out, and even suggested to just destroy the universes and get the job over with, much to the horror of the other deities, until the Saiyan came to their rescue, as they suggested that Goku should show them how to fight.

The problem for him was he thought the Destroyers were much too powerful, but luckily, there was another mortal for Goku to engage in combat with, and that was none other than Top, the candidate to become the God of Destruction for Universe 11, and was also the leader of the Pride Troopers, a very powerful hero team that watches over and eliminates any evil threat to the entire universe and any galaxy as well. Lord Vermoud thought this was a great idea, since this would be the perfect introduction for Top, to show off his skills and let none of the deities look down on him. Of course, to make sure both of the Omni-Kings, restrictions were placed, such as prohibiting flying.

To start the battle off, Goku had decided to use his regular Super Saiyan form to test Top's power, but this form proved to be useless against him, until Whis called out to Goku, saying their majesties were expecting to see all five of Goku's transformations, and asked him to kindly perform them all.

Proceeding to agree, Goku went to the next level, Super Saiyan 2, with a singular bang appearing in front of him and his hair becoming more spiky from it's tulip shape, but it wasn't that interesting to either of the Grand Zenos, saying they didn't see much change at all, and while panicking, Beerus quickly yelled at him to transform again, and while it took a few seconds, the short wait was worth it, as Super Saiyan 3 was much more intimidating, with his long hair and nonexistent eyebrows, and according to the Omni-Kings, his face looked very scary. But like all of the other forms, Top dodged them all, and taunted Goku for saying if that was all he had to offer. This was when he made his attack against the Saiyan, getting in front of him in the blink of an eye, and punching him straight in his right cheek, making him cough out small droplets of blood, and pushing him back. The Omni-Kings were amazed that Top was so cool, and he didn't even need to transform to get stronger at all.

The battle raged on for a bit with Top evading every one of Super Saiyan 3 Goku's attacks, and countering with one of his own. Goku guessed it couldn't be helped now, he would have to go to the next level. From that point onward, Goku was going to be at an entirely different level. Then, crossing his arms, then opening them, he transformed once more in a binding light of red and orange. Now, Goku was no longer using mortal energy, as he had ascended to Super Saiyan God, a form much stronger than Super Saiyan 3 and it's predecessors. His hair had reverted to it's natural style from birth, but became more refined. His hair became magenta-red, his skin even changed tone. His eyes became more detailed as well as his irises were completely red, and unlike the previous forms, his overall body structure became younger and thinner in both frame and build.

The other Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kais were very surprised. Even though this mortal wasn't any candidate to become a deity, this presence of his had possessed divine energy, which Top took notice off, commenting he as well, could cast the aura of a god. He did so as well, as a red glow had surrounded his body. As they engaged once more, they seemed to be equal, with multiple shockwaves occurring and craters appearing all across the arena. Both of the Omni-Kings were most pleased now. While Beerus was just as pleased as their majesties, he wanted Goku to finish this now, so he commanded him to go to his other divine transformation, and he did just that, in the nick of time while dodging Top's attack.

Now, even a few of the Angel's were surprised at Super Saiyan Blue Goku's level of power, and most of the Destroyers were shocked as well, if not flabbergasted. But, even after a Kamehameha at point blank range, Top was still standing. Now, they decided to go higher, attempting to break their ceilings, with Top showing of his godly aura once more, and Goku showing off Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, but before they could go at...

"And that's enough."

The fight had ended as their aura's dispatched, both Top and Goku, still in Super Saiyan Blue looked up to the Grand Minister who called them.

"Whaa?!" the Omni-Kings complained before the one from the present timeline spoke again. "But we wanna see them break their ceilings!"

"If we let them continue, one or both of them could end up dead, which would undercut the utility and the excitement of the tournament itself," the father of all twelve Angels down below retorted respectfully. "Might we stick a pin in this your majesties, and save it for the battle royale?"

Even though the fun had ended, they had to agree, and were back to their cheerful selves again. After all, the Tournament of Power would be even more fun than this. "Okey-dokey! We're done for today!" they both replied.

"Excellent decision, sires," the Grand Minister spoke while he bowed.

Goku was a bit upset that he stopped the fight just when it was getting good, but if that's what they wanted then they didn't have a choice. Goku reverted back to his base form, as well as Top, no longer using any divine energy.

"There have been many times where you have gotten careless, Goku. Never let your guard down during the real thing," Top advised.

"Yeah, thanks," Goku replied. "Man, you're amazingly strong."

"And so are you. There were instances where I thought you would overpower me and emerge victorious."

"And at any rate, beating you is a must if I wanna win this tournament. This isn't gonna be easy," the Saiyan honestly admitted, but the thought still made his blood boil.

