
Dawn of a new world

follow Allen walker and daemon as they journey toward the four corners of the earth in search of his father,and the staff of Moses said to have great powers is it true or false, he later unveils the curtain shrouding the entire world

Daniel_Bello_8319 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

CHAPTER SIX the scorpion tail tiger

The next day before dawn

"So how are we going to get inside now Daniel said while looking at the crowd of tourist outside the pyramid"

We have to sneak in before night fall

I know daemon but how are we going to sneak in

With this daemon pull out a fabric of cloth from is bag"

I remember this clothing Daniel said while holding the piece of cloth" I didn't know you still have this

Allen looked at them both with a confused face what are you both talking about

Hehehe daemon chucked this is the invisibility cloak created by the holy seer in the Vatican you could say that it a priceless piece of cloth, as you can see it can camouflage us carefully beside that not what makes it priceless the coat as been baptised in holy water so you could say that it also magic weapon

Ooo so we going to use the cloak to get inside the pyramid Allen said excitedly

Yes you could say but the invisibility is not perfect it can only stay invisible in the sun so we must go now if you want to enter the tomb daemon glance at Allen and replied back

Then what we are we waiting for let go Daniel quickly stood up


(A few moments later)

At the back of the pyramid of Giza

So this is the secret entrance daemon said while looking at a open circle shape door

Looks like we are not the first one here Daemon looked at the hole with a solemn and Grimm face

Daniel glanced back at daemon and Allen with a strange face are you sure you didn't tell anybody about the map and what written about

Ok Daniel don't doubt us When allen found the map he brought it to me,so am sure we are the only ones that know about this adventure"

let go in first daemon said as he pushed Daniel towards the hole….. beside we might found answers in there won't we

Allen quickly followed them


(Inside the pyramid of giza)

Everywhere was almost dark only the Fires burning on the side of the wall illuminate the surroundings

Daniel walked side by side with daemon while Allen followed them behind Daniel reach out for the ears of daemon and whisper into them

You know this might be a trap right it might be a conspiracy against you"

Sigh I know you are worried Daniel but it might just be another coincidence, daemon looked back at Daniel with a series expression he said in a cold tone"

"You should know best that the four families can't step into a kind of place like this"

Who knows you should know that they have many ways beside those family have been converting the staff of Moses for Centuries now,


After several hours of journey through the outer edge of the pyramid now they have reach the inner circle of the pyramid

"Daniel pull Allen back"... we entering the dangerous and most fun part of the tomb next kid so be careful I don't want to fetch your body late"….. Daniel said to Allen with a smile on the corner of us lips,

In front of the three,stands a grass land filled with Lush vegetation filled with boundless sea of green, the grass ears raise their heads high, entangled with the white flowers of the sun with a faint fragrance of wheat,it looks very beautiful

Daniel patted the shoulder of Allen and said to Allen while looking at the scene in front of him,….. this type of place are usually the most dangerous he rubbed his chin oo what was that sentence again the more beautiful it is the more dangerous it can be you should Daniel picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at a orange tree"... the tree suddenly open a huge mouth swallowing the stone" so you see kid be careful here or you might die so follow my instructions and you will leave

Allen was scared but He still stood firm yes sir he replied to Daniel


Deep in the core of the forest in the most darkest part of the forest a ten meter long tunnel tiger slowly walk out from it sleeping cave

The tiger has deep purple colour with a scorpion tail and a red stripe on it entire body

It look at the direction of the three with a cold and deadly expression on his face


The wind shook slowly as the tiger roars, the trees russells as the tiger roar!!

Pairs of eyes suddenly lit up in the dark Some kind of dark grey cat with green eyes comes out of the bushes

The beasts quickly rush over in an astonishing speed that could not be capture with the naked eyes in the direction of the three

The tiger slowly leisurely in the direction of the three while an invisible pressure slowly descends

Fifty meters around him all creatures in the jungle was trembling

...a few moment later

So how do you guys classify yourselves do you have rank or something Allen asked with A frown on is face

Of course we have daemon replied

There is a total number of twelve ranks of course there is more than this but you can't know this now it will bring you more harm than good

Then what rank are you allen asked while looking curios

I….. am a rank four powerhouse daemon pause for a moment before answering

What about you daniel

Am also a rank four wind ability user Daniel replied with a smile on his face

Allen stared blankly at daemon... I thought you will be more powerful than at least better than him Allen said while pointing to Daniel


A few minute later

We have been walking for hours now when are we leaving this forest beside it almost midnight Allen could not but complain helpless

Relax we just got out of the outer circle let just camp here for the night by day break am sure will get into the inner circle daemon said while I'm packing is bag

Quit..... Daniel suddenly said while looking around the bushes

I think there is something out there" I can smell that decay and rotten smell daemon replied

Get ready take out your weapon daemon looked at is bag and took out a silver knife and a gun from it" while Allen took out the knife that Daniel gave him

Daniel pull out a sword from is backpack he rolled the sword get ready for battle

countless pair of eyes suddenly lit up in the dark hundreds of cat like beast slowly walks out of the darkness, their scarlet light were filled fierceness they opened their big mouth and pounced on the three at the same time