
Darth Vader - Unlimited

Brought back from the brink of death, Darth Vader is born. Now faced with the loss of his wife he will have to deal with his pain and the machinations of the Emperor. But the former reincarnator does not know that he has been granted a gift, he wished for before he died the first time. A powerful Essence but the price was his memories. So now Darth Vader will make his way through life as the Emperor's dog? Or will he realise his marvellous gift and change his destiny? __ The picture and characters don't belong to me.

DaoistRUH792 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Lightsaber II

These first few chapters will follow canon to a high degree with changes I make in Vader's progress in the Force. This is due to him not being the usual reincarnator who has knowledge of everything immediately. The only reason he is a reincarnation is so that I could give him the Essence. 

Read this as if he wasn't. Try to enjoy it a bit. I will make Vader take different steps soon and in his goal to grow stronger he will make different choices. But right now, he is still very fresh and needs a short time to adjust to the changes. This will be the last time he loses in this way.


(Vader POV)

I lie on a block of stone in pain. My old friend. A short distance away from me lies the battle droid, I threw off the mountaintop. 

{You are 'KZZK' defeated}, the droid says. I look at my left hand. One of the visors is broken and my mechanical hand is also nearly fully destroyed. My back ... my back is broken, I can feel it. Another one to the long list. Not that it matters now. I can't move my right arm and my helmet creaks with each movement. I use Force Healing to heal my back slowly.

{The Dark Side 'KSSK' cannot stand against the 'BXXZZZ' Light.}, the droid says and as he speaks, it gives me an idea. I use the Force to levitate the droid up and towards me. 

{The Jedi will scour you 'XXXXX' and all your kind from the-}, the droid goes on about that but my next action stops him. Suddenly the entire body of the droid breaks apart into hundreds of thousands of single pieces that all begin to float towards me. 

One after the other, I use the Force to use the mechanical parts and fix myself. One after the other, my mechanical limbs start to be fixed and regain their original functionality. 



(3rd Person POV)

"And once again ... I am in the world. May the Force be with me.", Kirak has returned to Am'balaar City.


The Jedi has returned to the city in order to get his old ship which he left in the hands of someone. 

"Greetings", he says as he enters the shop.

"Master Infl'a! I ... hmm how long has it been?", the woman asks. 

"Years, Mareena. All of which you were paid for, in advance, to store my ship. And now, I need it again. Please don't tell me you did something with it.", the Jedi says.

"No, it's still here. But, uhh ... It might need a little bit of a tune-up.", she says.

"How long?"

"Not too long. I can get to work on it right away. Why, in some kind of rush?", Mareena asks. 

"As you know, I am a Jedi. Through the Force, I see far. I sense many things. Not long ago, I felt a great surge of pain and fear as most of my kind were exterminated across the galaxy.", Kirak says.

"Yeah, we, uh, heard about that. It's why we weren't sure if you were ever coming back. They said all the Jedi were traitors, but ..."

"I never believed it!", the child says. 

"Traitors ... Much has happened during my time under the Barash Vow, it seems. I could do nothing to prevent these murderers, but I vanquished their executioner, a Sith. Skilled in the Dark Side of the Force. He came here to kill me as well but the only death he found was his own. Now I seek his Master, so I can destroy him and return Light to the galaxy.", Kirak explains. 

"Okay, like I said, I'll get right on restoring your ship. But that ... Sith, I think you said, he's not coming after you, is he? He's not coming here?", Mareena asks with some fear in her voice.

"No. That poor deluded creature ... is dead."



Vader concentrates on the task at hand. He has always been good with technology and the things connected to that. He has an instinctual understanding of how to repair himself and that is what he is doing right now. He has been using Force Heal as he was working on his suit. He can tell that his multitasking skills are growing more and more. 

He never paid much attention to this. He can still hear his former Master Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him about his flaw. He told him that he was too focused on winning and that led him to have a one-dimensional approach to things. The longer he is Darth Vader, the more he understands what his impulsiveness has brought him. 

He needs to be more calm and collected. The terrible design of the suit is something that will help him and even force him to change this particular flaw. And he takes this opportunity seriously. 

Finally, after an hour of working and healing, he is finished. The only piece that remains to be fixed, is his left leg. He has taken apart the droid and used what was left of his leg to combine it with new and functional pieces of the droid's leg and now he only has to attach it. He controls the thousands of nerves and the corresponding cables in the mechanical leg at the same time and then ...


... pushes the leg into his thigh to connect the two, resulting in a lot of pain. No sound leaves his lips. He is far too used to this small amount of pain to be affected by this. Every second he is conscious, every walking and waking moment is agony for him and the only reason he can walk is due to the Force. So this puny amount of pain means nothing. 

He reaches out and grabs the training saber. Now he is ready and begins to make his way toward where he senses the Jedi being at right now. He is certain that there is a better way to track individuals than just trying to sense them, but he doesn't know one right now. He will have to gain more knowledge and find some Holocrons to do that. 


Meanwhile, Infil'a demonstrates to the children of the mechanics what the Force is and levitates heavy objects in the air. 

"How do you do that? Those things are heavy. Even my father can't lift them alone."

"The force makes all things light, my young friend. Once I have completed my mission, perhaps I will return here and teach you what I know of its mysteries. After all, the Jedi order must be rebuilt. Mount Pasvaal is here, it seems as good a place as-", Infil'a says and then suddenly stops. 

The heavy objects fall to the ground and surprise everyone. 

"NO. It's not possible.", he says and then runs out of the shop. He has sensed something. Something ... dark. 

