
Darth Vader - Unlimited

Brought back from the brink of death, Darth Vader is born. Now faced with the loss of his wife he will have to deal with his pain and the machinations of the Emperor. But the former reincarnator does not know that he has been granted a gift, he wished for before he died the first time. A powerful Essence but the price was his memories. So now Darth Vader will make his way through life as the Emperor's dog? Or will he realise his marvellous gift and change his destiny? __ The picture and characters don't belong to me.

DaoistRUH792 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Lightsaber I

(Vader POV)

I arrive on the River Moon of Al'doleem. I follow the feeling that I have. I am practising my sensing abilities. The more I do this, the better I get. 

{Proximity alert, Lord Vader. Objects approaching rapidly from quadrant two.}

"Clarify 'objects'. Missiles? Ships?", I ask as I don't sense anything and only feel the Jedi on the mountaintop in front of us. 

{No. No drive signature. Best analysis suggests they are ... art.}, the droid says after contemplation. 

"Art?" I manage to say before small metal projectiles hit and damage the ship. I can feel that they were shot towards the ship, via the Force. 

{We have sustained damage to primary and secondary thrusters. Shields non-optimal. Suggest immediate landing.}

"No. He would have a chance to flee if I do that.", I remark. 

{Respectfully, Lord Vader, we lose the target or we lose the ship.}, the droid says and we land rather forcefully after that. I don't care about that. I can fix the ship easily, but if he flees, then I will have to spend more time hunting him down. And this is the easiest chance. 

"I have lost nothing. The Jedi is out there. I can sense him.", I say and exit the ship. 

{I will commence repairs immediately. We should be fully operational within two standard days, at which point we can engage your enemy directly.}

"No. He is waiting for me. He is expectant. I do not wish to disappoint him.", I say and start to walk towards the mountaintop where I felt the Jedi staying. I walk through the canyons towards where I can feel the Jedi.


After an hour, I feel something coming and stop walking. I look around and then behind me, a thick wall rises from the ground, 'trapping' me. Then I hear a voice coming from above. 

"You. You stink of darkness. Was it you?", a grey-skinned man with white hair says as he looks down on me from above a cliff. I can feel the Light Side of the Force in him. Instead of answering him, I use Force Choke immediately. 

"Kkkt!", Kirak Infil'a holds his neck and then uses the Force to resist it. He is rather strong in the Force and the long distance doesn't help, but I can feel it getting easier but...

"...NO!", Kirak says and uses the Force to push me back. That stops my hold on him.

"You will not defeat me that way, creature. You will not defeat me at all. Your use of the dark side confirms my suspicions, but let me ask again. Not long ago, through the Force, I felt the death of almost every Jedi. Taht darkness resonates within you. Did you do it? did you kill them?", he asks me. 


"Are you here to kill me as well?"


"As I hoped.", he says and then grins, "for my transgressions, I took the Barash Vow, to live alone inside the Force, until my true path as a Jedi became clear. To live outside the order, and take no action on its behalf no matter the circumstances, even its end. You must know that, or you would not have known to look for me here. It is also why I stayed here, I knew you would come here, eventually. 

I declare my Barash complete, for my brothers and sisters are dead, and their murderer stands before me. I know my path, killer, and its end is also yours. 

This mountain is called Passvaal. It is a sacred place, designed to test all Jedi who come here, the higher you go, the more demanding the challenges become. I will await you at the summit, beast. On the highest ground. Come. Seek me out.", Kirak says and as soon as he finishes, a big gate opens above and enormous amounts of water come flooding out. 


The waterfall hits me and hits me against the wall with powerful force. I take a moment to focus but then concentrate. This is nothing more than a bit of water. So I focus and then use Force telekinesis to push all the water away from me. 


I hold it there for a moment. But after a second, I feel that it is coming back and I am unable to hold all of the water in that position. I take a step forward up the mountain but then stop. This is my chance. Since this is a mountain to test Jedi, why shouldn't I, the Sith Lord, Darth Vader be unable to do this? I will crush these tests!

I stop again and enter the state of hyper-concentration, enhancing my learning ability again. This is something that enhances my progress to unimaginable degrees. It is as if my talent has reached new heights. 

I feel the water that is flooding back and concentrate on pushing it back again, while also keeping the rest of the water at bay. My suit has already suffered but I don't care right now. This is something that I will do. I will surpass my limits. 


After about 15 minutes, I can hold back all of the water without problems and then start to walk forward. This took quite a bit of stamina to achieve, but I used Force Revitalize to catch my breath again before slowly walking across a stony bridge and stopping due to a screech I heard. 

