
Day Dreaming

Wendy comes to have a crush on a man called Jung Hoseok when he saved her from an abusive man who is hitting his wife ....when they were all on vacation in Jeju. It is her first time to like a man. Later she learns that their fathers are friends and would like them to marry. The problem is Wendy finds out that Jung Hoseok is a gay (although it is a not true). Wendy would like to refuse to the marriage even how much she is fond of him, but the fathers insist they work together at his family's hotel to get to know each other. Wendy and Hoseok gets to near each other more and become friends. Wendy also meets another man who seems to interests in her, one of the most important man in hotel management team, Mr Lee Min Hong. Her appearance with Lee Min Hong makes Hoseok realises his feeling for Wendy is more than a friend and he doesn't want to lose her. Especially when Lee Min Hong is known to be a womaniser very unlike him, who he considers himself a boring normal guy and a loser in first love. How will he try to tell his feelings to Wendy? ......... (Chapter 19) Wendy: "Hope...you behave so badly today .. especially how you appear in here. it's so  rude.." Hoseok: "I know. .I can't help it...!" Wendy: "Why!" Hoseok: "Do you like him ...do you like Lee Min Hong?" Wendy: "Well I'm getting to know him.. what's wrong if I like him!" At that... Hoseok just couldn't control himself more..he just grab Wendy's face and kisses her on the lips. .... Wendy: "What does this mean Hope ...you like both women and men? but you should never cheat Jimin. ." In this, Hoseok remembers she has mistaken him as gay man...and somehow an idea just come to him. Hoseok: "Er....I'm very sorry Wendy.. I just want to know how it feels like to kiss a woman." Wendy: " it's just that?" ...... Hoseok continues,  "Will you marry me? Wendy" Wendy: "Are you crazy.... whatever is happening to you ??" Wendy looks up at Hoseok..His face is very serious. ........ Wendy: "I will need to think about it!!" ..... The story has completed.

WinnieAye · 一般的
34 Chs

Chapter 12: Sightseeing Throughout

Wendy has been thinking about the woman's words all the way while walking back to hotel.

Who are those two guys?..And she wonders if the reception manager is her enemy. There is something in her eyes that telling Wendy that she hates her. But Why?

Joy is already dressing up when Wendy arrives back to her hotel room.

"Wendy... where have you been...it's already breakfast time.... get ready dear!"

Wendy has quick shower, dress up..and the the two go for breakfast hall.

Of course, their group table is a separate one..from those who normally come to stay at the hotel.

Hoseok looks really fresh that morning, and Lee Min Hong looks smart like usual. Ms Wang impression is still blank especially when Wendy and Joy arrive to at the breakfast table.

The hotel manager is also joining the breakfast with them. He then show them the brochure of the trip. They will be going on a lot of sightseeing that and in the evening there will a party for them.

That day, they visits Tegalalang Rice Terrace, Uluwatu Temple and Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. They are all beautiful temples. Nonetheless, Wendy's orange dress is quite bright among the places....And somehow Hoseok really looks modern too with his black glasses with holiday wear T Shirt and short trousers. The other three too.

The monkey sanctuary is as beautiful and grand like the ancient place. Wendy, Joy, Lee Min Hong please with their sightseeing there. But Hoseok seems a little uneasy with the animals. He seems to be scared of them a little. Wendy notice that behaviour from him. She then recalls how brave he was when he helps from drowning and that abusive man who hit his own wife. She also remembers how lazy he is to do body exercise.

He is such a hero. But then of course, every hero must have their weak side.

It is at the monkey place that Wendy is attacked by some of them. It is her fault since she distant herself from the group to examine on them on her curiosity. They take Wendy small camera too.

Wendy shouts.."Help! Monkeys are attacking me"

Everyone run toward her. The security guards are able to get the camera back for her.

Wendy has her foot/knee hurt from her fall from the attack with monkeys she could not stand up. That makes everyone worries except Ms Wang. They are all run to her. As Wendy could not stand up Hoseok begins to worry for her a little more...but it is Min Hong then that carry Wendy back to their tour car. Hoseok does not like that scene very much. But Why? Why is he not liking it?

Wendy us treated in a clinic near the hotel they are staying in Bali. Wendy rests for a few hours back in her hotel room with Joy by her side. But then she is able to attend the party evening that day.. so everyone's happy they are going on schedule.