
Darth Vader - Unlimited

Brought back from the brink of death, Darth Vader is born. Now faced with the loss of his wife he will have to deal with his pain and the machinations of the Emperor. But the former reincarnator does not know that he has been granted a gift, he wished for before he died the first time. A powerful Essence but the price was his memories. So now Darth Vader will make his way through life as the Emperor's dog? Or will he realise his marvellous gift and change his destiny? __ The picture and characters don't belong to me.

DaoistRUH792 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

The inquisitorius

(Vader POV)

After showing Palpatine my lightsaber and therefore confirming my success, I finally enter the medical chambers where I have prepared different materials to fix my suit. In fact, I took a long time and didn't come to Coruscant directly after completing my quest on Mustafar. I visited certain illegal dealers and ... 'asked' them for some of the most powerful parts I knew to exist in the galaxy. 

I plan on creating a better suit for myself. One that won't be as susceptible to Force lighting as this first abomination. Currently, I am inside the Bacta tank. A tank that allows me to survive when out of my suit. The different pieces of my suit are lying in front of the bacta tank and are waiting for me to fix them. 

"Why, Lord Vader ... you have ruined yourself. Your mission was successful. That is all that matters. You now possess the weapon of a Sith.", Palpatine says as he holds my lightsaber in his hands. 

"Do not fear, my friend. The droids will have your armour repaired in no time at all.", Sidious says and that makes me angry. There is no way that I will allow some droids to fix my suit. Never again. This is my suit and I shall fix it and change it to my liking. 

"Eh? Ah. I sense your anger. I should have known. This armour is you, it is only appropriate that you should make it your own, especially with your skill as an engineer. Adjust the suit as you see fit, my apprentice. When you are ready, come to me. There is work to be done.", Sidious says as he walks out of the medical chamber. 

I watch him leave the room finally and then close my eyes. The process of the recreation of my suit now begins. I use the Force to lift up many different tools that will help me in my task. I also bring around different materials which I have collected for this moment. While there are still many things to be improved, one material I went out of my way to acquire ... Beskar.

Beskar is the toughest metal known to science and I managed to acquire it through less than legal means. But that is of no concern to me. I will make the most of it and use this metal to improve my armour and make the suit something great. I have already used the pain the first armour gave me to grow more powerful and now, there is no further use for it. 



(3rd Person POV)

Many hours have passed since Vader began the reformation of his suit and the upgrades he had planned. While that is coming to a close, in the former Jedi temple, a hooded figure is making its way through the halls and looks at the things in contemplation. 

"I remember ... lies. I remember lies.", the person says and moves further. 

[Lord Vader. There is an intruder in the Jedi Temple.], the voice of Palpatine is heard over the coms in the medical chamber. Vader is just finishing the last pieces of his new and improved armour when he hears the voice of his temporary Master. 

He places the last piece in his helmet carefully and makes sure that it fits and is secure. 

[Deal with them.], Palpatine says just as Vader finishes the last thing. He then goes over everything one last time and begins to assemble the pieces one by one. He has created something marvellous with this suit. Not the best he could be, but compared to the first one, it is a different league entirely. 


He has used Force Healing and Revitalize to slowly regrow his lungs and make them function again. That hasn't finished entirely, so he has still added the breathing apparatus. But instead of the terrible one he had before, this one works flawlessly. Apart from that, he has protected the electronics that control the breathing apparatus to protect it from damage.

The fine conductors that connect to his nerves have been improved and much better ones have been chosen. The joints are now protected. So his knees and elbows are now safer. Moving feels much much smoother than before and the only thing he kept from the old suit, is the general look and the overall weight of it.

Vader wants to keep the weight and make it hard for himself. That is something he came up with in order to fool Sidious for now and force himself to use the Force to move around. By doing that, he will have to multitask and grow more powerful faster. He has noticed that his speed for learning new Force abilities has skyrocketed. 

It is not normal for someone to learn new things this fast. He didn't realise it before, but he has also learned the Force ability 'Revitalize', which is a Light Side ability. Taht is strange for him. Something like this should be impossible, or nigh impossible. And yet he did it just by willing for it to happen. He could enter that hyper-concentrated state where it would come to him lightning fast and he could improve while fighting and training. 

This is unprecedented and will require more in-depth research but not now. Now he has to deal with something else. 


"The archives. At last.", the hooded figure has reached the Jedi archives. 

"No one will deny me now. Now one is left.", he says but is surprised by the sound of an igniting lightsaber. 


"Wrong", Darth Vader says who has appeared behind the figure. He has managed to move silently and unnoticed by the figure. Something that should be impossible considering the weight of his suit. 

"Perhaps I am wrong indeed. After all ... here you are.", the man says and pulls out a double-bladed spinning lightsaber, "But not for long."

The man attacks Vader with his also red lightsaber. He jumps into the air and they clash. Vader is using this chance to test out both his new suit and his lightsaber. He didn't get the chance to use it fully, since there was no enemy that could challenge him. And from the looks of it ... neither could this one. 