"What is it Kirak? What's the matter?", Mareena asks him as he runs outside. 

"I sensed ... nothing. I'm sure it's nothing, stay in here. I'll ... I'll check.", the Jedi says and runs outside. When he's there, he looks up at the dam and sees a dark silhouette.

"You.", Vader says, "Come."


The anger of Vader reached new heights right now. He was absolutely livid right about now. The fact that he had lost against a Jedi, so soon after failing to defeat his former Master Kenobi, fueled his anger and hate quite a bit. He was more than disappointed in himself and that was manifesting itself in the real world right now. 

Involuntary Vader exerted Force power, making him become immersed in the Dark Side, which he radiates right now, causing waves of palpable hatred and anger to affect his surroundings right now. The water held behind the dam was becoming increasingly turbulent and the aura around Vader grew heavy and almost red in colour. 

"Who is that?", Mareena asks as she comes out of the shop together with her children. 

"Is that the Sith?", the child asks. 

"All of you, please. Get back inside. Mareena. keep working on the ship. Get it ready to fly as quickly as you can.", Kirak says.

"What are you going to do?", she asks him and he grabs his lightsaber and ignites it. The green blade jumps out and the Jedi uses Force Jump to jump on top of the dam. 

"I'm going to end this.", Kirak says and uses a powerful overhead strike to attack Vader. The Sith Lord defends but has to take a step back as the nimble and powerful Jedi moves around him.

"You should have fled when you had the chance.", Kirak says. 



A few blaster shots impact the dam around the two fighters and a trio of security guards appear behind them. 

"Those were warning shots. Both of you ... cease immediately! This is a critical city infrastructure! If you do not comply, we will be forced to- *KKT*"

They are interrupted by Vader using Force Choke on all three of them. He makes them hover over the long drop from the dam as they choke. He looks at Infl'a daringly. He is annoyed at their interruption.

"NO!", Infl'a screams and looks back at Vader, "Don't!"

In another universe. In the original Star Wars canon, he would have simply dropped the three security guards ... but this was no longer canon. This was a much more dangerous Darth Vader. He clenches his fist.

*Crack Crack Crack*

All three necks break and he lets them fall. Jedi Master Infl'a is horrified about that.

"NO!", he screams and catches the trio telekinetically. Vader then addresses the Jedi with a cold voice. 

"They are dead. Drop them.", he says. That is hard for the Jedi, as it shows him his failure to protect them and now that he has to let them go, it stings even more. But Vader doesn't give him any time to think and attacks him.

"You are a monster.", Kirak says as he unwillingly drops the three.

"Yes.", Vader says, "I am."


Darth Vader attacks Kirak with the training saber. There is a new intensity and power behind his moves. Something that the Jedi is not really ready for ... but things are a bit special. The Jedi is experiencing something he hasn't in a very long time. The last time he felt that, was before he became a Jedi Knight ... ANGER.

He attacks Vader now fueled by that anger. Vader can feel his anger and if he was normal, he would find that funny. But he is Darth Vader ... he never laughs. The air around the two begins to grow more and more chaotic and the winds pick up speed. 

The water splashes around them and moves against the dam harder and harder. What is happening here is that Vader's anger and hatred result in him using a Dark Side technique called, 'Hatred'. 

Hatred is the Involuntary exertion of Force power, allowing the user to become fully immersed in the Dark Side until they radiate waves of palpable hatred. In Vader's case, his intense anger and hatred in himself cause this phenomenon and cause the surroundings to be affected. 


Vader continues to block all of Kirak's attacks and the longer they fight, the easier it gets for him. He can see what will happen and from where Kirak will attack. He can see his pattern and using his growing power and the constant use of Force Speed and telekinesis, overpower the Jedi Master. 

In a very quick series of strikes and attacks, Vader manages to close the distance between the two and uses Force reinforcement in his left arm. Then he punches the Jedi in the stomach, causing the man to lose his breath. 

He takes advantage of that and brings his training saber to the front. He quickly strikes Kirak in his arm, which holds the lightsaber and then stabs the saber into his stomach using telekinesis. 

"KKCHAAA!", Kirak screams and holds his stomach. But his suffering is not over yet. Vader approaches the man and pulls his lightsaber into his hand. The water around them has started to crash against the dam multiple times and the crashes cause strong vibrations to be felt all over the city. 

Vader's anger is not over. He uses the Force and takes hold of the water inside the dam. He uses all his strength and causes the water to burst through the dam. 


"What ... what are you doing?", Kirak asks in pain. He suddenly realises what Vader has planned and as a hole is punched in the dam, he gets anxious. 

"You c-can't do this! I ... I won't l-let you do this!", Kirak says and uses the Force to pull back the water that is seeping through the, for now, rather small hole in the dam. 

"This is about the Jedi and the Sith! These people have nothing to do with our fight! It isn't about them!", Kirak says as he slowly bleeds and uses all his training strength to hold back the water. 

"You are a fool. Of course, it's about them.", Vader says and then adds even more to the Jedi's suffering. He uses Force Choke and makes the Jedi hover over the city. 

"NNGH! N-no. p-p-please ... kill me ... but let them ... live ...", Kirak manages to say. 

The aura around Vader reaches its peak and the small hole in the dam finally breaks and gets ginormous, causing monstrous amounts of water to spill out.

"no.", Kirak says and then ... his neck is broken. 


Vader lets the Jedi fall and uses Force Jump to jump away from the dam that is now completely breaking down and getting destroyed, completely flooding the entire city and killing thousands.



Please give me some feedback. There is a change from canon here and we see his progress and power growing.