
Dark Desires of the Whitebeard[ONE PIECE]

After the God Valley Incident, our protagonist assumes the mantle of Whitebeard with a sinister twist—he is driven by dark desires and a lewd nature that knows no bounds. With the power of Whitebeard at his command and a twisted Lust System fueling his ambitions, he embarks on a path of darkness and debauchery across the One Piece world. As he schemes and manipulates his way to dominance, his lustful whims become a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of destruction and desire in his wake.

FanficPhantom · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Killing Stussy [ R18 ]

A week later,

As Whitebeard ventured deeper into the deserted island, his keen observation led Haki towards a hidden waterfall at its heart. With a mighty quake from his Devil Fruit powers, he shattered the imposing sea stone wall barring his path, revealing a clandestine laboratory concealed within.

Inside, he beheld a shocking sight: blood samples belonging not only to himself but also to Linlin, Shiki, and Rocks. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, revealing how Stussy had gained the power to challenge Zephyr.

With a resolute determination, Whitebeard destroyed the blood samples, knowing that they held the key to Stussy's newfound strength. His actions did not go unnoticed, for Stussy herself emerged from the shadows, her shock evident at his presence.

But Whitebeard harbored no mercy for the traitorous pirate. Despite their once-close relationship, he saw only betrayal in her actions. With the power of the hormone Devil Fruit coursing through him, he was immune to her attempts to manipulate his emotions.

Stussy's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as Whitebeard prepared to deliver justice. Yet, even in the face of imminent death, she attempted to beguile him once more. But Whitebeard remained steadfast, his resolve unyielding.

In a swift and decisive motion, he moved to strike her down, but Stussy's reflexes saved her momentarily. However, her attempts to evade were futile, and soon, Whitebeard's relentless assault brought her to her knees.

With a final, crushing blow, Whitebeard ended Stussy's life, extinguishing the threat she posed once and for all. As her body lay lifeless at his feet, he knew that the dangers of betrayal would forever linger in the shadows of the pirate world.


[Host kills an important character]

[The host is rewarded with one lottery coin.]

With a victorious grin, Whitebeard swiftly crushed the lottery coin and claimed his prize: the coveted Devil Fruit Enhancement Card. The prospect of further empowering his already formidable abilities filled him with excitement.

With unwavering determination, Whitebeard directed the enhancement card's power towards his most treasured possession: the Gura Gura no Mi, his Quake-Quake Fruit. With a focused gaze and a surge of anticipation, he infused the card's energy into his Devil Fruit.

As Whitebeard felt the surge of power from the Devil Fruit Enhancement Card, he sensed a profound change within himself. The abilities of his Quake-Quake Fruit had been enhanced in ways he had never imagined.

With a sense of awe, Whitebeard realized that the stamina consumption of his Quake abilities had been halved. No longer would he be burdened by the exhausting toll his powers took on his body.

Furthermore, the activation of his abilities would no longer cause him harm. Gone were the days of enduring physical strain each time he unleashed his seismic might. With this newfound enhancement, Whitebeard felt invincible.

With a deep sense of gratitude, Whitebeard clenched his fist, feeling the power coursing through him. With his enhanced Quake powers, he was more than ready to face whatever challenges awaited him on the turbulent seas.

As the waves lapped gently against the shore, Whitebeard stood solemnly over the freshly dug grave of Stussy, his former mate. Despite her betrayal, he couldn't deny the bond they once shared as fellow pirates. With a heavy heart, he offered a final toast, pouring out a measure of wine as a tribute to her memory.

With a respectful nod, Whitebeard turned away from the gravesite, his mind already set on his next target: Big Mom. The thought of stealing her formidable talents filled him with anticipation. With his enhanced Quake powers and newfound determination, he was more than ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As Whitebeard's ship approached Whole Cake Island, the familiar sight of Big Mom's territory came into view. Despite the chaos that ensued upon his arrival, Whitebeard remained undeterred, his resolve unshakable.

Amidst the panic that gripped the island, Whitebeard's presence loomed large. As Big Mom, accompanied by her new husband from the Long Tongue Tribe, stepped forward to confront him, a tense standoff ensued.

Big Mom's voice boomed across the island, her tone dripping with disdain as she addressed Whitebeard. Despite her surprise at his continued existence, she wasted no time in asserting her authority.

"Newgate," she sneered, using Whitebeard's infamous alias, "I didn't expect to see you still drawing breath. What business do you have here, disrupting my first wedding? 

"Linlin," Whitebeard began, his voice low but firm, "there are matters that we must discuss in private. Matters of great importance."

