
Dawnlight Sovereign

Kurogami Akatsuki is a problem child for everyone around him, which he don't give a shit. One day he suddenly received an invitation inviting him to go to an another world. Thinking it's just a prank he agreed and boom he suddenly-. Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/YSakuya)

Baqua · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Chapter 3 -The Tales Of Snow White

"I finally found it!" "Oh finally huh?" The manor had a library. Well maybe a library wasn't the right word for it. This looked more like a book-yard where books go to die or get scrapped. If the outside is a barren wasteland, then this is just a landfill full of random stuff. Even getting to the center table of the library Akatsuki couldn't count just how many times he had to step over a book that was left there on the ground. His first thought on the place was to ask himself if some bandits came and ransacked the place at their leisure. Or maybe some wind god play a prank on them who knows.

As Akatsuki immersed himself in studying about Eden, Inaba was tasked with finding a War Game that could get them a water source. Placing a bookmark and shutting the book Akatsuki came over to Inaba. "The Tales of Snow White." "What's the wager for this game?" "The Overflowing Glacier." "A glacier? Are we supposed to melt that for water?" Even if the glacier could be melted for water that would only be a temporally solution. Inaba dismissed Akatsuki's thoughts as she shakes her head.

"No the glacier itself overflows with water and it never really melts." "Oh interesting. "But the details of the game is unclear. All it says is that it pertains to the tales of Snow White." "Hmm. Let's go check it out anyway." With difficulty in knowing where to step Akatsuki and Inaba left the library.

"Inaba-nee is heading out?" A girl comes out of the corner and asks out of concern. She had a cat's characteristics of ears and a tail. Her attire was like that of a maid over a white apron.

"Yes and I'll bring back a water source." Akatsuki would tell her to not promise anything that's uncertain but this was the Circle's last game. Their wager will be this manor and should they lose, it will be the last time they ever participate in a game. According to the Ancient Rules, Circles without items of value are disbanded forcefully whether they like it or not.

"Will we have to leave this manor if we lose?" "That's..." "Heh we're not losing we're winning this regardless of the rules." Akatsuki speaks up confidently and pats the girl's head.

"So just wait and get the bath ready." He has already taken two baths today but neither of them was proper. Akatsuki would have wanted to sit down in a warm hot spring to relax once this ordeal was over and done with.

"Y-Yes." The girl runs off with awkward steps but with a joyful face.

"Akatsuki-san are you perhaps good with kids?" "I lived in an orphanage." Being the oldest and most reliable of the place he lived in Akatsuki was looked upon as an older brother of the sort to the other orphans. Recalling that he felt nostalgic of the times when one of the crying children would come to him for consultation.

"I do want to ask but how come there's no adults here?" All the residents here are all children of no more than ten years of age. There were no adults anywhere as far as Akatsuki looked.

"They..." This was also due to the defeat of the Circle. The other members who were players left. It was not that they left by choice but rather they had to. The game's rules asked to have the losing side's participants to leave the Circle.

"I see." "The parents of these children left because of that rule..." "Is there a leader?" "I'm the acting leader." "I see." Akatsuki moved up and beckons Inaba to lead. Akatsuki knocks on the doors of a cottage in the middle of the woods. It wasn't that long of a run here from the Circle's manor.

"Who is it?" A girl answers the door. Her skin was as white as snow. Her attire was that of a pure white dress.

Everything about her was white even her hair. If Akatsuki had to compliment her he could say that she was quite a beauty.

"Yo, I came here to challenge your game." "Oh the Tales of Snow White?" "And you're that Snow White correct?" The immediate reaction of Snow White to the boy before her was hate. How dare he look upon me with such a smug expression of confidence!

"What are you wagering?" "Our Circle's manor that's in the middle of nowhere for that Overflowing Glacier of yours." "I decline." That was it, final, no questions asked, the girl declines to the wager without hesitation.

"Akatsuki-san since she declines we can't do anything about it..." Inaba looks down dejected. She has forgotten the fact that the host may decline the challenger should they see to do so.

"Hold it. I'm not running back there without that water source dammit. I want my hot bath so I'm not backing down here." "As the host of the game if I say that I decline, I decline and that's that." "If the wager isn't enough then how about I offer up something to go with it. "Oh and that is?" "Inaba's life. You can have her as your slave and do what you want to her. Not a bad deal right?

I'm sure she's still pure." "...." Snow White and Inaba turn silent. Inaba looks towards Akatsuki with eyes of betrayal.

"Akatsuki-san how could you just simply say something that irresponsible!?" "It's fine just let her have a shot at your body. If we lose, we lose and you'll have to let her have your body." Before Inaba could protest to this unfair deal Snow White answers.

"Interesting I always wanted to have a female servant. Ever since those dwarves left I had no one to attend to my needs." "Heh perfect." Two golden parchments appeared in the air. Snow White grabs onto one of them and proceeds to sign her name. Likewise Akatsuki did the same much to Inaba's dismay. This was the Contract, an agreement that seals the deal of the host and player.

"The contents of the game are written there as well." [Game - The Tales of Snow White]

[Host - Shirayukihime] [Player(s) - Kurogami Akatsuki, Inaba] [Objective(s) - Recall the tales and awaken the snow princess from her dream.]

[Wager of the host - The Overflowing Glacier]

[Wager of the player(s) - Manor and possession of Inaba's freedom]

"Yeah this'll work out just fine." "Don't just agree to it!" "Game start." Before Inaba could punch Akatsuki on the face, a bright light overwhelms them.