
Chapter nine 

Three months later

Yu Dan stood at the top of the mountain looking at the majestic school seeming to raise and built from the clouds. Luckily the school of sun and moon was surrounded by clouds if not Yu Dan knew that if she is looking down the mountain, she will definitely faint from the height of the mountain.

For the past three months, Yu Dan had arranged for the buying of stock market shares in companies that will earn her a bundle in the future. In her previous life, Yu Dan was bought back to her original family as she had gone to the city to arrange for the renting of her home in the city and had meet her birth parents. So, in this lifetime, Yu Dan had Jing Ling went to the city to arrange for the renting of her home in the city.

Very fast, three months went by in a snap, and Yu Dan had bid farewell to Jing Ling and Yu Mei. Although Yu Dan chooses not to seek revenge but her previous life is like a bitter pill in her throat, and she wanted to know why her previous life is like this. Yu Dan knew Jing Ling will take care of Yu Mei, so she chooses to go to the school of sun and moon. After all, eight years will pass by in a blink and Yu Dan could go back during school holidays to accompany Yu Mei. No matter what, Yu Dan knew that the school of sun and moon will allow her to learn a skill that she could rely on to earn a living in the future. And the foxlike animal had told Yu Dan that it will apply for her a grant from the school, and she just need to be responsible for her living costs only.

Especially for women in the country of Kai Yuan, it is really hard for women to go out and seek a job as women status is still relatively low. So that is why Yu Dan is standing in front of the school dress as a male with Wen Yi and the foxlike animal beside her. The foxlike animal had told Yu Dan they are called foxniex when it could not tolerate her calling fox anymore.

For the past three months, Yu Dan had called her Ling animal Fire and they had settled into a bomb like friendship where Yu Dan like to irritate Fire and, in the end, Fire will start chasing her around the house. This bomb like friendship start from the point that Fire had told Yu Dan why in her previous life she had not received a invitation to attend the school of sun and moon. Yu Dan eyes almost want to turn upside down when she heard the reason. The school of sun and moon believed in fate and is a relaxed mentality when it come to their students. If the ling animal of the student went and sent an invitation to the student and the student missed the invitation. The Ling animal will not come to the student a second time.