Whitebeard's words hung in the air, a momentary pause settling over the chaotic scene unfolding on Whole Cake Island. Big Mom's expression softened slightly as she considered his proposition, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Alone, you say?" She replied, her voice laced with skepticism. "And why should I trust you, Newgate?"

Whitebeard met her gaze with a steady resolve, his expression unwavering. "Because, Big Mom," he said evenly, "we both know that unnecessary bloodshed benefits no one. Let us settle this matter face-to-face."

The tension between them was palpable as they locked eyes, each assessing the other's intentions. After a moment's hesitation, Big Mom nodded curtly, gesturing for her new husband to stay behind.

"Very well," she conceded, her tone begrudging. "But know this, Newgate: I won't hesitate to defend what's mine."

With that, Whitebeard and Big Mom stepped aside, leaving their respective entourages behind as they ventured off to a secluded corner of the island to engage in a private discussion, the outcome of which would shape the course of their conflict.

As Whitebeard made his proposal, the tension in the air was palpable. Big Mom's eyes widened in surprise at his unexpected offer, her expression shifting between disbelief and consideration.

"You always wanted to have kids with me, right?" Whitebeard continued, his voice steady and unwavering. "I propose a deal: you give me the unknown Devil Fruit stolen from God Valley, and in return, I will allow you to bear my children."

Before Big Mom could respond, the groom from the Long Tongue Tribe flew into a rage, launching himself at Whitebeard with fury in his eyes. However, Whitebeard's reaction was swift and decisive. With a single powerful blow, he incapacitated the groom, rendering him unconscious.

Despite the violence unfolding before her, Big Mom remained surprisingly calm. With a serene smile, she approached Whitebeard and embraced him, accepting his proposal.

"Very well, Newgate," she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and approval. "I agree to your terms. The unknown Devil Fruit is yours, and I will bear your children."

With their agreement sealed, Whitebeard and Big Mom turned their attention to the next steps, their alliance forged in the heat of the moment.

With Big Mom in his arms, Whitebeard strode purposefully towards the grandest castle on Whole Cake Island, the night room, awaiting its occupants with opulent splendor. As they approached the towering structure, the grandeur of its architecture loomed overhead, a testament to Big Mom's power and influence.

As they entered the lavish chambers, Whitebeard gently placed Big Mom down, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. The room was adorned with exquisite furnishings and decorations, fit for a queen and her groom.

The air crackled with anticipation as Whitebeard's hand moved to rip apart Big Mom's clothes, revealing her form beneath. With a surge of power, he unleashed the full might of his Hormone Fruit ability, causing Big Mom's eyes to widen with excitement.

As the effects of his powers took hold, Big Mom's pulse quickened, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she felt the exhilarating rush of sensations coursing through her body. With each touch and each caress, she felt a newfound sense of pleasure that ignited a fire within her.

In the heat of the moment, Big Mom's words hung in the air, her admission of Whitebeard's handsomeness fueling the flames of desire between them. With a hunger born of longing, she closed the distance between them, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

Their mouths met with a fervor that bordered on desperation, their tongues intertwining in a dance of fiery passion. In that moment, all thoughts of their past grievances and rivalries faded into insignificance as they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating pleasure of their embrace.

Each kiss was a testament to the depth of their desire, and each touch was a declaration of their unspoken longing. As they lost themselves in the fervor of their shared passion, time seemed to stand still, the world around them fading into obscurity as they became lost in each other.

In that moment, there was only the electric intensity of their connection, the fire of their desire, burning brighter with each passing second. And as they finally pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, they knew that this was only the beginning of a love affair that would shake the very foundations of the pirate world.

As Big Mom removed Whitebeard's pants, her eyes widened at the sight of his impressive length, stirring a primal desire deep within her. Without hesitation, she leaned in closer, her lips parting as she took him into her mouth.

With each teasing stroke of her tongue and every eager suck, Big Mom unleashed a tidal wave of pleasure upon Whitebeard, sending shivers of ecstasy coursing through his body. His hands tangled in her hair, urging her on as he surrendered himself to the overwhelming sensation of her expert ministrations.

As the heat of their passion grew more intense, their connection deepened, transcending the physical realm and reaching into the depths of their souls. In that moment of unbridled intimacy, they were consumed by the fervor of their desire and lost in the rapture of their shared ecstasy.

As the intensity of their passion reached its peak, Whitebeard finally released his seed deep into Big Mom's mouth, eliciting a fervent response from her as she eagerly swallowed every drop. Her face flushed with arousal, she rose to her feet and pressed her lips against his once more, intertwining their tongues in a heated exchange that further ignited their desire.

