
Dawn of a new world

follow Allen walker and daemon as they journey toward the four corners of the earth in search of his father,and the staff of Moses said to have great powers is it true or false, he later unveils the curtain shrouding the entire world

Daniel_Bello_8319 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter seven the blood domain

CHAPTER SEVEN— dark dimension and blood domain

Daniel suddenly rushes out, he was as fast lighting he suddenly appear by side of the one of the beast he slashed sword at the neck of one the beast, the neck of the beast suddenly flew up a dark purple blood suddenly flow out like a fountain

What are you guys waiting for an invite quickly attack them before they attack us in group

Daemon raised his right arm, a ray of light bloomed in his hand quickly forming a sword shape from bottom to top

Soon a white long sword with a hint of golden light appear in his hand

Daemon looked at the sword in his hand with a complicated expression

Sigh, is it only to this extent

He was a little bit disappointed


Five cats demons quickly surrounded daemon

He glanced at Allen and curled up his lip:

watch closely kid" you won't want to miss this


The cat demons looked at deamon, it let out a horse roar, and once again shot towards daemon like a sharp arrow,

Daemon blue eyes were as sharp as an eagle eyes and he did not rush to dodge.instead he waited until the cat Demons came closer and then he suddenly turn sideways to avoid the opponent attack, he stab his sword sideways in the beast stomach several stream of bright red blood gushed out of the beast body

the lifeless body of the beast slowly fell down on the ground

Deamon stretched his palm forward he made a grabbing gesture ray of light suddenly gather at his hand forming a exquisite shield with fine patterns

Seraphim shield

Daemon suddenly figure moved pass allen and a sharp sword light flashed in the air he kept flashing through the air disappearing and appearing before the blink of an eye


A few moment later all the beast was killed by daemon and Daniel

Jealous kid!!

Patting Allen shoulder don't worry kid I will teach you how to make use of the mana in your body

I have mana body, why don't I know?

Haha daniel laughed, you have kid at least I can feel it in your body beside your father was one of us

Daemon looked at the forest in front of him with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Stop joking around Daniel I don't think we are don't yet"

Are you for real I thought that was all of them

Daemon picked one of the cat like beast from the ground he looked at it carefully from top to bottom

Pointing at one of the furs of the beast

Can't you see it" this are shadow cats they don't attack people easily you have to provoke them first

Daniel stroke his chin while thinking to himself

I think something or someone must have lead them to attack us

Allen looked confuse

What are you guys talking about can you both speak English

O… sorry I forgot you were here daniel looked at Allen with a smile on his face and said kindly

"…" The corner of allen mouth twitched slightly he felt like giving Daniel a punch on his face"

The shadow cat creatures from the depth of the dark dimension itself

"Allen was stun a bit huh"

What is the dark dimension?

Daniel palt his face in annoyance

Sigh you really don't know anything

Alright let start from the beginning, first things first you should know about the dimension and their nature

There are four total dimensions in our world right now, they are the blood domain, dark dimension, hell and heaven.

Blood domain is not that important it just an ownerless domain but I heard that the creatures there are terrifying

"Daniel took a deep breath" now to the most important ones

The first is the dark dimension, the dark dimension was formed when god created light in our world,it is said to be the alternate part of the light domain,if there is light there shall be darkness, with the dark dimension comes the most creatures that inhabit it,

!! you know like vampires werewolves sirens,dragons but am not sure about the dragon part though and all those supernatural creatures

Allen scratched the back of his head he could not help but asking

Is our world that dangerous ?

Daniel glance at Him with a wicked smile

Don't worry kid a thousand years ago the dark dimensions wage war against us but with the help of our hero here" he glanced at daemon and shrugged we manage to defeat them and seal the dark dimension

Allen was in shock"

Mr daemon you are over a thousand years old?

Daemon face darken, he looked up melancholy

He smiled slightly

Me and your father were teammate back in the days

Allen looked at daemon complicatedly

So are you saying my father is over a century years old?

Yes,I was a member of the holy twelve a rank seventh gifted, your father was one of the most brightest soldier in my team back then

Allen was in shock, wait are you saying you were a rank seven before so how did you become a rank four now" he asked curios

Daemon stood up with a gloomy face

I committed a terrible sin,one no knight should have done

So my cultivation was crippled,and I was dismissed out of the holy twelve

Isn't that a little bit harsh on you?

No it not kid sigh my sins must be carry by me alone a lot of lives was lost because of my sins he looked at his hands with remorse while speaking


Daniel suddenly looked ahead with a solemn


This pressure…."Daniel resisted the urge to leave here

He stared closely at the direction from which the pressure came.

In front of him, a huge black tiger with a scorpion tail walked out from the hiding place next to the forest. Daniel felt the aura from it, and the pressure clearly came from it.

Tier six? or even tier six?" Daniel guessed with a solemn expression


Daemon quickly looked at the beast," a tier six beast, he quickly condense his lightsaber

"Get behind me kid hurry"

this is my first time writing a novel and a fighting scene hope y’all like it

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