"Then unfortunately for you, I am only the second strongest mortal in my universe." This revelation caught Goku off guard, since he figured he would be the strongest if he was going to be a Destroyer God sooner or later.

"What?! Hold on a second, I thought you were the best they've got!" Goku exclaimed, hardly containing his surprise.

"Wrong, I still have a long way to go if I want to reach his level. The man is my sworn ally, Jiren the Gray, and based on combat skill alone, Jiren is stronger than our God of Destruction, Lord Vermoud." A smirk could be seen at the left corner of Top's lips behind his giant mustache, as Goku recoiled. "He's... STRONGER THAN THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION?!"

Top nodded before turning his back on him. "If you can only fight me to a draw, you have no hope of defeating him." Top them walked away, and flew back up to where the deities of the Eleventh Universe stood, as Goku stood there, thinking about Jiren for a short moment, before flying back to Lord Beerus, Shin and Whis.

"Nice work, you fought Goku well," Khai, the Supreme Kai of Universe 11 congratulated, but Top still felt bad for not winning. "I apologize it was only a draw."

"Win, lose or draw, your battles never cease to entertain me," Vermoud stated. "That pleases me greatly. Thank you, Lord Vermoud."

"Ladies and gentlemen, assembles deities," affirmed the Grand Minister. "I have a message for you from the Omni-Kings." The entirety of the realm fell silent, to heed the next words of the Grand Minister.

"The Zeno Expo has officially concluded, and since that means we'll be moving to the Tournament of Power, allow me to explain it's rules." He held out his right hand, as a green light shone from it and headed upwards, taking the shape of a giant ball, and everything became dark, with the only source of light been the green ball, showing the arena for the Tournament of Power.

(Dragon Ball Z Kai OST: Immortal Monster Plays)

"The Null Realm will be home to this ring specially built for the Tournament."

"The Null Realm?" Goku wondered, as Beerus narrowed his eyes and responded. "It's a world of infinite emptiness where not even time or space exist."

"Correct, my fellow Destroyer, and since literally nothing's in the Null Realm, there is nothing to break, thus all warriors will be free to fight as vigorously as they like. Now moving on..."

The ring zoomed in to show what looked like Goku eliminating Top from the ring, and showed the Saiyan cheering with the word WIN above him. "If you knock and opponent out of the ring, they lose. Rather simple, is it not?"

"What if you knock out your opponent in the ring?" Goku inquired.

"Then push them out to complete the elimination. Furthermore, now that the Zeno Expo has given us more time to consider, we have decided to add one more prohibition. You are not allowed to kill any opponents. And also taking consideration into the strength of other universes, we will allow the use of any outside weapons, except those intended for healing purposes, and any advanced techniques that enable flight will work in the Null Realm, and finally there will be a time limit of 100 taks." It seemed fair, but just because flight was enabled didn't mean it wouldn't be easy. Strategy would still be required.

"Translated to Earth time, that counts up to 48 minutes," Whis clarified for Goku before questioning his father. "That seems like a rather long time for each match. With so many strong fighters, isn't there a risk the tournament goes on for too long?"

"The tournament will not be one-on-one, every fighter will compete against everyone else at the exact same time. In other words, the tournament is just one match."

(OST Ends)

Immediately there were some engulfs among those who listened to him.

"That's not a tournament, that's a multiverse battle royale! All those guys fighting in one place, at one time?!" the Supreme Kai exclaimed.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of space, the ring we're constructing is quite large. Everyone will fight until the clock hits zero, whereupon the universe with the most fighters left will be declared winner. Of course, in the event one team defeats all others before time runs out, that universe will be victorious."

"So, they're applying that battle royale rule from before," Quitela commented.

"Still, if there's going to be ten people from each universe, then the number of warriors participating will be on a completely different scale," the Supreme Kai of Universe 4 added on after his fellow Destroyer.

"Also, as with the tournament held between the Sixth and the Seventh, the ultimate champion of the competition will be awarded the Super Dragon Balls, and specifically for this special occasion, I shall allow three wishes to be granted. I trust that will satisfy you, Champa? Please hand over the three that you already have. We will collect the remaining ones ourselves."

Startling then, Champa began to shake a little, though he could only nod.

"O... okay."

"You jerk... you were gathering them again?! You still haven't learned your lesson?!" roared Beerus nearby.

"Sh-shut up!" his twin brother fired back

"Um... may I ask a question?" the Supreme Kai of Universe 3 requested, with the Grand Minister granting permission. "Go right ahead."

"Thank you. I understand what the strongest fighter will be given, but will the winning universe get anything?"

"Not a thing," the Angel replied bluntly. "Not even their prize will be that. We won't do anything to them."