With a primal instinct driving them forward, Whitebeard and Big Mom found themselves entwined in a passionate embrace, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony as they surrendered to the overwhelming ecstasy of their union. As their love-making intensified, Whitebeard used his abilities to heighten the pleasure coursing through Big Mom's veins, amplifying their shared ecstasy to dizzying heights.

With each thrust, their connection deepened, their bodies moving as one in a symphony of passion and desire. As they reached the peak of their pleasure, they found release in each other's arms, their cries of ecstasy mingling with the night air as they surrendered themselves to the overwhelming bliss of their union.

As dawn approached and exhaustion finally overtook them, Whitebeard and Big Mom shared a quiet moment together, their bodies entwined as they lay side by side. With a contented smile, Big Mom teasingly remarked about the unlikelihood of pregnancy after just one night of passion. Whitebeard chuckled in response, his smirk mirroring hers as they drifted off to sleep, their bodies still entangled in the aftermath of their passionate encounter.

As Whitebeard stirred from his slumber, he glanced over to see Big Mom still peacefully asleep beside him. However, a sight caught his attention—the rhythmic movement of her hand between her legs, accompanied by the glistening evidence of her arousal.

A mix of surprise and intrigue flickered across Whitebeard's face as he observed Big Mom's actions. Her fingers danced delicately over her most intimate parts, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from her lips as her juices flowed freely.

Uncertain whether to interrupt her or let her continue, Whitebeard quietly observed, captivated by the raw sensuality of the moment. The sight of Big Mom pleasuring herself stirred something primal within him, awakening a hunger he hadn't realized existed.

With a hesitant yet determined resolve, Whitebeard gently reached out to touch her, his fingers tracing along her thigh as he leaned in to whisper softly in her ear. His words were a gentle invitation, a silent offer to join her in the intimate dance of pleasure that she had begun.

As the morning sun filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the room, Whitebeard and Big Mom found themselves lost in a world of passion and desire, their bodies entwined in a dance of ecstasy that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

As the knock sounded on the door, signaling that breakfast was ready, Whitebeard and Big Mom reluctantly pulled themselves away from their intimate moment. With a knowing glance exchanged between them, they rose from the bed and made their way to the dining hall, their hunger gnawing at them after their passionate night.

The soldiers stationed outside the door had already guessed the nature of their activities, their amused smiles and knowing nods a silent acknowledgment of the passionate encounter that had transpired.

In the dining hall, the table was laid out with a sumptuous spread of food, the aroma wafting through the air and tantalizing their senses. With eager appetites, Whitebeard and Big Mom wasted no time in devouring the feast before them, their hunger driving them to eat with gusto.

Plates were cleared in record time as they indulged in the rich flavors and textures of the food, their laughter and conversation filling the air as they enjoyed each other's company. Despite the lingering traces of their passion from the night before, they shared a comfortable camaraderie, a sense of mutual respect and understanding that transcended their tumultuous past.

As they savored the last few bites of their meal, a sense of contentment settled over them, their bellies full and their hearts light. With a satisfied sigh, Whitebeard and Big Mom exchanged a knowing look, silently acknowledging the bond that had formed between them—a bond forged in the heat of passion and strengthened by the simple pleasures of shared meals and intimate moments.


[Congratulations, host, for ejaculating inside a woman for the first time and losing virginity.]

[As it was the first time the host got all the talents of Big Mom]


[The host kills an important character, the father of Charlotte Perospero.] [Now, there will be no Perospero in the world in the future ]

[The host gets a lottery coin]

With a chuckle of amusement, Whitebeard marveled at his unexpected prize from the lottery—a Pocket Submarine from Doraemon, a renowned gadget from another world. Grateful for its potential utility, he couldn't help but appreciate the whimsical nature of the gifts that the lottery bestowed upon him.

Eager to explore its capabilities, Whitebeard envisioned the countless possibilities that the Pocket Submarine could offer. With its compact size and underwater capabilities, it would undoubtedly prove invaluable in his future endeavors, allowing him to navigate the depths of the sea with ease.

With a determined expression, Whitebeard commanded the system to reveal his current status. 


[Name: Edward Newgate]

[Bloodline: Buccaneers]

[Special Physique: Blackbeard's]

[Devil Fruit: Quake Fruit [Max], Hormone Fruit [30%],_______,_________.]

[Talent: Incredible Fertility, Super Digestion, Steel Body, Leader Aura, Fear Aura, Tremendous Strength, Super Haki Mastery.]


Armament: Max

Observation: Top

King's: Top]

[Storage: Pocket submarine, Murakumogiri, Wood, Meat, Wine