"You have no concept of the power I wield!", the man says but that is a stupid claim, which Vader proves to be wrong. He uses the Force and pushes him back into the wall of books. This seems to anger the man further, who by now is revealed to indeed be male. 

"You will die!", he says and uses the Force to pull his lightsaber to him. They clash again and it is clear, at least to Vader, that the man is nowhere near powerful enough to challenge him. But he isn't concentrated on that. He is more focused on making sure that his suit holds up and how the lightsaber feels. 

"I know what you want. The knowledge in these archives. You want it for yourself. No! Absolutely not!", the man screams and then holds his lightsaber in front of him. 

"This... was promised to me.", he says and a second blade ignites and then, his lightsaber begins to spin around. The speed is fast enough to make the lightsaber appear as if he was holding not two blades but a circular shield. 

The man attacks Vader again. But things don't change. Vader after clashing with the man for a few minutes has enough as there is nothing he can show him, which would impress him in any way. He might have had to really focus when he became Darth Vader, but now? ... This was a joke. 

"You are losing. I am too powerful for you. And now, you fool, I have you.", the man says in his arrogance. 

"You have nothing.", Vader says and holds out his hand. Immediately the spinning blades ... stop. The lightsaber cracks for a second and then ... flies into the hand of Vader. 

"Nothing.", Vader says again and Force chokes the man closer to him. He pulls back his hand and then is about to pierce the man's heart. But before that ...

"Lord Vader. Stop.", Palpatine intervenes. 

"I see you have met the Grand Inquisitor.", Sidious says. 

"'Grand'?", Vader asks. 

"My Emperor .. I do not understand. You gave me leave to explore the archives, to study Jedi teachings to see how I might turn them toward the ends of the Inquisitorius. And then ... this creature attacked me ... but he obeys you. Is he your servant?", the Grand Inquisitor asks. 

"Vader serves the empire."

"I do not understand. Did you send him?"

"I did. I thought it was good that you met."

"But why? He nearly killed me."

"Yes and with little effort, from what I observed. A valuable lesson for you. You see, my friend ... you are first among Inquisitors. But the Inquisitorius belongs to the Sith.", Palpatine explains. 

"Inquisitors?", Vader asks.

"Come with me."



(Vader POV)

We take a ship and fly towards the Works, the Industrial district to be exact. 

"The Inquisitorius. A project of mine. Long planned. Slaves to the Light Side, once. Now awake. Hunters, one and all.", Sidious says as we walk into the building. There we see the rest of the Inquisitorius training themselves. Five people fighting against each other. 

"What do they hunt?", I ask.

"Why, Jedi, of course.", Sidious says and we see the Grand Inquisitor jumping down to the others and announcing our presence. 

"Form up. Now. Your Masters are here.", the Grand Inquisitor says. 

"Masters? We have only one Master. The Emperor.", one of them says. 

"Times change, Eigth Brother.", the Grand Inquisitor explains. 

"The Grand Inquisitor. He had some skills. He was trained, at some point. Who is he?", I ask.

"A Jedi, once. Resentful that someone with his skill was not allowed access to the higher councils, the great secrets of the Order. A crack in his armour ... easy to exploit. In truth, he is better suited to this role. I believe he is ... grateful.", Palpatine says as we observe the Inquisitors continue their fighting and training. 

"He has much to learn, as do the others. You will teach them, make them a blade that will cut the Jedi infection from the galaxy once and for all."

"I will begin immediately, my Master.", I say eager for some action in my new suit. I can almost no longer feel the weight of it, showing me how much I have improved over the weeks. I must continue this trend.

"Good. Most of the Jedi were killed in our glorious purge, but some few remain. The luckiest, the deadliest, the strongest, those most duplicitous, willing to tell any lie to save their lives. You and the Inquisitorius must find these Jedi, Lord Vader. You must destroy them all. For in truth ... there is no greater threat to our Empire.", Sidious says and I can tell that he is thinking about a few Jedi in particular. I have begun to be able to feel his emotions ... somewhat. 

I will use these missions he will put me on and then take advantage of them. Whatever it is he wants, I shall either take for myself or destroy. But I have to be smart and tread carefully. The Emperor is a smart and cunning man. If he thinks that I am useless, he will dispose of me. But if I prove myself powerful enough, he won't be able to do that. 

I walk down towards where the Inquisitors are training currently. They stop what they are doing and look at me. I move to the middle and then motion them with my hand. 

"Come. Attack me. I can sense that that is something you want, is it not? To test me.", I say and can feel their willingness to do that. They surround me and point their lightsabers in my direction. 

Then they attack. It is a coordinated attack, but their lack of trust in each other makes their attack and coordination subpar of what it could be. I dodge one attack after the other and use the Force to stop them from reaching me. I push them away or pull them close to me and use their bodies to block attacks which come from behind. 

I Force Choke one of them, punch another one in the face and grab his lightsaber. I block an attack from the right and use the Force to hold up the one coming from the left. I hear the one I am choking gasping for breath but not succeeding. I stop doing that and push all of them away from me. 

Then, I grab my own lightsaber. It is time I teach them something ... loss.