What does he mean by that? Beerus thought, and all of the other gods were thinking the very same thing. Their question would soon be answered, and it wasn't a pleasant one.

"It's simple really, all of the defeated universes in the Tournament of Power will be promptly wiped from existence, both of the Omni-Kings will see to it personally."





There were high levels of chatter going around the room, if that was even what it was. Their very lives were dependent on ten random mortals they never knew about.

"F-for real?!" Goku stuttered, not expecting this to go to such a level. All he asked for was a friendly tournament.

"The Omni-King has long said there are far too many universes in the cosmos, which is why the proposal offered by Goku of the Seventh Universe presented the perfect opportunity." The Zenos expression did not falter, as it seemed they were almost incapable of showing emotion.

"Grand Minister, there is one detail I wish to clarify," the Supreme Kai requested. "By all means, please tell me what it is."

"When you say the defeated universes will be eliminated, does that apply to all of the universes that are defeated in the tournament?"

"Yes, although I should point out that the First, along with the Fifth and the Eighth Universes are exempt from participating in this particular tournament. Those three universes have average mortal levels of seven or higher, so they will be spared that particular consequence."

Everyone had a confused, surprised or shocked face, as there were two things. Universes 1, 5 and 8 were spared, and the concept of mortal levels. Immediately, the Supreme Kais and the Destroyers of the three universes heaved sighs of relief, while rejoicing.

"W-we're saved...!" Arak, the Destroyer of Universe 5 rejoiced.

YES! Liquiir, the Destroyer of Universe 8 cheered inwardly while the Supreme Kai simply sighed.

"Wait, mortal?" Shin wondered.

"What levels?" Beerus inquired.

"You see, Grand Zeno has carefully evaluated all twelve universes, and assigned each one a ranking," the Grand Minister explained, but some deities were still left in the dark.

"So uh, how did the Seventh Universe fare in his estimations?" Beerus questioned.

"Among all worlds populated by mortals within the Seventh Universe, the average level is 3.18, which is rather poor. That's third from the bottom in fact."

Beerus couldn't sputter a single word from his mouth, as it remained hung open, with his teacher speaking next. "Pardon me, but if we're the third from the bottom, then which universes would be ranked lower than us?"

"I suppose I don't see the harm in it revealing it to you all." He took a gaze at the deities of Universe 9 who gasped. "Y-you can't mean..." Roh, the Supreme Kai spluttered.

"That's correct, the Ninth Universe's average level is the lowest, a meager 1.86, and the Twelfth Universe, a rank of 2.57, in between the Seventh and Ninth." In short words, the Seventh Universe was penultimate

"Interesting. So what your saying is, essentially the true purpose of this tournament is to take a lower level universe, one which was already on the Omni-King's chopping block, and if it should prove victorious granting it a reprieve?" Whis hunched, and the Grand Minister couldn't be more proud. In simpler words, those universes who were deemed unworthy of remained were going to be eradicated without a second thought, but, this tournament has become the perfect chance to redeem themselves. "As usual, Whis. Your hunch is spot on."

"This is all your fault!" Beerus exclaimed, starting an argument with the Supreme Kai. "You're the one who foolishly believed that if a mortal world didn't reach a higher level all on their own, it wouldn't mean anything so you refused to lift a single finger to help them!"

"What about you?!" the Supreme Kai retorted. "What have you done besides spend most of your time sleeping?"

"If that's all, we should move on," the Grand Minister said before the Supreme Kai spoke one more time. "Just a moment, Grand Minister. In the event of a defeat of our universe in the tournament, what happens to us deities?"

"Why, you'll all be done away with at the same time, except for the angels, naturally."

"WHIS!? Now what the hell makes you so special?!" Beerus demanded, as Whis simply giggled. "Well, Lord Beerus, my position is different from yours."

"And that concludes our information session. Now that everything is settled, I shall begin preparing the ring for the Tournament of Power in the Null Realm. I'm afraid construction will take some time, so I ask for your patience as we begin a necessary hiatus before the tournament. And thus concludes today's events. Everyone please meet back here for the tournament, and we'll promptly kick things off."

"Uh, question..." the Grand Minister and Omni-Kings looked down on the Saiyan who spoke. "Yes, what is it Goku?"

"How long do we have until the tournament starts?"

"Converting our source of time into your Earth time in the Seventh Universe, it comes out to approximately ten days."

"T-ten days?" Beerus repeated. "That's perfect! Knowing that we already have plenty of warriors, that gives us plenty time. Good luck."

"Alright, dear friends, we'll see you all again when preparations are done." And with a swipe from the both of his hands, the deities of the twelves universe were each sent back to their respective one.