I look up and see a giant eagle attacking me. I raise my hand and grab the eagle with telekinesis before he can reach me. 


After the powerful water, this isn't that hard anymore. I push the eagle back and dodge an attack from another one. Then I clench my fist and break the eagle, who I find out, is made of stone and not flesh. More and more eagles attack but that isn't a problem. I reach out to the closest one and pull him closer to me. 

Then I move him in front of another eagle that is flying towards me. They collide and I use the debris to shoot them at another one. The small stones act as projectiles and pierce another eagle before I reach out and Force Choke an eagle. 

I am getting the hang of this and my use of telekinesis is growing more powerful and versatile as I can use it very quickly and move things in the air around as I wish. I can feel that these eagles are alive, even though they are made of rocks. As I crush the next eagle, they suddenly stop attacking and begin to fly away. 

"Where are you going?", I ask rhetorically and reach out at the remaining four eagles and grab them all simultaneously. They stop their movement and I clench my fist, killing all four of them at the same time. 


I continue to walk further up the mountain. My suit is not in the best condition right now. Both the waterfall and the eagles did damage to it. And I am also not as fresh as I was in the beginning. But that doesn't stop me. 

I reach a staircase and see Kirak standing at the end of it. 

"Almost there, creature. Almost to the top. Keep going. You can do it. I believe in you.", the Jedi says. I stop waking and take hold of the stones in the walls. I pull them out and then throw them at the Jedi. 

Kirak manages to ignite his green lightsaber and cuts through the first stones I throw at him. But then a bigger one reaches him and hits him on the chest and makes him fall back. I walk further and reach the top finally. 

{Do not fear, Master Infil'a! I will destroy him!}, a combat droid says holding a training saber. He seems to try to protect his Jedi Master and attacks me. 

{I have served the Jedi in this place for generations, and I will tell you this ...}, he starts but I grab him telekinetically and pull him closer to me. I grab the arm, which is holding the training saber. 

{... the Dark Side will never-}, he says but is interrupted by me grabbing hold of his energy core in his chest and then pulling his arm off. I take the saber for myself and then hurl him off the mountaintop. Now I stand facing the Jedi.

"I know what you want. I know why you're here. It's not just to kill me. You came here to get something. I can sense it.", Kirak says and then strikes at me. I block his strike with the training saber I took. 

"You want my lightsaber.", Kirak concludes. His strike is strong, I can feel that my current suit is rather damaged and not good enough for this sort of fight. I imbue the Force into the suit to increase its durability. 

"How did you end the Jedi? It seems impossible. You are weak.", Kirak says as he clashes with me again. He is not wrong. Right now, I am rather weak, since the suit's technology is failing me. But I refuse to bend.

Then a small sound is heard, telling me that some of the circuitry in my left leg has just broken. I use more of the Force to move still and block another strike from the Jedi. I move in front and attack with a strike of my own, he seems surprised about that, but blocks with relative ease. He retaliates and I move again to block and get a better position. 

"No. You could not have done it alone.", Kirak says as he slashes at me. I move my upper body back and attack from the right side. He moves around the attack easily and continues his speech. 

"There must be someone else. A Master.", he says and then another thing breaks in my leg. 


The sound of something breaking is heard and telling nothing good. And just as expected ...


The final straw. The entire mechanical leg breaks and breaks off of my thigh, making me lose my left leg. 


But that isn't the end of the fight. I refuse to give up just yet. I try to use Force Push and aim it towards the ground and hold my body upright that way. But my movement is completely different now which makes it hard for me to block effectively. 

He seems to take pleasure in seeing me this way. He attacks from the side again and I block with my saber. 

"Once you are dead, I will seek out your Master and destroy him as well. And then, I will restore the Light side of the Jedi to the galaxy.", Kirak says as he holds me in the same position. I don't care for his words, no matter how they sound. I use Force Push on myself again, but this time to push myself forward and attack him. 

But the amount I use is too much and I almost hit him. At least I manage to surprise him a bit and we actually crash into each other. But his experience saves him and he blocks my strike. I use this chance and grab his neck while using Force Choke at the same time. 

He clenches his jaw and then grabs my other arm. He reinforces his strength with the Force and stops my use of Force Choke. His strength seems enough to slowly crush my mechanical arms. I use Force Choke again, but this time with more power. This might be my last attack but ... it doesn't work. 

"Your vile uses of the Force won't save you, creature. You will die and there is nothing you can do about that.", Kirak says and then uses Force Push to push me off the edge.

"Think about that, monster ... All the way down.", is the last thing I hear as I fall from the mountain and into the debts. I try to use the Force to catch myself with telekinesis, but the gravity is already too much and I hit the ground with a heavy 'thud'.