
Dawnlight Sovereign

Kurogami Akatsuki is a problem child for everyone around him, which he don't give a shit. One day he suddenly received an invitation inviting him to go to an another world. Thinking it's just a prank he agreed and boom he suddenly-. Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/YSakuya)

Baqua · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 2 - Dire Distress Of The Circle

"This is quite a mess isn't it?" "I know right~?" "Right I'll be off then." Akatsuki waves goodbye and turns back to the way he came from.

"Wait, wait!" Inaba desperately clung onto Akatsuki's coat to stop him from leaving. What Akatsuki was shown is a barren wasteland so to speak. In the distance was a big manor but surrounding it was just...nothing. The trees were dead and dry as if they'd snap in an instant should one push on them. The soils are cracked and dusty as the wind conjures up clouds. "Yeah I don't have the power to command nature and have it do my bidding." "That's not what I'm asking." "Then what?" Akatsuki stops from leaving and turns around to face Inaba once more.

"Um our Circle just suffered a big defeat a few years ago." "From what?" "Another Circle but we don't really know where that Circle originates from though..."So it could be either god or demon." But "That's none of my concern." Inaba begins explaining about the terms of this world. Circles, basically a group made up of individuals. These Circles at times could be the size of a village or even a nation depending on their prestige.

The economy of this world, Eden is based around games. War Games as they are called are an ancient agreement between Circles where both sides wager objects of value. At times it's a show of strength between two individuals, other times it may be a show of wits. But the biggest of them all would be the actual War Game where every individual available in their Circles face off in a battlefield. The objects used as wagers are usual items of equal value. But the main most important object of all is the respective Circle's Emblem. The Emblem represents the Circle's standing and prestige.

It was the most priceless item of value that a Circle can possess. Currently the Circle of Inaba has no such Emblem because it was lost, taken due to the Circle's defeat a few years back. They have already waged almost everything they owned. The last object of value that they can wager is the manor surrounded by nothing. This was their dire distress and it was the reason Akatsuki was called over to this world.

"My point is.. could you please help us regain our former glory? "Akatsuki turns quiet and folds his arms. To rise from the bottom as a dark horse and get back their former glory. Regardless of the goal the concept of these so called War Games intrigued Akatsuki greatly. To stand at the bottom. For someone like Akatsuki who has stood on the top all his life this idea also interests him. What would it be like to look from the bottom to the top?

"Heh very well." "Eh?" "Don't make that stupid face. Rejoice Inaba this Kurogami Akatsuki will help you." He took out his cell phone and tapped into the camera app. With the camera lens facing in the direction of the manor Akatsuki snapped a picture.

"Yeah this is a wasteland of absolutely nothing. Inaba watch as I turn this shit joint to a place overflowing with life." Akatsuki made his declaration known as he stared around this land of nothingness. Inaba looks at Akatsuki intently. The boy is not a god or savior. He was merely just the strongest problem child of his former world. But the overflowing confidence of the boy named Kurogami Akatsuki gave Inaba a sense of hope that all of this will work out just fine.

"So you have a plan to gain back that former glory right?" "Eh...?" Inaba had summoned Akatsuki without a plan.

"You seriously thought that summoning a person from another world to help with the revival of your Circle will turn out so smoothly? What were you hoping for? First of all I have no knowledge of this world. Second, I'm broke." Even if this world's economy ran on War Games for wagering valuables it doesn't mean that the world could function on just that alone. There had to be some form of paper or coin currency.

"...." All that hope from earlier is lost in an instant due to the harsh slap of reality...

"Think of something now." "F-First maybe we should try to get a uhm..." "What's the Circle currently lacking?" "Resources." "What's the most important resource that we don't have?" "Water." "Right start from there. Think of some way to get running water." "Me?" "Who else is there to think about this stuff? I don't know anything about this world." Akatsuki heads for the manor in the distance. He now knows not to expect anything from Inaba. She kinda remind him of a certain useless goddess which they have the a lot of similarities for example their hair, anyways.

This goal of reviving the Circle was over before it even started. In the first place if Inaba didn't know what to do, Akatsuki won't know either. His lack of knowledge is the main issue here. This world was alien to him; he didn't know about its cultures or its people for that matter. They say going from one country to another is like being reborn as a baby again. Without the proper knowledge of that country you're traveling to you won't know right from wrong. It's especially true should you not know the country's native language. This causes communication issues so the traveler basically turns into that of an infant that hasn't spoken their first words yet. "I'll think of something so please join our Circle!" "I already said that I'll help." Inaba was the earnest and honest type. Normally when summoning a powerful individual the person would attempt to exploit the summoned being. It was true in the myths of Faust and Mephistopheles. Faust used the devil in order to gain which ultimately resulted in his damnation in some theories. And another case like that certain healer who got betrayed. In this situation Akatsuki would act as the devil Mephistopheles. "Hm." Now that Akatsuki thought about it he would look rather perfect as a devil should he put on a black suit and say the famous quotes of "Make a deal with me, in exchange I'll have your soul when you die." However in the case of Inaba she did not attempt to strike a bargain with Akatsuki, instead she earnestly pleads for his aid. Inaba you're too honest and good-willed you should try to act a bit more nefarious." "Eh? I don't believe I am cut out to act the role of a villain." "Heh." So that was her character, she is honest that if you ask her what is the color of her panties she will answer it while blushing.